[SR4] House Rules

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« Reply #585 on: <08-30-13/1225:10> »
That would make things a lot easier.

Not to mention being less intimidating for new players.


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« Reply #586 on: <08-31-13/2303:53> »
Not my idea but I did think it'd make sense: Would it be possible to split this topic into separate SR4 and SR5 Houserule topics?


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« Reply #587 on: <06-17-14/0508:13> »
It looks like I might be inheriting an SR4 campaign soon, and one thing that really bothers me is the initiative pass system. Did anyone try transplanting SR5's initiative system to SR4? Does it just mean changing the corresponding ware/spell/power or am I missing something vital that will make it all not work?

The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #588 on: <06-29-14/2318:02> »
Honestly, if you inherit it, pause and talk with the players and see if they're willing to move up to SR5.  If they say no, though, all you really have to do is simply upgrade a few of the rules - rolling the initiative dice, the firing frequencies, and the interrupt action reductions.
Pananagutan & End/Line

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« Reply #589 on: <07-06-14/0640:10> »
It looks like I might be inheriting an SR4 campaign soon, and one thing that really bothers me is the initiative pass system. Did anyone try transplanting SR5's initiative system to SR4? Does it just mean changing the corresponding ware/spell/power or am I missing something vital that will make it all not work?
We did just that in our local SR4 game for the last year (transitioning to SR5 now).
It's basically a drop-in replacement. Your normal SR4 initiative score becomes the new SR5-style initiative score, and you have +1d6 for every initiative pass you'd have under the SR5 system. So if your SR4 initiative is 8 with 2 passes, you now have 8+2d6. There's no real changes you have to make except for that.

It makes combat a lot better, in my opinion. You could add in some more related rules (like interrupt actions and such that Wyrm said) but it's not necessary.

Dr Adder

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« Reply #590 on: <10-12-15/1527:46> »
Hi, some necromancy here !

I recently saw SR5 Core and Run Faster, and there are  some good ideas.

Has someone "tranferred" some materials to SR4A?

Especially the  positive and negative qualities seem to be better estimated in karma SR5 version, what can be an equivalent in Build Point SR4A ?
« Last Edit: <12-28-15/1558:20> by Dr Adder »


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« Reply #591 on: <12-24-22/0034:38> »
subtract "roll your will to see if you enjoy it" and I think it is perfectly fine.
that was in 3rd with a target of 2, the gm was tring to be funny about it. any roll was a pass.

I rolled all ones on one of those rolls. My Dwarves Street Sam developed a preference for Troll women.

