Why does PnP Gaming get a bad wrap?

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Usda Beph

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« Reply #30 on: <09-19-10/0842:45> »
Married 24 years to a non gamer wife. We can and do get the girl. :-*

That brings up another question...

I am about to move in with my non gamer GF. She is cool and 'loves' my nerdy ways.. But I am afraid the Skype SR game I am about to start may cross over into another dimension.

I'm scared.
Well from my experience. Let her watch! Invite her to participate. If she see's it's not something you 'have" to hide, she should be more accepting of it. Not to mention Skype RPGing has the added bonus that you ARE home WITH HER, not out drinking Dew and scarfing pizza while she sits home alone. Be happy to throw down the 'I love you' infront of your friends and I'll wager she'll not only eat it up but want to " :-* bug you :-*" while your gaming. ;D

Oh yeah... my experience was doing the oposite... turned kinda ugly because I went gaming every to every other weekend while she stayed home. Show her some love while on Skype & it should be fine. After all you are home with her right ;)
« Last Edit: <09-19-10/0900:49> by Usda Beph »
Yeah, I'm A Minotaur! You Gotta Beef with that?
I'm a Minotaur not a bully!
I studied at the Rocky Mountain Culinary School.I specialized in Seafood.
My Dad worked out of el Toro In New Mexico.


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« Reply #31 on: <09-19-10/0853:35> »
That brings up another question...

I am about to move in with my non gamer GF. She is cool and 'loves' my nerdy ways.. But I am afraid the Skype SR game I am about to start may cross over into another dimension.

I'm scared.

I wish I had your problem.

Usda Beph

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« Reply #32 on: <09-19-10/0904:44> »
No you don't Joker. A non gamer significant other is a bouncing betty minefield waiting to explode in your face. I've had every possible experience including the, wanting to be cuddly just as you're getting ready to go out the door trap! If you go she's mad if you stay your friends are going to bum over you not being there. You just can'twin this one. :P
Yeah, I'm A Minotaur! You Gotta Beef with that?
I'm a Minotaur not a bully!
I studied at the Rocky Mountain Culinary School.I specialized in Seafood.
My Dad worked out of el Toro In New Mexico.


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« Reply #33 on: <09-19-10/0909:03> »
No you don't Joker. A non gamer significant other is a bouncing betty minefield waiting to explode in your face. I've had every possible experience including the, wanting to be cuddly just as you're getting ready to go out the door trap! If you go she's mad if you stay your friends are going to bum over you not being there. You just can'twin this one. :P

Trust me... compared to soul-crushing loneliness, that sounds wonderful.

Usda Beph

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« Reply #34 on: <09-19-10/0946:26> »
No you don't Joker. A non gamer significant other is a bouncing betty minefield waiting to explode in your face. I've had every possible experience including the, wanting to be cuddly just as you're getting ready to go out the door trap! If you go she's mad if you stay your friends are going to bum over you not being there. You just can'twin this one. :P

Trust me... compared to soul-crushing loneliness, that sounds wonderful.
Trying to find that happy medium is a pain, but IF you can reach it...

I have a friend who didn't have a girlfriend for something close to the # of years I have been married. It was surprizing to see him after he finally gave up on trying & just "have fun" he got some attention. We gamers do have problems in that girl department. I think it's cause we seem to not want to grow up to women. Me I like being a 6'2" 280 lbs teen at age 44!
Yeah, I'm A Minotaur! You Gotta Beef with that?
I'm a Minotaur not a bully!
I studied at the Rocky Mountain Culinary School.I specialized in Seafood.
My Dad worked out of el Toro In New Mexico.


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« Reply #35 on: <09-19-10/0958:04> »
Well mostly it's where I'm currently living. Summertown, TN. It's pretty damn rural here. It's true I'm somewhat antisocial, like alot of gamers, but I've gotten over the worst of that. I'm decent looking in a dark sort of way, I'm 5'11", 150 lbs, so other than some shyness I do alright.

I should probly start going to some game cons in Nashville. Maybe meet someone there that shares my interests. It's really hard to meet someone 'round here that's worth having a conversation with. Would probly be a good way to meet some gamers from around here too. I had a gaming group I really liked back in Eugene, OR, but now I don't have anyone to play with.

Anyway, sorry for getting off topic.

Prime Mover

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« Reply #36 on: <09-19-10/1000:34> »
I've been gaming since I was 12 in a small town even.  We had a gaming club in school sponsored by a teacher, even had a D&D themed yearbook.  Then came the big gaming scare a year or two later.  Mothers forced there kids to get rid of their books (good for me bad for them, I got alot of cheap books that summer).  We lost our in school club (So I got myself elected chess club president and "lost" half the chess boards, freeing folks up for "other" games.).

 Been married twice, have a few kids and been running games non stop for a local group that still includes members from over 2+ decades of play.  I'm the kind of person who has no problem sharing my interests or explaining my hobby but I don't go out of my way as living in a small town does mean alot of small minded people.  Also a BIG nod to my non gamer wife who supports my obsession!
Why do things happen the way they happen? For
all I know the world Is Just one big game and all of
our actions are determined by the roll of a die.
-  Dunkelzahn,  Great-Dragon

Chaotic Insane

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« Reply #37 on: <09-19-10/1530:46> »
No you don't Joker. A non gamer significant other is a bouncing betty minefield waiting to explode in your face. I've had every possible experience including the, wanting to be cuddly just as you're getting ready to go out the door trap! If you go she's mad if you stay your friends are going to bum over you not being there. You just can'twin this one. :P

A bouncing betty mine field that I've set off myself a few times. Having a gamer husband AND "little girl" rubbed Mom the wrong way many, many, MANY a time. Non-Gamer SO's aren't even worth it to me. I KNOW that no guy (my age, anyway) would tolerate me hanging out with a pack of other guys "alone" in someone's basement every week unless he was either there or at least understood that gaming =/= orgy because he has a few under his belt. Gaming sessions that is.
"People say I hate the living. It's not true. I just happen to see the potential inside all people; those great things anyone can do if they aren't trapped in their own consciousness and morals. And when I unlock that potential, death is the side-effect. I can't help that." - Dr. McMourning


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« Reply #38 on: <09-20-10/1828:48> »
Other than my mom thinking D&D was Satan's game for awhile I've never had that problem.
Usually it more went like this
Hot Girl: So what are you doing this weekend?
Me: Playing Shadowrun
Hot Girl: Whats that?
Me: Its a story game, kinda like the A-team set in the furture, with robots and stuff
Hot Girl: Whats a story game?
Me: Its like drama class, you sit at a table and act out a role, occasionally your roll some dice to see what happens like a board game but mostly its improv acting
Hot Girl: That sounds fun! Can I play
Me: Let me make a few phone calls, I'll see if we can squeeze another player.


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« Reply #39 on: <09-20-10/1914:28> »
Other than my mom thinking D&D was Satan's game for awhile I've never had that problem.
Usually it more went like this
Hot Girl: So what are you doing this weekend?
Me: Playing Shadowrun
Hot Girl: Whats that?
Me: Its a story game, kinda like the A-team set in the furture, with robots and stuff
Hot Girl: Whats a story game?
Me: Its like drama class, you sit at a table and act out a role, occasionally your roll some dice to see what happens like a board game but mostly its improv acting
Hot Girl: That sounds fun! Can I play
Me: Let me make a few phone calls, I'll see if we can squeeze another player.
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« Reply #40 on: <09-20-10/1927:10> »
Well I still envy your job  ;) so that makes us even.
I was that guy who was friends with all the hot girls in highschool and college. Mostly because I wasn't intimidated by them or staring at their boobs. It also helps that I'm a ham, I don't mind looking silly or acting silly in public. For example when some girl would spill soda on her new dress I would grab the rest of the can and pour it on my head and offer to buy her another can. Its amazing how much that would help make the poor girl feel better.

[edit] LOL that reminds me of when I was a senior in highschool and some guy would come up and ask my permission to date one of the cheerleaders and I would respond with "dude, I'm not her dad, why are you asking me?", in college there were 4 hotties I used to tease that I was turning from chice to geek... They all ended up with CS degrees and guys drooling over them LOL. Ah man good times...
« Last Edit: <09-20-10/1935:07> by mortonstromgal »

Dead Monky

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« Reply #41 on: <09-21-10/1341:51> »
Other than my mom thinking D&D was Satan's game for awhile I've never had that problem.
Usually it more went like this
Hot Girl: So what are you doing this weekend?
Me: Playing Shadowrun
Hot Girl: Whats that?
Me: Its a story game, kinda like the A-team set in the furture, with robots and stuff
Hot Girl: Whats a story game?
Me: Its like drama class, you sit at a table and act out a role, occasionally your roll some dice to see what happens like a board game but mostly its improv acting
Hot Girl: That sounds fun! Can I play
Me: Let me make a few phone calls, I'll see if we can squeeze another player.
That's kind of how it went when I met my girlfriend.
HER: You have D&D books?
ME: Yes....
HER: Can I play?
ME: Awesome.  Sure.
HER: Hell yes!  I'm cutting me off some orc head!  Where's my axe?


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« Reply #42 on: <09-21-10/1411:06> »
Heh... I remember those days. Unfortunately, my Ex-wife doesn't quite remember it the same. It's kinda weird, actually, I never even asked her to game, but she jumped in and was part of the campaigns for over three years. Then her job in retail cut into gaming time.

Flash forward 5 years and as she's walking out of the marriage, she claims she "never got gaming" and she was "faking having fun".

*shrug* C'est la vie...

Dead Monky

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« Reply #43 on: <09-21-10/1429:55> »
People are strange, man.  People are strange.


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« Reply #44 on: <09-21-10/1434:28> »
It was kinda funny. I told this to my best friend (and our DM for most of those years) and he looked like Lewis Black had just heard something about a horse. He then ranted about how he still had headaches from the campaign journal she kept. When she was playing a Kender. And used 10 different colored pencils, changing the color every sentence.

