The Official Scoop on Official Shadowrun Errata

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« Reply #45 on: <07-17-16/0151:56> »
Look at this way Wak, now you have a reason to buy those new running shoes :D

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« Reply #46 on: <07-18-16/1405:39> »
Knowing that you're going to start with a particular book or two, it might make sense to start threads for each chapter (or cross-chapter topic, such as vehicles). In these we can post questions, suggestions, have more focused conversations, and generally collect all the related confusion in one place.

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #47 on: <07-22-16/1632:19> »
That said a curious thought that I suspect is too big to answer right now, but could this errata work include something like a master index and/or reprints (reissues in the case of PDFs) of some of the books with errata included, maybe at least the CRB ala 20th anniversary?
That's probably a little out of the scope of what we'd be able to do, at least at first, but I agree, a master index would be nice. We'll just have to see, but for right now? Gonna have to say no. That doesn't mean it'll never happen, but it's not something I'm going to commit to at this point, especially since I don't know if it would be in my power to do such a thing or not in the first place.

But it'll go onto my list of "Hey, while we're at it" projects, for sure. Thanks.
Former Shadowrun Errata Coordinator

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #48 on: <07-22-16/1720:33> »
Been meaning to get on and update things, but real life has been impinging on my time a great deal the last couple of days, and to be honest there hasn't been a lot to update. We're kind of in a holding pattern until after GenCon since TPTB and fully half of my team (maybe more) are going to be there, so we can't really get things going until everyone's home and has had a chance to decompress. Target start date is still mid-August.

Speaking of my team, I've asked and they all seem okay with being introduced publicly, so I thought I'd do that. I asked three Catalyst Demo Team agents, three freelance writers (including myself), and three outsiders/critics who seemed to know their stuff and with whom I thought I could work. The Agents are Ray Rigel, Bob Volbrecht, and Ron Rummell. The freelancers are myself, Rob Thomas, and Alexander Kadar. My outsiders are Adzling, MijRai, and PiXeL01.

Why stop there, Goodman? I hear some of you asking. Why didn't you invite other well-known Agents, writers, and outsiders? Where are Robert Loper and Aaron Pavao and Bamce and Malik Toms and Tim Patrick? Where are Robert Derie and Frank Trollman, if you're really going after outsiders with serious anger issues regarding SR?

Well, over the past few decades, I've learned that my managerial limit is about 8 people. More than that, I quickly find myself in the weeds. There are a lot of people I could have invited, who would likely be extraordinary; if I had more skill at dealing with and managing more people, I might have invited more. Some of those people above didn't have the time because of real-world commitments. Some of them I just don't like, or they just don't like me.  Some of them I don't know. Some of them, for various reasons, slipped my mind as I was working on putting things together (I have a three-month-old boy with Down syndrome, so sometimes things like names slip through the cracks).

I intended no slight, and I hope that nobody takes umbrage at not getting invited. I basically ran out of room really quickly; people were saying "Yes" faster than I could send out the messages asking if they wanted to join. That's not to say that I won't be consulting with Aaron or Malik, for instance, as we move ahead. They're smart, sharp guys and I've worked with them both, and feel like I can count on them to provide useful information when asked, and I'd be a damned fool not to seek their help on things as we move along.

But as Dirty Harry put it, a man's got to know his limitations, and I'm pretty well-acquainted with mine. So I stopped while I could, before I let myself get overwhelmed before the project even began. I hope nobody holds it against me.
« Last Edit: <07-22-16/1817:52> by Patrick Goodman »
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« Reply #49 on: <07-22-16/1754:06> »
That looks like a good list of people.

A diverse selection of writers and out spoken critics, hopefully you can get them focused on all the same issues and hammer out some solutions.

Personally, the timetable doesn't sound too bad, especially given this is Con season. Hopefully you'll have some written traction on some of the issues by mid October.
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

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Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #50 on: <07-22-16/1757:01> »
Again, best of luck you you and the "tram", Patrick :)

Definitely needed, so here's hoping you all can get it done.

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #51 on: <07-22-16/1822:45> »
Again, best of luck you you and the "tram", Patrick :)
I have no idea what you're talking about....
Definitely needed, so here's hoping you all can get it done.
Thanks. And thanks to all the rest of you who've offered congratulations, encouragement, and condolences. I appreciate it, and I'm fairly sure the rest of the guys do, too.
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« Reply #52 on: <07-28-16/0546:48> »
So, just out of curiosity, y'all getting paid for this?  As in is this at least officially freelance work for Catalyst, or is this a bunch of fans volunteering because the company has no interest in actually fixing their own mistakes?

Either way, it's badly needed, and I'll look forwards to what you come up with!    :D

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #53 on: <07-28-16/1054:45> »
I'm going to be a little old-fashioned, and a bit blunt at the same time: Publicly discussing compensation is a little bit on the unprofessional side, generally speaking. Also generally speaking, it's not really any of your business.
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« Reply #54 on: <07-28-16/1309:42> »
Okay, that came across way blunter and dickier than I intended, Wraith, and I apologize for that. I had a kind of a rough night last night, and I was feeling a little snippy. Sorry if I came across like a jerk.

That said, I prefer not to talk about compensation. And THAT said, since I was kind of a dick about it...I'm a volunteer at the moment. I'm working on compensation for the team even as we speak.
« Last Edit: <07-28-16/1314:01> by Patrick Goodman »
Former Shadowrun Errata Coordinator


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« Reply #55 on: <07-28-16/1340:30> »
I could have been less blunt as well, my apologies there.  I was mostly just asking if this was more of an official project that was spurred by your offer, or if we're talking labor of love that got an official go-ahead.   :D

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #56 on: <07-28-16/1403:32> »
Right now, the latter, though negotiations are ongoing; I'm going to be asking a lot of these guys.

To be fair, however, I think the BT guys are volunteers, as well.
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Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #57 on: <07-28-16/1546:33> »
Worth pointing out that talking about compensation isn't a big deal all over the world. In most of Europe, the UK excepted, talking about what you get paid for your job is quite commonplace.

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #58 on: <07-28-16/1618:19> »
Might just be an old-fashioned American thing, but I am distinctly uncomfortable talking about it.
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« Reply #59 on: <07-28-16/1627:44> »
What snacks/drinks you like, I could get some and try to find you at GenCon ;)

