Poll time! Which Triple-A is gonna die?

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« Reply #30 on: <09-16-15/0705:53> »
Here's one for you.

"Today, Richard Villers has taken a ride up to the Zurich Orbital in person. It seems that he has evidence to present to the court about the corporation who attacked Boston and devastated NeoNET finances. Corporate watchers are assuming that he'll be asking for a transfer of assets from the corporation equal to what he has lost and, in addition, will ask for a proper level of punitive damages to be applied as well. Could we be watching the first steps of a true Omega Order? We'll be covering this around the clock for the next 72 hours!"
Is that off a twitter or somewhere else?  I admit it can be tricky following all the updates...
Do you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an Invisible(WiFi) All Seeing(detecting those connected- at least if within 100'), All Knowing(all online data) Presence that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength (wifi boni) and Comfort (porn) or do you turn your back on it  (Go Offline)?


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« Reply #31 on: <09-16-15/0830:48> »
Not quite, Deadborder. Of the three Japanacorps, Renraku is the one that has been quiet for the longest time. Which scares the drek out of some of us, since Renraku being quiet means trouble's coming.

As far as what the three corps do, they're all into a little bit of everything, like all megas, but in their main focus, it ends up being like this.

Renraku - Big in computers, mid range in half a dozen fields, concentrating on making digital infrastructure (i.e. everything that uses the Matrix). Not putting themselves out there (any more) like NeoNET does, but that's why no one's gone crazy on them in the last decade.

Shiawase - Support services. Serious bank to be made in hauling trash, being the fire department, and so on. This is one of the things Shiawase is best known for, especially in North America.

Mitsuhama - Computers, natch. And they aren't shy about doing the research of questionable ethics. Otherwise, they're one of SK's biggest competitors when it comes to heavy industry, and go toe to toe with the big A on the magic front (with less blood magic, though).
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #32 on: <09-16-15/1852:26> »
Here's one for you.

"Today, Richard Villers has taken a ride up to the Zurich Orbital in person. It seems that he has evidence to present to the court about the corporation who attacked Boston and devastated NeoNET finances. Corporate watchers are assuming that he'll be asking for a transfer of assets from the corporation equal to what he has lost and, in addition, will ask for a proper level of punitive damages to be applied as well. Could we be watching the first steps of a true Omega Order? We'll be covering this around the clock for the next 72 hours!"
Is that off a twitter or somewhere else?  I admit it can be tricky following all the updates...

Oh No, no, just a supposition. Everyone saying that NeoNET's on teh hook, without thinking about how they could turn being the victim into a huge weapon.

