Grenade Tripwire Questions

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Ghost Rigger

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« on: <03-21-17/1724:17> »
So, long story, I have reasons to believe that corpsec is going to break down my front door and the front door of each of my team mates in the middle of the night. This isn't an attempt by the GM to TPK us or anything, this is just part of his plot. However, my streetsam has been building some large body counts recently, so I fear that I'll be attacked by ELITE corpsec.

My solution to this involves 4 hi-ex grenades and a tripwire.

So, first question: what's the damage, AP and radius going to be on this? I know it'll be enough to liquidate elite corpsec, but I'd like to know just in case I get a cyberzombie sent after me or something.

Second question: can I construct this as a single-device simple charge, as per pg 178 of Run&Gun? I know there's rules for making grenades into "basic booby traps" in the CRB, but that requires 8 hits on an extended test and my dice pool for demolition is just not that high. Given enough time, I'd rather take a 6 hit extended test with an interval of 10 minutes over a 8 hit extended test with an interval of a complex action.

Third: what do I have to do to get a bigger Demolitions dice pool that doesn't involve paying karma? Tripwire grenades should be such an easy trap to set up that even a child could do it, but there's actually some hard thresholds attached to it.
After all you don't send an electrician to fix your leaking toilet.

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« Reply #1 on: <03-21-17/1735:39> »
So why don't you just skip your apartment and let the heat die down?

If these guys know where you live, and you are choosing to remain in that place, then them busting down your door is only the beginning of your worries.

Ghost Rigger

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« Reply #2 on: <03-21-17/1743:40> »
Because it's part of the plot. I could sleep in a different no-tell motel every night, and they'd still find me, because it's part of the plot. Running around like a paranoid black trenchcoat isn't going to do any good, and quite frankly it's not my style anyways. I'd much rather blow up the corpsec along with a good chunk of the apartment and escape during the chaos, and I'm lucky to have a GM who'd roll with that.
After all you don't send an electrician to fix your leaking toilet.

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« Reply #3 on: <03-21-17/1747:56> »
4 HE grenades are going to do 16+8+8+8 = 40P DV AP-5, radius is still -2 DV/m, so 20m until there's no damage left

Without demolitions skills you won't be constructing anything explosive any time soon without blowing yourself up.

Luckily, all you need is a smart little drone with some friends: The cheapest way to do that is getting a Horizon Little Buddy, one of the cheaper RCCs, Demolition autosoft, the swarm program and as many Kanmushi insekt drones as you can slave to the RCC. Essy Motors R3 for 16.000, HLB for 2000, 8x Kanmuchi for 8000 + Autosofts go in for under 30.000 Nuyen and provide you with a dice pool of 3 (Highest Pilot Rating or Device rating) + 6 (Autosoft) + 8 (helping drones) = 17 dice

The same setup can be also used for repairs and medical operations. (The best part is of course that a child robot and mechanical cockroaches are building your explosives)
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Ghost Rigger

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« Reply #4 on: <03-21-17/1756:07> »
Eeeesh, that's a lot of nuyen for drones and I'm not done buying armor and car mods yet. I'm just a guy with Logic 3 and Demolitions 1 who wants to put some grenades on a tripwire. I don't suppose I could just spray glue the grenades to the wall and make some trivial check to set them up with a tripwire?
After all you don't send an electrician to fix your leaking toilet.

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« Reply #5 on: <03-21-17/1956:11> »
Luckily, all you need is a smart little drone with some friends.
Always drones with you :P

Why not just set the grenades to motion-sensor detonation (Core 181) and just set them against your door?


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« Reply #6 on: <03-21-17/2145:38> »
So, long story, I have reasons to believe that corpsec is going to break down my front door and the front door of each of my team mates in the middle of the night. This isn't an attempt by the GM to TPK us or anything, this is just part of his plot. However, my streetsam has been building some large body counts recently, so I fear that I'll be attacked by ELITE corpsec.

Oh boy....

My solution to this involves 4 hi-ex grenades and a tripwire.

So, first question: what's the damage, AP and radius going to be on this? I know it'll be enough to liquidate elite corpsec, but I'd like to know just in case I get a cyberzombie sent after me or something.
Jack's got the math right.
40p -5ap -2/m

ouch, even to a CZ. but don't expect any chunky salsa. At that damage level, you're blowing meter sized holes in re-enforced plastcrete!

Second question: can I construct this as a single-device simple charge, as per pg 178 of Run&Gun? I know there's rules for making grenades into "basic booby traps" in the CRB, but that requires 8 hits on an extended test and my dice pool for demolition is just not that high. Given enough time, I'd rather take a 6 hit extended test with an interval of 10 minutes over a 8 hit extended test with an interval of a complex action.

Look at your time frames there mate: To set up a grenade trap in seconds it takes an extended test [8]. If you have the time, (like a couple of hours, if that!) there should be no test involved, or a minor one at best. You're trading time for difficulty.

It doesn't take much time to bolt a few empty soup can above a door, place the grenade in the can and then tie a string from the pin to the door handle... 
A little more time to attach a few eye screws for proper string guidance..
A little more to temper the pins for an easy pull....

Third: what do I have to do to get a bigger Demolitions dice pool that doesn't involve paying karma? Tripwire grenades should be such an easy trap to set up that even a child could do it, but there's actually some hard thresholds attached to it.

Skillsofts, Drones, Toolkit, phonebook...   there are a lot of options, it just depends on how quiet you want to be, and how much money you want to spend :P
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

Remember: You can't fix Stupid. But you can beat on it with a 2x4 until it smartens up! Or dies.


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« Reply #7 on: <03-21-17/2251:49> »
Look at your time frames there mate: To set up a grenade trap in seconds it takes an extended test [8]. If you have the time, (like a couple of hours, if that!) there should be no test involved, or a minor one at best. You're trading time for difficulty.

I'd still have him roll, just in case he crit-glitches and blows something up by accident.


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« Reply #8 on: <03-21-17/2341:23> »
fair point.
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

Remember: You can't fix Stupid. But you can beat on it with a 2x4 until it smartens up! Or dies.


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« Reply #9 on: <03-22-17/0017:02> »
Third: what do I have to do to get a bigger Demolitions dice pool that doesn't involve paying karma? Tripwire grenades should be such an easy trap to set up that even a child could do it, but there's actually some hard thresholds attached to it.
Commlink 100 crawl drone 4000 or transys maid 8000 (pilot rating 4 out of the box) demolition rating 4 autosoft 2000 Rappelling gloves 50 Microwire 50 per 100 m for somethings nuyen cant buy for everything else theres credsticks
« Last Edit: <03-22-17/0041:58> by Rooks »


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« Reply #10 on: <03-22-17/0519:51> »
Luckily, all you need is a smart little drone with some friends.
Always drones with you :P

Why not just set the grenades to motion-sensor detonation (Core 181) and just set them against your door?

How else do you suggest I should I start the robot uprising?

The problem of "no-roll" setting a grenade trap isn't that it won't explode but rather that it could explode prematurely. SR 5 grenades don't have a pin to be pulled, just a button and a wlan connection. They don't have a motion sensor, but rather an accelerometer, recognizing sudden acceleration and stops (although the writers interchange that erroneously).
If you are buying hits to reach the 8 necessary successes you need a dicepool of 9 (9 buys 2, 8 buys 2, 7 buys 1, etc.) or a good amount of edge.

Another way would be to use a sensor tag, a direct connection to the grenade and the computer skill to edit the grenades file to explode on receiving a certain trigger from the sensor tag. I'd make that an extended test too.

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Ghost Rigger

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« Reply #11 on: <03-22-17/0920:35> »
Plenty of the artwork shows grenades with pins, even if those are throwback models. Still, it looks like I have some good options. Now I just have to figure out how not to get blown up myself. If I install a sliding door, that should be enough not to set the grenades off every time I walk in, but 20 meters is still a huge blast radius. Unless I can convince my GM that my Low lifestyle apartment is made of concrete, I'm going to need to be sleeping under that bomb-proof blanket from Lethal Weapon 2....
After all you don't send an electrician to fix your leaking toilet.

A Guide to Gridguide

