There is nothing much to say about me...or, at least, I should say a lot but there will be a little truth in that. But Ill try to by honest this time...I swear.
I was born some time ago in the Hamburg. Living in that city has its own charm, desptes toxic wastes at the estuary of the Elbe that City is RUSH, I tell you. My father was a King Fisher, yeah. Fighting hardly with my attitude all the time. I didnt realize, that he fought so hard for my own better tomorrows. Well, I realized that much later, when he hurt himself by the spike of shadow crab he entrapped in his nets when hunting tuna-fishes. When his mates found him, Crab was already feeding on him and tunas, being the only living on the deck. I still have it preparated somewhere. News of old mans death catched me unprepared...our relationship was ratherly independent, as I was enjoying the university life, spending money father used to pay my education. Shortly after, the only thing left to me was his ship and my wits. I never had an ambition to be another fisherman wandering the baltic and northern sea.
Well, since I hadnt enought money to pay the rent, the ship becomes my house. Some of my university friends helped me to fix the ships autopilot to be able to do its work even without my intervence...I was never a talent for navigation and such things...
Well, those friends had some ideas about using the ship as a crash pad and quite soon I hadnt lack of company, boys, girls, everyone the same Altona punks like myself. we had some good times, drinking, watching trids, gaming...usual stuff. I ve learned a lot from them, and I also learned how to improve my talents and gain some money on forging student passes and such staff.
What I didnt expected was SK commando comming one night to get one of those punks who stays on board. First seconds I was thinking Im just too doped and it is simply not truth. Then the firefight starts and I found myself sober and hidden under the table. Hopefully Lawfyrs dogs was not interested in the rest of us, and when they get what they came for, they dissapeared almost as quickly as the came. Still that night I kicked everyone else from my boat, not interested in such things happens again. Some research Ive done on the account of my "friend reveals the fact" that he was
zweilichtige gesindel kind of shadowy criminal, if you got me. Later, some people stop by to learn what happened to their teammate. I told them the truth, that we were atacked by swarm of Sea wolves and that their friend died in heroic attempt to save my life...well they didnt looked amused, but at least they let me alive. And Ive cathed the oportunity by the neck and offered them my services. Well until then, I bacame part of this "Zweilichtige bussiness", usualy using my abilities to prepare teams cover for the entrance of secured places, providing disguises, IDs and such things. Since, some of the people I was working with were not as good as they told me, and they get catched, Im rather still on the move, cruising coastal waters of Baltic sea, working mostly in free Hanza cities...or Tricity area, how they call this theese days.
My Johnson told me that you have an here I am.
Name: Joachim Brenner
Alias: Bypass
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Nationality: Hamburgh
Lifestyle: ship, rations for 8 days, really need some work.
Karma Spent: 0
Physical Description: Tall, thin man in mid twenties, nervously looking over the shoulder from time to time. Short dark hair, most the time colored. Usually wearing street clotches, jeans ant T-shirt, with logos of Tekken 2072, Sahara Soldier, Shadowrun MMORPG, Gamers Unite network and such, while on the job, he is wearing actioneers bussines clotches.
He is quite social, but he is even able to slip into the matrix, wheyn he is tlaking to you, sudenly disrupting your sentence with: "Hey, I ve just read, that...", quoting some media statements, commenting events, global news and such. He is also diving into VR on every oportunity, where the surroundig is calm and he has the place to sit.
AttributesBody | Agility | Reaction | Strength |
3 | 3/+2=5 | 3/+1=4 | 2/+2=4 |
Charisma | Intuition | Logic | Willpower |
3 | 4 | 5 | 3 |
Edge | Essence | Initiative |
3 | 0,550 | 8 / 2IP, Matrix 10/ 5IP |
Positive QualitiesAnalytical Mind
Black market pipeline - SW
Phographic memory
Speed reading
Negative QualitiesMedia Junkie (Severe)
Addiction (Mild, Hotsim)
Active SkillsHacking Skill Group | 4 |
Computer (Edit) | 5(7) |
Data Search | 4 |
Con | 2 |
Etiquette | 3 |
Forgery | 5 |
Pistols(SemiAutomatics) | 4(6) |
Disguise | 3 |
Gymnastics | 2 |
Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)Hangouts (Shadowruner) | 3 |
Security Procedures | 4 |
Matrix Theory | 3 |
LAW | 3 |
Matrix Games | 4 |
Language Skills
German | N |
English | 4 |
Polish | 3 |
Russian | 3 |
Cyber/BiowareCyberware | Essence | Cost | Notes |
Commlink | 0,2 | 2000¥ | See bellow |
Math SPU | 0,15 | 4000¥ | +2 Math and cryptoanalitic rolls |
Hot Sim module | 0,2 | 5000¥ | +1 matrix inc, +2 IP, +2 VR actions |
Sim module booster | 0,5 | 65000¥ | +1IP AR/VR |
Muscle replacement 2 | 2 | 10000¥ | +1STR/AGI |
Wired reflexes 1 | 2 | 11000¥ | +1 RE, +1 IP (physical) |
[Commlinks[/b]Fairlight Caliban | R4(5)/S5 | Response Upgrade 5, Simsense accelerator, Optimization (Exploit) |
System | 5 | Crashguard |
Firewall | 5 | |
[Programs[/b]Program | Rating | Notes |
Armor | 5 | Crashguard, Ergonomic |
Biofeedback filter | 5 | |
Black Hammer | 5 | Targeting |
Data Bomb | 5 | Pavlov |
Decrypt | 3 | |
Defuse | 4 | |
Exploit | 5 | Mute, Ergonomic |
Stealth | 5 | Crashguard, Ergonomic |
ECCM | 5 | Crashguard |
Analyze | 5 | Crashguard, Ergonomic, Viral resistance 6 |
Browse | 5 | |
Edit | 5 | |
Encrypt | 5 | Crashguard, Ergonomic |
Reality filter | 5 | Ergonomic |
Scan | 5 | Ergonomic |
Facial recognition SW | 3 | +3 social tests |
Gear"Anansie" - Walther Secura Compact (5P -1) | 2200¥ | Smartgun, Personalized Grip(+1RC), Silencer, Gecko Grip, Smartgun camera Ultrasound |
Hiden arm gun slide | 350¥ | |
36 x Stick`n`Shock rounds | 288¥ | 3x spare clip |
36 x Regular ammo | 72¥ | 2x spare clip |
Micro-flare launcher | 50¥ | |
3x Micro flares | 75¥ | |
Chemsuit r. 5 | 500¥ | |
3x Stimulant patch r.4 | 300¥ | |
3x Nanopaste disguises (small) | 1500¥ | |
3x Fake License r.4 | 1200¥ | prepared for edit |
Street Clotches | 15¥ | |
Actioneer bussines clotches (5/3) | 1200¥ | prepared for edit |
Armored jacket(8/6) | 900¥ | prepared for edit |
VehiclesBlohm&Voss Spitzenreiter
Handling | Accel | Speed | Pilot | Body | Armor | Sensor | Availability | Cost | Device rating |
-1 | 10/20 | 40 | 4 | 16 | 2 | 2 | 12 | 50000¥ | 4 |
Satelite Communications, Signature Masking (3), Workshop (Forgery), Chemical protection (5)
Contact | | C/L | Mr. Smith | | 3/2 | Radical (Nachtmachen) | | 2/2 |
Build Point totals: 400BP = 180(Stats) + 156(Skillz) -5(Q)+ 9(Contacts)+50(Res) |