[IC] Missions 2 - Parliament of Thieves (concluded)

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« Reply #15 on: <01-15-11/1504:54> »
"Yeah your both set up fine for now. Patching can take a while from scratchbut you've got a month or two left in that OS."

Cursor pings across requests to subscribe everyone's Microphones and set up our communications, he uses his Battle Buddy Basic for it though, not his Bionode.
Best to look like a Hacker for now.

SUBVOC"Hows that sound guys?"


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« Reply #16 on: <01-15-11/1517:42> »
The Pick-up.

The time now is 4:30 pm.

I was told that there should be four of you. Are you drinking? The man has arrived and is at the back room. The bartenderess doesn't really hide her disdain.

Assuming you grabbed yourselves, you may take a look at the back room which is set up like a medicine lodge. The floor is covered in what appear to be authentic skins. Several cushions surround a firepit in the center of the room, where a small brazier currently burns. The atmosphere is aromatic and smoky, but a metal chimney above the brazier seems to be pulling most of the smoke out of the room. (OOC: The warm smoke also obstructs thermographic vision (-2 dice).)

Directly across from the door, behind the brazier, a man dressed in a grey business suit, but wearing a traditional Hopi mask (emblazoned with a stylized Raven) sits. He
silently gestures you  to enter and take a seat.

He wait until you take seats around the brazier.
As you might have guessed. I am Mr. Johnson. you can't shake the accent he put on the word 'might'. Thank you for coming at such short notice.

The ‘run I have for you is a short and hopefully easy courier job. My friends have a small package that needs to be delivered to my other friend. The package must
be delivered in strict confidence.

The delivery is in the FRFZ, but you will need to cross over into the UCAS, which means at least two border crossings. First crossing from Pueblo into the CAS and then
from there into the UCAS.

The package must arrive no later than 7:00 tonight. There is nothing you need to bring back.

The payment is 12k.

I have every reason to believe that some people would not like to see the package arrive safely. And because of that, suitable precautions are needed to be taken.
This precaution is to hire you and not the Denver public delivery service. My friends have agreed that it wouldn't do good to be using couriers from either of us. a neutral party was selected. You my friends haven't as of yet gained much visibility, I am not aware of any real links you are attached to, which on the adverse sides means you don't have a good success track record. You haven't been working together until now, you certainly have your differences to settle. I hope that lack of reputation doesn't mean lack of skills.

Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
concluded 01 02 03 04 05 10 09 11
running 13
runners: Caretaker Jerry


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« Reply #17 on: <01-15-11/1530:52> »
"I'm in, Fourth man or not. I dont have a vehicle though." Cursor tries to get comfortble but cant on the cushion.

SUBVOC "Or through the Sioux area, still two borders though. See if he's got any suggestion for the borders. And more nuyen, naturally"


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« Reply #18 on: <01-15-11/1623:52> »
Mata Tabi nods his head to the two accompanying him in what could be interpeted in thanks or merely accepting their presence. Sitting upon the cushion Mata tabi motions towards the lit brazier as he takes out a black cigarette with gold foiled filter and his lighter "Since its already smokey I can presume it's okay?"

Mata Tabi slips into his negotiation mode as the lighter focuses on the man, the mask is a nusaunce but it doesnt hide all the body language, the empathy program begins highlighting visual cues and notations. Mata Tabi allows the few inhales of the cigarette time for the program to calibrate before speaking. "My acquantences here seem reasonably well skilled in their vocations, and I.....well without boasting of my own skills am more than adequate for the assignment. However, as you pointed out yourself, we were rushed here in short order and the logistics of even a simple courier assignment across borders is well.....difficult to say the least."

Mata Tabi pauses to inhale and exhale from the cigarette "This difficulty is perhaps offset by say compensation and considerations I think, do you not also?" Mata left the question an open one, a simple tactic, but an effective one.


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« Reply #19 on: <01-15-11/1742:45> »
The time now is 4:45 pm.

A quarter later the Mata Tabi nod his head, and shake hands with Johnson.
It's 13,6k then.

Reaching into his briefcase, he pulled up a letter sized envelope. The envelope is marked CONFIDENTIAL in large red letters. The seal, is readily recognizable as one intended to be “tamper proof".

This is the package. It is to be delivered to 4923 Billings St. in the Montbello District of the UCAS. Allow me to repeat. It must not be open.
As for the transportation. I know you have a car among yourself, but if you prefer you may use van that is parked behind the club. You could return it tommorow while collecting payment. It might be however registered as belonging to my friends. And regarding rush hours, it might have its uses. During rush hours, the SIN checks at the border are very cursory. No pun intended.

Even so if you want I have two Coyote availabe. "Stalker" can get you through Pueblo-CAS border, "Peaches" handle CAS-UCAS border. You can get notes to them that the costs will be covered by my friends.

Now are there any other questions? The time is ticking.

Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
concluded 01 02 03 04 05 10 09 11
running 13
runners: Caretaker Jerry


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« Reply #20 on: <01-15-11/1753:18> »
Cursor saw nothing else to worry about till we hit the road.

"Wouldn't have minded if it was intended", he smiled. "As you say, times ticking, I say we go, now."

SUBVOC "Stryker, you got a driver's license? Wondering if we can use the van as a decoy if we need to."


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« Reply #21 on: <01-15-11/1823:28> »
Mata Tabi thinks a moment before answering "We'll take the contact information, in case we need to resort to a plan 'B' " The uncertainty of the others credentials, false or otherwise tugs at Mata Tabi's thoughts, that and the prospect of the his car being implicated in nefariousness or kami forbid damaged. "We'll take the keys as well to the Van."

"With that, Gentlemen shall we?" Mata Tabi motions towards the door.


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« Reply #22 on: <01-15-11/1831:07> »
SUBVOCHere's my plan, if you're willing. We argue as we leave, I got a hunch "They" have eyes on the bar. Mata pretends to quit the job, heads to the PCC in his own wheels with the package, borders'll be no problem for you. Me and Stryker take the Johnson's van and use the smugglers, making us the ones avoiding authority. What do you think?"

Cursor bows slightly to the Johnson before, slowly, walking to the door.


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« Reply #23 on: <01-15-11/1844:15> »
With no subvocal mic, Mata Tabi waits till he's out of earshot of the Johnson "Problem is that I'd dont know either of you. Now, I could take all the upfront money as a garuntee I'm not being hedged out, but. To put it bluntly, I put my reputation on the line by taking the job and I'm not sure either of you have the required capabilities to see it to its conclusion."


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« Reply #24 on: <01-15-11/1853:42> »
"Alright... we go together. Faith gaining exercise."

Cursor sped up towards the door.

"We're getting you a mic after this though. So car or van? Border or Cayote?


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« Reply #25 on: <01-15-11/1916:36> »
"Can anyone drive? I use the pilot and a manuever autosoft in the car. Never had the need to learn before, and my vote is coyote. Best we stay off the radar and thats what they do best."


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« Reply #26 on: <01-15-11/1923:20> »
"I cant drive but give me a few seconds and I'll make somthing that can, wont be amazing, but better than us I imagine. I'll wait till we're in the van though."

Coming out out of the closet early if they recognise a sprite...


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« Reply #27 on: <01-16-11/0358:37> »
Eight-Stone squeezed his massive bulk out of the autocab, then reached in to grab his ominious black duffel bag, bulging with barely-contained weaponry. He paused to fiddle with his messy black hair and stunted, granite-gray horns in the reflection of the autocab's windshield. Satisfied, he crossed the parking lot, opened the up the door, and stepped into Denim.

Stepping inside, Eight-Stone quickly scanned the crowd. His sheer size attracted some looks and double-takes. Some eyes lingered on his duffel bag, others on his armor jacket, almost bursting to contain his barrel-chest and the grenades pinned carefully underneath the flame-retardant exterior jacket. Most eventually returned their attention to their drinks, however.

Seeing a group gathered in the smoky back room, Eight-Stone figured that must be the Johnson Mr. Twist had told him about. He stepped into the back room, mumbling a faint "sorry I'm late" as he caught the tail end of Mr. Johnson's instructions. As the group discussed their plans, Eight-Stone nodded in agreement with those who favored going together. "I, uh, can use all the help getting through the border that I can get. I've been told that I stand out in a crowd, so to speak." He moved with the others toward the waiting van. "Name's Eight-Stone, by the way."
« Last Edit: <01-16-11/0406:41> by Bewilderbeast »


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« Reply #28 on: <01-16-11/0608:00> »
"So Eight-Stone, all that liscensed?"
Cursor quickly patched him nto the comms system.
"And, please, tell me in all that gear you've got a subvoc mic"


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« Reply #29 on: <01-16-11/0826:35> »
Stryker looked at the newcomer with a surprisingly cool stare. He looked for a moment, smiling, this time fully.
"Name's Stryker. I'm the magic guy here. Pleased to meet you." He openly offers a handshake - not something most people would trust a troll with. "You know, I have a friend in Seattle whom you remind me off. From the horns, to the bag, and it's contents."
He then waits for the group to leave the Denim, before he speaks. "I don't have a drivers license. I don't need any for that." He points at his Dodge Scoot, covered with tribal Pueblo graffiti. "But i can provide us with an edge over any tail we might get. Ever heard of Spirit Roads?" Then he waves at the AR display of the bored girl watching over Denim's parking, to get his Scoot. "Oh, and our employer? His Awakened. I'd say a bigtime guy. That mask? It's a powerful focus. One people would gladly kill for. So I'm not going to risk anything stupid here, no matter what. Especially against a guy that knows my aura, and has Coyotes on disposal that we get to use for free. I'm new here, but i know how much these guys tend to charge..."

Quote from: Summary Sheet
{Status: 0 / 10P and 0 / 9S damage, no Wound penalty, no Sustaining penalty}
{Defense: 4; Initiative: 9; IP's: 2} | {Ballistic Armor: 6; Impact Armor: 4+2=6} | {Sustained spells: Increase Reflexes F2, on Focus.}
« Last Edit: <01-16-11/0849:17> by Kot »
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."