Hi guys,
I know it's pretty far from my usual fare (and
Shadowrun's general tone), but all the same, last year I ran a Kickstarter to help me produce my first RPG book (as more than just a freelance writer),
Strays. Designed to be family friendly, powered by
Fate Accelerated, and featuring a tone (and artwork) designed to make it easy for kids to pick up and understand -- as a less violent introduction to gaming for younger gamers --
Strays was successfully Kickstarted, distributed to backers, and, finally, is now available for sale.
You can check it out here at DriveThruRPG:
http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/169261/Strays. Take a look, and if you like what you see, toss me a few bucks, thanks. Spread the word if you have gamer buddies with kids getting close to gaming age, and they're looking for something besides shooting cops in the face or fireballing rooms full of goblins, cool?