The Division

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« Reply #45 on: <03-21-16/1135:34> »
more content is on the way. there is Incursions coming soon. And the DLC next month....

but yea, they should have had more at launch...
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« Reply #46 on: <03-21-16/2221:56> »
A problem with the game industry these days is its reliance on DLCs to complete the games. Many games feel cutshort and you suspect that it is deliberately so in order to get another infusion of money from dlc sales.
Back in the days expansions would do a spin off unrelated to the main plot but that sadly does not seem to be the case anymore.
It really does raise the question why incursions were not in the game from day 1.


I myself have only reached lvl 19 and still haven't taken any steps into DZ but I'm growing a bit bored with the repetition of the encounters and sidemissions. I really wish there had been more story missions ...
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« Reply #47 on: <03-22-16/0052:46> »
Dude. Preaching to the Faithful here!

I'm an old school gamer. Like Commadore 64 old. And I have been with the industry through litterally 100,000 games. (As us skool gamers can tell you, there are thousands of games you've never heard of out there for these Dino systems.)

I have watched the industry go from "Guys in a basement" to the original powerhouses of the industry. Only to watch them crash and burn in their own hubris. (Lookin at you Atari.)

And I have watched the quality of games decline year after year. Sure they are prettier now, but the actual *Quality*, as in style, flavor, writing, and engagment? Not so much.
Yes there are some gems that come out every few years. And before you all start waving the pitchforks, yes Skyrim was a good game. Yes Fallout4 is a good game. And I am sure your beloved electron game was good too. Gems in a vast sea of utter crap that gets added to year after year...

And do you know why? Why? WHY?!?! CAUSE THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS FILLED WITH FUCKIN RETARDS! That's why. They buy up crap after crap, often times with glee!
And don't even get me started on 'Season passes' and freakin 'Pre-Orders'. Its the Idiots that buy this crap that ENABLE companies to turn out shite!

Without even KNOWING the finished product people are buying EXPANSIONS, to an unreleased product?!?

"But Reaver! If you buy the Season's Pass you Save MONEY! The company swears that you'll save 'X' dollars over 'Y' expansions!"

Yea, that assumes the FIRST product isn't shite to begin with. And WHO exactly determines the 'value' of these Expansions? Are you all going to sit there and tell me Bethseda's first foray into 'season's passes' was a hit with Obivion? Are you Really going to tell me freakin horse barding was worth $15.99?  And that's only one example from one company! (That has made 5 of my 10 best games list)

I could go on for PAGES! But my cell battery won't last that long, and the rental on the man lift to get me on my REALLY tall Soap box is too expensive :(
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

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« Reply #48 on: <03-22-16/0127:39> »
You speak nothing but truth. As you say there's a lot more emphasis on visuals now then the great deep storylines of old (ah, the glory of the C64 and the patience required to load games after forwarding the cassette to the correct time).

As we now dwell in a dominated by those hungering instant gratification the great stories can now only be found within the pages of fiction and, though more rarely, movies and TV shows. VR games will be little new except maybe a more intense action rush.

Luckily there are still people willing to gather and spin their own takes around a dining table full of dice and chips
If Tom Brady’s a Spike Baby, what does that make Brees and Rodgers?


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« Reply #49 on: <03-22-16/0354:34> »
So, patch day. Are the patch changes, especially in terms of DZ risks/rewards for rogues, good or bad changes?
If Tom Brady’s a Spike Baby, what does that make Brees and Rodgers?


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« Reply #50 on: <06-02-16/0449:33> »
I stopped playing a while back on PC because of the hacking issues. Seriously, teleporting players, flying, infinite hit points, etc. It was like walking into the original Diablo multiplayer all over again.

I mean, seriously, who stores critical character info on multiplayer games client-side these days? Were they TRYING to get hackers? The game developer's phrase "The client is in the hands of the enemy, never put anything critical in the client" got coined for a REASON.

« Last Edit: <06-02-16/0452:46> by KarmaInferno »


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« Reply #51 on: <06-02-16/0557:40> »
Yep, I got one character through all the zones except for the Dark Zone, and I refuse to take it in there due to the hacks. I noticed on the many videos showing the hackers that they seem to have the same names as the constant gold spammers. That was another major fail: Who puts an ignore feature in that can be defeated by starting a name with a standard character ( the minus sign in most cases)? I remember  when Anarchy Online came out, and had made the same mistake of hosting critical files on the PC end; it took them several years of rebuilding large chunks of the code and then patching to replace the older code to get that fixed.

I would say it surprises me that any company that wants to make an online only game would follow that mistake, bu I've seen far too many games fail to learn the lessons that other games brought to light. Heck, Funcom couldn't even take lessons from Anarchy Online's auction house mechanic when they first put out their Conan MMO. When The Division gets around to dealing with these problems, I'll take a look at it then. It's a pity, as I really liked the story and setting.  :-\


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« Reply #52 on: <06-02-16/1234:01> »
I was lucky. I was able to get to max level for both the game and the DZs before the hackers became too big a problem...

But the other problems got me. Namely that there is dick all to do! There is just so many times you can run the same 8 instances or the incrusion before you are litterally playing while asleep....

And the crafting system....... yea..... "Please spend 6 hours in the DZ, dealing with cheaters and other characters to craft a single item.  IF you are lucky".....

Some good ideas, good graphics, good story. Killed by too little to do, too many hacks, not enough dev support.
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« Reply #53 on: <06-02-16/1247:10> »
The second incursion update really helped a lot. I'm on Xbox One, so I never faced the hacker issue, really, and the glitches aren't really game-changing to me. There's the occasional bugger hiding in walls, but knowing where the soft spots are lets you just hose them down, and none of the players with good gear and stats bother with the cheap tricks.

Likewise, the modifications to the dark zone made crafting much easier, and supply caches made it WAY easier to grind up the credits for blueprints.