Tangled Currents - Paladin

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Mercy Merchant

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« on: <04-07-16/0221:54> »
Wednesday  June 6   2075  0700  Seattle

You stand up after your third set of push up reps and look out the grimy windy again.  Still raining.  Still.....fragging.......raining.  Doesn't it do anything else in this fragging Godforsaken sprawl?  Apparently not.  Even on the days when it does not rain, people expect it to.  One of your neighbors, you forget which one, told you the second day after you moved in that the rain made the air smell fresh.  You do not think so.  Your crappy room is located in a crappy part of town.  Part of the rent you pay to the miser who owns the place is supposed to cover protection money to the local gang, but the 73rd Street Killers usually do not see it that way if they catch you outside your home at night.  Sure it would be easy to take a few of them on, after all, they all look like punks riding the fortune of being in a group and acting tough.  But what would the point be?  You would just have to move again, which is how you came to be here, now that you think of it.

The money you have left will not keep you in shelter and food for long, but no one seems willing to take a chance on you.  The Sir tells you to soldier on, but that is getting hard.  Three jobs in as many weeks dried up after the initial interview.  Who knows why; the fraggers never say, do they?  Just a "Thank you for your time but we are not interested just now."  If that much.  The other two times was just silence at the other end of the call.  There is always Manny.  Manny the Shark.  Fancies himself a hard man and a bookie.  Well, you suppose he might really be a bookie, but he is about as soft as they come.  But he has offered you starvation wages for some muscle work.  But that is getting pretty low.

The 'link on the table pings with the code from Sir.  Answering it, you see a text from one of your only remaining friends.  >>Paladin.  I might have a line for you.  Someone I know has a lead on a bodyguard gig that is supposed to pay well.  How well, I do not know.  The guy is interviewing at O'Reilly's Bar, which is not too far from where you live.  Unless you had to move again.  Interviews start at 1000 and continue until they have their guy or guys.  Sorry not to have more details.  Clean up and head over there if interested.  If it does not pan out, you can at least get a drink.  Ask for Gasser.  Some sort of street name, I suppose.<<

Your knowledge of low-end dives pegs O'Reilly's pretty far down there, and is not a real nice place for a Johnson to be interviewing.  Looking at the chronometer on the 'link, it is now 0708 and it takes about twenty mikes to get to the bar.  You have time for a few more reps if you want.  More if you are not interested.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1 on: <04-07-16/1153:46> »
*Another fragging rejection. They never say, but I know why*
Thoughts of Austin, unbidden and unwanted but there nonetheless. The ambush, the blood, the loss. The bullfragging court martial.
*Yeah I fragging know why*
The sound of the 'link pulled Paladin out of his pity party. Probably Manny the Shark again. He wanted Paladin for some muscle, but the work bottom level in so many ways. So he had been avoiding answering until he had no choice.
Paladin checked the 'link out of habit and was pleased to see it was from The Sir.
*Hopefully a line on some work and not another inspirational chat* His eyes rose as he read the message. Work would be good. Work that paid well and wasn't muscle for a 2 nuyen wannabe hard man? Even better. *O'Reillys is an odd place for a meet but a job is a job* A quick check of the chrono showed he had enough time for a quick shower before heading over.

 Once done, he pondered whether to wear his suit or something less...conspicuous.
*A good bodyguard does not provoke a reaction unless absolutely necessary, and wearing a suit in that place would definitely do so* he thought, selecting his battered armored jacket.
 Paladin dressed, putting on jeans and an old Concrete Dreams t shirt and his finest pair of drek kickers. Looking in the mirror, Paladin chuckled. *You definitely  aren't the fresh faced boot you usdd to be. Time to impress before you get rejected*

Paladin walked into O'Reillys,  stepping to the side to avoid a falling drunk. Heading up to the bar, Paladin got bartender's attention. "Omae, Gasser around? Tell him Paladin is here, The Sir sent me"

"Which is better and which is worse,I wonder - To understand or to not understand?"
"Understanding is always worse. To not understand is to never carry the burden of responsibility. Understanding is pain. But anything less is unacceptable."


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« Reply #2 on: <04-07-16/1415:47> »
From Mercy Merchant :
Wednesday  June 6  2075  0930  O'Reilly's Bar
The place is just as you imagine.  Tinny music from a crappy sound system, two early drunks on the street out side and another two slumped over at a booth inside.  The eight stools at the bar are empty, although there is a scantily clad teen-aged hooker at the pool table to the left practicing her trick shots.  The bartender is big and ugly and has a nose that has obviously been broken more than once.  He is wiping off a glass with a dirty towel when you come in.  He puts the glass in the rack and pours a beer, putting it down in front of you.  He points to a “No Loitering – This Means You” sign over his shoulder and says.  “Not your omae.  Don’t give a frag who you are.  Don’t give a frag who sent you.  Totally don’t give a frag who you are here to see.  You can wait outside for free, but in here will cost you five.  Consider the drink on the house.”  He laughs at his own joke after slotting your stick and walks back to dry off some more glasses.  You eye the beer warily, doubting its vintage or taste, but you do not have to contemplate it long before a door off to the right opens and a man in a sort of nice suit comes storming out, swearing at everybody and nobody as he moves quickly to the door and out of the bar.  The bartender looks at you and says, “That’s your cue.  Fifth guy like that this morning.  Go get ‘em, tiger.”  He laughs again as he shakes his head.
As you approach the open door, you see a man in a very nice suit sitting behind a small table in a small dirty room.  From the door, you can detect the distinctive heady aromas of sweat and sex.  The unkempt bed is likely the source, but the man seems to be taking it well.  Perhaps he is used to it by now.  Perhaps.  The man motions to the seat opposite him.  “Are you here to interview for the job?”  At your nod he says, “The last man left a bit abruptly.  Completely unsatisfactory.  Have a seat.  My name is Gasser.  I am interviewing for a sensitive position as temporary protection of a person who will be in Seattle from a foreign country to conduct some delicate business.  Please tell me your qualifications, and please add in why you chose to wear something completely inappropriate for a job interview.?  He picks up a small tablet in front of him and looks like he will be taking notes.  The only other item on the table is his commlink, which stands out as a high-end model and probably something he had to save for, since it appears to be of better quality that his entire wardrobe.
"Which is better and which is worse,I wonder - To understand or to not understand?"
"Understanding is always worse. To not understand is to never carry the burden of responsibility. Understanding is pain. But anything less is unacceptable."


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« Reply #3 on: <04-07-16/1439:00> »
Paladin chuckled at the bartender *Blunt and to the point, I can respect that* "Understood" He handed him his credstick and glanced around the bar. Typical folks, not too different from the types around Austin and similar - CAS or UCAS, low class is low class. Paladin was about to take a wary sip of the beer when a door to the right of the bar opened and a well dressdd man stormed out. At the bartender's words, Paladin walked into the office.

“The last man left a bit abruptly.  Completely unsatisfactory.  Have a seat.  My name is Gasser.  I am interviewing for a sensitive position as temporary protection of a person who will be in Seattle from a foreign country to conduct some delicate business.  Please tell me your qualifications, and please add in why you chose to wear something completely inappropriate for a job interview.? "  Again, Paladin couldn't help but smile. *Nice move, trying to make me be on the defensive. Wonder what he said to the previous guy* "6 years CAS Marine Corps, specializing in diplomatic security. Training in Close Quarters Battle, urban i n filtration and personal protection. A good bodyguard dresses appropriate to both client needs and desires and the environment. I felt that this environment dictated I attempt to not attract undue attention nor provoke unnecessary responses. You want a security professional who thinks with his brain and not his firearms. And that is why I am the best qualified for the position. Paladin sat back, waiting for Gasser's response.
*Ok, laid it out. Let's see if he bites.
"Which is better and which is worse,I wonder - To understand or to not understand?"
"Understanding is always worse. To not understand is to never carry the burden of responsibility. Understanding is pain. But anything less is unacceptable."


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« Reply #4 on: <04-07-16/1731:50> »
From Mercy Merchant via email:
Mister Gasser, listens to your answers and frowns.  “I would think that yo…………………”
He is interrupted by a computer modulated voice from the commlink on the table. “That will do, Gasser.  I will take this one from here.  Thank you for your time.”  The man does not respond as he stands up and leaves the room without saying another word.  The voice waits for the sound of the door shutting before continuing. “Good morning.  May I please have the name of the man I might hire?  If you are interested in continuing the interview, please leave the bar now.  Turn left as you exit and walk three blocks to the somewhat inappropriately named Stardust Hotel.  Come up the stairs to room 214.  Please bring the commlink.”  After you provide a name the ‘link goes dead.  You already know from experience that the Stardust is a cheap, no-frills no-tell hotel that caters to the prostitutes in the area, although the odors around you would seem to indicate that at least one uses this room as a playground.  Perhaps the girl out at the pool table?  The thought running through your mind ought to be who the frag uses a drek place like the Stardust to interview anyone except to find out what position they want to use for sex.
« Last Edit: <04-07-16/1741:05> by Digital_Viking »
"Which is better and which is worse,I wonder - To understand or to not understand?"
"Understanding is always worse. To not understand is to never carry the burden of responsibility. Understanding is pain. But anything less is unacceptable."


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« Reply #5 on: <04-07-16/1758:56> »
Paladin nods as Gasser leaves the room. *Another test..and one I evidently passed When the voice asks for his name, Paladin almost gives the one for his fake SIN, then corrects himself *Nope, that's for people who could potentially put me in jail* "Luther Bennett, but most folks call me Paladin". At the click of the 'link, Paladin grabs the link gets up and heads out of the bar, nodding to the bartender as he leaves. Outside, he sends a quick message to The Sir <<Looks promising, will let you know. Thanks for the tip. Owe you a beer.>>. Headed towards the Stardust, Paladin is ignored by the various forms of wildlife, too engaged in finding easier prey. Stepping over and around debris and folks too chipped out to know better, Paladin notices the 'Out Of Order' sign on the elevator and wonders what actually works in this place. *Watch it, brother - you aren't too far from residing here* he chides himself as Paladin climbs the stairs and knocks on the door to Room 214.
"Which is better and which is worse,I wonder - To understand or to not understand?"
"Understanding is always worse. To not understand is to never carry the burden of responsibility. Understanding is pain. But anything less is unacceptable."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #6 on: <04-07-16/2300:11> »
Not all the wildlife is too engrossed with other things.  A young prostitute stands up from where she is sitting with her back against the wall.  "Need some company, mister?"  Her face and body are completely indicative of the sort of life that ends in places like this.  BTLs, drugs of almost any kind, other addictions almost as bad.  Things created by people to control other people and then abused.  Given her apparent advanced state, the girl might have a few months remaining at best.  She holds out a hand that shakes, but her breath does not smell of alcohol.  "Maybe some cash?  I could use some food from the diner across the street."  There is, in fact, a diner of dubious quality across the street.

Entering the hotel, your senses are challenged to make sense of everything you see, hear, and smell.  And it is probably best if you do not touch more than absolutely necessary.  There is an old man behind a small counter paying more attention to some Urban Brawl match than on who is coming and going.  An older woman sits on an ancient couch, which appears to be the only furniture in what you would be generous to call a lobby.  She is smoking in clear violation of the no smoking sign just above her head, but who is really going to call the police down here for that infraction?  The elevator is indeed out of order and as you pass the man behind the desk, he wakes up and slams his hand down on a bell in the small window that looks out on the lobby.  "Hey, buddy.  Twenty to go up.  What room?"  When you say 214, he settles down and wave you on.  "Go on up.  Already covered.  I can see why you wanted to arrive separate.  Must be desperate to want that slag."  He croaks out a laugh and turns the volume up on his trid screen.

Knocking on the door to 214 brings a woman's voice in response.  "Enter."

When you open the door, you see a dimly lit room beyond, with a small table in the middle.  The woman is sitting on the far side of the table, silhouetted against the window.  It is hard to make out any features in the light and how she is sitting.  She says, "Do you have the 'link?"  When you lift it up, you hear a woman's voice from off to your left.  "Thank you, Mister Bennett.  You may bring it to me.  Please shut the door."  You see another small table off to your left as a light flicks on.  A woman very much like the one at the first table is sitting behind it and lowering a silenced Predator V.  She lays it on the table and places her hands to either side, palms down.  Please sit and we can talk."  The woman is oriental, but certainly no beauty.  Her face is hard, marked with a distinctive scar that runs from above her right eye across her nose and down her left cheek. 
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #7 on: <04-07-16/2325:34> »
Smiling sadly at the joygirl, Paladin pulls out a rumpled 20 nuyen note. "Here you go, enjoy" and hands it to the girl. *Probably going to get slotted out of her mind, but a little kindness never hurts*

Looking at the man behind the desk, Paladin raises an eyebrow at his request "Room 214" and begins to climb the stairs, stopping for a moment at the clerk incorrect assessment of his reasons before continuing on.

Paladin moves to the second woman, mentally kicking himself for not seeing her sooner. *Amateur move,boy. Got blindsided - wouldn't have happened a year ago* After handing her the 'link, Paladin takes the offered seat not taking his eyes off the woman, shifting slightly in the chair to keep the lady mid room in his peripheral sight. 

"Let's talk, then. You are looking for someone to provide personal protection for a foreign national conducting business of a delicate and sensitive nature. I have experience  in this specific area, protecting diplomats and other government VIP's."
"Which is better and which is worse,I wonder - To understand or to not understand?"
"Understanding is always worse. To not understand is to never carry the burden of responsibility. Understanding is pain. But anything less is unacceptable."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #8 on: <04-07-16/2341:25> »
The prostitute gives you a smile of thanks and stumbles forward, heading across the street to the diner, of all things.  Wonders will never cease.  Or perhaps that is the place her pusher waits for his little freaks to gather. 

In the room, the rather severe woman takes the 'link from you and taps rapidly into it as she says, "For starters, you may call me Kai-lin and nothing else.  I am indeed looking for someone of experience and quality to fulfill a need as a guard and escort for a limited time.  You may stop watching the hologram, Mister Bennett.  Concentrate on me, please."  She does not smile as she stops her tapping on the commlink in her hands, but she does place it on the table in front of you and turns the screen so that you may see it.  There before your eyes is the full transcript of the court-martial.  "Please explain this.  What happened to the person you were protecting?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #9 on: <04-08-16/0732:26> »
Hands gripping the table, Paladin took a steadying breath. "Well, if you are asking me instead of politely showing me the door I'll assume you want the truth and not the 'official record" He looked Kai-lin in the eyes, but he didn't see her or the room. It was Austin, again. The heat, the was like Paladin was there again.

"We were assigned as the protection detail for a big VIP. We weren't told who, but the way command acted we thought it might be an Azzie defector. It happened now and then, folks tired of whatever the frag goes on there." Taking another steadying breath, Paladin continued. "We were to meet them just inside the Azzie side of the border in Austin and escort them to an extraction point  . Everything was going smooth as silk - that should have been a clue, but we were too cocky to notice. About half a klick away for the transport it all went to hell. The VTOL exploded and seemingly out of nowhere a squad of  Jaguars attacked. We comported ourselves like Marines, we almost made it..but almost only counts in grenades and fireballs" Paladin could feel the table cutting into the palm of his hands. His knuckles were white as he gripped the table.

"When I woke up in the hospital, I was told my team died and that the VIP was taken back to Aztlan. I was also informed that I would be facing a court martial for what happened. Evidently we had been compromised by an Azzie infiltrator. Had gotten a lot of good intel too, besides leading my team like lambs to a slaughter. And that's precisely why I was being courtmartialed.  Because the only thing command hates worse than casualties is being embarrassed."

Paladin laughed bitterly. "That's what happened. Chip truth too, because I live it every fragging day"
"Which is better and which is worse,I wonder - To understand or to not understand?"
"Understanding is always worse. To not understand is to never carry the burden of responsibility. Understanding is pain. But anything less is unacceptable."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #10 on: <04-08-16/0859:38> »
The woman listens to your story without saying a word and her silence stretches for three full minutes.  Then she picks up the 'link and taps into it some more before putting it down near her.  She gives you her cold look and says, "Mister Bennett. I realize that you are a former soldier; a Marine who has served his country with honor and distinction.  You have been cruelly betrayed and are living in exile in a foreign land.  But some ideals die hard, if they die at all.  My principal works for a large criminal organization and is here to initiate discussions among other criminal organizations.  These others may not appreciate the interference and there may be bloodshed.  Could you work in this environment?  The pay would be high, as would the risk.  I feel comfortable that you can handle the mission, but can you handle that you would be working for criminals and might have to kill others to defend your principal?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #11 on: <04-08-16/1002:23> »
"As you say ma'am - I have been betrayed and I am far from home. I do not have the luxury of moral judgements on an individuals career vocation. I do the job, I will protect the client and if it is necessary I will kill to do so. As long as we understand it is only to defend and secure the client. I am not an assasin or enforcer" *At least not yet* he thought.

Paladin returned Kai-Lin's look. "With that understood, do we have an accord, ma'am?"
"Which is better and which is worse,I wonder - To understand or to not understand?"
"Understanding is always worse. To not understand is to never carry the burden of responsibility. Understanding is pain. But anything less is unacceptable."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #12 on: <04-08-16/1017:28> »
Kai-lin looks at you for a bit longer then nods her head.  "I believe that we can come to an agreement, Mister Bennett.  The principal in this case is myself.  I represent certain Triad interests in Hong Kong.  The daughter organizations over here have.................strayed..................from the initial guidance provided and I am here to coordinate bringing them back in line.  I have full authority to negotiate with the leaders of the Triads here.  Failing that, I have full authority to replace the leadership with those more willing to negotiate.  It is expected that I will encounter resistance.  My task is daunting and I was not provided a full team of people to protect me.  I am to be as low-key as possible.  I expect that my stay here will be two weeks or less.  For this I will pay you Y 5000 now and another Y 5000 if you keep me alive until I complete my purpose here.  I will expect that you come with me, go with me, and keep me alive.  Your file indicates that you do not speak Chinese.  Despite this, I feel that you can be of service to me, but is it possible for you to chip that skill or find an autotranslator?  It would be helpful if you could understand the language and know when people are talking about trying to kill me.  Do you have any questions?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #13 on: <04-08-16/1755:04> »
"It should not be an issue to acquire a 'soft with Chinese on it, and I assume we will be using a secure comlink channel? .  You say you were not provided a team - was this due to the low key nature of your mission or does the possibility exist you have angered someone and set up for failure? It doesn't change my job, just another factor to consider. Also - I assume you will require me to wear clothing of a more professional nature? If so, I will need to pick up clothing from my apartment. And what are our transportation and lodging arrangements? If possible I would like any information on who you will be dealing with at these meetings.  While I understand the need for secrecy in your organization, to protect you will require as much information as possible."

Standing, he held his hand out to her.

I believe we have a deal Kai-lin. You will be safe, I promise."

*Or I will die trying*
"Which is better and which is worse,I wonder - To understand or to not understand?"
"Understanding is always worse. To not understand is to never carry the burden of responsibility. Understanding is pain. But anything less is unacceptable."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #14 on: <04-08-16/2256:47> »
Kai-lin nods at you.  “You are intuitive, Mister Bennett.  I have angered someone, yes.  One of those I am coming to see took a chance to deal with me.  Three of the men in my security detachment are dead and the fourth is in a coma at the hospital here.  I do not expect him to survive.  The attackers also died and I am following what leads I can from the bodies.  You may work with Shou Zhen on that angle if you like, but every indication is that they are local thugs not directly connected to one of the Triads.  It would be nice to get you some translation software.  Shou Zhen will help you with that as well.  You may wear what you wish, and a suit may be nice if we meet in a nice place.  I will try not to make your job harder by dictating what you wear.  You are the professional and I will allow you your judgement, within reason.  I would not expect that you would arrive for an interview with everything you need.  Please return for your things.  Coordinate with Shou Zhen on where to meet us.  We have an automobile.  I would rather that you drive it.  I will avoid staying in places like this, if possible.  But be prepared for such accommodations if necessary.  I will be making my first contacts with one of the Triads soon, so please arrange to be available by this afternoon.  I will tell Shou Zhen to give you what information we have on the meeting participants.  I apologize if all of this sounds a bit confusing, but I am going to make things right, with your help.”

Kai-lin does not take your hand or rise when you do.  “I will shake your hand if you keep me alive long enough to do my job, Mister Bennett.  Shou Zhen is in the next room and will give you the address to meet us at after you get your things.  Good morning.”
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

