Shadowrun Play > Rules and such
[SR5] Rigger jumped in firing his vehicule weapons
If Kiirnodel's last post doesn't clear things up then nothing will.
Sorry the confusion point is not on the Hardware but between the Rigging section SR5 p266
--- Quote ---VR and Rigging
When you’re jumped into a vehicle or other device, you’re in Virtual Reality mode. The control rig allows you to treat Vehicle actions the same way you treat Matrix actions, so any bonus you get to Matrix actions also apply to Vehicle actions when you’re jumped in; this includes Vehicle Control Tests, Gunnery Tests, and Sensor Tests.
Just like in the Matrix, you have the option of using cold-sim or hot-sim while rigging. If you’re using coldsim, you get +2D6 to your Initiative (3D6 total), and any biofeedback damage you take is Stun. If you’re using hot-sim, you get +3D6 (4D6 total) Initiative dice, and a +1 dice pool bonus that applies to all Matrix test (including Vehicle actions), but all biofeedback damage is Physical damage.
--- End quote ---
... and the matrix section on hot-sim SR5 p230
--- Quote ---When you are in hot-sim VR mode, you use your Data Processing + Intuition as your Initiative and you get +4D6 Initiative Dice (remember that any enhancements or bonuses cannot take you past the maximum of 5D6 Initiative Dice). You receive a +2 dice pool bonus to all Matrix actions, and you take biofeedback damage as Physical damage.[/b]
--- End quote ---
1. vehicle actions are treated like matrix actions and all matrix bonuses apply
2. hot-sim while rigging gives +1 dice pool bonus
3. Matrix hot-sim bonus +2
A. number 2 is more specific than 3... rigger hot-sim bonus is 1
B. these are different bonuses as Forum Freelancer Aaron said in another post and cumulatively = +3
C. The +1 listed above is a typo and its talking about the same bonus (which is +2)
So while your post is great, these are direct quotes from the book. I just want official clarification. My prior post was written during my lunch at work and I did not have the page numbers or access to the PDF to copy. Sorry for that and hope this clears up the question.
As far as I can see its the same result as my question before but this time supported with the correct references.
--- Quote from: Fabe on --- If Kiirnodel's last post doesn't clear things up then nothing will.
--- End quote ---
Just wishing for errata. :P
>>>>Just wishing for errata.
There was a German Singer in the 80's that I really adored when I way a young child (now I'm an old Child ;) )
Wolf Maahn and one of his more famous Songs was : die Sucht der Träumer ( the Addiction of Dreamers)
and one of his Lines was:
Unsere Träume sind nie gefeit
gegen eine Überdosis Wirklichkeit !
( = Our Dreams ain't never Immune
to an overdose of Reality !)
I made that to one of my Life's credos
( and It is Soooooo fitting für the SR Situation)
He who dances to the Folk Rock of Wolf Maahn
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