Recommend modules

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« on: <09-08-10/2210:45> »

From your GM/player experiences, what earlier edition modules would you recommend as an easy conversion for 4th edition.  I am looking for materials for a new campaign but do not have the time to draft everything from scratch.  For the new edition, I have started Ghost Cartels.  I picked up Emergence but unfortunately is has no game ready content.

Thanks again for your help!  I'm glad these forums are here.


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« Reply #1 on: <09-09-10/0109:04> »
honestly any edition mod is easy to convert if your just looking to go quick and dirty if the npc has a predator ues the predator 4

For stats most npc's are low powered enough to just say ok quickness of 3 is now split to be agi 3 rea 3 intelligence 3 is split to be log 3 int 3

Just do it as easy as you can no need to fully convert if you ask me
"If at first you don't succeed blame someone else"
Joel "Casazil" Rogers
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« Reply #2 on: <09-09-10/0840:32> »
Thanks Casazil.  Yes, I do want to keep it simple as I am also learning the rules.  I will look through some older modules that include npcs stats & gear so I can convert just the important bits easily.

Any you recommend as a great, fun adventure?
Any I should avoid as broken or TPK nightmare?


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« Reply #3 on: <09-09-10/1028:22> »
The ones that stand out to me from the old school are Mercurial, Bottled Demon, Dragon Hunt and Imago. I had fun in those, but it's been a while since I've gone through them, so I don't remember if they were broken or not...


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« Reply #4 on: <09-09-10/1735:13> »
I have never played or run any of the mods till now so....

As it is so far we've run silver angel (from the 1st edition gm screen) not bad

DNA/DOA this one has some parts that can get sticky but if players think things should be ok

now running Mercurial should finish this weekend so far pretty good but then again i have vet players so .
"If at first you don't succeed blame someone else"
Joel "Casazil" Rogers
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« Reply #5 on: <09-09-10/2013:18> »
Mecurial is one of my favs.  Played through that a couple different times, and have run it 3 or 4 times.  Dragon Hunt is another personal fav :)


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« Reply #6 on: <09-11-10/2032:43> »
Mercurial was fun. My favorite to run and it is a long drawn out adventure series so it will give you a lot a playing time was Harlequin. One warning though I ran into the problem that some of the adventures didn't really fit well into one night of playing. If it is a weekly game, which mine was at the time, this is no big deal. However, if you are only playing once a month some people might not like finishing the adventure each time
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« Reply #7 on: <09-15-10/2045:28> »
I'm getting ready to run the Euphoria module for my group. I've always been a sucker for insect spirits  ;)

Walks Through Walls

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« Reply #8 on: <09-15-10/2141:31> »
Insect spirits the default threat of shadowrun.

I think I might just start buying cans of raid for all my new characters   :D
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« Reply #9 on: <10-05-10/1035:08> »
Insect spirits the default threat of shadowrun.

I think I might just start buying cans of raid for all my new characters   :D

I really enjoy using magic threats listed in Street magic, especialyShedim, Shadows and blood magic. Insects are cannon fodder (althought not necessarily)
You can have every kind of demon you could imagine with this options, and when they think they are safe, use something corrupted from Unwired, you will get  pretty nasty fun watching them runnig.... :)

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« Reply #10 on: <10-05-10/1142:16> »
Dragon Hunt, Bottled Demon, Euphoria or Mercurial all good solid early edition winners. (Paradise Lost gets an honorable mention.)
For something with more "bite".  First Harlequin, Universal Brotherhood or Survival of the Fittest.
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« Reply #11 on: <10-05-10/1210:15> »
Harlequin and Dreamchipper are two of my favs. Celtic Doublecross is interesting and the PCs can get in over their heads very quickly. A Killing Glare is another good one.

Harequin's Back and One Stage Before are very railroady I wouldn't recommend them.

Edit- Corporate Punisment if you want to make your players cry, hate you and cry.
« Last Edit: <10-05-10/1212:47> by Angelone »
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« Reply #12 on: <10-06-10/0724:46> »
If you're willing to spend the time converting old modules, why not just flesh out the stories from Emergence?  A lot of them are pretty much ready to go, you just need some NPC stats...
Joe Rooney
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« Reply #13 on: <10-06-10/1328:05> »
Thanks everyone.  Food Fight and the first few runs from Ghost Cartels have gotten us off to a great start.  A few mistakes along the way but we're learning.

Raggedhalo:  Mostly I am just unsure how to construct the encounter.  How many opponents is too easy vs too hard, what security systems a given building would have in place, etc.  There's a lot of angles to cover and we are winging it.

It looks like Ghost Cartels will take quite a few months, but I will try to mix in some smaller adventures for variety and to focus on the different players.  They do have a technomancer, so maybe I will flesh out a run or two from Emergence.  Making the time is the trickiest part!  One character is interested in artifacts and the like, so I picked up Dawn of the Artifacts: Dusk.  Looks like it could be a good run even if we don't use it as a campaign.

Just need to be careful that I don't derail the momentum of the Ghost Cartels story itself.

I picked up a used copy of Eye Witness cheap and am checking out Mercurial and Dragon Hunt.  Thanks for the tips


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« Reply #14 on: <10-08-10/0608:29> »
It's worth pointing out that the Missions downloads are much better for balance than the older printed material, as they provide formal scaling depending on how hardcore your party is.  My last campaign was a mix of the Denver missions and Emergence runs, spanning the entirety of 2070 and the first quarter of 2071, and it worked really nicely.  The only way you'll get a feel for how much opposition is too much is to see how your PCs react in a live-fire situation.
Joe Rooney
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