Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign > Living Campaign and Conventions

Dallas, TX! All-Con 2011, March 18-20

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Are you officially running games out there. I might come out and play if there's some Shadowrun games going on?


I'm going to run at least one session, yeah.  I don't have a time or anything for it, though, because All-Con just isn't really a gaming con (yet) -- so it's gonna just happen when it happens, likely right after Patrick and I wrap up a seminar or something. 

For what it's worth, I can tell you that the adventure I'm likely to run would be, hypothetically, the same adventure I'm likely to run at Texicon.  Just a friendly head's up, if it'll save you a trip or something.  ;)

Patrick Goodman and I are giving our seminar on freelancing at 10am and 4pm, and assuming I can scrape together a couple interested players (Patrick included, most likely) I'll try to find us a table or quiet room somewhere that I can steal to run a game or two with some pre-gens.

Blast. I've got a fail over test I've got to be available for on Saturday. I may make it out there I'm not 100% sure. If I don't make it out there I'll have to grab a beer with yeah at Texicon. Normally I could parlay this to the other DBA but he'll be 20,000 feet in the air heading the the far east to visit family.

I wonder if someone could find the original writer for the Dallas Fort Worth section (1990) in the Neo Anarchists Guide to North America. I use to hang with the author from time to time Richard Molpus but lost track of him after highschool and college. Here's his google profile: I think he wrote an article in Challenge 66 if I remember correctly.

I'll have to see you at Texicon, then, for sure.

On the bright side, you're not missing out on any other games or anything.  All-Con is very much not a gaming convention, just yet.  It's more like a miniature (VERY miniature) Dragon*Con, in that it's focused on costuming, a few celebrity guests, sci-fi, anime, the 501st Star Wars costuming group, all that general geek stuff that doesn't involve dice. 

This is kind of an initial "dipping our toes into the water" to see how many AllCon goers will be potentially interested in more gaming stuff in the future.  With Texicon so close (geographically AND chronologically), I'm not sure how much it'll catch on...but if nothing else Patrick and I are getting free badges in exchange for standing around and talking about ourselves and our freelancing hobby for an hour.  That's not a bad deal, I figure.  ;)


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