[Errata] SR5: Run Faster

  • 46 Replies

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #45 on: <03-16-17/1724:56> »
Status: Official (2nd printing)

P. 80, Street Magic Table
Under Street Mage, decrease the Conjuring skill group from +3 to +2, and increase the Sorcery skill group from +2 to +3.

NOTE: The increase in the Sorcery skill group was inadvertently left out of the physical reprint of the book, even though it was in the assembled notes, and I missed it during the reprint proofing process. Mea culpa.
« Last Edit: <03-16-17/1730:00> by Patrick Goodman »
Former Shadowrun Errata Coordinator


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« Reply #46 on: <07-09-18/1416:58> »
Status: Provisional

Astral Hazing, pg 119

Replace the Astral Hazing text (179 words) on p.119:
A character with this quality has expressed metagenes that somehow catalyze and feed on the character’s darker emotions and negative feelings, disturbing the character’s aura and any ambient mana in her vicinity. For reasons not yet understood, the character becomes an aspected domain in her own right and taints astral space around her wherever she goes: she is a generator of tainted background count. This astral haze affects all attempts to cast magic on, at, or in the character’s vicinity. Whatever the ambient mana conditions are, the character always stands at the heart of a Rating 3 background count (p. 30–32, Street Grimoire) that extends a number of meters from her body equal to her Essence; this background count also impairs her own actions if the character is Awakened. If she remains in one place for long, the background count expands by one meter in every direction every four hours (at the gamemaster’s discretion, with an upper expansion limit of 4 points of background count).

With the following revised version (178 words):
A character with this quality has expressed metagenes that somehow catalyze and feed on the character’s darker emotions, negative feelings, and inherent magic, disturbing the character’s aura and any ambient mana in her vicinity. For reasons not yet understood, the character becomes an aspected domain in her own right and taints astral space around her wherever she goes: she is a generator of tainted background count. This astral haze affects all attempts to cast magic on, at, or in the character’s vicinity. Whatever the ambient mana conditions are, the character always stands at the heart of a Rating 3 background count (p. 30–32, Street Grimoire) that extends a number of meters from her body equal to her Essence. The character cannot become acclimated to this background count. If she remains in one place for long, the background count expands by one meter in every direction every four hours, to a maximum radius of (Essence + 4) meters after 16 hours. This quality can only be taken by Awakened characters.
I'm Madpath Moth on reddit (and other sites).  Feel free to PM me errata questions!
Jeeze.  It would almost sound stupid until you realize we're talking about an immortal elf clown sword fighting a dragon ghost in a mall.