Character Expansion Pack 2 - Street Legends is now in stock at Miniature Market
I received mine today. I'm a bit disappointed to be honest: the expansion contains five "street legend" cards who are Nadja Daviar, Puck, Mihoshi Oni, and... Sledge and Hardpoint, the pre-generated characters from the SR5 tool box? I know they both make a cameo in
Shaken, but I don't think these two deserve to be called "legends" yet. Weird choice IMO, especially with all the cool characters Catalyst could have used instead. Jimmy Kincaid, Bull, Frosty, hey even great old ones like Sally Tsung or Twist... Now those would have been real Street Legends

The rest of the cards and stickers is OK, really, but for an expansion called Street Legends it feels like it's missing the target.