[5e OOC] And The Rain Keeps Falling

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« Reply #15 on: <06-28-16/1045:21> »
Not a specific one, but I'll let you go through the underground if ya want, can say there is an entrance near the bus stop in an alley

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #16 on: <06-28-16/1101:10> »
Oh, by the way, Crater, I'll try to just IC this game entirely so just let me know if you want any dice rolls for anything described in character.


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« Reply #17 on: <06-28-16/1110:18> »
Alright, just a few general rolls.  These are more for my benefit to see where Chaim's at right now than for anything else.

Base Perception, not taking Vision Spec into account I have: INT (4) + Perception (5) = 9 dice.
Perception: 9d6t5 3
Mostly I'm interested in what kind of a crowd we're looking at and how tight security is inside.

Bars and clubs knowledge, I have: INT (4) + Bars and Clubs (2) = 6 dice.
Bars and Clubs: 6d6t5 0
Doesn't appear Chaim's ever been here.


Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #18 on: <06-28-16/1141:10> »
Cool approach, rednblack. And good visualization of Eddie's augmentations, seeing as his reception enhancer allows him to ignore distractions (which the nightclub would most definitely be) and his Hawkeye quality does make him rather perceptive :)


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« Reply #19 on: <06-28-16/2113:10> »
@Herr Brackhaus, hey thanks man.  Without really seeing ICly what the char's personalities are going to be like, I find it best to just go to the character sheet to find something to play off.

Since Tec brought up drugs in his post I've been thinking.  Were we told to come hot and ready to work the job tonight, or are we under the impression that we may have a longer timeline for whatever the J has in store or us?  Chaim may take a bump of Novacoke before negotiations if he's under the impression that it's ok for him to be worthless in seven hours or so. 

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #20 on: <06-28-16/2259:35> »
No idea; Eddie came ready to rock, but then he always would and his gear is in the smuggling compartment of the Morgan. We usually have time so I'd say the novacoke is fine, but that's the risk you take when you indulge :)


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« Reply #21 on: <06-29-16/0027:27> »
The message from your fixer was ambiguous about the timeline, it is always possible that even he doesn't know

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #22 on: <06-29-16/0631:16> »
Hey Crater, would you do me a favour and put a roster in the first post? I always have trouble remembering who's who between forum handle, PC name/alias, and role.

So far, I believe we've got:
rednblack - Chaim - Human (androgynous?) male, social infiltrator/face
Herr Brackhaus - Eddie - Human male, physical Infiltrator/biosamurai
Techumseh - Ichante - Dwarf female magician
Gwilym - Pale Horse - Human female adept/gunbunny
Nimbasa - ?
Raiderjoseph - ? - Technomancer

Also, whereabouts in town is the club we're at, and what time of day is it (I'm assuming night time, since there's a bunch of partygoers out and about). For that matter, what time of year is it? Rain can make the cold even worse, after all; I'm glad I bought a set of climbing gear and didn't rely just on the gecko tape kit seeing as how we're in a storm :D
« Last Edit: <06-29-16/0721:39> by Herr Brackhaus »


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« Reply #23 on: <06-29-16/1139:25> »
I'll see what I can do for the OP roster, I had plans of posting spoilers of everyone's sheets there, but am on vacation and only have my phone for about another week and a half.

To answer your questions though, it is early autumn, the truly rainy season has just started, and the club meeting is at night. The dark clouds block out any chance of moonlight, and even the street lamps (or at least any of them that work at all) have a hard time piercing the rain. The being glow from advertisers doesn't seem to have that same problem though.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #24 on: <06-29-16/1418:58> »
No worries about the roster, mate, enjoy your holiday. I know how much of a pain it is to post from ones phone :)

Thanks for the additional setting info; just one more clarification and I'm done, where in Seattle are we, approximately? Barrens, Auburn, Tacoma, Downtown, other? Just trying to get a feel for what kind of neighborhoods we are in, security wise.


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« Reply #25 on: <06-29-16/1546:23> »
I don't have my map with me, but it's low security, off the top of my head, I'd go with Redmond, closer to the downtown area, security wise, assume E rating, but not entirely controlled by malicious gangs here.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #26 on: <06-29-16/1712:26> »
Perfect, thanks!


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« Reply #27 on: <06-30-16/0146:21> »
Alias: Kaibutsu
Real Name: Bakugo Nakamura
Movement: 10/20
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Memory: 6
Composure: 6
Judge Intentions: 9
Karma: 6

Metatype: E - Human
Atrributes: A - 24
Magic: B - Adept
Skills: C- 28/2
Resources: D - 50,000

BOD: 3
AGI: 5
REA: 5
STR: 4
WIL: 2
LOG: 4
INT: 5
CHA: 4
EDG: 3
MAG: 6

Physical: 6
Mental: 5
Social: 6

Condition Monitors
Physical: 10
Stun: 9


Acrobatic Defender
Tough As Nails(Physical II)

Addiction(Mild): Cigarettes



Name | Rating | Attribute | Spec | DP
Blades | 0 | 5 | Swords | 10 (12)
Tracking | 4 | 5 | Urban | 9 (11)
Clubs | 1 | 5 | Batons | 6 ( 8 )
Unarmed Combat | 2 | 5 | Martial Art | 8 (10)
Gymnastics | 2 | 5 | Parkour | 8 (10)
Running | 1 | 4 | – | 5
Swimming | 1 | 4 | – | 5
Pistols | 3 | 5 | Semi-Automatics | 8 (10)
Locksmith | 2 | 5 | Maglock | 7 (9)
Palming | 1 | 5 | Pickpocket | 6 ( 8 )
Sneaking | 3 | 5 | Urban | 8 (10)
Intimidation | 1 | 4 | Mental | 5 (7)
Perception | 1 | 5 | Hearing | 6 ( 8 )
Pilot Ground Craft | 1 | 5 | Wheeled | 6 ( 8 )


Blades 1
Tracking 1


English N
Japanese (2)
Shadow Community (1)
Area Knowledge: Seattle (2)
Nightlife (2)

Martial Arts
Boxing(Brawler Style)
- Haymaker

Killer Bee(Fixer) - Contact: 2 Loyalty: 2
Mira Farraday(Lone Star Officer) - Contact: 2 Loyalty: 3
Needles(Street Doc) - Contact: 2 Loyalty: 1

Adept Powers
Enhanced Accuracy (Pistols)
Critical Strike
Traceless Walk
Stillness (2)
Improved Reflexes 2
Rapid Draw

Low - Apartment (2 Months)

Auctioneer Business Clothes - Armor: 8 Capacity: 8

Katana - Damage: 4P AP: -3 Accuracy: 7 RC: 2

Ares Viper Silvergun - Damage: 9P(f) AP: + 4 Accuracy: 4 RC: 2

Regular Ammo x60
Hollow Point Rounds x30

Erika Elite
AR Gloves
Subvocal Mic
Micro Transceiver
Fake SIN Rating 4
   - Fake License(Concealed Carry) Rating 3
Glasses Rating 3
   - Smartlink
Ear Buds Rating 3

Hyundai Shin-Hyung

Here's the sheet(finally). Hope everything looks good, if not let me know!

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #28 on: <06-30-16/0746:45> »
Skill groups such as "blades" and "tracking" are invalid; you get all three skills in a skill group when you use your skill group points, so in this case "Close Combat" which contains Blades, Clubs, and Unarmed Combat, and "Outdoors", which contains Navigation, Survival, and Tracking.

You also seem to have too many skills; if I disregard Tracking (which you have at Rating 4 somehow) I count 19 skills and 10 specializations. And, you have put rating 0 in Blades but you've got a dice pool of 10.

I'd also write your Reaction attribute as 3 (5) or 5 (7) depending on what your augmented attribute due to the Improved Reflexes power.

You've got ear buds without any gear in them, which is somewhat redundant; I'd highly recommend a pair of trodes if nothing else for the DNI benefits. The Micro-Transceiver actually contains a subvocal mic, so that one is somewhat redundant. I would suggest a motorcycle instead of the car to make up some nuyen and put some gear in the earbuds, or drop them entirely.


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« Reply #29 on: <06-30-16/1120:09> »
I agree with Herr, also a couple other notes I see: You have all three of the athletics skill group skills at a pretty low level, so could just use your 2 skill group points there in place of gymnastics, running, and swimming, that'll free up 4 regular points to spread and take care of your 2 group points into actual skill groups as per Herr's note that blades and tracking are not groups in their own right. Also you have regular ammo for the slivergun, and I may be wrong, but I think it only goes flechette rounds, which is what is listed in the gun stats.

As for skills, it looks like you used the full 28 on base skills, assuming the 0 in blades was supposed to be a 5. However, the specializations each cost a point as well, and you've got 12 from my count. Fastest fix would be to drop each skill by 1 if it isn't already at 1 and keep the spec, which then leaves you at 5 rating 1 skills (assuming you go with the skill group advice above) and 4 points freed up from the skill group rework. Ultimately, you keep everything the same, but lose one spec on one rating 1 skill, and boost running and swimming up to 2 as part of the group.

Last note, if I remember correctly, acrobatic defender replaces willpower with gymnastics for full defense, both your wil and gym are rating 2, so not really a gain there, did you mean to take agile defender? That would use agi rather than gym for full defense.