Tangled Currents - Lizzie

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« Reply #765 on: <04-23-17/0256:32> »
I listen closely as I get closer.  The louder it gets the more cautious my step become.  I search my memories for any recognizable melodies while keeping attentive for the telltale tingle.  I stop short.  I guess now is as good time a to recharge as any.  I concentrate on creating the pinpoint of light and squeeze over to the other plane.

I mop the sweat from my brow with my sleeve and call out, Okay Sian.  I think you are going to need to talk me through how to channel it into an existing form.  Is it basically the same thing as creating it?
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #766 on: <04-23-17/1416:21> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

The music seems to be a lively, fast paced string instrumental.  You may have heard a similar piece but are not quite sure. 

Sian is waiting for you when you come through the hole and smiles at you. "I promise that it does get better." Her face takes on a pensive mien and she puts a finger to her lip. "Unless, of course, it kills you first.  But I would not worry about whether or not you are part of the ninety-eight percent that die from this.  I have confidence in you."

She laughs at the look on your face then looks serious.  "Yes, the failure rate is extremely high.  Only a few are strong enough to live through the initiations.  You can turn back at any time and return to your other mentor, although she might be a bit upset with you for choosing this path.  Now, as to feeding more power into an existing spell.  Yes, it is very much like initiating the spell, but with a twist.  First of all, you have to be careful that you are not putting too much power into the spell, just like when you are creating it for the first time.  The procedure is simple; you just carefully add more power to it.  This must be done on the plane where the spell exists, so while you absorb the power here, you have to use it there."

At her encouraging nod, you slow the flow of the power drops and reach out to take one, feeling the now familiar warmth of the drop as you absorb it.  Gritting your teeth, you force your way back to the cave and try to use the power you have just absorbed to reinforce one of your spells..........................and realize that you have no way to tell which spell you are reinforcing.  Trying to mentally bring one up does not seem to work.
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« Reply #767 on: <04-24-17/0054:22> »
I think about it a moment and attempt to split the stream between both spells and try to charge both at once.   You said I could do both is that not something that can happen?  I was under the impression I could pursue both lines of inquiry.  My mentor would disapprove?  She never seemed the type to disapprove of curbing your desires.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #768 on: <04-24-17/0948:28> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

Sian looks at you. "I am not sure if you are talking about both spells or both forms of magic.  If spells, yes, you can reinforce both, but not in the manner you have cast them.  At this point, the magic and the power are all combined in one pot, so to speak, and it would be impossible for you to tell them apart or dictate which gets how much reinforcement.  At this point, you will have to wait until one spell fails then reinforce the remaining one and recast the other.  There is, however, a way to help you in future spells.  You can place the center of a spell at some part of your body.  I would recommend that you choose something that would be easy to remember, like your hand for the light spell and one side of your torso for the clothing, that sort of thing.  That way, you can choose which spell to reinforce.  It takes a small bit of extra power to do it that way, but it is so much more convenient."

"But if you were referring to the different magics, we might have had a misunderstanding.  It is indeed possible for you to cast both magics, but  you will never do full justice to either if you do not focus.  You may choose to be mediocre in both or be very good in one or the other.  Your mentor does not approve of you taking this path and I thought that was rather plain from what happened at the entrance.  If you desire, you now have the ability to return to the entrance and start again down the other path.  I would not stop you, nor would that choice make me respect you any less.  The path I am showing you is inherently much more dangerous than the other, especially if you desire to do additional initiations.  Like I said, ninety-eight percent of those who start down this path fail and most of those failures end in death.  I believe that you are strong enough to succeed, but I will not candy coat the risk to you."

"But the risk of death is not your only risk.  Another is that your current mentor may drop you if you continue down this path on future initiations and forego her magic, something that is sure to bring you pain and discomfort.  I would be her substitute, but you might feel that I would be a poor replacement.  It comes down to your choice, Isla.  If you wish, you may use the coin I gave you and return to the entrance, where you can mollify your mentor and take her path.  You have had a taste of my magic and the power it can give you and maybe that is enough for you.  I know it is not what you are used to and it might not be what you want.  I would strongly suggest that you return to that path if you have any doubts about me or this magic.  In any case, staying here is making a choice and sending her a message.  Again, if you back out, I will not think less of you.  I will be disappointed that another potential sorceress has left the path, but you will still be my friend and we can still work together.  Which path do you prefer to continue on?"
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« Reply #769 on: <04-24-17/1022:31> »
Well I am tired and this is a big question.  Perhaps camping for the time is what I should do and really think about this, while I'm resting.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #770 on: <04-25-17/0939:27> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

Sian nods and begins to move her arms in various patterns and the cave walls move away from you to form a wide spot on the path.  A cozy fire appears, bringing warmth and light, along with two smallish tents.  A closed picnic basket hamper sits just off to the side of the fire.  When done, she turns to you. "Let us refresh ourselves with some food and drink then retire for a time.  The choice in front of you is not an easy one."

Sian walks over to the hamper and begins removing food and utensils from it.
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« Reply #771 on: <05-04-17/2024:52> »
I sit down and relax a while watching Sian set out the makeshift picnic, pondering the choice before me.  After what seems a far longer time to myself than apparently passes a conversation happens at the speed of thought.  So what am I losing by exploring this path?  At this point nothing really.  I will have to mollify Seductress but likely I will need to regardless and I'm already working towards that.  It's not like this isn't something she can't understand. 

That being said do I really want to go down this path with so little information.  Dipping my toe in to explore this power but focusing on the regular magic that I more fully understand is one way to go with it.  Also spreading myself between them and not mastering either without succumbing to age long before or simply going full tilt into this new magic consequences be damned.  The first is the safest, the second is the most interesting but unfulfilling and the third is insanity.  Ah well it's not like I have to decide this second.

What is this?  If I eat it do I have to stay here forever?
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #772 on: <05-05-17/0247:36> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

Sian actually snorts at your question and hands you what appears to be a plate containing some fried chicken and other sides, the aroma of which is more than enough to set your stomach to growling. "That is good, Isla.  No, it is just food.  I am not here to force you to stay or to make any particular choice.  I am here to show you an alternative to what you already know how to do.  it is something new and different and dangerous and it can fulfill your every desire and fantasy you ever had about becoming a wondrously powerful sorceress.  This choice is clearly not for the weak of mind or spirit and you have to really want it if you are going to do well.  I would never have dared to show you this path and open your eyes to the wonders of real power unless I thought you ready to learn and strong enough to survive what I will show you."

"You are not the first person I have brought on this trip and you will probably not be the last.  Most of the others have died here and their bones litter this path or the plane of power.  Some few, a very few, succeed and become powerful sorcerers.  I believe that you have the potential to do that.  And, because this is not my first rodeo here, I know some of the thoughts running through your head.  I am sure that you are already contemplating trying to learn both magics and I can tell you that is possible.  But it is not possible for a mortal to do both and do well at both because you simply do not have the span of life to do that.  In any case, you do not have to decide this instant, so please enjoy the meal and then get some rest."
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« Reply #773 on: <05-07-17/2246:46> »
Hmm, soul food eh?

That's the gist of it I suppose,
I say, then take a bite of chicken chewing thoughtfully.  I may not be doing more than dipping my toes into this until I know more about it, but I am interested in knowing more about it.  That will probably be more trial and error.  Feel free to offer up any advice though.

I dig in a bit more vigorously and eat and rest leaning against the wall of the cavern.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #774 on: <05-09-17/0145:37> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

Sian laughs.  "My next bit of advice is a bit prosaic.  I made you a nice tent with a cot and sleeping bag should you choose to use them.  I am sure that you would find them more comfortable than the ground here.  I know that I will."  She stands and puts the picnic thinks back in the hamper and carries it over to her tent.  She turns around to look at you. "I hope that you sleep well.  I will see you in a bit."
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« Reply #775 on: <05-16-17/1849:54> »
With the ghouls earlier and sneaking my way through a tunnel I am too close to memories of my time hiding from them in the barrens.  I use the sleeping bag but find a place to put my back in a corner and sleep sitting up ready to wake at the slightest sound.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #776 on: <05-17-17/0235:27> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

you waken to something shaking your foot.  Opening your eyes, you see that Sian is poking you with a stick she must have pulled from the cave wall.  You see that she is kneeling in front  of a small fire and can smell food cooking.  Sian holds out a steaming mug of something.  "Here, take this.  Not the best, I admit, but good enough.  Dress yourself and come over so we can talk and eat."
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« Reply #777 on: <05-18-17/1001:00> »
I start awake at the touch but quickly remember where I am.  I stand up and stretch the stiffness out of my muscles from sitting up while sleeping and gratefully accept the warm mug.  After a few moments of wakefulness and some caffeine I concentrate on punching a hole into the other plane and squeeze through.

Shirak, I say slowing the rain and focusing on a slightly larger droplet than last time.  I will some clothes into existence and then repeat for a light source.  I return and sit with Sian ready for another lesson.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #778 on: <05-19-17/0049:44> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

The power feels very good as it courses through your system.  Returning to the path, you cast your spells and now have clothes to wear and light to see by.  Sian holds out a refilled mug to you and smiles.  "Very nice, Ilsa, very nice indeed.  You are coming along just fine.  There is little more that I can teach you on this first time on the path, but we are not quite finished yet."  She hands you a plate of food. "Here, eat something.  It will make you feel better.  While we eat, can you tell me what you have learned?"
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« Reply #779 on: <05-19-17/1010:01> »
I accept the mug gratefully and munch thoughtfully while I consider her words.  Well these are supposed to teach us something about ourselves and magic.  so as far as the magic goes I've learned quite a bit.  how to access the other plane.  Does it have a name by the way?  How to control the magic there and use it to create things.  Apparently it's easier to create things rather than channel the power into actual spells like levitate, though that is the only one I've tried.  Also I learned how to tell when things begin to fade and how to refresh it.

As for myself, I think maybe I've known this all along, monsters are just peoples perceptions.  Those people I saved saw me as much of a monster as the ghouls I saved them from.  I do not see you or Glinda as monsters because I can identify with you and ghouls are monsters because of my perceptions of them.  That's okay though, I'm fine being the monster.  I don't help people because I want their adoration.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll