Random Size/Font tags?

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« on: <02-20-16/0021:52> »
I noticed this happen once shortly after the incident of Google reporting this as an attack website, but when I posted earlier this morning my post had its text set at Size 1. Going in to edit mode there were size and font tags all over the place in the post; I never use those, so I know I didn't click on anything accidentally. It had also removed most of the spacing I had put in, jamming most of the post together.

*edit:* In edit mode I was able to remove all those tags, and add the spacing back in. Once I did that, and saved, the post appeared as normal.
« Last Edit: <02-20-16/0023:48> by Dinendae »


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« Reply #1 on: <03-02-16/0238:59> »
Just to add to the previous post:
I just put up a new character post in the Character creation subforums, and I had it happen again:

Fake Sin (R4 w/ 2x R4 Fake Licenses (Firearms, Concealed Carry), 1x Month Low Lifestyle) 13,600¥

I yanked off the front tags so that you can see it without having to quite this. I most certainly did not select any color options when making the post, and I certainly didn't select size 2 randomly throughout the post like many of the tags I'm removing were.  :-\

*Edit:* Oh, for the love of... they completely disappeared when I posted them in here. I'll see if I can get a full copy and see if that'll transfer over.  >:(

Let's try this again:

Fake Sin (R4 w/ 2x R4 Fake Licenses (Firearms, Concealed Carry), 1x Month Low Lifestyle) 13,600¥
« Last Edit: <03-02-16/0241:31> by Dinendae »


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« Reply #2 on: <03-02-16/0242:31> »
Ok, not going to change that last post any more; you'll have to quote it to see the code. If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll try something else.


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« Reply #3 on: <03-15-16/0308:04> »

Caught and copied another of Dinendae's posts that have been given the mystery treatment before it could disappear so maybe someone can see what we are.


/[/size]dev[/color][/b][/color][/size]/[/color][/size]grrl, definitely! I've always liked her, even back when she was commonly referred to as derp/grrl, and I'd like to know more about here (especially since she seems to be dating Red now).[/color]

Now a lot of this is not showing up because of different commands than what this system uses, so removing the brackets reveals:

color=rgb(84, 84, 84)  font=arial  size=small / /size  /font  /color b  color=rgb(106, 106, 106)  font=arial  /size  size=small  dev  /size  /font  /color  /b  /color  color=rgb(84, 84, 84) font=arial  /size  size=small /  /size /font /color  color=#6a6a6a  font=arial, sans-serif /size  size=2  b grrl, definitely! I've always liked her, even back when she was commonly referred to as derp/grrl, and I'd like to know more about here (especially since she seems to be dating Red now). /b  /size  size=small  /font  /color  color=rgb(106, 106, 106)

It's interesting both cases have been Dinendae posting.  Has anyone else have this happen to them?

@Dinendae: Is it possible this may be something your own browser is doing? Have both posts come from the same machine or different (like laptop vs iPhone)?
Do you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an Invisible(WiFi) All Seeing(detecting those connected- at least if within 100'), All Knowing(all online data) Presence that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength (wifi boni) and Comfort (porn) or do you turn your back on it  (Go Offline)?


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« Reply #4 on: <03-15-16/0942:56> »

It's interesting both cases have been Dinendae posting.  Has anyone else have this happen to them?

@Dinendae: Is it possible this may be something your own browser is doing? Have both posts come from the same machine or different (like laptop vs iPhone)?

It could be the Nook I use when I'm at work, although I'm not sure every post I have made that has had this happen was made with that device. It's strange though, as I made plenty of posts using it before, without this happening; it started happening sometime after this website stopped showing up as an attack site. I am posting this on my brand new computer, so hopefully it will not happen to this post (it's also on my home network, and not what I use at work). The weird thing is I remember checking the post you quoted after I posted it (something I've been getting into the habit of doing lately); none of that was visible (or visibly affecting the post) right after I posted it and checked the post. That would mean there's some kind of time delay on it. Since it's not affecting the post, other than cluttering it up, I'll leave it as is so the Mods can see it.


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« Reply #5 on: <03-15-16/0943:43> »
And it just happened now with the above post, which means it's not the Nook, but rather my account?


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« Reply #6 on: <03-19-16/0833:15> »
If you haven't already, might be an idea to drop a note to FastJack.


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« Reply #7 on: <03-20-16/0759:11> »
Will do!


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« Reply #8 on: <03-20-16/1317:17> »
Alternative explanation:

Dinendae has CFD which is expressing itself by inserting anomalous coding into her messages.  :P

Do you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an Invisible(WiFi) All Seeing(detecting those connected- at least if within 100'), All Knowing(all online data) Presence that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength (wifi boni) and Comfort (porn) or do you turn your back on it  (Go Offline)?


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« Reply #9 on: <03-20-16/1708:31> »
What type of browser are you using outside of the Nook? Inside the Nook?


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« Reply #10 on: <03-20-16/1737:27> »
Chrome inside the nook; that's the only one that comes with it. On the Laptop and Desktop I generally use Chrome, as I dislike I.E. The desktop is running Windows 10, the Laptop is Windows 7, and the Nook runs Android? If it's being caused by the browser, it's the first time I've ever seen that happen on a forum.
« Last Edit: <03-20-16/1738:58> by Dinendae »


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« Reply #11 on: <03-20-16/1741:24> »
Alternative explanation:

Dinendae has CFD which is expressing itself by inserting anomalous coding into her messages.  :P

In appreciation of your humor, please accept this complimentary gift of completely harmless nanites. No need to worry about import fees or taxes; they have already been delivered and spread liberally among your belongings and domicile. Join us! No, seriously. Join. Us.  ;D


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« Reply #12 on: <03-20-16/1745:52> »
Something that just popped into my head: This website wouldn't happen to be using HTML 5, would it?


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« Reply #13 on: <03-21-16/0806:04> »
It may be. I'm also wondering if it's because some of the themes have fonts that may not be installed on the nook, so Chrome "remembers" that when you use it outside the nook. Under Advanced Setting in Chrome, you can change the default font settings, although I haven't heard of it forcing those changes inside posts.


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« Reply #14 on: <03-23-16/0853:31> »
I went in to Chrome on my desktop and laptop, and made sure I'm not logged in to Chrome on either of those; I also delete the user accounts to start from scratch. I am avoiding using the Nook for anything other than just general reading. Looking at it's settings, the problem may stem from the fact that Chrome no longer supports that version of Android. Hopefully not using that to post, combined with staying logged out on the other two machines, will solve the issue.

