[IC]6-02 Amber Waves of Grain

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« Reply #15 on: <04-28-16/1740:02> »

Seems like an easy enough job, but I'm a little concerned about what his "special methods" are. Is there something we aren't being told here? she asks the table in general when Mr. Gambetti / Johnson gets up from the table. Her voice is heavily accented both by her Japanese accent and her tusks protruding slightly over her upper lip from her lower jaw. As for who I am, my name is Kereina, I guess you could say I specialize in remote reconnaissance and fire support. I have done security work before, but nothing so far as your military training, Alf.

Alf blushes, and admits: "I was strictly in the medical corps -- guns and I never got along too well -- so I know a bit about tactics and how to be safe around things that go boom,  but generally I went places after things blew up, not before."

"Uh... if its confession time... this is my first shadowrun... Um. Oh! Im Vexboy."
From To<<Matrix message>>
"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych


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« Reply #16 on: <04-28-16/2253:52> »
Sid returns after your conversation, looks around, and listens to all your questions.  He then starts in with that psydo-mafia accent you've been listening to from him saying,
Look, you know the drill.  I won't give specifics, but I can tell you the basics.  The run involves killing some plants out in the boonies.  It's gotta be done by 8pm tomorrow for reasons that will be obvious once the runners have the details, and one person ain't gonna cut that mustard.  You need some finesse, capeesh?  it's gotta be in a special way, it's not just dropping grenades.  The teams going to need to do a lot of different things ranging from getting some "stuff"  He does air quotes to driving cross country as there is some travel involved, but nothing too far. The runners might need a van or something though.

Sid then looks at all the people eating pancakes and says point blank Look, do you want the job or not? Say yes and I'll tell you all I know.  We can talk money if you like, the sponsor is offering 8,000 Nuyen each for the job being done right.  Second you agree and we have a deal, I tell you the info.  If you're out, you eat your pancakes, get out of my hair, and I talk to the rest.  Make a choice.

Sid looks around at each of you expecting a choice.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #17 on: <04-28-16/2307:09> »
Marcus looks around the table, then back to Sid.

"Finesse and speed costs extra" he says, matter-of-factly. "Cough up and the job'll get done right."


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« Reply #18 on: <04-29-16/0054:07> »
Pepperface's cybereyes twitched faintly when Alf describds his talents. It wasn't clear if this is slightly alien expression indicated suspicion or interest, but he slowly nodded once Alf finished speaking. "I heard some interesting things about Amazonian fighters employing spirits as basically bomb disposal drones during the conflcit with Atzlan," he offers. "If it comes down to it, I'd certainly appreciate a second pair of eyes on any ordinance we deploy." Pepperface listened politely to everyone else introducing themselves and describing their talents, with the exception of "Vexboy," whose confession earned a poorly-suppressed roll of the eyes.

When Sid returned and offered his ultimatum, Pepperface frowned for a moment before shrugging in acceptance. "I can't say I'm pleased with the lack of information, but I also understand why you wouldn't want to give details on your little operation to people who haven't technically agreed to take part yet. So... alright. I'm in. Tentatively."  He glanced across the table at the other runners, wondering if anyone would step up to negotiate. Marcus had started the conversation, but Pepperface knew it wasn't his forte and was leaving it alone for now.


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« Reply #19 on: <04-29-16/0516:17> »
"Im in. Wetwork for plants doesn't scare me." Vexboy said trying not to seem too eager. 8000 nuyen could do quite a bit... he could get a new fake SIN and licences to match! Not to mention an apartment!
From To<<Matrix message>>
"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych


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« Reply #20 on: <04-29-16/0702:36> »
Kereina waits to see what the final price is going to be, but essentially is already in. The cash could go a long way towards some new mods, and besides, she has rent to pay. She sits back, enjoying her pancakes while the deal is hashed out, all the while thinking about this cross country trip Mr. Gambetti was describing. She's got the van parked outside already, but it won't go outrunning anything chasing them. And it'll be cramped for space with all the runners in one with her 'friends'.

[color="red"] I'm in, Mr. Gambetti.[/color] she'll admit when the negotiating has been done. No point in trying to get any up front, this short of a timeline isn't going to leave enough to get anything anyway.


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« Reply #21 on: <04-29-16/0922:49> »
Alf's first thought is 'Eight grand?  That sounds like it might be on the low side, and this guy seems like a good candidate to low ball the bid.'

He squares his shoulders, looks their Johnson in the eye, opens his mouth and starts "I...

And then second thoughts hit him. 'I what?  I am well trained to obey my commanding officer and hate to question a mission briefing?  I ended up in a basement apartment next to the laundry room instead of on the second floor the last time I tried to negotiate things?  I don't know any of the details about the run but am willing to argue what the pay should be?  I am willing to walk away because I'm insulted that you low-balled us, and clever bastard that you are you didn't invite a face to this particular meeting?'

He slumps, and mumbles "... I am in."  He sighs, and looks around the table, hoping that his first impression will be wrong, and somebody here knows how to negotiate worth a darn.

'I really need to learn the Increase Charisma spell, and at least the basics of negotiation.  Now I understand why regular teams value a face -- if I'm going to keep free-lancing like this I guess I can't count on others to fill in my weak areas.'


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« Reply #22 on: <04-29-16/1018:58> »
As the other people at the table all jump on the initial offer, Skate shakes her head and frowns. Finally fed up with it she looks at the vaguely repulsive Sid and motions to the rest of the table, "You've determined you need this many people for the job and yet wont tell us the specifics of why." Pointing at Vexboy, she continues, "You've brought in a first timer and are apparently expecting the rest of us to nursemaid him through this mystery mission." Looking back to Sid, "All in all, this setup stinks, and you're only offering eight thousand for a job requiring travel with barely more than a day to accomplish it? No, I don't think so..." She grimaces at nothing in particular. "If nothing else, we should be getting most of *his* share!" pointing at Vexboy again.


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« Reply #23 on: <04-29-16/1408:27> »
"Im offended you think im that stupid." Vexboy said simply. He started to chuckle. "You... honestly think I'm not aware im the oddman out? Holy shit. I am a nothing in the shadows right now. Ok? I know I am. I should be doing personal errands for fixers ok? And yet here I am. You think I don't know how weird this is? All I can do is shoot... thats it. But I am good at it. Very good. Especially with pistols. But all else fails im the fodder. My job is to do two things... 1: Follow the instructions of the plan and 2: Don't die. If your gonna make me the grunt fine. But your the only one at the table who has made a complaint about me. The only one. Whatever the reason I was hired, I personally think I am more "disposable" then "asset", I was picked. Im ok with that. To my intermediate knowledge everyone else is too. I need to do the job." He had a serious look in his eyes. "When I do this job... my fixer will take me seriously. Then I never have to coast off more experienced runners. I can get errands for fixers and work my way up. But if this is the only way to get to that point. Then I will do whatever. Does anyone have a problem with our Johnson and I don't mean the nice man who bought us pancakes, I mean the guy who picked me, anyone got a problem with his decision to hire me then I will walk out. And when he hears it hopefully it won't have been important. On the off chance it was important then you have pissed off the Johnson. Wasn't it bad to do that? So uh... here... if 2 more people register a complaint I walk. Anyone?"
« Last Edit: <04-29-16/1417:30> by Raiderjoseph »
From To<<Matrix message>>
"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #24 on: <04-29-16/1435:38> »
Marcus burst into laughter as the one who called himself Vexboy trailed off of his rant.

"Hah! The kid's got moxie, you gotta give him that" he exclaimed, looking around the table at the assembled crew before fixing the kid with a stare. "But let's not get our panties in a twist this early in the game; shoot straight and conserve ammo, omae, and you'll do fine."

Returning his gaze back at Mr. Johnson, he folded his arms across his chest. "Skate's got a point, though; pay could definitely be better. If nothing else, half up front buys my participation." He pulled the survival knife out of the sheath on his back and began alternating between spinning the hilt in his hands and flipping it idly from one hand to the other in a clear sign of boredom. "Call it a gesture of good faith."


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« Reply #25 on: <04-29-16/1455:49> »
Vexboy nodded at Marcus.
From To<<Matrix message>>
"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych


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« Reply #26 on: <04-29-16/1628:08> »
Hearing Vexboy's passionate plea, Alf can't help but think 'Reminds me of me at his age -- I was so eager to be the next hero of the Wildcats.'

His response to the youth is a little more gruff, however.  "Always glad to work with a good gun -- but watch that chip on your shoulder, kid.  That sort of thing can get a chummer killed faster than 'bargain' ammo."

After he says that he can't help but think "Wow, it feels weird to be considered a veteran."


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« Reply #27 on: <04-29-16/2125:29> »
"Yeah, well, we all started somewhere right..." Kereina threw in her take on the situation, making at least a small attempt to diffuse the situation before it turned to violence over pancakes.


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« Reply #28 on: <04-29-16/2132:17> »
"I never said you weren't any good. I don't know if any of you are any good. But you, by your own mouth, are inexperienced, and does anyone think that doesn't matter? All of us, we get paid to take risks. Working with strangers is always a risk. Hell, working with people you know is a risk. You're just extra bonus risk, and I'd like to get paid for that..."


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« Reply #29 on: <04-29-16/2213:41> »
"I never said you weren't any good. I don't know if any of you are any good. But you, by your own mouth, are inexperienced, and does anyone think that doesn't matter? All of us, we get paid to take risks. Working with strangers is always a risk. Hell, working with people you know is a risk. You're just extra bonus risk, and I'd like to get paid for that..."

Vexboy had a look in his eyes like he had an idea and typed up something on his commlink. He handed it to Skate. "Well I do have a bit of cred. Even if I am an amatuer. I brought up my resume right there." The text file said: "Sorry chummer. I am on edge sort of. Nervous. That grimace made you seem mad at me. Sorry. Look. I only really need 6000 nuyen if I really think about it. If we can't get the Johnson to give up some more nuyen I'll give you 2000 out of my cut. Thats rent for most people and I got someone who will help me make some smart purchasing choices. I can handle 6000 but thats all I will go. Seem fair? We need to work as a team after all. If your ok say something like "I see your cred but... blah blah... something. Id make the offer out loud but our fixer here may not be so open to negotiation if he thinks ill cut my pay willy nilly. So ka?"
From To<<Matrix message>>
"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych

