Omega Dawn, Wageslaves and Corpsec.

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« on: <12-24-15/2028:09> »
We all know what Omega Dawn is, the faction where Corpsecs go and finally admit they love Big Brother and would bend over and suck their corporate master's cock for free. But the big question is this, given their reputation for taking the worst aspects of corporate sycophancy and weaponizing it against the poor, sinless and Shadowrunners. Why haven't the corps fully endorsed it or have disgruntled wageslaves being "recruited" into Omega Dawn for reconditioning? Maybe there is an angry wageslave who is unhappy with his live and the corp candy is no long working as intended so he may have to channel his anger on the bum on the street who gets off with a slap on the wrist for whatever the drek they do while if they get caught with a minor infractution it's nearly a week's pay of fines for them by Lone Star and they are already barely making rent.

MOre importantly why don't the corps like Omega Dawn? Most Terror orgs are anti government but this one loves Big Brother.


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« Reply #1 on: <12-24-15/2136:55> »
Omega Dawn reflects a growing threat to the Big Ten that they don't want to admit: The pan-corporate forces of the Corporate Court are becoming more allegiant to themselves and away from their supposed masters.


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« Reply #2 on: <12-24-15/2143:35> »
Care to explain? I thought a Corp's motto is "fuck the little sinless guy"


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« Reply #3 on: <12-24-15/2147:16> »
The Megacorp's Motto is 'Fuck the little guy, and each other.'  Pan-corporate cooperation can mess that up, because if those guys work together, they start to like each other, not want to mess each other up, etc.  It also provides a potential source of major leaks and risks. 
Would you want to go into a place where the resident had a drum-fed shotgun and can see in the dark?


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« Reply #4 on: <12-24-15/2216:21> »
Exactly. Look at GOD, for example.

If they decided to forego their allegiance to mother corp and take up their own banner, they could be invulnerable. They could shut down the Matrix. They could shut down Z-OG Bank. They could shutter the Court, or even individual AAAs. In theory, GOD squadders cannot be bribed or threatened; they can't be sweet-talked or blackmailed. They are the corps' best and brightest deckers, and can defeat any countermeasure that each corp's internal security division could think to implement. All that matters is a question of will, not capacity.

It's important to remember that the megacorporations, at least the AAA corps, aren't businesses. They are neo-feudal empires. For all intents and purposes, they are the major houses of Westeros and the smaller corps and nations are the smaller, allied or independent houses. They're not capitalist by a long shot.
« Last Edit: <12-24-15/2221:17> by Crimsondude »


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« Reply #5 on: <12-25-15/0045:49> »
Indeed. Remember that the vast majority of shadowruns against megacorps are financed by other megacorps. Megacorps like having runners around, because it lets them do their dirty work without risking overt corporate war. Corporate wars, for those that didn't watch what happened between Renraku and Fuchi, or Ares and Cross, or... well, pretty much everyone and Aztechnology, cost tons of nuyen, and generally leave both sides battered and broken with few real winners. So megacorps don't want all (or even most) runners taken out. Sure, you hit the uber secret Aztechnology blood magic vault, or Lofwyr's private snack chamber, then you get a corporate reprisal team sent after you. But your run of the mill extractions, datasteals, and sabotages? As long as you don't leave high body counts and tons of property damage, you're generally safe as long as you don't go bragging about it.

The other side of this is that while megacorps like having shadowrunners available to use, and thus tolerate their existence within limits, they absolutely HATE working together on any ongoing basis, because they don't trust eachother further than a paraplegic pixie can throw an obese troll without magic. They recognize the need for GOD, because the Matrix is too important for everyday business, and idiots have already destroyed it twice since the Awakening, which caused untold damage each time. That doesn't mean they LIKE being under GOD's watchful gaze, though. In fact, the very corporations that make up GOD are some of the ones that do the most to undermine their operations, for all the same reasons that the US, Russia, and China make the UN Security Council a joke today. That is why Omega Dawn scares the living daylights out of the megas. We're literally talking about the CIA and KGB teaming up at the height of the Cold War.
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« Reply #6 on: <12-25-15/0134:49> »
A good metaphor for it would be the Megacorporations are a prissy, HOA-obsessed neighborhood.  The Shadowrunners are stray dogs; while not the prettiest things around, they eat the raccoons that strew garbage across the yard and occasionally do something useful.  Of course the aggressive ones need to be sent to the pound or put down, but the majority are just fine where they are; they feed themselves, find their own shelter, but are there when you need them (with a few table-scraps in hand to keep them happy).  The Omega Dawn and their ilk are like the local teenagers with pellet guns, shooting those lovable strays because it bit their friend or peed on their bike or something.  They don't have the foresight to see the use of them, or they don't care; either way, it causes a ruckus for their parents, especially when the kids start working together and causing bigger messes. 
Would you want to go into a place where the resident had a drum-fed shotgun and can see in the dark?

