[5E OOC] The Further Adventures of James and Illeana

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« Reply #180 on: <05-11-16/1151:07> »
That's twice in a row now James has scored 5 hits on 9 dice to avoid the spirit mucking around with his mind.  Wow.

That blasted Redline is cool, but man that 5P is just not impressive.  I guess it is much more an assassin's weapon, where I'm counting on the target being unaware.  That same roll against a Nately looking out the window while James was posing as the butler would have been 14P -10AP.  Splitting the dice pools for multiple attacks could be even nastier.

Anyway, back to the fight at hand.  What power is the Air Spirit using that targets James' Intuition?  If it's a melee attack, James should not be at a -1 mod due to his Multiple Opponent's Defense Technique. 

Against the elf, I have: REA (7) + INT (9) + AGI (11) + Combat Sense (4) - Environmental Mods (4) - Subsequent Attacks (1) - Reach (1) = 25 dice.
Dodge: 25d6t5 6
Man, that's a lot of 4's. 

I'm tempted to try to Clinch and then Throw the elf overboard, but taking a hit to my dice pools, and not doing damage makes that less appealing.  James is going to try to skewer the guy with his Cyber Spur.
Complex: Melee Attack

For the attack I have: AGI (11) + Unarmed Combat (7) + Cyber Weapons Spec (2) = 20 dice.
Attack Elf: 20d6t5 11
Physical Limit is 10.  Base damage is 11P -2AP

Initiative: Initiative: 16+4d6 32
Actions will depend on how lively the elf is looking after this last attack. 



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« Reply #181 on: <05-11-16/1533:47> »
The air spirit is using Melee Teamwork. I'm ruling that Combat Sense and Full Defense don't apply since it's not an attack, per se, and it's not resisted with the usual defense roll. (The purpose is basically this exact situation: two opponents trying to team up against a superior opponent.) The air spirit is basically trying to herd James and make it easier for the elf to hit him. James is doing a good job of not being tag-teamed.

By that logic I shouldn't have been applying the -1 modifier for second defense. (Ignoring Multiple Opponent Defense for now, which I also forgot about.) I'm reasonably sure that I didn't include that modifier the last time the air spirit tried to do this, but I made the mistake this time. Plus, as you say, it shouldn't have applied anyway due to the Firefight martial arts training.

Reviewing the martial arts, Close Quarter Defense Against Firearms will apply if #4 tries to shoot you this pass.

It appears that we should have applied a negative modifier for you shooting the air spirit while the elf was trying to melee you. (Attacker in Melee Combat -3) Close Quarter Firearms would have reduced that modifier by 1. Losing 2 dice would cost you one net hit on the laser attack. It doesn't affect the wound modifier so I'm not going to retcon that.

Returning to the current situation:

Hmm, 10 hits. Things aren't looking promising for Mr. Elf here. He'll go on Full Defense.

#1 dodge: Reaction + Intuition + Full Defense: ?d6t5 6 hits, not bad but not nearly enough

Whoops: I got confused and thought that this was your CT3 IP1 action. The elf technically did not have enough initiative to go on Full Defense. That removes 1 hit from the dodge roll, making it 5 hits.

Damage is staged up to 16P -2AP with net hits.

#1 soak: Body + Armor - AP: ?d6t5 6 hits, not bad but not nearly enough

He'll need to Edge that if he wants to live, even though he doesn't get that many dice to reroll: Edge reroll: ?d6t5 1 hit

Elf takes 9P.

The elf tries to do a fancy flip backflip backward but James skewers him through the back mid-flip. James now has an elf-kabob on his cyberspur. The elf will be prone once he slides off James' spur onto the submarine deck.

1 - #6 - female dwarf - James hears the airboat engine/fan firing up. Sounds like the dwarf and the troll have had enough and are looking to escape.

Go ahead and declare for CT3 IP1.


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« Reply #182 on: <05-12-16/1319:31> »
Reprinting the list of combatants here so I can keep better track:

#1 - male elf sentry standing lookout on one end of the sub, assault rifle 9P
#2 - female human sentry standing lookout on the other end of the sub, assault rifle + Horizon Flying Eye drone above her
#3 - ork male standing on the conning tower, pulling up packages out of the sub via rope, no visible weapons but there might be something within reach that's out-of-sight
#4 - same as #3 7P
#5 - male troll in one of the airboats, loading packages for transport, an LMG within reach 6S
#6 - female dwarf in the other airboat, also loading packages for transport, carbine within reach 1S
#7 - air spirit on patrol 4P

Is the elf on the ground still in control of his assault rifle, or could James pick it up with a Simple Action?  At 9P, he'll still be alive and conscious, so I'll assume that's a no.  If I'm mistaken, or if I can make a test to grab the assault rifle with a
Simple Action, I would like to retcon the following.  Also, James' commlink will come back online second pass, correct?

Free: Ready CS/Teargas Grenade (Motion Trigger)
Simple: Shoot Elf with Redline
Simple: Command Spirit of Air (Bring me the thing I left on the tree as fast as you can.)

For Shooting I have: AGI (11) + Laser Weapons (9) = 20 dice
Shoot Elf: 20d6t5 7
I forgot about Attacker in Melee Combat (I guess #4 is close enough that we're considering it melee?) and the Superior Position mods.  That makes: - Attacker in Melee Combat (3) + Superior Position (2) + Close Quarter Firearms (1) = 0 dice.

Base damage is 5P -10AP

James is at 3/5 Redline, 1/5 Edge

ETA: I'm not sure that James would receive the Superior Position bonus.  It's tied to the section on Melee combat rules, and the elf is taking a -2 to his Defense Test because he's prone.  A 4 die swing may be excessive there.  Dropping 2 dice from James' roll costs a hit, so 6 Hits total.
« Last Edit: <05-12-16/1327:17> by rednblack »


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« Reply #183 on: <05-12-16/1418:53> »
The elf's assault rifle (an Ares Alpha when James looks at it) is on a sling. It is not in the elf's hands because he was busy trying to melee James and backflip.

James can pick it up with a Simple action but he would have limited control over it due to the sling. He can cut the sling with his cyberspur with another Simple action to gain full control of it.

Were you rebooting your commlink? I thought you were just turning wireless off. Rebooting is a Complex action.

James doesn't get a +2 Superior Position bonus (which, as you say, is for Melee) but I do give +2 for point-blank shots that are unlikely to miss. This is an SR4 rule that doesn't seem to have made it's way into SR5 yet. We'll call it 7 hits for James.

With his wound modifier and being prone, I'm not sure the elf has the dice pool to dodge. He'll use Dodge in a desperate attempt: Reaction + Intuition - Wounds - Prone + Dodge: 8d6t5 3 hits

Damage is staged up to 9P. The AP eliminates the elf's armor, and he doesn't have enough Body to soak 9P down to a survivable level. Quick roll: 1 hit. The elf takes 8P, for a new total of 17P, and expires on the deck of the submarine.

32 - James
21 - #8 - unknown
19 - #7 - air spirit
16 - #6 - female dwarf
11 - #5 - trollbro
10 - #4 - ork on conning tower

#8 - action hidden

#7 - engulfing James: Agility + Unarmed - Wound: ?d6t5 5 hits, defend as usual

#6 - suppressive fire! Agility + Automatics + Smartlink: ?d6t5 6 hits, James can use Hit the Dirt to go prone or to duck behind the conning tower for full cover, or he can roll Reaction+Edge to dodge. In the meantime, he will be at -6 while exposed.

The air spirit will use Hit the Dirt (or whatever the equivalent is) to duck behind cover.

#5 - action unknown unless James makes an Observe in Detail

#4 - action unknown unless James makes an Observe in Detail

22 - James
11 - #8 - unknown
6 - #6 - female dwarf
4 - #7 - air spirit
1 - #5 - trollbro
0 - #4 - ork on conning tower


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« Reply #184 on: <05-12-16/1618:52> »
CT1 IP3 Free Action: Turn PAN Wireless Off

CT2 IP2 Free Action: Re-boot Comm

Ok, so turning Wireless Off doesn't affect the MARKs that a potential hacker would have on James' link, and gear, correct, only the potential hacker would not be able to Attack/Sleaze/Spoof Command/etc. while Wireless is turned off?

I don't have any bright ideas for what to do with CT2 IP2 Free Action, so we'll drop that.  I'd like to say that I just had a mix-up moment with my action economy here, but truth is, I keep thinking that rebooting is Free.  Unless I'm GMing matrix stuff.  Then I never forget ;) 

James will go Full Defense again, taking a -10 hit to his Initiative.

For Spirit Defense I have: REA (7) + INT (9) + AGI (11) + Combat Sense (4) = 31 dice. Wow. . .
Defense: 31d6t5 14

James isn't worried about the ork with the blood in his eyes and his puny uzi.  Page 179 of the CRB says you still get Full Defense dice, and page 286 says Combat Sense applies to all melee or Ranged attacks, so that should be good to go as well.  If I'm missing something, I may rethink this, as I'm counting on a better-than-average roll already here.  Against #4's Suppressive Fire I have: REA (7) + Edge (5) + AGI (11) + Combat Sense (4) - Suppressive Fire Hits (6) - Environmental Mods (4) - Subsequent Attacks (1) = 16 dice.
Defense: 16d6t5 7
Got lucky.

Also, by my count the ork spent 3 rounds on CT1 IP2 and 6 rounds on CT2 IP1, putting him at 15 rounds of ammo.  That'll shrink the Suppressive Fire area by 4 meters to 6 meters total.  If it's centered on James he can move 3 meters in either direction to exit the Suppressive Fire zone.  His Running Rate of 22 meters a turn breaks down to 5.5 meters if broken into 4 passes (but James went Full Defense costing him a pass) or just over 7 meters if broken into 3.  Let me know if I'm off on this.  I understand that James will need to make another Defense Test when he moves out of the zone -- or at least that's my understanding of the rules.  Walking on the other hand, puts him at just shy of 3 meters for 4 passes and just over 3 meters at 3 passes.

Bonus Free Action: James will look up at the ork and in his calmest, most deadpan, and most chilling voice say, "Stop that."

Do you mean #6 Action Unknown unless James makes an Observe in Detail?

James' corrected Initiative: 12.

It's doubtful that the ork will heed James' warning and throw his gun down, and I guess that I could use a Simple Action to Take Cover, and then move out of the Suppressive Fire zone without taking an additional Defense Test.  That sounds promising, but I think James is going to take the two adages that the best offense is a good defense and that the best defense is a good offense as simultaneously true.

Simple: Throw CS/Teargas grenade through the hatch in the conning tower and into the hull of the sub
Simple: Take Cover
Free: Ready HE Grenade (This is the last one from the team inventory)

For Throwing the grenade I have: AGI (11) + Throwing Weapons (4) + Aerodynamic Spec (2) - Suppressive Fire Hits (6) = 11 dice.
Throw grenade inside sub: 11d6t5 3

Let's see what the ork thinks about another grenade coming his way.  Hopefully, that'll stop the Suppressive Fire he has going.

CS/Teargas has Penetration 0, Power 8, and a Speed of 1 CT.  GM's call on how the cramped quarters of a sub affects things, if at all.  10 meter radius, but again cramped quarters of a sub, so unsure how that will play out.  1000 cubic meters seems particularly nasty, but so does a gas grenade inside a sub.
« Last Edit: <05-12-16/1621:58> by rednblack »


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« Reply #185 on: <05-12-16/1641:05> »
The suppressive fire is coming from the female dwarf (#6) on the airboat. James does not know what the ork on the conning tower (#4) is doing, other than the ork does not seem to be firing at him.


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« Reply #186 on: <05-12-16/1752:17> »
The suppressive fire is coming from the female dwarf (#6) on the airboat. James does not know what the ork on the conning tower (#4) is doing, other than the ork does not seem to be firing at him.

Oh.  Well, color me confused.  I thought that James was protected from and out of LoS with #6, as per this post:

Reprinting the list of combatants here so I can keep better track:

#1 - male elf sentry standing lookout on one end of the sub, assault rifle
#2 - female human sentry standing lookout on the other end of the sub, assault rifle + Horizon Flying Eye drone above her
#3 - ork male standing on the conning tower, pulling up packages out of the sub via rope, no visible weapons but there might be something within reach that's out-of-sight
#4 - same as #3 7P
#5 - male troll in one of the airboats, loading packages for transport, an LMG within reach
#6 - female dwarf in the other airboat, also loading packages for transport, carbine within reach 1S
#7 - air spirit on patrol

Dodge Movement: I will put James at Meter 11, protected from #6, exposed to #4, and potentially exposed to #1.  Since he's still in Predator mode, hopefully #1 will at least need to make an Observe in Detail to be sure of his location. 

I still owe you an IC post.

ETA: Since the Air Spirit has been tagging along with James this whole time, should it Dodge/Soak some of the grenade that was thrown his way? 

Let me know how you want to proceed here.  Admittedly, and despite the good roll, I would not have used a Defense Test against #6, as soaking damage from an Alpha v. an Uzi is a little more gambling than the extra Initiative.

I'm including a diagram on how I see things based on previous posts.  Let me know what I'm off on.


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« Reply #187 on: <05-12-16/1814:23> »
I was playing it that your dodging of the bullets (from #4) and your melee/skewering of #1 had brought your far enough north to be within the LOS of #6.

However, your diagram is largely correct. The scale is off, but you're right that #6 is slightly offset to the south and that James - even if he had to move north a meter or two to engage #1 - is probably still in cover from #6's vantage point.

We'll back up a bit. We will say that #6 is using suppressive fire to force James to keep behind cover, but that James is not at a -6 modifier while in cover, nor does he have to take any action to get into cover from the suppressive fire.

James can still do his stated actions for CT3 IP2 (tossing the gas grenade), but there's a Blind Fire penalty if he's trying to throw it into the submarine hatch which he cannot see. As the air spirit is still in his face, he also will have a -3 Attacker in Melee Combat penalty. The hatch is probably large enough that we don't need a separate Called Shot penalty.


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« Reply #188 on: <05-13-16/1257:57> »
I was playing it that your dodging of the bullets (from #4) and your melee/skewering of #1 had brought your far enough north to be within the LOS of #6.

Gotcha.  For the record, I'm fine playing it that way.  I would like for there to be some sort of trade-off with putting James back in LoS, though -- take a hit to Defense v. Charge Attack, or take a few steps back, etc. Or, it would be helpful for me to know when antagonists enter LoS again once James loses them, so that I can better plan defenses and action economy. 

Moving forward, I will adjust my actions for CT3 IP2.

Free: Activate Wireless (Hydraulic Jacks)
Simple: Throw grenade through conning tower hatch and into hull of submarine.
Simple: Held
Movement: Vertical Jump

For Jumping I have: AGI (11) + Athletics Group (6) + Hydraulic Jacks (6) = 23 dice.
Jump: 23d6t5 10
A mighty jump.  Physical Limit is 10, half a meter a hit equals 5 meters, but James is only 1.8 meters tall, limiting his jump to 2.7 meters.  That still puts his head well over 4 meters high, so I'm assuming that clears the conning tower and eliminates the Blind Fire penalty.

. . . As the air spirit is still in his face, he also will have a -3 Attacker in Melee Combat penalty. The hatch is probably large enough that we don't need a separate Called Shot penalty.

Drek, we haven't been applying that penalty.  I guess the shot against the Air Spirit and the one against the Elf are the only rolls that would be affected.

That said, for Throwing the CS/Teargas grenade I have: AGI (11) + Throwing Weapons (4) + Aerodynamic Spec (2) - Attacker in Melee Combat (3) = 14 dice.
Throw grenade inside sub: 14d6t5 7
Dropping it on a dime.

If, once James peeks his head up over the conning tower, an additional attack comes his way, I may use my held Simple Action.


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« Reply #189 on: <05-14-16/0015:09> »
Away from books so I can't look up rules at the moment.

I'm going to claim that unused Simple action to represent James' vertical jump. It's likely that the rules say a Complex is needed since it is a Gymnastics test but I think a Simple will suffice. I also don't think that the rules allow you to split up two Simple actions, i.e. using one and then holding the other. It might be realistic to be able to do so but I think the game designers wanted to keep things flowing, and various people all holding Simple actions could mess with initiative order and the overall pace of combat.

I don't recognize all the limits on the Gymnastic test but I'll trust that you've looked them up. 4 meters is more than enough to get above the conning tower (which is more like 2 meters) and have a clear shot at the hatch. That's the good news; the bad news is that the hatch is closed! Ork #4 is gone and must have ducked inside and shut the hatch with his last action. James doubts that he's had enough time to seal himself inside, unless that can be done electronically. (James is uncertain if it could be sealed wirelessly, as any system that could be hacked to release the hatch at a inopportune time would be a major liability. On the other hand, if the submarine is at depth then the water pressure would help keep the hatch sealed even if it were unlocked wirelessly. So, he doesn't know.)

I'll give James a straight Reaction (3) test to avoid throwing the grenade at the now-closed hatch. Unless he wants to anyway just in case it pops back open.

Reaction test to avoid throwing grenade: 7d6t5 2 hits, not enough, James throws the grenade and it detonates upon its perfect impact on top of the hatch.

Now here's the interesting question: should I presume that James is airborne for the rest of the IP? If so, how should that impact his dodge pool? Hmm.

22 - James - throwing grenade
11 - #8 - unknown
6 - #6 - female dwarf - suppressive fire

4 - #7 - air spirit
1 - #5 - trollbro
0 - #4 - ork on conning tower

#6 - female dwarf - did not think to lay down suppressive fire ABOVE the conning tower, so James is unaffected.

#7 - air spirit - is going to pick up the CS/Teargas grenade and whip it up the into a tornado around James! It needs an Agility (2) test to pick up the grenade.

Agility (2) test to pick up the grenade: 9d6t5 3 hits, the grenade is grabbed

I'm reasonably sure that Air Spirits have a sensitivity/vulnerability to Earth and are especially resilient (via fluff if not crunch) to aerosol attacks like a CS/Teargas grenade, but I could get back to my books and find out that I have that exactly backward.

I'm going to rule that this attack auto-succeeds because the air spirit has no real way of failing and James has no real way of dodging.

Not having my books, I can't remember if the vector is Contact, Inhalation, or both. James internal air tanks protect him from Inhalation but he doesn't have any Chemical Protection from the Contact vector that I see. If CS/Teargas even has a Contact vector, which I don't know. (Nor do I know what the exact effects of CS/Teargas are, and which effects might be pertinent to which vector(s).) Nor do I know what the Speed interval is. 1 Combat Turn? So this may not have an immediate impact in any case other than James now has a visibility modifier of some sort that I will determine once I remember what the various stages are. Let's call it -1 for IP3 and then -3 for IP4 unless James explicitly gets away from the air spirit.

#1 - trollbro - action hidden without an Observe in Detail

12 - James - lands on the deck of the submarine and can act as normal if he passes a simple Agility + Gymnastics (2) test to represent landing on a wet/slippery metal surface
1 - #8 - unknown
0 - #6 - female dwarf - suppressive fire
0 - #7 - air spirit
0 - #5 - trollbro
0 - #4 - ork inside the sub


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« Reply #190 on: <05-14-16/1133:26> »
I'm going to claim that unused Simple action to represent James' vertical jump. It's likely that the rules say a Complex is needed since it is a Gymnastics test but I think a Simple will suffice.

I don't believe Jumping is an action, like other Movement.  That's how Ace was able to make a jump and a melee attack in Tabula Rasa, and how the Juggernaut could attempt to jump and make a melee attack earlier in The Further Adventures. . .  It's also the only Gymnastics Test that doesn't state the action cost: Climb = Complex, Rappelling = Simple. 

I also don't think that the rules allow you to split up two Simple actions, i.e. using one and then holding the other. It might be realistic to be able to do so but I think the game designers wanted to keep things flowing, and various people all holding Simple actions could mess with initiative order and the overall pace of combat.

That's absolutely correct.

I don't recognize all the limits on the Gymnastic test but I'll trust that you've looked them up. 4 meters is more than enough to get above the conning tower (which is more like 2 meters) and have a clear shot at the hatch. That's the good news; the bad news is that the hatch is closed! Ork #4 is gone and must have ducked inside and shut the hatch with his last action. James doubts that he's had enough time to seal himself inside, unless that can be done electronically. (James is uncertain if it could be sealed wirelessly, as any system that could be hacked to release the hatch at a inopportune time would be a major liability. On the other hand, if the submarine is at depth then the water pressure would help keep the hatch sealed even if it were unlocked wirelessly. So, he doesn't know.)

Yeah, I was worried about that.  What's the state of the hatch and the rope that was leading up from the hull?  I don't believe the ork had the action economy to produce a knife, cut the rope, and close the hatch, so what do things look like on that front?  Also, from the weight of the contraband, I'm guessing a high tensile rope.  Here's hoping it's not some variation of Stealth Rope.

I'll give James a straight Reaction (3) test to avoid throwing the grenade at the now-closed hatch. Unless he wants to anyway just in case it pops back open.

Reaction test to avoid throwing grenade: 7d6t5 2 hits, not enough, James throws the grenade and it detonates upon its perfect impact on top of the hatch.

I thought about Edging this -- my last point -- but honestly, the violence of the jump from the hydraulic jacks and the sudden stop when James gets back on the deck of the sub is probably enough to trigger the motion sensor, so there wouldn't be any point.

I'm reasonably sure that Air Spirits have a sensitivity/vulnerability to Earth and are especially resilient (via fluff if not crunch) to aerosol attacks like a CS/Teargas grenade, but I could get back to my books and find out that I have that exactly backward.

Air Spirits do not have any Allergies in the CRB, for what that' worth.

Not having my books, I can't remember if the vector is Contact, Inhalation, or both. James internal air tanks protect him from Inhalation but he doesn't have any Chemical Protection from the Contact vector that I see. If CS/Teargas even has a Contact vector, which I don't know. (Nor do I know what the exact effects of CS/Teargas are, and which effects might be pertinent to which vector(s).) Nor do I know what the Speed interval is. 1 Combat Turn? So this may not have an immediate impact in any case other than James now has a visibility modifier of some sort that I will determine once I remember what the various stages are. Let's call it -1 for IP3 and then -3 for IP4 unless James explicitly gets away from the air spirit.

CS/Teargas in Contact and Inhalation.
Speed: 1 CT
Penetration: 0
Power: 8
Effect: Disorientation, Nausea, Stun Damage.

What will the effects be with James' Internal Air Tank?  Nausea seems a bit much without breathing anything in, but Disorientation seems appropriate.  Is the Toxin's power mitigated in any fashion?

AGI + Gymnastic to act normally I have: AGI (11) + Athletics Skill Group (6) = 17 dice.
Gymnastics: 17d6t5 4

Complex: Skewer Air Spirit with Cyber Spur
Free: Turn Wireless Off (Hydraulic Jacks)

For skewering the Air Spirit I have: AGI (11) + Unarmed Combat (7) + Cyber Weapons Spec (2) - Visibility Modifier (1) = 19 dice.
Skewer Air Spirit: 19d6t5 7
Base damage is 11P -2AP



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« Reply #191 on: <05-16-16/0223:04> »
I'm going to look up jumping when I get back to my books. To the best of my memory, walking is the only movement which does not require an action. Running requires a Free action and jumping would require at least as much dedicated effort as running, if not more. I suppose this differs by the type of jump, but certainly jumping straight up seems more intensive than say a running jump that might be a natural extension of running.

I allow jumping as a part of melee attacks because melee attacks are Complex actions and that can cover quite a lot. (Excluding the possibility of jumping and melee would make flying/jump kicks impossible, which is obviously incorrect.)

I have heard some people house rule Melee so that it is only a Simple action. This is interesting to me, because "melee" in the rules can be anything from a single swing of a fist/axe/chain (which seems closer to a Simple) to an elaborate series of martial arts maneuvers (which would rightfully be a Complex action). I wonder what the effect would be if Melee were available as a Simple action, perhaps with penalties like there are for Reckless Spellcasting/Summoning.

James sees a rope sticking out from the hatch. That said, the hatch looks fairly closed to James. Without closer examination he can't tell if the weight of the hatch severed the rope and it just looks like it is protruding, or if it really is still connected and is interfering with the hatch sealing properly or not. Another possibility is that the hatch is not closed enough to keep water at bay but is closed enough to keep James out. There's no way of knowing without taking a look up close.

We'll definitely skip nausea for the tear gas. Disorientation is fair but won't kick in until CT4 IP2. As for damage, we'll play a little game. Your options are:
1) Body 5 + Ballistic Mask 2 vs. 4 stun (to represent James' face being the only thing exposed/vulnerable), or
2) Body 5 + Ballistic Mask 2 + Chameleon Suit 9 + Cyberlimb Armor 4 vs. 8 Stun

Option #2 has the slightly better odds, but also the greater damage if the roll goes poorly.

James lands on the submarine deck without issue. He then tries to stabby-stab the air spirit.

#7 air spirit dodge roll: Reaction + Intuition - Wound: ?d6t5 7 hits, tie

A glancing blow. The air spirit is not affected by the shimmering madman.

2 - James

Oh, look, you're up again.


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« Reply #192 on: <05-16-16/1115:19> »
Simple: Take Aim with Redline at Spirit
Simple: Shoot Spirit
Free: Turn Wireless On Pulse Weave.
Move: Walk toward elf's body.

For shooting I have: AGI (11) + Laser Weapons (9) + Take Aim (1) - Firearms in Melee (3) + Close Quarter Firearms (1) = 18 dice.
Shoot Spirit: 18d6t5 2
Abysmal.  Hmm, spend the last Edge to re-roll?  I'm getting awfully low on ammo, gaining entry to the sub is looking very difficult/near impossible, and after this action I only have one more pass until the CS/Teargas begins to take effect.  Thing is, a lot of those considerations are both reasons to use and reasons to hold onto this last point of Edge. I'm going to let it stand.

Spirit is at -1 to Defend against previous attack.

CT4 Initiative: Initiative: 16+4d6 24
Orokos is not loving me this morning.

Had I known that roll, I very well may have Edged, as now the Spirit has a reasonable chance to act before James this CT.  Of course, if Orokos is on another swing as far as rolling goes, I'm going to want that last point to Edge to not die.  Gamblers Fallacy ftw.   

James is at 2/5 Redline, 1/5 Edge, 1S

While it won't come into play until IP2, let's see how he holds up against the CS/Teargas.  I hate to test Orokos again, but I'm going to go up against the full 8S, and keep all my armor.

I have: BOD (5) + Chameleon Suit (9) + Ballistic Mask (2) + Cyber Armor Upgrades (4) = 20 dice.
Soak: 20d6t5 8
Well, holy drek.  No damage.  No Disorientation either since damage is resisted.
« Last Edit: <05-16-16/1133:30> by rednblack »


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« Reply #193 on: <05-16-16/1646:58> »
Per the rules, I should have waited until CT4 IP2 to have you make that soak roll, but that's too much bookkeeping. Looks like James has some clear sinuses. Maybe tear gas is like the Axe Body Spray of Ares Instigators.

Air spirit dodge: Reaction + Intuition - Wound - Second Defense: ?d6t5 4 hits, the laser goes flying high

Let's see, who's still alive for CT4.

26 - #8
24 - James
21 - #7 - air spirit
20 - Illeana's air spirit - running at 12 meters per turn +10 meters per hit on Sprinting test
18 - #6 - female dwarf
11 - #5 - trollbro
9 - #4 - ork in conning tower

#8 - action hidden

James is up again! You walk toward the elf's body - is there somewhere specific you are trying to be regarding sight lines? As the airboat moves further away from the submarine, it may begin to have an angle on the north side of the sail / conning tower if it drives (floats?) west.


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« Reply #194 on: <05-16-16/1715:53> »
James is up again! You walk toward the elf's body - is there somewhere specific you are trying to be regarding sight lines? As the airboat moves further away from the submarine, it may begin to have an angle on the north side of the sail / conning tower if it drives (floats?) west.

Mostly it's to get access to the Ares Alpha, and to get out of the effects of the CS/Teargas.  James will stay as close to the conning tower as possible -- not that he has much choice -- but no Take Cover actions have been taken.

If James climbs back on top of the conning tower, will he need to make another Resistance test against the CS/Teargas?  Will it again take 1CT to take effect?

Simple: Shoot Spirit
Simple: Cut sling on Elf's Alpha.
Free: Ready Smoke Grenade.(Motion Trigger)

For shooting I have: AGI (11) + Lasers Weapons (9) - Firearms in Melee (3) + Close Quarter Firearms (1) = 18 dice.
Shoot Spirit: 18d6t5 6
Better.  It occurs to me that my roll should have had 1 additional die last time, but even an extra hit wouldn't change anything.  Spirit is at -2 for previous attacks.
Base damage is 5P -10AP.

James is at 1/5 Redline 1/5 Edge.