Tangled Currents - Revenant

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« Reply #15 on: <03-21-16/1031:06> »
<<Woohoo - cheating, I like it.
Maybe I should get myself an infected hunting licence. Have there been posted any vampire or loup garou bounties recently?

I could claim my subscription to the game as a income related expenses. Although for that I'd need to pay taxes in the first place.

But on a more serious note: I really could use some work. Maintaining this precision machine is no easy feat. And besides - If I'm not occupied I start looking for trouble - or for some damsels in distress.>>

With that John switched the feed to enter the game host.

While he waited in the lobby, he composed a short message to Kate:
<<Thanks again for the invite to the party. I have to admit, I was a bit preoccupied with what you said about the Korean label. A contact of mine has gotten back to me about them. It seems that they are in fact a front for hard core adult entertainment. Not that I'm judging, but you might want to ask Cheryl if she is aware of this fact. Working with this kind of business can be very problematic - especially if you want to get out again.
Best regards
« Last Edit: <03-21-16/1042:52> by Jack_Spade »
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #16 on: <03-23-16/1923:03> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 1402; John's Workshop, Capitol Hill, Seattle

John had been gaming for the past fourteen hours straight - one of the great advantages of his new existence was never having a need for a piss or snack break, just as long as he was near a charging station.

But his lycanthrope hunt was disturbed by an incoming call from Kate. <<John, please, you have to come downtown. Please. I told her not to go and we had the biggest fight but now you have to come help her they won't let me in and she can't come out. Please please, you have to help us!>>  And so on...


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« Reply #17 on: <03-24-16/1202:42> »
'Please help us Obi-Wan, you are our only hope... Right.'
John logged out and gave Nachthexe a quick call: <<Shit hit the fan already and the girl is in trouble - thanks to disregarding my warning. I'll keep you posted.>>

Than he answered:
<<Hey Kate, sorry to hear that. I'll come over in 10. Be sure to keep your doors closed. If they know that you are the only one who cares about her, they could decide to silence you instead of bothering their lawyers - who I would assume aren't any less efficient but cost more.>>

John quickly changed into his Armor Jacket, but left the rifle where it was. Taking the shortcut through the backyards again, he ran there in record time.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #18 on: <03-24-16/1659:20> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 1422; Downtown Seattle

Kate was waiting by her Jackrabbit, and got behind the wheel the moment she saw John. He folded himself in and she was off with an amateurish shriek of tires, safety warnings and GridGuide protocol reminders lighting up red across her dash. "Thank you so much, John. Oh, we have to hurry, who knows what they might be making her do right now..." and in that vein for the next twenty minutes of heavy traffic, during which John was unable to get any information of the slightest use from her.

Soon she was double-parking at the entrance to one of the countless highrises populating the downtown cityscape and getting out. "It's in here," she said, half running for the entrance to the commercial building. John could see a spacious lobby stretching out beyond the doors, with a three-seat reception desk and hallways leading to banks of elevators.


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« Reply #19 on: <03-25-16/0609:21> »
"Kate, KATE, KAAATE. Stop!" Kate looked astounded as John's grip closed hard like a vice on her shoulder. "Do you think we can just walz in there and get her out?

You stay here in the car and wait for us to come out - ok?"

<<Nachthexe, darling, could you do me a big favor? I need a few camera feeds spoofed/taken out and maybe a few locks opened - maybe an alarm suppressed. Find the address attached.>>

While he waited for a reply, he loaded up the Smart Link, Maneuver, Targeting and Electronic Warfare programs
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #20 on: <03-26-16/1826:27> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 1422; Downtown Seattle

"Right, right okay," the girl said, and scampered back to the car.

The other girl said, <<Right, right away.>> As she digitally relayed a price and waited for the release of cred from John's account to be authorized. <<Now just find something at least sort of natural to do for the next twenty ticks, and then you'll be able to walk right in. And hurry on up to the sixteenth floor - lots up fun going on up there...>>


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« Reply #21 on: <03-27-16/0531:26> »
John oked the transaction and turned to Kate: "Before I do this, I should warn you: After I bring her out, you both have to leave. That is - leave this city. Those guys know who you are and they don't particularly respect the police. And they likely have hackers at their disposal who will have no problem to track you through your SIN. I hope you both are good enough friends for you to leave your life behind."

Seeing the shocked expression he added: "I'm sorry, but that are the facts. You might have a chance if you can convince a federal agency like the FBI to take this case and maybe get you into witness protection, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

My contact just informed me that she is most likely on the sixteenth floor and it's not pretty.

You have to decide now."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #22 on: <03-28-16/0657:37> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 1422; Downtown Seattle

"Whoa, what are you talking about? I still have to finish, no. I'm not going anywhere. You just have to get Cheryl out of there, okay, before she ruins her reputation. Something like this...she'll never get a real job. Just go in and talk to them. Help Cheryl, okay. Listen, um, I have to go." She got into her car. "Just help Cheryl!" she called out the window as she pulled into traffic.


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« Reply #23 on: <03-28-16/0902:12> »
John went to the effort to take a breath just so he could sigh. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid.' And he wasn't sure if he meant the girls or himself.
Now there was nothing to it. He went to the closest garbage bin, pulled out a Stuffer Shack bag and made it look like he was just an intern returning from a food run. With quick steps and a purposeful stride he entered the lobby and moved - without sparing one look for the security - he went to the elevators and pressed the call button.
<<Nachthexe, I'm at the elevator, I'm not sure if it needs a card to work. Please take care of it.>>
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #24 on: <03-28-16/1431:34> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 1429; Red Ribbon Productions, Downtown Seattle

Neither the reception staff nor the elevator gave John any trouble, and a whisper in his ear from Nachthexe assured him he'd be burned by no cameras either.

Then the doors opened directly onto a plushly carpeted lobby. Tasteful glamour shots of beautiful young women adorned the wood-panel walls, and facing him was another long reception counter, flanked on either side by doors. There was leather seating arranged to either side of the elevator. Above the immaculately turned-out young Asian woman behind the counter were large letters spelling out Red Ribbon. An array of AR windows presented themselves to John, with headings offering a wide range of helpful reading on the company for any visitor to peruse - corporate profile, investor relations, CSR, entertainment products, recruiting.

"Can I help you, sir?" asked the woman in perfectly chipped English.


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« Reply #25 on: <03-29-16/0444:15> »
"Oh hi, yeah, I'm here as the representative of the estate of Carmen Meyers, or as you might know her Cheryl. Her parents have expressed concern over the latest... adventures their daughter has gotten herself into. I'm authorized to offer a considerable buy out of the contract. Please inform her and her "agent" that I have arrived."
John gave her a smile with empty eyes - it was disconcerting, but for some reason people associated it with the smile of a lawyer.
« Last Edit: <04-11-16/1416:09> by Jack_Spade »
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #26 on: <04-02-16/1840:22> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 1429; Red Ribbon Productions, Downtown Seattle

The woman kept a relaxed smile on her face as her eyes quivered in AR-reading mode. It took her longer than it did most people - of course their records wouldn't link the girl they knew as Cheryl to anyone named Meyers.

But the gambit seemed to work, because she was smiling and saying, "One moment, sir." Almost before she had completed her short phrase, the door to John's right of the counter opened, and a Korean man in an impeccable if overly flashy suit took a single step out. "Please sir, welcome." He beckoned with his hand. "Please let's speak in my office."

John was no corp suit himself, but he was willing to bet this guy was no seasoned media executive.

In the office, the man closed the door and offered John a seat. There were three - all deep leather chairs that were both extremely comfortable and designed to keep the guest's eyes at a lower level than their host's. The man sat in a plush swival chair behind his hardwood desk.

There was a door to the left that probably adjoined whatever space was behind the door leading out of the lobby. It was a heavy door, but loud pop music could still be heard coming through it.

Once seated, the man spread his hands in a placating gesture. With an innocent shrug in his voice, the man said, "Cheryl gave her surname name as Cagle. I would hate to think that we've been misinformed, Mr...."
« Last Edit: <04-11-16/1737:09> by adamu »


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« Reply #27 on: <04-03-16/0426:22> »
"John Preston from Johnson, Johnson, Johnson & Johnson, Attorney at Law. Pleasure to meet you."
<<I hope you are getting all this, I need a quick spoof for those credentials.>>
"Well, the name is not wrong per se - part of the agreement Mrs. Meyers made with her parents was that she would not use the family name during her... sabbatical. She therefore got a... certain dispensation through a D.C. court, so she could use her second name and the birth name of her mother on her ID. The measure was granted to prevent harassment and abduction - as you can imagine a well-to-do family must either invest in high security or high obscurity.
I am specialized in criminal law and not usually called to work on contract negotiations, so please excuse my clumsiness in regard to the proper parlance. But the family felt that time was a pressing issue in this matter and since I happened to visit another client close by they asked me to hop over. So again, please excuse my lack of a proper suit, but there are some more unsavory parts in this otherwise quite charming city that made certain fashion concessions necessary."

'Not to mention that I just spend 1500 nuyen on Law Knowledge Autosoft to keep this bluff going'

"But to business. I was informed that Mrs. Meyers entered into a contract with your firm to produce certain entertainment media. You couldn't know that Mrs. Meyers already has signed a contract to her family that explicitly forbids her to from associating with certain genres. Naturally, my clients recognize your de jure existing claims but would be very, very interested in buying out her contract. I'm sure you have a projected return on investment  charted out. They are prepared to repay all investments made up to this day and compensate you also with a one-time direct cash payment.
It seems to be a cheaper way than to buy your whole company and liquidize all its assets. 

So if you can show me those projections, I can get in contact with my client to quickly release the needed funds."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #28 on: <04-08-16/1918:57> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 1431; Red Ribbon Productions, Downtown Seattle

The man steepled his fingers and smiled guardedly at his guest. "It is my pleasure to meet you, Mr. Preston. I am Lee. I think we can oblige you, sir. But I am not much of a numbers man. I will have to speak with our strategy team, and once they compile a package for you I'll need to run it by legal to clear it for disclosure. Perhaps half an hour? You'll have to excuse me, but I'll have tea sent in. Unless, perhaps you'd care for something harder? Just let the girl know when she comes in."

He left the room with an ingratiating smile, said something in Korean without closing the door, and was replaced by the receptionist. She stood directly in front of him. Her legs were muscular and her skirt very short. "Mr. Lee will be a moment, sir. Is there anything I can get for you?"


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« Reply #29 on: <04-09-16/0248:35> »
"Of course, thank you."
With another fake smile John waited until the man had left the room.
When the assistant appeared he said: "Just a glass of water will do nicely. Thank you." He pointedly looked around before he said in a somewhat conspiratorial whisper: "I have to admit, I am impressed. This is a very professional outfit, much more class than I am used to deal with here in Seattle. Have you been working long here?"
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

