Copyright Question

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« on: <08-09-11/1235:34> »
I like my copyrights protected, and I believe in giving others the same benefit.

I'm in the process of making something that'll make sense of the Matrix. One part of it is a table of actions, tests, counters, and results.  To be complete I'm essentially summarizing the critical elements of large swaths of SR4A and UN. Not the whole thing, and not the fluff, but the key elements nonetheless.

Will posting this for member access cross the copyright permission threshold?


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« Reply #1 on: <08-09-11/1600:29> »
Fair question...suggest you PM Jason directly.



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« Reply #2 on: <08-09-11/1634:39> »
Will, just thought it might be something to be known in general. Thanks.


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« Reply #3 on: <08-09-11/1906:04> »
I had converted the PACKs into card-sized lists so that my players could build their characters like building a "deck" instead of copying everything out of the book. I had asked JMH if I'd be allowed to publish them up on the forums, and he turned me down. It's okay to have for personal use, but by distributing it out to the public, you're infringing on their intellectual property.


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« Reply #4 on: <08-18-11/2315:07> »
Definitely ask the man in charge, he's pretty good about getting back to people fast (from my experience at least).

From my understanding, you're allowed to make "fan-material" as long as the material is indeed fan-material and not just rehashes of published material in a new format. As for an expanded table I don't know where that would lie. I don't have a copy of Runner's Toolkit yet, does it have anything like this? From what I was told, I think most of its references were more combat oriented, but i'm not sure.

But when dealing with any IP, always (and I mean this literally) contact whoever is in charge even if they expressly permit it on their website.


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« Reply #5 on: <08-06-15/1139:07> »
So! taking the opportunity in this posting, I have a ask!
How can i do to launching a version of Shadowrun fifth edition® in portuguese, in my country!?
Realy a need some informations about Right's and the process to achieve it!

The Tekwych

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« Reply #6 on: <08-06-15/1600:14> »
So! taking the opportunity in this posting, I have a ask!
How can i do to launching a version of Shadowrun fifth edition® in portuguese, in my country!?
Realy a need some informations about Right's and the process to achieve it!

Request a license to translate and see what they say.


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« Reply #7 on: <08-06-15/2001:05> »
Contacting Jason is going to be your first step. (I believe you can find his email on the SR home page, and in the contact info in the books)

He will tell you what hoops you have to jump through. Expect there to be a LOT! Catalyst is leasing SR from Topps, which may mean its not even feasible! But at least Jadon is a good place to start.
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

Remember: You can't fix Stupid. But you can beat on it with a 2x4 until it smartens up! Or dies.

