The Turing heat

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« on: <05-17-15/1608:57> »
Planning a scenario with Neuromancer overtones. Just wondered what the corporate laws are in SR re AIs and if GOD enforce them? Any good book sources?

The system we learn says we're equal under law
But the streets are reality, the weak and poor will fall


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« Reply #1 on: <05-17-15/1844:50> »
The best book on these topics would probably Data Trails which is scheduled to come out in June.

If you are interested in AIs you should probably also look into CFD which is well described in Stolen Souls


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« Reply #2 on: <05-23-15/0044:28> »
Currently, there are no universal rules regarding AIs. Some countries and corporations grant them citizenship if they work for them, and others have bounties on them or hide them away in labs for experimentation purposes. And in some cases, they're regarded as property. The 4th edition Unwired book touches on this briefly, but with the CFD thing going on, the old rulebook has probably gone out the window by now.
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« Reply #3 on: <06-07-15/2041:49> »
There's rules on how to play an AI as a PC in datatrails so I'd check that out.
"Fish gotta swim You know what I'm sayin." Omar


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« Reply #4 on: <07-28-15/1612:33> »
Found it - 4 pages from the back of Emergence.

It's the ARM - Artificial Resource Management, a division of GOD.

"A special task force of the Grid Overwatch Division (GOD), ARM was established to research, track, and police artificial intelligences."
The system we learn says we're equal under law
But the streets are reality, the weak and poor will fall

