When to shuffle.

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« on: <08-08-16/1523:05> »
As I understand the rules the only time you shuffle your discard to form your new deck is when you have to draw cards before you buy at the end of your turn. If you have a card that requires your to draw from your deck and you don't have that number of cards or have none, you're out of luck. Correct?


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« Reply #1 on: <08-08-16/1617:23> »
I think the rules are intended to mean "don't shuffle until you need to use the cards." That way all of the cards in your deck, including the final hand, are shuffled in. If you need to look at the top card(s) or draw, shuffle if there aren't enough cards to do so. It's also helpful for decking cards that use the discard pile.

This is based on other deck-building games, and the wording on the cards that make you discard 4 cards off your deck, but not re-shuffle to keep discarding if there are less than 4.

The Tekwych

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« Reply #2 on: <08-08-16/2201:53> »
The standard mechanic for deck building games is that you pick up and shuffle your discard at the point that any other mechanic would have you draw more cards than you have in your deck. If 3 cards are needed and you have only 1 or 2 then you draw the cards you can then pick ip and shuffle you discard pile and place it as your deck, then continue to draw up to the amount needed.


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« Reply #3 on: <08-09-16/0226:33> »
Right, which is why there are a couple obstacles (or crossfires?) that specify that you don't reshuffle when you run out of cards.

I can't think of any times when you would be "out of luck" when drawing cards. Unless you are literally out of cards and they are all in your hand already. The only time I've seen that come close to happening is at the beginning of a game with an ork who had starting hand size +2.

