ARK: Survival Evolved recruitment!

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« on: <09-29-15/1712:18> »
ARK: Survival Evolved is a fantastic little Open World Survival and Crafting game that's currently in the latter stages of Early Access on Steam.  The main thrust of the game is you're stranded on an island filled with Dinosaurs and other beasties that want to eat you, and to survive you need to level up, gather materials, learn to craft weapons, shelter, and other things to help you survive, and tame and ride dinosaurs.

That's right.  Tame and RIDE Dinosaurs.  :)

You can go it solo, or you can team up with other players to form tribes, and either work with other tribes, co-existing, trading, and allying with them, or you can compete with them, attacking them to steal their resources or reduce their resources.

Our own Caine Hazen is running his own server for the game, details can be found here.  As they've just added in a bunch of new content that drastically changed up the game (new Swamp and Snow biomes as well as some new critters), we're looking to relaunch the server this Saturday, and we're hoping to muster as many players as possible and really set the relaunch off with a bang!

If interested, come check us out!  The games fantastic, and it should be a lot of fun.
« Last Edit: <09-30-15/1742:29> by Bull »


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« Reply #1 on: <09-30-15/1535:37> »
That second link isn't working, Bull. I had my eye on that one for a bit, but I lost interest after I saw some of the antics the griefer crowd were pulling. Pity, as it otherwise looked like a great game.


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« Reply #2 on: <09-30-15/1607:37> »
Just some doubling up on the http in the link is all, try these
Do you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an Invisible(WiFi) All Seeing(detecting those connected- at least if within 100'), All Knowing(all online data) Presence that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength (wifi boni) and Comfort (porn) or do you turn your back on it  (Go Offline)?


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« Reply #3 on: <09-30-15/1748:58> »
Yeah, sorry about that.  For some reason sometimes when you edit a post that has links in it, it will do that doubling thing with the http:// code.

Anyway, yeah, I agree about the griefers.  That's one of the reason that Caine set up his own server.  So we can handle people being an asshole in game.  In fact, already ran into that once.  While we were at Gen Con the game updated to a new Version number, but since Caine wasn't home, he couldn't update the server.  And if you update your game to the newer version, you cant log into servers running an older version.  Well, one of our tribe members didn't have auto updates on, so he was the only one able to log into our ARK server all week.  And he ended up wrecking a bunch of stuff for another tribe, stealing some of their resources and blueprints, etc.  Needless to say, they were quite unhappy and eventually left the server.

This guy has since been blacklisted from the server, because that's complete crap behavior.

Caine's putting in some general rules for the server, and "Don't be a dick" and "no greifing" and "No offline raiding" are included in those.

So...  Maybe come check us out if you like?  Smaller crowd of players, but should generally be fewer douchebags (ie., none).


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« Reply #4 on: <10-01-15/0113:31> »
I'll take a look at it, but it'll have to be down the line a bit: From Catalyst timing their release in tune to my paychecks (>.<), the Battletech Kickstarter, Sword Coast Legends, and $750 in special orders coming in in October, I'm a bit tight on cash at the moment. :-\ Other than money issues, it does look like a really great game.


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« Reply #5 on: <10-01-15/0134:21> »
That's cool.  We'll be around. :)

And just to update, we're looking at a Noon EST launch time on Saturday, October 3rd, for anyone interested.  :)


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« Reply #6 on: <10-03-15/0035:55> »
Due to a couple RL issues, including illness, we're bumping the server restart back a week, so we'll be rebooting on Saturday, October 10th. Please join us for some fun and dino combat! :)


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« Reply #7 on: <10-08-15/0238:18> »
Have not been able to play myself due to work, however this is an interesting review:
Do you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an Invisible(WiFi) All Seeing(detecting those connected- at least if within 100'), All Knowing(all online data) Presence that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength (wifi boni) and Comfort (porn) or do you turn your back on it  (Go Offline)?


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« Reply #8 on: <10-22-15/1732:31> »
Continuing the awesome, Mr. Taylor shows us what passes for the ParaDinoTroopers on his server.

Best example of Maxim 11 seen yet.
Do you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an Invisible(WiFi) All Seeing(detecting those connected- at least if within 100'), All Knowing(all online data) Presence that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength (wifi boni) and Comfort (porn) or do you turn your back on it  (Go Offline)?


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« Reply #9 on: <10-26-15/0646:47> »
Yeah, that's the new Quetzalcoatlus dino they just added into the game.  They can also pick up and carry most of the dinos in the game with their claws, such as Mammoths (But not Rexes or Brontos).  They're a HUGE pain to take take down and tame. We've failed several times now, including one hilarious attempt where I carried one of my tribe mates with my Pteranodon while he tried to shoot it with tranq arrows and he kept hitting my bird, eventually knocking the bird unconscious and all of us falling out of the sky to our doom.


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« Reply #10 on: <10-26-15/0658:49> »
. We've failed several times now, including one hilarious attempt where I carried one of my tribe mates with my Pteranodon while he tried to shoot it with tranq arrows and he kept hitting my bird, eventually knocking the bird unconscious and all of us falling out of the sky to our doom.
OMG, please tell me you took some screen shots at least of this?

Do you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an Invisible(WiFi) All Seeing(detecting those connected- at least if within 100'), All Knowing(all online data) Presence that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength (wifi boni) and Comfort (porn) or do you turn your back on it  (Go Offline)?


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« Reply #11 on: <10-26-15/0930:25> »
. We've failed several times now, including one hilarious attempt where I carried one of my tribe mates with my Pteranodon while he tried to shoot it with tranq arrows and he kept hitting my bird, eventually knocking the bird unconscious and all of us falling out of the sky to our doom.
OMG, please tell me you took some screen shots at least of this?

Yes! Please post screenshots of that!   ;D


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« Reply #12 on: <10-26-15/1253:26> »
I am just imagining the text log

Player x fires bow
Player X: &^$£&*(!!!

Bull: Will you please stop shooting our ride while we are so high up?!?

Pteranodon: ZZZZZZzzzzzzzz



Bet there are some riggers who can relate to this. :P
« Last Edit: <10-26-15/1301:47> by Sendaz »
Do you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an Invisible(WiFi) All Seeing(detecting those connected- at least if within 100'), All Knowing(all online data) Presence that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength (wifi boni) and Comfort (porn) or do you turn your back on it  (Go Offline)?


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« Reply #13 on: <10-27-15/1435:44> »
Sadly, I was too busy falling to my death to take screen shots ;)

They added in dino breeding recently, and last night we bred a pair of Sabertooth Tiger kitty twins.  So I did a short recording about breeding and showing them off, because the little Saberkitties are adorable! 

(All the babies are adorable, actually. :))

