The group rolls out, Gespenst setting a route and attempting to hack where he can to blackout their escape.
Civilian calls up Mr. Johnson, who instructs them to meet him at a warehouse near the teahouse where he offered them a job. The group manages to arrive without incident.
Mr.Johnson is there to greet them, a slick suit and stylish hair marking the business man.
"No undue difficulty, I hope," he asks, obviously not giving a drake whether there was or was not. He nods to a few other Chinese men who examine the goods in the truck. After several moments, one gives a thumbs up and he smiles.
"All is in order. Your pay is due."
Sometimes you worry about betrayal or some other last minute complication like they show in all of the trips, but not today. Today you get paid. With the up front payment, that's 9,500¥, which isn't shabby. Maybe worth getting tossed about by a giant water monster.
With that, some of the group might have exchanged commcodes, but others move on their merry way, melting back into the shadows from whence they came.