Street Samurai Survey

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« Reply #45 on: <07-04-15/1432:50> »
I might be a little confused by the phrasing of the question, "Which of the following best defines the Code by which your typical samurai follows?" Are we trying to answer it for our own PCs or how we envision the iconic street samurai behaves?

I might propose Darwin's Code as a new option, namely survival is paramount and everything else is secondary. Of course there are some who would die for their ideals or their honor, but I don't picture them as the norm.

If you're asking about my PCs, I tend to lean toward The Hooder's Code. Time is out of joint, the center cannot hold, the corps run the world, but the street samurai can tilt things back in the other direction every-so-slightly. My PCs are often street scum that clawed their way out of the gutters, so they sympathies remain with their roots even if their aspirations aim higher.

For discussion purposes - and acknowledging in advance that it pertains to shadowrunners in general rather than street samurai specifically - I might offer this quote from Jordan Weisman that he gave a few years ago during a Reddit AMA:

Shadowrun has it's own version of what honor and duty means. While an RPG allows and encourages each GM to create their own version of the world they are playing in, in my version of Shadowrun the runners are classical anti-heroes meaning that they are totally outside the "law" doing things that disrupt society but they do live by an internal code of honor and duty to each other and to the SINless, the poor souls without system identification numbers that live in the slums and are prayed upon by gangs and corps with equal abandon. In my version of the game the runners are often the only hope the SINless have.


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« Reply #46 on: <07-05-15/2222:48> »
1) The katana no question about it,the other combat types have other names as has already been mentioned ( Razorgirl,Gunbunny..etc. )
2) All races, because skill, dedication and following a code is not limited to any single race.
3) Skill and ability are more important than ware, but if i had to choose then reflexes, reaction enhancer and muscle toner
4) A modified version of the Ronin's code, because to be honest, someone who would not lie, cheat or steal would make a poor shadowrunner.

The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #47 on: <07-09-15/0250:19> »
1: Weapon: The katana first and foremost; secondarily, 'the weapon required', even - especially - if that is no weapon, for the samurai's mind is the weapon .  The idea of the street samurai was, to me, influenced heavily by Ghost-Who-Walks-Inside in the very first piece of fiction for Shadowrun, the 1e main book's opening fic 'Night on the Town'; you could see that Ghost was a sharp, working brain, which defined him more than his dual SMGs or wired reflexes did.  However, that said, the katana carried the implication of honor, duty, loyalty, etc. - and to use one properly required dedication and training.  (This can be said of any sword, but at that time, the samurai was really popular as the 'dedicated warrior'.)

2: Race.  For me, because of the street sam variants in the back of the original Street Samurai catalog, race became 'whatever you happen to be'.  My personal preference out of those five archetypes (human, elf, ork, troll, dwarf) was the ork, because he was such a wonderfully low-key character.  While he didn't have (couldn't afford) a whole buttload of cyber in him like the others, he had style:

I think this image really awoke me to the idea of the metahuman street sam, and in many ways began to define for me what a real street sam was - not the overmuscled spur-popped SMG-wielding visor-eyeballed grotesque of a human of the main book, but class and subtlety.

3: Cyberware: Wired Reflexes, then a smartgun link.  The street samurai IMO is dedicated to moving first, moving often, and being accurate with his weapon.  Everything else, from reaction or quickness enhancers, dermal armor, spurs, or a strength boost, is flavored icing on your cake, to make it look like you want - but the wired reflexes and the smartgun link are the cake itself.

4: Philosophy: Street samurai are virtually identical to wave men, working for whatever master exists in order to buy their next bowl of rice.  I would not categorize the Ronin code as honor above all, but instead as being 'the Samurai code' with a rider of 'the foolish dead man has no honor', and so contains a good dose of the survivor's code.  (A ronin is perfectly willing to set up an ambush, especially if she's outnumbered.)  For me, I look at Akira Kurosawa's seminal work Seven Samurai to see what a Street Samurai is.  The codes shown by Kambei Shimada and Shichirōji are essentially the code of the Street Samurai - that of the Ronin, but with gi, righteousness, and jin, benevolence or compassion, being the foremost guiding virtues instead of meiyo, honor, and chūgi, loyalty.  One can see that there are variations on this; though Kyūzō seems to be on a search for the purification of his skill, though he originally declines to join the others, he eventually does so as he realizes that his quest could be better served by following gi and jin in helping the villagers.
« Last Edit: <07-09-15/0252:37> by The Wyrm Ouroboros »
Pananagutan & End/Line

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« Reply #48 on: <07-09-15/0406:49> »
In my mind there have been several iconic "Street Samurai" each of whom follows a sightly different path, all of which are valid:

Molly Millions/Sally Shears - Gibson's iconic sprawl trilogy razorgirl cybered warrioress
Alex - The main character from Nemesis, an enjoyable cyberpunk style film starring Olivier Grunner
Ghost Dog - Forrest Whittaker's character from the film of the same name, though you could argue he would be better as an adept
Ghost - the archetypal samurai from 1st edition shadowrun and the original novel trilogy

On a related note Gibson also gave us the archetypal former company man in the shape of Turner or Conway and possibly even Fox, so many archetypal deckers it's unbelievable, the archetypal fixer in Finn.

All of the above are just off the top of my head without referring to any of the texts in question and I'm sure that several others will pop in as soon as I post this response.
´Wonderful´, the Flatline said,´I never did like to do anything simple when I could do it ass-backwards.´ - William Gibson, Neuromancer
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« Reply #49 on: <07-09-15/0426:06> »
Wyrm, if you cut that out of the 2e book it came from to scan it.....

<Shakes fist>
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« Reply #50 on: <07-09-15/0502:10> »
Aside from my profile picture, Wyrm's picture has always been my favorite and been the inspiration to many if my characters.
Street Samurai's Catalog had some great art for its archetypes, where the elf and dwarf version screams neo-bushido, the troll was efficiency where the ork, as Wyrm said, oozed style. That picture is partly the reason why orks are my favorite race.  The 2e art did orks justice!
Sorry, I'll rerail the thread now
If Tom Brady’s a Spike Baby, what does that make Brees and Rodgers?

The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #51 on: <07-09-15/0519:28> »
Not mine; websearched for 'shadowrun ork street samurai' and up it popped.  Besides, the 2e version is crap, you can get 'em for a dime a dozen.  It's the 1e version that's hellaciously rare.

And PiXel01, both pieces were done by Laubenstein - and while I know the ork street samurai piece is from First Edition, I think yours might be as well ... though I'm not sure.
« Last Edit: <07-09-15/0728:14> by The Wyrm Ouroboros »
Pananagutan & End/Line

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Sabato Kuroi

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« Reply #52 on: <07-09-15/0648:57> »
Cyberware + Code of Honor


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« Reply #53 on: <07-09-15/1852:00> »
A lot of the art from 1st was recycled in 2nd as far as I can tell. Sadly I started right after the release of 2nd so I can't really tell the difference. Yet I still call for a renascence  of that art style.
Would you say the difference between a Razorboi and a street samurai is the Code or just professional behavior?
If Tom Brady’s a Spike Baby, what does that make Brees and Rodgers?


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« Reply #54 on: <07-09-15/2051:28> »
Good question, PiXeL01.  I say it is a matter of respect.  When I hear razorboi/girl, I'm reminded of a line in some older edition fiction, 'You're living on borrowed time, vatjob.'  It was a fight between an adept and a samurai.  Adept clearly had no respect for the samurai.

I guess what I'm saying is I think the individual who is respected will never be referred to as razorboi (vatjob).  Having a code (I believe) goes a long way toward earning that respect.  And you don't have to be liked to be respected.

The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #55 on: <07-10-15/0031:56> »
Oh, god, no - for all I enjoy that one image, I generally detest Laubenstein's art style for being egregiously unbalanced and unrealistic, just for the form.  At this point, he wouldn't be the last person I'd hire to do new artwork, but he'd be in the bottom 10%.

In regards to the 'razorboy/razorgirl' (Razorboi? Is than an effeminate Japanese cyberized street punk?) vs samurai question, it is a matter of a code of ethics.  The razorboy has 'Code Selection #7' from above - no code whatsoever.  Twins who grow up in the same place, even if they have identical gear, cyber, skills, and stats, can be very different - one a razorboy, with a general 'fuck you all' attitude and who remains a punk both inside and out, and the street samurai, who has his personal Code that keeps him right with the world, and especially with himself.  The street sam will be a professional, which is where (I think) the difference lies; the razorboy a blazing pink mohawked punk with 'bite my snake' tattooed on the side of his head, popping and polishing his spurs at a meet, and basically being someone with a 15-minute shelf-life.

You want a street sam on your team.  You want to hire the razorboy to cause a distraction, because he's disposable.
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
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Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
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« Reply #56 on: <07-10-15/0227:58> »
Oh, god, no - for all I enjoy that one image, I generally detest Laubenstein's art style for being egregiously unbalanced and unrealistic, just for the form.  At this point, he wouldn't be the last person I'd hire to do new artwork, but he'd be in the bottom 10%.

In regards to the 'razorboy/razorgirl' (Razorboi? Is than an effeminate Japanese cyberized street punk?) vs samurai question, it is a matter of a code of ethics.  The razorboy has 'Code Selection #7' from above - no code whatsoever.  Twins who grow up in the same place, even if they have identical gear, cyber, skills, and stats, can be very different - one a razorboy, with a general 'fuck you all' attitude and who remains a punk both inside and out, and the street samurai, who has his personal Code that keeps him right with the world, and especially with himself.  The street sam will be a professional, which is where (I think) the difference lies; the razorboy a blazing pink mohawked punk with 'bite my snake' tattooed on the side of his head, popping and polishing his spurs at a meet, and basically being someone with a 15-minute shelf-life.

You want a street sam on your team.  You want to hire the razorboy to cause a distraction, because he's disposable.

I dunno, there something about all that old artwork that just.... speaks to me.
Now I am not saying we haven't had some fantastic artwork recently, but something just feel right about that artwork, and the way it goes with the layout of the books...

but, maybe that just me.
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

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« Reply #57 on: <07-10-15/0246:58> »
the razorboy a blazing pink mohawked punk with 'bite my snake' tattooed on the side of his head, popping and polishing his spurs at a meet

All I have to ask is, did he have a snake? ;)
´Wonderful´, the Flatline said,´I never did like to do anything simple when I could do it ass-backwards.´ - William Gibson, Neuromancer
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” - William Gibson

The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #58 on: <07-10-15/0303:13> »
According to Fields of Fire, he did.  Unfortunately, I got my hair wrong - top of his head was shaved, and the rest was down to his shoulderblades and bone white.
Quote from: Fields of Fire, p.14
>>>>>( Does he actually have a snake? )<<<<<
          -- 'Shroom (09:25:09/01-10-55)

>>>>>( Yeah, a red-and-brown anaconda named Freddi. )<<<<<
          -- Hatchetman (18:34:58/01-11-55)

FoF really was a top book in regards to theme and the mercenary - but also, in a whole lot of ways, for the streets and the street samurai ethos itself.  Hatchetman (MHRIP) was SR's truly definitive street samurai, and for the most part, Fields of Fire is where he really, really shines.  Get it if you can.
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
New Wyrm!! Now with Twice the Bastard!!

Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
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« Reply #59 on: <07-10-15/0332:44> »
According to Fields of Fire, he did.  Unfortunately, I got my hair wrong - top of his head was shaved, and the rest was down to his shoulderblades and bone white.
Quote from: Fields of Fire, p.14
>>>>>( Does he actually have a snake? )<<<<<
          -- 'Shroom (09:25:09/01-10-55)

>>>>>( Yeah, a red-and-brown anaconda named Freddi. )<<<<<
          -- Hatchetman (18:34:58/01-11-55)

FoF really was a top book in regards to theme and the mercenary - but also, in a whole lot of ways, for the streets and the street samurai ethos itself.  Hatchetman (MHRIP) was SR's truly definitive street samurai, and for the most part, Fields of Fire is where he really, really shines.  Get it if you can.

FoF was one of the better books, especially as it did give Hatchetman a chance to shine, though if I remember correctly he had read it all the way through before going back and posting which caused a few people to question his authenticity as far as some of his views and beliefs were concerned.

Also I'll forgive you getting the hair wrong as I didn't notice myself. Having said that it's been years since I picked that book up so was amazed I even recognised the quote in the first place
´Wonderful´, the Flatline said,´I never did like to do anything simple when I could do it ass-backwards.´ - William Gibson, Neuromancer
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” - William Gibson

