Hi all,
I'm building up a campaign and I'm looking for ideas to connect my assortment of thoughts. I'm a pretty much a newb so forgive me for the amalgamation of ideas and thoughts that will be posted shortly.
The general Idea is: An old man, a former magic researcher in some corporate approach the runners to obtain some artifact for him. The old man is part of an obscure cult trying to revive some old god/demon (A-LA lovecraft style) and he is manipulating the runners to get items required leading to his ultimate betrayal and the final showdown to save to world, generic heroic stuff.I would like to spice it up with some corporate involvement where they are interested in stopping the cult but want the ability and power coming with those artifacts / controlling this demon.
I was thinking the main players in this story will be 1. The old man - which at start will lead and help the group - also drive forward the plot and at the end will be the main villain. 2. Corporate A where the man used to work for - they have knowledge of his research and are aware of the power and risks in play here - I was thinking Aztec-Technology 3. Corporate B - a corporate holding some important artifact which will be dragged to the story and add some spice - maybe they will be interested in having that power for themselves - was thinking Seder-Krupp.
Main running area will be north - west America
I would like the story to be 6-7 acts, where each act will be a 1 - 1.5 run where most of the role playing and story will be in between runs. The layout i had in mind is
Act 1. Old Man send the runners to obtain a book from an old Seder-Krupp facility - which in a quarantine zone control by some gang. (this one is more planned)
Act 2.

maybe the Old man - will send the group to obtain some items from aztecT to get an item important for interpreting the book - this will introduce the other major player
Act 3. ??
Act 4. ??
Act 5. The betrayal where the old man using the cult try to get rid of group while taking the artifacts required for the ritual - Group need to escape and survive / and reach in time to stop the ritual
Act 6. final show down - In an underwater lab to stop the ritual.
Any thoughts and comments will be welcomed, as I am not fully familiar with shadow run lore.