Catalyst / Battle Corps Customer Service: How to get in contact?

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« on: <09-30-15/1721:34> »
How do I get in contact with BattleCorps customer service? I need another method besides email, which is the only method shown on their website. It links a Catalyst email, so I'm trying here.

I pre-ordered the LE Chrome Flesh and I haven't received it yet. I tried emailing and haven't received any reply.

Any help would be appreciated.


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« Reply #1 on: <10-01-15/1934:27> »
Please drop me a PM with your name, email address and order number and I'll be happy to push this along.


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« Reply #2 on: <10-02-15/1754:30> »
Aj is catalysts customer service.


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« Reply #3 on: <10-02-15/1817:55> »
I'm having the exact same issue with getting my normal and LE edition of Chrome Flesh. Numerous issues to the customer service email and no response. This is very different from when I normally email customer service. I've sent you my info, hopefully you can help me was well.


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« Reply #4 on: <10-03-15/0929:59> »
@adzling - not really, but I try ;)

@Others - I've got the email you guys sent and have passed them along.

I suspect the issue here is simply time/processing. In the past, I used to order all the LE books direct from CGL and suffered the exact same is out in distribution, but nothing on the pre-order. They ALWAYS came, but the timing was NEVER consistent. It got pretty old. Fast forward to the present, now I preorder my LE books through from online stores and buy the PDFs from CGL. I tend to save on the shipping and he actual net price of the book and PDF tend to net out he same. The process works well for me, I don't mind managing multiple orders and me he control I want and is a little more cost effective.

As soon as I hear any info, I'll let you know.

