Thomas Roxborough and cloning

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« Reply #30 on: <06-26-15/1238:16> »
Agh so excited..... I just love some high-level AI nonsense. Looking forward to the Q&A


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« Reply #31 on: <06-26-15/1932:55> »
Hey Wakshaani, is Deus "alive"? How about Morgan/Maegera and/or Mirage?


That is an interesting question! One that I cannot answer without getting an axe in the back of my skull before finishing. :D

However, in a book called "10 AIs", there might be a conversation about the big guns, not all of which are even publicly known. Shadowtalk loves rumor-mongering, after all, and there're few things I enjoy writing more than Shadowtalk.

But by now we are *way* off-topic. More on this should probably be a thread in and of itself.


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« Reply #32 on: <03-25-24/2202:47> »
This is a bit of an old thread. But this plot line got a mention of a major update in Falling Points. Just a passing mention. I don't want be specific since I don't know how to get spoilers working on this forum.

But does anyone know where it talks more about it? It just casually throws it out there like it's already happened and I can't find it in the source books. Was this plot thread mentioned in a novel recently or something?
« Last Edit: <03-25-24/2241:15> by mik212 »

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #33 on: <03-26-24/0746:54> »
This is a bit of an old thread. But this plot line got a mention of a major update in Falling Points. Just a passing mention. I don't want be specific since I don't know how to get spoilers working on this forum.

But does anyone know where it talks more about it? It just casually throws it out there like it's already happened and I can't find it in the source books. Was this plot thread mentioned in a novel recently or something?
If I recall correctly from Discord, it might have been planned to have mentioned somewhere a few books ago but that fell through?
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #34 on: <03-26-24/1142:24> »
This is correct. A one-page story would have reintroduced him, but for some reason I'm not sure of, that page wasn't in the final product.

So, trying to find out if I can share it, since it was purchased and no longer mine. It doesn't *explain* it, but it sets it up.

(It was a set-up which would have gtten *so* many people talking. Gah.)


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« Reply #35 on: <03-26-24/1301:36> »
Just glad to get some confirmation to be honest. It was bugging the hell out of me. Thank you.

I'm relatively new to Shadowrun lore but this has been a long running plot thread hasn't it? A passing mention by a jackpointer talking about it in the past tense had me do a spit take.


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« Reply #36 on: <03-26-24/1429:07> »
I need to doublecheck what book his return was supposed to be in, but it's recent. 

More when I have info.


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« Reply #37 on: <03-30-24/1448:18> »
Going to derail this thread to say:

Wak's back!

I know it happened earlier this month but I didn't notice you were posting again until just now.

(This post is my first in twelve months so I'm in a similar boat.)


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« Reply #38 on: <03-31-24/1016:48> »
I forget that we have forums tucked away i here every now and then. Between the day job, writing, and far too many hobbies, I can wander off the rails sometime. Always able to be poked, tho! I'm always happy to chat about whatever.

(HOPEfully, I can get a webcam up and running in the future so I can do more online stuff. I had an interview a bit ago, but I felt bad that I wasn't on camera like the host.)


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« Reply #39 on: <03-31-24/1536:37> »
Well hopefully they find a way to work your story into a future book. Or figure some other way to fit the event into the future narrative. I mean at this point we can all just sort of assume Dis did it since we have established they are really good a bioengineering and making deals with bad people. Which is to bad since it seems like you were going for some sort of mystery about his return? Would have worked better if it had been a few books ago before we got the low down.


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« Reply #40 on: <04-02-24/1212:15> »
Is there a singular source that explains more about why we care about Roxborough?  I played back in 1e then picked up the game again a while into 5e, so I missed out on whatever documented him as being notable originally.  (I've read about his weird survival and existence, and that he was a notable shareholder in Aztechnology and Universal Omnitech.  But it sounds like that he is 'on the loose' again is a big deal, and I'd like to read up on why he is considered to be of such note).


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« Reply #41 on: <04-02-24/2211:12> »
Head of Aztechnology, one of the main people behind Cybermancy and trapping Alice in the Matrix, lots of bad stuff.

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #42 on: <04-03-24/0127:36> »
Sounds like the kind of guy where turning him into a Cyberzombie, trapped inside a mostly-mechanical body being controlled by someone else, is the best way to go.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #43 on: <04-03-24/0157:03> »
Well hopefully they find a way to work your story into a future book. Or figure some other way to fit the event into the future narrative. I mean at this point we can all just sort of assume Dis did it since we have established they are really good a bioengineering and making deals with bad people. Which is to bad since it seems like you were going for some sort of mystery about his return? Would have worked better if it had been a few books ago before we got the low down.

Yeah, him being back was portrayed as a Big Deal, leaving open the questions of how it was done and what he'd do from there. With that Big Reveal, it would have started people speculating and waiting for the next part, getting people involved in teh story.

With that first part missing, now it's just ... oof.


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« Reply #44 on: <04-03-24/0219:47> »
Is there a singular source that explains more about why we care about Roxborough?  I played back in 1e then picked up the game again a while into 5e, so I missed out on whatever documented him as being notable originally.  (I've read about his weird survival and existence, and that he was a notable shareholder in Aztechnology and Universal Omnitech.  But it sounds like that he is 'on the loose' again is a big deal, and I'd like to read up on why he is considered to be of such note).

Arguably he greatest hacker in the world, Roxy used to be a high-end corporate raider who got into a tussle with an asset of Dunklezahn back in the day over buying something, got furious when he wasn't able to acquire it, and lashed out in revenge. Depending on who you believe, he unleashed the Crash Virus itself, which brought the world to its knees. (It very quickly went way, WAY out of his control, but no one alive knows that he is connected to it and can back that claim up.) ... that virus, of course, killed Alice Heffner, and the eGhost, Alice, is based off of her brain. (If it was her actual ghost, haunting teh Matrix, a shard of teh Crash virus that became sentient and based itself off of her, or something else entirely has neer been revealed.) ... unfortunately for Roxy, he also developed a unique, and rathe rhorrible, genetic condition which resulted first in him being bed riden, then worse, before finally being moved into a giant vat where his body just ... unravelled. His mind managed to survive, even as his body turned into a bunch of fillament and jelly, and he manage dto get a datajack implanted into his, let's say mass? which gave him access to teh Matrix as it was created. He's been on teh Matrix for 24 hours a day (even when asleep, he's jacked in) since Day 0 of the Matrix existing, and due to this, and the money he's pumped into his tech, he's arguably the greatest Decker in teh world.

He's also ruthless and immoral, and has been hungry for both a cure, and revenge, ever since his "Boxing". He's nearly gotten out several times, but Alicehad always been lurking in the background, undercutting his escape attempts. His most infamous was in trying to be implanted into Ryan Mercury's body (Part of teh DragonHeart trilogy, which gives you most of his backstory), but Alice was able to stop that and is quite happy to see him tortured and suffer.

When Alice died (or "died" depening on your reading, more on that in 10 AIs), Roxy no longer had an active agent as skilled at teh Matrix as him working to block his every move, but was also cut off for the Matrix for the first time when teh Second Crash happened. Once he got back online, he was free to start solving his big problems.

He also needed to make money.

Roxy's infamously ephermeal with alliances, and while he had worked with Aztechnology in the past, their relationship had soured. He briefly got a controlling stake in teh Bank of Japan (which underwrites all teh the Japanacorps and should be utterly untouchable), but that quietly went away not long after he got it... it's assumed that some kind of deal was made, but no one knows what.

So he's been quietly lurking in his box, a corporate raider whose humanity has long since vanished, teh world's greatest hacker and a high level corporate raider who ignores all teh rules, Doing Things for a while. Him showing up in teh flesh out of nowhere has shaken a LOT of people (not the least of which is KAM, his ex-wife, and teh Smiling Bandit, who's currently hooked up with KAM), and there's wild speculation and just how that's possible.

(And it SHOULD have had a ton of fans speculating as well, but.)