BattleCorps Customer Service

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« Reply #30 on: <02-28-16/1945:04> »

February 26th: Distributor emailed me (non-cc'd Catalyst) that on their end; the non-limited-edition Data Trails was, mistakenly, not placed on the invoice for the shipment that ended up being just the non-limited-edition Chrome Flesh (which was delivered on the 25th) and so they "will send it out next day so that you will have it on Monday [29th] at the latest."
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« Reply #31 on: <03-01-16/0439:10> »

February 29th: Received non-limited-edition version of Data Trails. Emailed the group email the following:

Received non-limited-edition version of Data Trails today (yesterday, but I work evenings and just got home, so 29th Feb, 2016), which completes all outstanding orders from Battlecorps/Catalyst.

Thank you,

I'd like to extend my thanks to AJCarrington, Jason Hardy, the person behind the Shadowrun Facebook page (never got their name), and especially the distributor rep for their help in opening and/or keeping open lines of communication to get these orders fulfilled. Thank you! :)
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« Reply #32 on: <03-01-16/0619:18> »
That was a roller coaster ride with entirely too many twists and turns.  FWIW, I'm sorry about this whole cluster.


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« Reply #33 on: <03-01-16/0924:49> »
Honestly, I'm surprised you managed to get a response at all, let alone a whole conversation. I've still been trying to get a response from them since around October with no luck. Looks like the same email you were in contact with, so at least I know someone is reading them. Maybe.

Seriously though, would it be so hard to have an auto reply or something, just so people know that their emails have been received?


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« Reply #34 on: <03-01-16/1444:49> »
Honestly, I'm surprised you managed to get a response at all, let alone a whole conversation. I've still been trying to get a response from them since around October with no luck. Looks like the same email you were in contact with, so at least I know someone is reading them. Maybe.

Seriously though, would it be so hard to have an auto reply or something, just so people know that their emails have been received?

Feel free to drop me a note with the order details and I'll kick the process off again.


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« Reply #35 on: <03-11-16/2020:51> »
Yay! Books! Can't wait to add Market Panic and Rigger 5.0 to the collection!
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« Reply #36 on: <03-11-16/2120:15> »
Yay! Books! Can't wait to add Market Panic and Rigger 5.0 to the collection!

enjoy the reading, there will be a quiz afterwards. ;)
Do you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an Invisible(WiFi) All Seeing(detecting those connected- at least if within 100'), All Knowing(all online data) Presence that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength (wifi boni) and Comfort (porn) or do you turn your back on it  (Go Offline)?


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« Reply #37 on: <03-11-16/2132:15> »
You put together the quiz, Sendaz, and I'll take it!  :)
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« Reply #38 on: <03-13-16/1406:35> »
Yay! Books! Can't wait to add Market Panic and Rigger 5.0 to the collection!

That's one hell of a collection. Congrats! :D
(i'm a bit jealous.)

Da Profezzur

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« Reply #39 on: <03-21-16/1421:02> »
Hi there !
I'm joining in since it seems reaching Catalyst/Battlecorps Customers service is a mess...
I'm part of the unlucky ones, and I hope someone will help me reaching the good persons.
This is the second time in one year that I have the same problem: I place an order, pay it, and then ... poof ! nothing ...
The status of the order stays stuck in "pending".
I tried to reach Battlecorps using the contact form on their website -> no answer
I tried to write Randall Bills (who helped me solve my problem last year) -> no answer
I tried to write directly Catalyst using the adress -> no answer
Well, as I read, I'm not the only one to have had problems like this. How can this be ??
This time my order is number #148044, 7 march 2016, 383,52$

I don't know what's happening but it's getting me mad !
Can someone help me reaching the right people (and kick some asses by the way) ??
Thanks a lot, I don't know what to do else...


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« Reply #40 on: <03-21-16/1842:19> »
AJ Carrington come in AJCarrington.
You are our only hope....


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« Reply #41 on: <03-21-16/1943:18> »
Hi there !
I'm joining in since it seems reaching Catalyst/Battlecorps Customers service is a mess...
I'm part of the unlucky ones, and I hope someone will help me reaching the good persons.
This is the second time in one year that I have the same problem: I place an order, pay it, and then ... poof ! nothing ...
The status of the order stays stuck in "pending".
I tried to reach Battlecorps using the contact form on their website -> no answer
I tried to write Randall Bills (who helped me solve my problem last year) -> no answer
I tried to write directly Catalyst using the adress -> no answer
Well, as I read, I'm not the only one to have had problems like this. How can this be ??
This time my order is number #148044, 7 march 2016, 383,52$

I don't know what's happening but it's getting me mad !
Can someone help me reaching the right people (and kick some asses by the way) ??
Thanks a lot, I don't know what to do else...

Could you drop me a PM with your email address and the order details?


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« Reply #42 on: <03-26-16/0738:18> »
After reading these forums, as well as similar complaints on the Battletech forums, I really appreciate the work that you are doing AJ to try and salvage customer support. I am having similar issues with my Hard Targets (Deep Shadows Sourcebook) order and have grave concerns about my Rigger 5.0 pre-order. After numerous emails to various customer service email addresses, I managed to find an address for and email Randal Bills. I actually got a response from him 11 days ago. I emailed him (and every other email address I have concerning catalyst games) again today since my book still hasn't arrived.

While I appreciate you looking into people's issues personally, I am not posting to ask for help. I am posting to ask a question: Why is the customer service so bad? I have been going back through the forums and have seen posts from 2012 complaining about the customer service. Four years and the customer service is just as bad. 


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« Reply #43 on: <03-26-16/0743:45> »
Yay! Books! Can't wait to add Market Panic and Rigger 5.0 to the collection!

The big question I have: are you going to order them through the Battleshop?  :o


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« Reply #44 on: <03-26-16/1108:29> »
It's the same questions everyone has been asking for years dlinch.