Tangled Currents - Serge

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« Reply #30 on: <03-28-16/0702:39> »
Tuesday, 19 November, 2356; Tiger Tiger, Vasa Park, Bellevue, Seattle Metroplex

"No no no. Not medical." He kept his communications short and simple in a bid to be heard clearly over the pummeling decibels. "I do security. Much better than your pet gang. And I can do so you don't pay me. I would pay you. I have a meeting room upstairs. If you want to hear more."


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« Reply #31 on: <03-28-16/1243:10> »
"I would, but I need to get back with the drinks," Serge replies, "Could I get a contact number? This sort of talk will take more time than I have tonight."
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Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #32 on: <03-28-16/1442:56> »
Tuesday, 19 November, 2359; Tiger Tiger, Vasa Park, Bellevue, Seattle Metroplex

The man smiled in polite acknowledgement and flashed a data packet to Serge's commlink. "I have a meishi as well," he said, producing an embossed bit of cardstock, "if you're the traditional type." He placed it on the bar. It contained a simple commcode, nothing else. "Call day or night. But don't take your time. Those gangers are not the look we want." He turned and left, moving smoothly through the crowd and briskly up the steps, finally going out the main doors.

When Serge returned to his table with the drinks, he found another man there. This one had a dark cast to his features, possibly African or South Asian descent. He was human, medium height, medium build. He wore a suit - nice, but casual enough that it didn't seem out of place here in the club. He looked maybe thirty? He was sitting with Veronica, but not too close. Seeing Serge approach, he smiled and stood, relinquishing his seat. "Thank you," he said to Veronica, with enough volume to be heard over the electronic din. She gave him a friendly wave. Then the stranger said, "You're a very lucky man," to Serge as he moved to take his leave.


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« Reply #33 on: <03-29-16/0237:51> »
Serge lets the man pass and takes a seat beside Veronica, handing her the drink and giving her a quick kiss before saying, "Make a new friend, Love?"
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Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #34 on: <04-02-16/1826:12> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 0006; Tiger Tiger, Vasa Park, Bellevue, Seattle Metroplex

"Me? He told me he was your friend." She grabbed her drink. "Really nice anyway," she said in a way that made Serge think the man had flattered her shamelessly. She always was a sucker for that. "Said he was here to help you with your money problems, but then as soon as you got here he left. What kind of old friend is that?" Her drink was empty - she didn't usually indulge so much, but she also usually didn't have much chance to get him away from his work for an evening at a club as nice as this. "Do you want to dance some more...or go home?"
« Last Edit: <04-02-16/2133:29> by adamu »


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« Reply #35 on: <04-02-16/2051:07> »
"Said he was my friend?" Serge repeats, "Didn't look familiar, but then I did encounter a lot of people that I can't quite remember back in med school days."

Slipping his arm around her, he motions to a passing waitress to refresh her drink saying, "We don't get out anywhere near often enough. I say we take the whole night." Looking into her eyes, he adds, "When was the last time I told you how much I love you?"
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Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #36 on: <04-02-16/2133:09> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 0008; Tiger Tiger, Vasa Park, Bellevue, Seattle Metroplex

"If it was ten minutes ago it was too long," she answered. "In fact, if you think saying it like that will do, well, it won't. Just be a man and come out with it straight, Justin Feron."

She kissed him to let him off the hook, then said. "I am up for all night - just as long as you get me home in time to love you good and proper before you run off to your true love - you know, the place filled with all the poor unfortunates you're so wonderfully, nobly determined to save."

They danced for a while, and when next they sat down for a drink break, she asked him, "So why is it you feel such a need to help those people?"


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« Reply #37 on: <04-02-16/2250:23> »
Leaning back, he says with a shrug, "Helping people is why I became a doctor. Though that isn't the only thing. You know about my brothers losing their SINs back in the last crash. I just can't help but think that some of those who come to the clinic are in the same boat. Not to mention how many kids get brought in."
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #38 on: <04-02-16/2258:31> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 0439; Vasa Park, Bellevue, Seattle Metroplex

Serge's straightforward answer earns him a warm hug from his fiancee, and soon they resume dancing and drinking the night away. It is well after four in the morning when they decide to head home for some private time. Veronica is a bit unsteady on her feet, but Serge has been pacing himself and expects he will have no trouble driving.

He pulls smoothly out of the lot, heading for her place. Another car pulls out closely behind you, and sticks close. It soon becomes fairly obvious that the other car is following them.


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« Reply #39 on: <04-03-16/0119:42> »
Not wanting to worry Veronica once he realizes the other vehicle is following him, especially considering that his path would take them to her place, he surreptitiously sends a message to Markman letting him know about the tail.
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Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #40 on: <04-05-16/1743:52> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 0441; Vasa Park, Bellevue, Seattle Metroplex

<<Dude, you are lucky I'm on tonight, cuz you didn't make a lot of friends among the pawns this morning. I'm gonna have to buy the drinks for my partner here just to keep him silent about me helping you. But we're rolling in your direction right now, got you on the map, just keep it a bit slow and we'll be talking to your friend in about five. If they haven't done anything, though...they're rocking a nice solid security reg, if what you flashed over to me is accurate.>>

Serge thanked his high school buddy and followed instructions, staying on well-lit public avenues and making sure they didn't reach or go anywhere near Veronica's house in the next five minutes, all without deviating from the norm enough to alarm her at all. Within three minutes there were blue and red lights behind them, and the car tailing them pulled over right away, his headlights getting smaller in Serge's rearview.


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« Reply #41 on: <04-06-16/0011:57> »
On arriving at Veronica's place, making sure to not mention the tail at all to avoid worrying her, Serge puts his arm around her waist as she unlocks the door saying, "Good thing we got here when we did."
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #42 on: <04-09-16/0601:05> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 1100; Touristville, Redmond, Seattle Metroplex

They had indeed gotten to Veronica's place just early enough to share some very high quality time, but the cost had been any sleep at all. As it was, there was already a line of patients in the reception area when Serge rushed in just before eight, leaving Marisa, the girl that helped out at the desk, overwhelmed and harried.

He got washed up properly and was about to get to work when he got a text from Markman. <<Sorry about delay, busy night. But not with your friends. They were kittens. Two guys, thirty-ish, nice but non-descript suits. Looked like sec operatives, and that was indeed what their rock-solid licenses said they were. Both packing, but again, licensed. Polite and cooperative even when we pushed them a bit. Absolutely denied they were following you, even though they and we knew that was bullshit. Hadn't done anything remotely illegal, and in seven minutes they were on their way. Later, dude. Good luck.>>

Serge then attended to the most urgent cases, and then Ms. Gatling and Mr. Sandstede showed up with their Wolverine minders.


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« Reply #43 on: <04-12-16/0152:28> »
On the arrival of the two representatives, Serge has the nurse take over for a bit and heads into his office where he takes a seat behind his desk and says, "Well, what brings you back in today?"
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #44 on: <04-12-16/1622:36> »
Wednesday, 20 November, 1104; Touristville, Redmond, Seattle Metroplex

"Well," beamed Minerva Gatling, "I first want to congratulate you on the excellent progress you've made in just twenty-four hours. You are living up to our expectations and more. I had a call not half an hour ago from the chair of the Overlake board, and while nothing is official until their next full meeting, he quietly assured me that they'd be sponsoring 45% of your rent. And not five minutes later, hardly a coincidence, I think, I had a call from the comptroller's office of revitalization and welfare. We were able to review the contributions your making here and matrixing them with our license conditions, and I'm pleased to say that the REIT itself will be subsidizing another 30% of your rent. With the funds in your balance, we're only thirty-thousand short for this month. Excellent progress for a day's work, wouldn't you say?" Her smile revealed impossibly perfect teeth. "And I also want to ask - because of course this could be another critical step as we head down the home stretch - I wanted to ask how your meeting with our security contact went..."

