>>>>>[Vexboy, welcome to the shadows. Sometimes we do the right thing. Sometimes we shoot people in the face for money. Sometimes it is the same thing. You did indeed help a lady get kidnapped. Actually, that's a pretty slick setup. Total low tech approach, no need to worry about jammers or incriminating matrix messages for someone to find. No way to pinpoint who at the party got the message. As for the 'gibberish', you're probably looking at a secondary code. Morse isn't commonly used these days, except by navy types. They only use it because when you're out in the middle of the ocean you can get dead zones even with satellite, especially with weather in the area, and even when there's enough static in the air to make radio sketchy, a series of light flashes is easy to read, even at night. Some special ops teams use it as well, because it can be used as a low tech comms system. They use it not only because sometimes people are looking for wireless signals instead of sunlight flashing off a mirror, but because low tech solutions still work even if you've been stripped of all your high tech gear and are on the run. But I digress.
Suffice to say, the talk about chemical is likely something to keep her sedated long enough to get to the 'kitchen', or to throw off pursuit, either by eliminating trace evidence or disguising scent trails. As for the bathing in grease and the cook having things ready... well, I'd say she, and her child, are guests of Tamanous now, or some other group of ghouls. Maybe other Infected, or just plain sickos, but I'll go with ghouls.
Like I said, welcome to the shadows.]<<<<<
--Iceblade (23:13:23/01-23-78)