It's a sleepy Sunday morning at the store, which you have largely to yourselves. Most of the available good is directed toward hunting or fishing. In addition to an impressive selection of rifles and shotguns, there are an extensive number of bows available. There's even an small indoor archery range along the back of the building. The shop itself is relatively utilitarian. The walls are painted cinderblock, and the ceiling wiring is exposed. As good at the Pueblo grid is, this place hasn't put much effort into their AR displays. Doc is disappointed that there's not much to look at or interact with other than the AROs that provide product descriptions and prices.
Chino slings on an Ares Victory Globetrotter jacket, its inherent warmth and protection (combined with the memory of a fire spirit scorching his arms) overriding any concerns he has about flexibility. He stares longingly at the form-fitting body armor but in the end it just isn't warm enough for the conditions outside.
Doc lets Ohanzee grab the requested shotgun shells, reasoning that the salesman's tolerance for an Anglo not broadcasting a SIN can only be pushed so far. Doc snags a white ballistic mask for Ace, figuring that it will camouflage better in the snow. The snowmobile helmet that Doc selects for himself has a white and black pattern on it that should blend in well.
Adding the PPP kit to the pile, Ohanzee slots the team credstick and thinks, just for a moment, that he sees a flicker of a smile from the muscular salesman. Chino wears the jacket out while carrying everything else in the provided shopping bag.
Chino shivers with delight as he steps outside. "This jacket is so warm!" he beams with a smile. "Like wrapping yourself in a snuggly blanket." Ohanzee and Doc double-check to see if he's being serious. He glows innocently enough, his look practically angelic. And here he almost killed you an hour ago.
It's about 11:30, so the trio decide to get some lunch and stay warm, uncertain of when (or if) DIMR will respond. It's a Sunday after all. Someone probably doesn't get to the top of the DIMR - even just a local office - by ignoring their commlink on a weekend, but response times might be slower than a weekday. Or maybe they'll be faster since there won't be any competing fire drills? The only thing you can do is wait and see.
There's a restaurant featuring Shoshone cuisine - camas root, bitterroot, wild onions, pine nuts, bighorn sheep, jackrabbits, squirrels - that Chino is eager to try. Ohanzee, more presently aware of the social dynamic in town than Chino is, balks in favor of someplace where two Anglos will blend in better. That's how the three end up at a Nukit Burger just off the freeway, the other option being a Nacho Mama.
Nukit advertising boasts a “one stop, beef-in-a-basket, feast-on-a-bun” kind of place, and that they certainly do deliver. It isn’t gourmet fare - Katsina would probably shiver, even if she couldn't eat it anyway - but they have managed to create a dependable menu that’s definitely tastier than McHugh’s, even if they don’t provide anywhere near the level of paranoid security. (McHugh's is famous for security, as every store includes a security guard and flimsy tables and concrete barriers around the exterior sidewalks to prevent gogangers from plowing vehicles through the doors.) The Nukit menu variety is pretty good, offering not just several kinds of burgers, but hot dogs, onion rings, chicken chunks and even their famous “Nuke and Serve Burritos” as well. They charge slightly more than McHugh’s, and the price is worth it if you’re looking for tastier fare than just soy and krill.
Chino settles down into a plastic booth, looking delighted at the kid's burger, kid's hot dog, kid's chicken chunks, and kid's burrito that he ordered for himself. The variety of kid's meals seems to have consoled him for not being able to go to the Shoshone place. Or maybe he's not as interested in the food as he is the small plastic toys that come with them. "Wooosh, booooom!" he says, making sounds to imitate a battle between two of the plastic figurines. "You didn't hit me!" Chino ventriloquizes for one of the figures. "Did so! Did not! Did so!" He looks delighted and passes the time easily.
"The different HMHVV viruses were haphazardly organized into classes and strains and are still referred to as such in older publications and among laymen, but the current accepted organization now divides them into three distinct subgenera," Katsina drones on.
"Vrykolakiviridae (HMHVV I) retroviruses are only spread through transmission of bodily fluids in conjunction with a vampiric attack. The actual retroviral transformation is triggered when the victim’s life energies are depleted; the dispersal of the victim’s aura is apparently halted and partially reversed by the virus. The transformed metahuman possesses vampiric or cannibalistic dietary requirements depending upon on their metatype. Each metatype is vulnerable to particular species of vrykolakiviridae, and there is substantial disparity in expression, including vampires, wendigo, nosferatu..." She prattles on, oblivious to Ace's body language cues begging her to stop.
Ohanzee keeps an eye on the surroundings. Picking this place seems like a good move, as a wide variety of highway travelers stop by, helping the trio to blend in. Hopi and Zuni are relatively rare, but there is lots of English. A group of sour-looking Russian men stop in, as well as a busload of Japanese tourists. The Nukit automated drone cleans up around you, never bothering you or urging you to move on. Chino enjoys his third partially gelatinated non-dairy gum-based beverage while Doc surfs the Matrix and Ohanzee scans the other customers.
It's getting late in the afternoon and the plastic booth is starting to feel pretty hard. Chino is fidgety beyond belief - a quarter-kilo of sugar will do that to you - and Ohanzee is starting to wonder if delivering the package on a Sunday was not optimal. Ohanzee gets up, leading the others back to the van.
"Ew, my new jacket smells like Nukit," Chino pouts. "Super ick!"
Chino climbs in the driver's seat while Ohanzee takes shotgun. Doc settles in the back and buckles up, just in case Chino drives like a child as well as talking like one.
Then, at 4:59:58, a call comes in on the burner commlink. Doc's finger snaps up in the air to get everyone's attention. He triple-checks to make sure it's slaved to his deck for the additional Firewall protection. Then he nods to Ohanzee.