How much karma is the gamemaster awarded?

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« on: <07-12-16/1608:25> »
The title says it all. After a completed run, how much does the GM get? I've heard there are rules for this but can't find them.


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« Reply #1 on: <07-12-16/1815:44> »

I am failing to understand the question.... How much karma does the guy abritrating the rules get???

Why would he get any karma at all? He doesn't technically have a chatacter, and only PLAYER CHARACTERS get karma.
On the off chance he IS running a character in a game he is arbitrating, he gets the same as he awards to the players...
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« Reply #2 on: <07-12-16/1825:08> »
All Missions at the have a section called "Gamemaster reward" at the end.

You will earn a flat amount of karma and nuyen, regardless of how well (or poorly) the players do, listed below.

For other missions results and rewards that you track on the Debriefing Log (Objectives completed, reputation and contacts earned, etc.), take the average results of the group you’re GMing for.

When we rotate GMs at our home games we award the very same rewards the players got (they accumulate).


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« Reply #3 on: <07-12-16/2132:28> »
Personally, I only give out half the average Karma/Nuyen earned by PCs, since the Gamemaster's PC is not risking anything in an "off week". Some award is necessary in order to avoid having the PC of a GM fall behind if you have a rotating-GM campaign, but since the non-active GM's PC is not risking damage to equipment, loss of consumable, getting in trouble with the law or other NPCs, or even death, I don't think that a full average reward is merited.


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« Reply #4 on: <07-13-16/0211:13> »
For a GMPC I go with the full karma reward, same for nuyen.
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« Reply #5 on: <07-13-16/0332:30> »
I don't know about RAW ( IIRC there is nothing official in the BBB ,Missions seem to be different)
 But at our Tables the GM gets average Karma for his Char but only 1/2 average ¥ because his char doesn't risk Death or other Inconveniences

with an average Dance


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« Reply #6 on: <07-14-16/1107:19> »
We give the GM 1/2 karma and no nuyen if his character has more than group average karma.

Otherwise we give him same karma and no nuyen.


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« Reply #7 on: <07-14-16/2302:58> »
We have the rotating GM and are fairly slow paced in our playing - sometimes down to once a month. To keep players consistent, we just give the GMs player same rewards. We have a good table that doesn't abuse our 'snowflake' their player when they run a campaign. Everyone is good with it and we've never had any trouble.

We also allow a rebuild on occasion to tweak a character if they've grown another direction; granted we play the same characters for years at a time...


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« Reply #8 on: <07-19-16/1245:10> »
I used to be in a game, back in second edition, where every player had two characters, but only played one at a time. The GM rotated. At the start of each shadowrun, one randomly chosen character would get a call from a contact (usually a fixer) with a mission briefing, and that player would then decide which runners to call to round out his team ... one from each player. At the end of the run, everyone (including the GM's unplayed characters and the other players' unused alternate characters) received the same cash and karma. The ones on the bench were assumed to earn theirs "off camera" on other, parallel shadowruns.


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« Reply #9 on: <07-24-16/2123:53> »
Missions wise the GM gets a set amount of karma based on the expected karma payment. Optional things don't get factored in.

Ex an optional scene that pays out karma does not get awarded to the GM. Only primary scenes.

GMs get nuyen based on the initial offered amount plus a maximum of 2 hits.

Ex initial offered amount is 5000 nuyen, with the chance at 500 more per net hit. GM would get awarded 6000 nuyen total.

There are other factors but those are the main ones

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« Reply #10 on: <07-25-16/2346:13> »
I used to be in a game, back in second edition, where every player had two characters, but only played one at a time. The GM rotated. At the start of each shadowrun, one randomly chosen character would get a call from a contact (usually a fixer) with a mission briefing, and that player would then decide which runners to call to round out his team ... one from each player. At the end of the run, everyone (including the GM's unplayed characters and the other players' unused alternate characters) received the same cash and karma. The ones on the bench were assumed to earn theirs "off camera" on other, parallel shadowruns.

This might be the best way to run it I have ever seen.
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