... No.
The books explicitly state that shedim are malevolent (definition: having or showing a wish to do evil to others) beings that hate all life, metahumanity in particular. This isn't 'a natural disaster killed a bunch of people,' it's 'these things actively choose and try to kill everything whenever they have the opportunity, or make the opportunities they need.' They aren't critters, who act on the need to feed and breed. They're choosing to come here and kill things and bring more of their kind. They act with forethought and planning, infiltrate upper echelons of power to help ignite war and bloodshed. The latest part of the EuroWars was caused by a Shedim. You literally have no leg to stand on in trying to claim shedim are misunderstood or not evil; even the books that avoid saying good or evil say they are.
I have no clue why you're jumping on a 'it's the dragons keeping us down, maaan!' streak right here, but it's irrelevant to the discussion at hand. The connections to Earthdawn are tenuous nowadays. So you're saying dragons are the reason toxic and blood magic is considered bad? It's not because of the extreme ecological and astral damage that takes decades, if not centuries to clean up? It's not the part where you gut a man like a fish to use his blood as magical gasoline for your spells? It's because the wiz-worms are displeased by paltry attempts to upstage their power.
So by destroying our homes, we can get rid of our neighbors. Smart move? Making a bunch of psychopaths who are as likely to kill us as the enemy. ... Who said those bounties are illegal? They're completely legal, and not because some dragon posted them. Bounties have been around for millennia. Finally, yes, he didn't put a bounty on insect shamans; you realize a good number of the toxic and blood mage bounties are to take them alive for study and treatment, right? They've been working on a 'cure' for it, if possible. Perhaps they realize insect shamans aren't curable, and should just be put down (not to mention the fact that insect shamans already had bounties on them at that point).
While in the scheme of mundane, real-world morality 'good' and 'evil' are loaded terms (though still applicable), this isn't a real world. It's a world where abominations against nature exist, where sentient darkness can encroach on our world with malignant intentions. It's a world where exposure to bad things can make you a bad thing. That you are calling the game designers liars for explicitly saying 'this is bad and should only be used for NPCs' is ridiculous. You being 'usually right' about them lying is bullshit as well. Throw whatever spin you want on it in your game, go ahead. It ain't canon at that point, and I for one aren't going to take part in that vision. Evil is a legitimate term despite your claim that it isn't.
And yeah, how about you not do the chain-yanking? I mean, if people going 'this is evil' like you're a five year old offends you, maybe don't act like it to others.