Jialong Data Haven

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« Reply #90 on: <01-26-16/1000:28> »
<ooc> nice contact post +1 karma


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« Reply #91 on: <02-07-16/0356:16> »
After narrowly escaping the sewers with their lives, the team made its way to a nearby clothing store, and were forced into buying overpriced rags to cover their weapons. Olaf waited outside for any signs of suspicious activity, and took off running after a shady character, leaving Jiao, Jan, Sacristan, and Jorge perplexed. It turns out Olaf just had a gut feeling that chasing after the young man would be the quickest and easiest way to their destination without Jai leading the way. Jan followed suit while Jiao played it off with cunning, informing her employers that the team were just scouting ahead.

After a relatively uneventful arrival, the team were met by a drone who transmitted the voice of Hak, Sacristan's contact at the compound, and they were invited in. They began to converse in a quad between 4 linked 10 story buildings. Jorge trotted off to investigate the clarity and quality of the Tempo on site, just before gunshots and grenade blasts began to ring from neighboring streets. Reluctant to storm into a bloody battle on behalf of the Black Mums, the team stuck close to their employer Sacristan, and offered no aid beyond their original agreement to provide protection within her immediate proximity. The crew, and The Mums made quick work of a few crazed fraggers who broke through the barricades by employing a focused fire small unit tactic orchestrated by Jan.

After neutralizing that threat, the team retreated indoors and to the control room, following Hak. There they rejoined Jorge, and were formally introduced to T, a rigger/decker who had just begun working for the Black Mums that day. Out of nowhere, but to no one's surprise, three men burst through the wall, and proceeded to unleash a disproportionate amount of fire in Jan's direction. T cowered in fear, as he sent his drone running to avoid damage while Jan, Jiao, and Olaf took care of the baddies.

T, with no interest in losing a drone or his life over a $1000 gig that was supposed to be basic matrix security, fled to the roof with Sacristan and the team at the promise of double pay and an air evacuation. Refusing to jump back into a close quarters fight with Hak, a man he just met, T opted for self preservation. On the roof, they were confronted by a level 9 evil spirit gnawing on the corpse of a Black Mum mage. Just 15 meters away, but separated by a 6 meter gap was a Helicopter, their ride out of this drek. The spirit threw the mage corpse at the mini-gun mounted in the doorway of the chopper, which T saw as an opportunity. He gained access to the chopper via some smooth talking from Jiao and Jan. Olaf picked T up under his arm while T jumped into the helicopter. T, while firing the gatling gun at the spirit, gracefully and swiftly set the Hughes Stallion down next to the party, so as to avoid their crossing paths with the beast while traversing the entire circumference of the roof. Olaf, while carrying a human under his arm, managed to hold his own in melee with the beast, fending him off until the team could flee to the now accessible helicopter. T finished the spirit off with the minigun, regaining everyone's sanity.

As they ascended above the walled city, Sacristan informed the team their next stop would be New Tokyo,  with no time to pass go. Of course, the team didn't forget to collect their $200, rather, I should say 4000 nuyen
« Last Edit: <02-07-16/0400:18> by Merz »


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« Reply #92 on: <02-07-16/2227:42> »
<ooc> + 1 karma for run recap


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« Reply #93 on: <02-21-16/1416:36> »
​As you clamber out of the Sikorsky Bell onto the executive landing apron of the Chep Lak airport Sacristan waves you towards a waiting Lear Jet,it's engines already spooling up to speed, bearing the markings of the AA corp Kond-Orchid,
Although she seems to have regained her composure on the short chopper ride out of Kowloon Jorge Rhys remains in a stunned silence as you climb the few steps into the plush mahogony and ultra-suede interior of the corporate Jet.
Sacrisan points in the general direction of the seating without saying a word, from the look on her face you suspect she is having a heated discussion in matrix-space with ghost-knows-who.
Settling into the utra-suede club seats the jet's door swings shut without outside help and a pleasant male voice with no discernible accent comes over the audio system: "please fasten your seat-belts, we've started our taxi run, wheels up in 2 minutes. Next stop Haneda Aerospaceport, Neo Tokyo, flight time 3 hours".
Jorge pops a pill of unknown function and smiles broadly as he offers them around to the group. He's fast asleep as you lift into the air.
Before you reach crusing altitude Tarus is routing multiple news stations' matrix feeds to the group's tac-net, all focussing on what has already been termed "The Kowloon Massacre".
The seat-belt sign dings off and Sacristan finally takes a seat, turning her attention to the team a deep scowl spreads across her face.
"Well that was a royal shit-show. Despite all the hard work you put in clearing the competition we've now lost any chance at cornering the market in Hong Kong, Henry is not pleased."

She glares at the group to drive her point home.

"As the pilot noted we're headed into Neo-Tokyo to salvage the rest of this crap-fest before the Yaks get antsy about all the attention. Word to the wise: Neo Tokyo is different from other places you may have run. Transmitting data dump to your tac-net now. You've got 3 hours to bone up before we land."

<you can now access the background info on the Yakuza and Neo-Tokyo via realmworks player edition>
« Last Edit: <02-21-16/1700:11> by adzling »


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« Reply #94 on: <02-25-16/1126:59> »
Upon arrival at the airport in HK, T transmits an order to the roto-drone to land on its drone rack in his custom shipping container. He calls out his Dragonfly and it zips over to his shoulder before he hops on the Jet. He logs into the container's PAN and turns all of his devices in the container to silent, and completely powers down the smart link on the sniper rifle.

T, as soon as he sets foot on the jet, arranges for the rental of an Armadillo with a flatbed attachment for a cargo container on his Fritz Arbuckle SIN, along with all necessary licenses to drive said vehicle in NT. He takes a look at another Kond-Orchid logo on the inside of the plane, and then glances over at Sacristan, looks back at the logo, then back at Sacristan. His eyes widen and his bottom lip scrunches up as if he has an idea. Once they are in the air, and as soon as it's clear she has finished her conversation, T brings up the issue of his container.

"Well, as much as I enjoy the prospect of getting out of this place, and continuing to work for you, I'll be operating at around 1/2 my potential without my home and my things." he says.

"Would you be able to pull some of these Kond-Orchid strings to get my air freight container to Neo Tokyo along with us? I'm fully equipped to bug out, but this was sudden, even for me. Everything suspicious is either powered down or running silent, but a legit AA-corp shipping manifest should quell any suspicion whatsoever"


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« Reply #95 on: <02-25-16/1131:14> »
Sacristan nods and goes silent for a moment as her eyes focus on something far away, a sure sign she's using her implanted comlink.

"Done, your air freight container will be picked up by the next Kond Orchid cargo flight into Neo-Tokyo, due to arrive 6 hours after we touch down. They only have 2 hours left to load freight so you'll need to transmit your container's Unique International Transport ID asap if it's going to make it onboard"

<ooc> Publicly available information on Kond-Orchid is now available in Realmworks. A matrix search might uncover stuff that is not commonly known about them ;-) <ooc>
« Last Edit: <02-25-16/1141:12> by adzling »


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« Reply #96 on: <02-25-16/1239:29> »
As sacristan is speaking the syllables "..nsport ID" she receives a data package from T containing the ID (AMA 08578 KE) the container's current location, as well as gross and net weight.

"They are free to throw some magnetic KO logos on there to help it blend in, whatever is standard practice really, this is the first I've shipped this thing more than a few kilometers since I bought it"


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« Reply #97 on: <02-25-16/1649:38> »
"Ok the data is entered in the manifest for cargo lading on the Kond-Orchid cargo jet 'Maven of the Air', arrival time 23.35 local time at Haneda Spaceport. Word to the wise, if you're transporting any firearms or restricted gear I'd leave it in the container on the international side of customs/ receiving. They inspect air-cargo entry very carefully and you're likely to get dinged trying to bring something illegal into the country. If you need access to the container while in the embargo area we can likely arrange that".

<ooc> tl:dr if you're bringing your rotodrone into Neo-Toky you should remove that sniper rifle and leave it in the container before attempting to bring the roto-drone through customs.


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« Reply #98 on: <02-29-16/1703:47> »
"A team who doesn't trust me, with a face who isn't interested in money, what have I gotten myself into?"
T says aloud to himself as he lays his head on the pillow:
((inner monologue))
'We had 500,000 nuyen to bribe some anxious low level crooked cops with malleable minds, who we could have easily killed... And we gave them every last fragging cent. I don't know what the hell these people are up to, but I save their lives and they won't connect me to their fragging tac-net? And then they are too preoccupied to skim a bit of cream off the top? What is their angle if not money? And why bring up their old driver to the boss, almost like I was a problem instead of a welcome addition...

Drek, if they don't trust me, I don't trust them. I certainly don't need a team who gives away profit and doesn't respect the fact that I saved their lives in Kowloon enough to open communications with me.

T repeats it to himself in his head, "I don't trust them"

T Packs his bags, leaves the condo, and checks into a coffin at The Cube under his Fritz Arbuckle SIN, where he lays on his back pouring over the matrix for information on his new "teammates". He blocks all calls or texts from Jan and Ping, but sets a priority alert for any further instruction from Sacristan.

 ((<OOC> Will make those matrix perception rolls next time, but my goal is to find the host where Jan and Ping's data is stored, hack it, and find out everything I can about them, what they have done in their past, who they work for, etc. I'll also do less invasive public matrix searches on Wyt and Olaf, but I won't be hacking any hosts to find out more, as their actions have not raised red flags in the same way that Ping and Jan have. Adz, if you are interested in doing it solo on, I don't think it would take very long, but I'm also happy to wait and do it in front of the group</OOC>))

When the team returns to the condo, they do not see T or his bag...

Jan Schaefer

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« Reply #99 on: <03-01-16/2336:11> »
On the ride back from the run, Jan is his usual grim self.  "We need more information sources.   We have not more Deng us to help.  Sacristan here no help has, she has only product to sell.  For my part, I am in the bars a Vory v Zakone contact to make seek. To seeking?  Ping, I see that you with the cartel contacts to make to seeking have.   In the long part that can us help, maybe very gross.  But we need to the police know, the rival gangs know, even our allies the Yakuza know.  When guns we have not, information ist power."   He pauses to hear dissent or disagreement.  "Two valuable allies we have gained.  The orc fights.  The human drives and might help us with ell-int and sick-int."  (Someone makes inquiring noises.)  Electronish intelligence and sicknals intelligence.  But was he watching for police radio?  Maybe they have radio not used.  But do we know?  T, no insult intended, but perhaps that you at this new are, showing is.  And us too, we you should tolden have.  Our bad, so sorry.  And T, that a good pickup was, very smooth, thank you.  Two tough spots now, time for me you a beer to buy.  But you too must more information sources find!  We cannot again like that surprised becoming.  Who else ideas has for how we intelligence sources gather can?"  Jan sits back to listen. 

On  a separate note, when the rest of the team describes and recounts the week's events (learning the ropes in NT, recruiting the Oni, meeting and paying off the corrupt cops, running like hell from the SWAT team ambush), Jan is quietly complimentary of everyone's performance, even begrudgingly complimenting that irresponsible child Wyt on smart thinking in disarming the cop rather than skewering her.  But perhaps his small compliments don't register on T very well; as a newb to the group, T might not realize that Jan criticizes ten times for every compliment he awards.  Jan also buys Olaf a troll-sized beer for putting up with Ping's over-the-top efforts to ingratiate herself with the racist corrupt NT cops by abusing and literally spitting on the troll during the drug loading operation. 

Finally, Jan still tries to cash in on his footage of the corrupt cops and the SWAT team bust, delivering the footage to his Vory contacts in hopes that they might find some value in the information.  Perhaps one of the corrupt cops can be sprung on a technicality and remain an asset for the Vory.  Jan also offers footage to Deng in case there is any interest among the Red Dragon triad. 


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« Reply #100 on: <03-02-16/0040:38> »
((<OOC>T was incredibly disappointed to see the .5mil leave our hands so easily, he questions Ping and Jan's motives, as they stack upon his earlier experience of their secrecy. Perhaps this is my OOC knowledge coming into play, but I think it would be interesting if T rolled well enough to find out dirt on Jan and Ping, and use it as a means of leverage, whether that be them bonding in secrecy and bringing him in on the Triad, or just good old fashioned blackmail. If he can't find anything out, he will assume you guys are on the up and up, and are just guarded, but for now, he is interpreting, and perhaps even misinterpreting things in an attempt to thicken the plot. He sees you fork over that kind of money while excluding him from conversation and he is absolutely assuming the worst. Were they in communication with the cops on the roof? Why hand over all the money, was it a sting? Why did they use non-violent methods against them when they descended with guns? Why were none of the team shot at? Am I (T) being used as some kind of pawn? ;-)</OOC>))
« Last Edit: <03-02-16/0053:59> by Merz »


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« Reply #101 on: <03-05-16/1220:42> »
<ooc> Most excellent IC post my man, +1 karma! (add it in your journal as "bonus RP karma"). We'll do it via buying hits. You're pool for Matrix Search appears to be 13, so you can buy 3 hits. See below for results! + don't forget your actually mid-run with a cargo van full of dope headed to the Black Shogun AR bar to sell it to the Bratsva so this is a *bit* out of sequence. <ooc>

Your Matrix Search turns up precious little about Jiao & Jan, of course it would help if you had some real info on them like their actual given names or national SIN (if they even have one), hacking their comlinks or tac-net might get you some useful pointer information. However a few strange things do catch your eye in the currents of the Hong Kong underworld. It would seem that someone has been working *really* hard to wipe all references to a team of gwailo runners that started to make their presence known in the Hong Kong underworld over the past few months. It's clear that whoever they are working for either has a very talented matrix operation working to expunge all references to them, in fact it's pretty uncanny as some of the data points (camera feeds linked to by other matrix posters) are just gone in a way that should not be possible. You sense the fingerprints of a technomancer at work.

While the team has been out shopping, running various errands and immersing themselves in the urban sprawl that is Neo-Tokyo Tarus goes dark for 48 hours. Last he mentioned he was heading out to the spaceport to pick up his drone and walk it through border control, but that was a while ago. Sacristan seem unperturbed by his short absence so you presume he's in contact with her, although Tog (posing as Ganymede) seems to take his absence more seriously and after discussing it with Sacristan takes the time to track him down to his bolt-hole.

<ooc> Tarus your com dings and Tog ne' Ganymede texts you with a curt message <ooc>

"Come in #9 your time is up, all riders please exit to your right"

<ooc> up to you if you reply but you know IC that Tog/ Ganymeded is acting as the team's liaison / lead with Sacristan <ooc>

"A team who doesn't trust me, with a face who isn't interested in money, what have I gotten myself into?"
T says aloud to himself as he lays his head on the pillow:


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« Reply #102 on: <03-05-16/1224:50> »
<ooc> you're still mid-run so will have to wait a bit to follow up on the below. +1 karma for run recap!

On the ride back from the run, Jan is his usual grim self.  "We need more information sources.   We have not more Deng us to help.  Sacristan here no help has, she has only product to sell.  For my part, I am in the bars a Vory v Zakone contact to make seek. To seeking?  Ping, I see that you with the cartel contacts to make to seeking have.   In the long part that can us help, maybe very gross.  But we need to the police know, the rival gangs know, even our allies the Yakuza know.  When guns we have not, information ist power."   He pauses to hear dissent or disagreement.  "Two valuable allies we have gained.  The orc fights.  The human drives and might help us with ell-int and sick-int."  (Someone makes inquiring noises.)  Electronish intelligence and sicknals intelligence.  But was he watching for police radio?  Maybe they have radio not used.  But do we know?  T, no insult intended, but perhaps that you at this new are, showing is.  And us too, we you should tolden have.  Our bad, so sorry.  And T, that a good pickup was, very smooth, thank you.  Two tough spots now, time for me you a beer to buy.  But you too must more information sources find!  We cannot again like that surprised becoming.  Who else ideas has for how we intelligence sources gather can?"  Jan sits back to listen. 

On  a separate note, when the rest of the team describes and recounts the week's events (learning the ropes in NT, recruiting the Oni, meeting and paying off the corrupt cops, running like hell from the SWAT team ambush), Jan is quietly complimentary of everyone's performance, even begrudgingly complimenting that irresponsible child Wyt on smart thinking in disarming the cop rather than skewering her.  But perhaps his small compliments don't register on T very well; as a newb to the group, T might not realize that Jan criticizes ten times for every compliment he awards.  Jan also buys Olaf a troll-sized beer for putting up with Ping's over-the-top efforts to ingratiate herself with the racist corrupt NT cops by abusing and literally spitting on the troll during the drug loading operation. 

Finally, Jan still tries to cash in on his footage of the corrupt cops and the SWAT team bust, delivering the footage to his Vory contacts in hopes that they might find some value in the information.  Perhaps one of the corrupt cops can be sprung on a technicality and remain an asset for the Vory.  Jan also offers footage to Deng in case there is any interest among the Red Dragon triad.


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« Reply #103 on: <03-05-16/1227:05> »
<ooc> all good reasons to stoke your IC paranoia! <ooc>

((<OOC>T was incredibly disappointed to see the .5mil leave our hands so easily, he questions Ping and Jan's motives, as they stack upon his earlier experience of their secrecy. Perhaps this is my OOC knowledge coming into play, but I think it would be interesting if T rolled well enough to find out dirt on Jan and Ping, and use it as a means of leverage, whether that be them bonding in secrecy and bringing him in on the Triad, or just good old fashioned blackmail. If he can't find anything out, he will assume you guys are on the up and up, and are just guarded, but for now, he is interpreting, and perhaps even misinterpreting things in an attempt to thicken the plot. He sees you fork over that kind of money while excluding him from conversation and he is absolutely assuming the worst. Were they in communication with the cops on the roof? Why hand over all the money, was it a sting? Why did they use non-violent methods against them when they descended with guns? Why were none of the team shot at? Am I (T) being used as some kind of pawn? ;-)</OOC>))


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« Reply #104 on: <03-08-16/0225:29> »
<that is true, forgetting we didn't fully wrap up/ actually get in the clear last time, I had just assumed we had gotten away as we left initiative and the ride home was a hand wave. T can buy 4 hits for AR remote control driving with -2 to any threshold,, so theoretically he could have stormed off to the cube while still piloting the van, however you want to rule it tho is cool with me... I love what he found, just enough to raise more suspicion, but not enough to prove drek. I would totally be willing to make any driving tests during the storming off period in AR, so that it keeps with the continuity>
<ooc> you're still mid-run so will have to wait a bit to follow up on the below. +1 karma for run recap