Day 1 part 2.
Vexboy was on the couch on his metalink watching Rob Lucci get the shit beat out of him by Luffy... on full blast.
Vincent>>>>>Drillbit (In Japanese)"It never gets old. This is some nice quaility stuff you know. How did you get this stuff after the crash again?" He said into a mic attachment he was borrowing from Jessica. A second later over the sound of his anime. Drillbit>>>>>Vincent(Also in Japanese) "Trade secret! I can't have one of my best customers learning how to do this on his own! I have to make a living idiot... So I am working on the final episode of Hellsing Ultimate for you. Gonna take slightly longer then I thought. I found a text transcript im modifying of Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy. Brit humor isnt my thing though. You might get a kick out of it." Vincent: "Thanks Drill. Uh... Money may be tight for a while... Im gonna have to cancel any orders on my queue that I haven't prepaid for." He paused the trid for a sec for the response. Drillbit: "Wait wait wait... did you get FIRED? I thought you would be dead before you would get fired... provided half the stuff you told me about your job is true." Vexboy shrugged. Vincent: "Knight Errant took over the Seattle Contract. For a number of reasons, 3 times as many as they will reveal publically that if they knew the greater infrastructure of the Seattle Beat like I do, Seattle bought a Knight Errant contract. I wasn't allowed to transfer over. Our Division fired all but the most important personel and now I am inable to join because... reasons. You know anything about them?" There was a pause. Drillbit: "Not really... but I do know that they get their tech and are owned by Ares. Would have gotten some high end guns for you if you had gotten in. Provided your the assassin cop detective you say I would think it would be easy for you to get a job. How come you didn't get transfered?" Vincent: "My sister... uh... remember my parents? They had me disowned from Power Corp and it turns out my sister didn't blackmail them for legal permission. What does it matter if I was a minor anyway? I was SINless!" Vexboy started to get agitated. Drillbit: "Probably to save face in case of a legal investigation into child labor. I wouldn't want a corp using kids, SIN or not, protecting my city. Im more surprised you got in period. If your not lying. Using kids as weapons is sick." Vincent:"No your cops just politely and quietly escort Goblinoids to the boarders." Vexboy smirked in spite of his mood. Drillbit: "Very witty. Continue with your story." Vincent: "Well she had a team of deckers forge a eletronic signature so I could be adopted by Lone Star and since revealing this would get her arrested and they REALLY want her skill they have to keep me out." "Sorry to hear that. Never liked cops much. Always seedy. Like they have an ulteior motive." "Except me right?" "Forget it Vincent. Your the seediest of all. A cop who lies about being a cop. Your should be ashamed of yourself!" She said mock scolding him. He wasn't mad or offended but it did remind him of how little he was though in thr world. He couldn't convince many people of his profession and most treated him like a kid. Even Drillbit. Drillbit. She was so fragging cool. She didn't take shit from anyone and was a mod at least a dozen forums and image boards. Her skill in getting stuff made and knowing the lore made her a highly sought after supplier of fiction. She carried herself, in internet ways, as a great warrior. Her word was law on the subject of Star Trek especially. Vexboy was smitten the day he met her and witnessed her disarm a bunch of rabblerousers in a debate over Star Trek lore. But she was probably both fat and ugly, as he constantly reminded himself. Matrix is misleading. "Yeah yeah. I suck and all that. Why take me as a client then? We met when I was 12." "Your stories are interesting and amusing." Stories. His life was almost ended in some of the stories and it agitated him greatly that she didn't believe him. Outlandish or not. And it didnt help that he hadn't heard the voice of his mentor in hours as opposed to the usual "all the fragging time" as before. As the presence he cast was still quiet contemplation. From a follower of the Dragonslayer and the Dragonslayer it wasn't frowned upon to not be dramatic and bold in their actions but the Dragonslayer was very good at influencing them to action. Some revealed in anarchy. Some used their boldness to bolster their resolve in actions of any sort. Including methodical stealth or problem solving decisions(Vexboy was among these types.) Some even used such boldness in business matters. And some were just loud outspoken idealists of a cause saying what they mean devil may care with no filler or illusion. Courage was the defining factor. As long as you had it you were gold to the Dragonslayer(Not that you couldn't be scared or make a tactical retreat. Just not a cowardly motive to your actions.). And of course you had to have self respect and honor. Including keeping promises. (As Vexboy learned from Astral, a magician of the Dragonslayer, NEVER make a promise you can't keep. Just say you will "do your best to try.") And this behavior was... well... odd. "I gotta go Vincent. I'll give you the next episode of One Piece as a freebie but I expect when you get a job to call me again with an order. I like the social calls but... time is money you know?" He sighed. "Yeah. See you Drillbit." He ended the call. He heard the tumblers move in his house. Jessica stepped in with a duffel bag. "Uh... hey Vincent." She was dressed in her classic noir detective coat and slacks and her fedora. Her brown hair brushed down to her shoulders. They stared at each other uneasily for a second. Then Vexboy stood up. "Yeah. I love you too." He smiled. Her eyes widened and she had a confused look on her face. "I know about the faked signature." He said. She almost dropped the bag. "What!? I... I mean." Vexboy nodded with a bit of misty eyes and a smile. "I will find a job. Or the Dragonslayer has a plan. I know what in the bag. Your new uniform." She stammered for a sec then broke out in a grin. "Damn. You gotta make this sadder then it is. Damnit I shouldn't have taught you deductive reasoning." She wiped her own misty eyes. "Your not mad?" She asked slightly worried. "You have my full blessing. Go on and kick some pedo ass." In spite of the mush they had a hug.