Dude. Preaching to the Faithful here!
I'm an old school gamer. Like Commadore 64 old. And I have been with the industry through litterally 100,000 games. (As us skool gamers can tell you, there are thousands of games you've never heard of out there for these Dino systems.)
I have watched the industry go from "Guys in a basement" to the original powerhouses of the industry. Only to watch them crash and burn in their own hubris. (Lookin at you Atari.)
And I have watched the quality of games decline year after year. Sure they are prettier now, but the actual *Quality*, as in style, flavor, writing, and engagment? Not so much.
Yes there are some gems that come out every few years. And before you all start waving the pitchforks, yes Skyrim was a good game. Yes Fallout4 is a good game. And I am sure your beloved electron game was good too. Gems in a vast sea of utter crap that gets added to year after year...
And do you know why? Why? WHY?!?! CAUSE THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS FILLED WITH FUCKIN RETARDS! That's why. They buy up crap after crap, often times with glee!
And don't even get me started on 'Season passes' and freakin 'Pre-Orders'. Its the Idiots that buy this crap that ENABLE companies to turn out shite!
Without even KNOWING the finished product people are buying EXPANSIONS, to an unreleased product?!?
"But Reaver! If you buy the Season's Pass you Save MONEY! The company swears that you'll save 'X' dollars over 'Y' expansions!"
Yea, that assumes the FIRST product isn't shite to begin with. And WHO exactly determines the 'value' of these Expansions? Are you all going to sit there and tell me Bethseda's first foray into 'season's passes' was a hit with Obivion? Are you Really going to tell me freakin horse barding was worth $15.99? And that's only one example from one company! (That has made 5 of my 10 best games list)
I could go on for PAGES! But my cell battery won't last that long, and the rental on the man lift to get me on my REALLY tall Soap box is too expensive