Recruitment: Stormy Waters Subcampaign

  • 314 Replies

Black Bart

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« Reply #45 on: <01-21-16/2331:30> »
The only Jack "Skater" Slater books I have are head hunters and preying i think. Changeling was #6 about Peter Clarris, becoming a troll at 15 and trying to become human again. DocDice... have to look though my stuff
Don't tell Lynn I'm not working right now...


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« Reply #46 on: <01-22-16/0720:40> »
@BlackBart - welcome, and thanks for all the work. Office a bit hectic today, but hope to sift through everything tonight.

@RaiderJoseph - thanks for the additional material. Again, I'll try to get some work done tonight.

@Brickyard - you know I'm looking forward to it!


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« Reply #47 on: <01-22-16/1219:57> »

Can anyone not on the OP page try following the link to see if they can see her?

Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #48 on: <01-22-16/1225:12> »

Can anyone not on the OP page try following the link to see if they can see her?


I am not currently signed into OP (but do have an account and have used it) -- link worked great for me.

And I'd love to know how you made those tables???  Such a neater way to show the character than pure text!


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« Reply #49 on: <01-22-16/1230:08> »
Template here:
h2. #Name & Handle#

h4. #Ethnicity & Metatype#

*Age* ##    *Sex*  ##    *Height*   ##     *Build*  ##
*Nationality*  ##
*Description*  ##

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>. *Race* |=. # |>. *Attributes* |=. # |>. *Magic* |=. # |>. *Skills* |=. # |>. *Resources* |=. # |

h4. Attributes

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>.  *Body* |=.  # |>.  *Agility* |=.  # |>.  *Essence* |=.  # |>.  *Mag/Res* |=.  # |
|>.  *Reaction* |=.  # |>.  *Strength* |=.  # |>.  *Initiative* |=.  #+1d6 |>.  *Matrix Init.* |=.  #+1d6 |
|>.  *Willpower* |=.  # |>.  *Logic* |=.  # |>.  *Astral Init* |=.  #+2d6 |>.  *Composure* |=.  # |
|>.  *Intuition* |=.  # |>.  *Charisma* |=.  # |>.  *Judge Intent* |=.  # |>.  *Memory* |=.  # |
|>.  *Edge* |=.  # |>.  *Edge Points* |=.  # |>.  *Lift/Carry* |=.  #kg |>.  *Movement* |=.  # |
| | | | | | | | |
|>.  *Phys. Limit* |=.  # |>.  *Mental Limit* |=.  # |>.  *Social Limit* |=.  # | | |

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>. *Street Cred* |=. # |>. *Notoriety* |=. # |>. *Public Awareness* |=. # |

h4. Qualities

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>. *Positive* |=. Value |>. *Negative* |=. Value |
|>. ## |=. # |>. ## |=. # |
|>. ## |=. # |>. ## |=. # |
|>. ## |=. # |>. ## |=. # |
|>. ## |=. # |>. ## |=. # |

h4. Skills

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>. Skill | Specialization |=. Rank |=. Pool |=. Notes |
|>. *BODY* | |=. # | | |
|>. Diving |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Free-Fall |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. *AGILITY* | |=. # | | |
|>. Archery |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Automatics |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Blades |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Clubs | |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Escape Artist |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. _Ex. Melee_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Ex. Ranged_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. Gunnery |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Gymnastics |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Heavy Weapons |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. _Locksmith_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. Longarms |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. _Palming_ |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Pistols |   |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Sneaking |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Throwing Weapons |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Unarmed Combat |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. *REACTION* | |=. # | | |
|>. _Pilot: Aero_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Pilot: Aircraft_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Pilot: Exotic_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. Pilot: Ground |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. _Pilot: Walker_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. Pilot: Watercraft |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. *STRENGTH* |  |=. # | | |
|>. Running |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Swimming |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. *CHARISMA* |  |=. # | | |
|>. Animal Handling |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Con |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Etiquette |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Impersonation |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Instruction |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Intimidation |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Leadership |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Negotiation |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Performance |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. *INTUITION* | |=. # | | |
|>. _Artisan_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. Assensing |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Disguise |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Navigation |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Perception |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Tracking |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. *LOGIC* |  |=. # | | |
|>. _Aero Mechanic_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Arcana_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. Armorer |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. _Auto Mechanic_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Biotechnology_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Chemistry_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. Computer | |=. # |=. # | |
|>. _Cybertech_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. CyberCombat |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Demolitions |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. _Elec Warfare_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. First Aid |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Forgery |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Hacking |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. _Hardware_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Industrial Mechanic_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Medicine_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Nautical Mechanic_|  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Software_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. *WILLPOWER* |  |=. # | | |
|>. Astral Combat |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. Survival |  |=. # |=. # | |
|>. *MAGIC* |  |=. # | | |
|>. _Alchemy_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Artificing_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Banishing_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Binding_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Counterspelling_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Disenchanting_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Ritual_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Spellcasting_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Summoning_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. *RESONANCE* |  |=. # | | |
|>. _Compiling_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Decompiling_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
|>. _Registering_ |  |=. # |=. / | |
| | | | | |
| *Knowledge Skills* | | | | |
|>. L: ## | |=. N |=. N | |
|>. ## | |=. # |=. # | |
|>. ## | |=. # |=. # | |
|>. ## | |=. # |=. # | |
|>. ## | |=. # |=. # | |
|>. ## | |=. # |=. # | |
|>. ## | |=. # |=. # | |
|>. ## | |=. # |=. # | |
|>. ## | |=. # |=. # | |
|>. ## | |=. # |=. # | |
|>. ## | |=. # |=. # | |
|>. ## | |=. # |=. # | |

h4. Augmentations

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>. *Augmentation* |=. *Rating* |=. *Cost* | *Description* |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |

h4. Adept Powers

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>. *Power* |=. *Rating* |=. *Cost* | *Description* |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |
|>. ## |=. # |=. # |  |

h4. Spells / Complex Forms

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>. *Spell/Form* |=. *Type/Target* |=. *Range* |=. *Duration* |=. *Drain* |=. *Dmg Type* |
|>.  |=. M /P|=. T/LOS (A) |=. I/S |=. F |=. ? |
|>.  |=. M /P|=. T/LOS (A) |=. I/S |=. F |=. ? |
|>.  |=. M /P|=. T/LOS (A) |=. I/S |=. F |=. ? |
|>.  |=. M /P|=. T/LOS (A) |=. I/S |=. F |=. ? |
|>.  |=. M /P|=. T/LOS (A) |=. I/S |=. F |=. ? |
|>.  |=. M /P|=. T/LOS (A) |=. I/S |=. F |=. ? |
|>.  |=. M /P|=. T/LOS (A) |=. I/S |=. F |=. ? |

h4. Weapons

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>. *Weapon* |=. *Acc* |=. *DV* |=. *Reach* |=. *AP* |=. *Recoil* |=. *Ammo* | *Notes* |
|>.  |=. # |=. #P/S |=. # |=. # |=. # |=. # | |

h4. Ammunition

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>. *Ammo* | *Type* |=. *Amount* |=. *DMG* |=. *AP* |=. *Blast* |
|>. APDS | Assault Rifle |=.  |=. - |=. -4 |=. - |

h4. Armour

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>. *Armour* |=. *Rating* | Description |
|>.  | # |  |
|>. Total | # | |

h4. Gear

h4. Lifestyle

h4. Vehicles

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>. *Vehicle* |>. *Handle* |=. *Spd* |=. *Accel* |=. *Body* |=. *Armor* |=. *Pilot* |=. *Sense* |=. *Seat* |
|>.   |>. # |=. # |=. # |=. # |=. # |=. # |=. # |=. # |

h4. Cyberdeck

Standard Array: 5 Data Processing, 4 Firewall, 3 Sleaze, 2 Attack + Edit + Configurator
Configurator Array: 5 Sleaze, 4 Firewall, 3 Data Processing, 2 Attack + Exploit + Sneak

table{border:1px solid black}.
|>. *Program* |=. *Type* | *Decription* |
|>. Armor |=. Hacking | +2 Resist Matrix Dmg |
|>. Biofeedback Filter |=. Hacking | +2 Resist Biofeedback Dmg |
|>. Browse |=. Common | Cuts search time in half |
|>. Configurator |=. Common | Stores Alternate Configuration |
|>. Decryption |=. Hacking | +1 to Attack Attribute |
|>. Defuse |=. Hacking | +4 to Resist Data Bomb Dmg |
|>. Demolition |=. Hacking | +1 to Data Bomb |
|>. Edit |=. Common | +2 to Data Processing Limit |
|>. Encryption |=. Common | +1 to Firewall Attribute |
|>. Exploit |=. Hacking | +2 Sleaze to Hack on Fly |
|>. Guard |=. Hacking | Reduce Dmg from Marks by 1 DV per Mark |
|>. Hammer |=. Hacking | +2 DV to Attack Actions |
|>. Mugger |=. Hacking | +1 Dmg from Marks on Others |
|>. Shell |=. Hacking | +1 Resist Martix and Biofeedback Dmg |
|>. Signal Scrub |=. Common | Rating 2 Noise Reduction |
|>. Sneak |=. Hacking | +2 vs Trace User, GOD Canont Find Your Physical Location |
|>. Stealth |=. Hacking | +1 Sleaze Atribute |
|>. Toolbox |=. Common | +1 Data Processing Attribute |
|>. Track |=. Hacking | +2 Data Processing Attribute When Tracing User, or Negate Sneak |
|>. Virtual Machine |=. Common | +2 Program Capacity, Dmg increased by 1 DV |
|>. Wrapper |=. Hacking | Override Matrix Icon Protocols |
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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  • Ace Runner
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  • Posts: 1963
  • SR1 player, SR5 GM@FtF & player@PbP
« Reply #50 on: <01-22-16/1234:16> »

So....hand coding, but at least now I have the coding :)


  • *
  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 169
« Reply #51 on: <01-22-16/1251:47> »
A transhumanist! She's going to looove Nightshade.

Doing something dangerous. Putting my utility contacts (fixer, etc) in my points and all of my relationships in the freebies. I thrive on tragic heroes, so go wild with using this to hose me, Adamu.

Black Bart

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  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 105
« Reply #52 on: <01-22-16/1717:36> »
* Reread beginning of thread figured I need to add just a few more things*

Alias: Black Bart
Given Name: Charles Earl Bowles
Age: 21
Height: 8 foot even
Weight: 630 lbs

Being abandoned at such a young age Black's growth was stunted. Lack of good food and clean water contributed to this.
Being targeted by Humanis, and being locked up in the Stajail he developed his prejudice toward humans. Screws aren't the best people when they're overworked, under payed and given over 1000 inmates to babysit.
The left horn on Black was sawed off by Humanis, and the right stands over 14 inches from base to tip.
The back of his duster was spray painted with FT his old gang.

* Hope that adds more toward his physical and mental insight.
Don't tell Lynn I'm not working right now...


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« Reply #53 on: <01-22-16/1744:20> »
@all - have had some good bites, and many of those have now turned into submissions.

Like I said in the opening post, now it will be one-two weeks for me to absorb all the details and weave them into something approximating smaller and then larger stories.

Will PM people when I am about to launch their threads.

This is NOT a closure of recruitment - keep sending things in!


  • *
  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 169
« Reply #54 on: <01-23-16/0620:42> »
Hana is up on the OP. Not linking because I'm on my computer. Couple notes:

1: She is a changeling, but she's all increased/decreased attributes rather than visual cues, so that should only cause problems for me and my cripplingly low BOD maximum. You did say "looks like," and I adhered to that.

2. Yes, she's skills D. Yes, she has 46 SP allotted. Once I fill out the cyberware section, you'll see the five sets of active hardwires she's running. Its like she woke up one day with half a million nuyen in hush money and went, "Today I'll buy the skills to become an assassin." ...Which is pretty much exactly how it went.

3. She's a work in progress. I hope to fill her sheet and contacts in tomorrow. Power is on the fritz today with the blizzard, so bear with me for a day or two.

4. I know she's over on negative qualities. I only took 25 karma for it, despite having 29 in the stack. Couldn't make the math work right, and I don't mind eating the 4 for better RP. Really, she should have like 40, but I'll only cripple myself so much.


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« Reply #55 on: <01-23-16/0838:56> »
I personally think the limit on qualities is arbitrary and stupid. As long as you pay for the positives and have me strictly enforce the negatives I don't mind you going over 25 on either side.


  • *
  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 169
« Reply #56 on: <01-23-16/1036:29> »
...duly noted!


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  • Omae
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  • When in doubt, blame the dragons.
« Reply #57 on: <01-23-16/2104:39> »
Wifi not accesable at a place where I can message. I am in? Like... In In?
From To<<Matrix message>>
"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych


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« Reply #58 on: <01-23-16/2115:45> »
@RJ - dude, you'll be in.

My message a few posts ago was to let folks know once more that things will - as planned - be slow for one or two weeks - I have at least five full submissions right now and more apparently on the way. That's a lot of stats and backstories to read in full detail, and then I have to get questions answered and then plot out short- and long-term storylines (which will doubtless change radically once the players get hold of them!).

So I wanted everyone to know that I am on the case even if you don't hear from me too much for ten days or so.

Believe me, I'll make it as fast as I can, cuz I want to start playing too!


  • *
  • Omae
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  • Posts: 684
  • When in doubt, blame the dragons.
« Reply #59 on: <01-23-16/2255:51> »
Well then I got good news. Came home and my problems are fixed! Im back! Looks like I will be hitting the shadows soon!
From To<<Matrix message>>
"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych

