[StS IC] Triple Threat

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  • Divillian Lesterat
« Reply #165 on: <09-10-15/1431:46> »
Seeing the spirit take damage, Divillian stepped back from the wall and concentrated his will. The threads of mana which bound the spirit to its mage were thin and with barely any strain, he plucked them apart, allowing the spirit to return to its home.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #166 on: <09-13-15/2056:07> »
Seeing that the Water Spirit has dematerialized, Calico ducks back behind a crate.  Switching to astral perception and seeing that the spirit has departed completely, she breathes a sigh of relief and slumps down next to the crate.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #167 on: <09-17-15/1534:55> »
Angus rages silently at the sight of his vanishing before he could dispatch the spirit. When out of the corner of his eye he sees the movement of the last goon trying to escape. He swings Lilith over and she sings her favorite dirge. Six bullets leave her barrel and six hit there target. Blood splatters the door as the goon slips down to the ground. Angus smiles feeling his vengeance was a little sated.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #168 on: <09-18-15/2025:21> »
As the noise in the warehouse dies down, a faint door slam can be heard and then... silence.  Utter silence.

It appears as though all of their enemies are subdued or... in the case of the mage, escaped.

Better get moving with the clean up before he brings friends.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #169 on: <09-20-15/1434:34> »
"Anybody got a first aid kit? We need to heal up, but FAST. Anybody not healing or being healed needs to get these trucks ready to MOVE. Div, what say you whip up a little spirit to hopefully find and keep tabs on that escaped mage? Let's go people, we've got MAYBE minutes before more company arrives.". Calico prepares to cast a heal spell the moment the designated first aider has finished with their patient.

« Last Edit: <09-20-15/1438:57> by trv123 »
"Speech" *Thought* <Text> ~Astral~


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  • Divillian Lesterat
« Reply #170 on: <09-21-15/1743:24> »
I do not.  One moment, there's something I need to take care of. Divillian sat back against the metal wall and closed his eyes. About a minute later, his eyes open and he stands up. Hopefully, that should buy us some time before reinforcements arrive.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #171 on: <09-21-15/2121:23> »
"Yes, I can patch folks up," Gespenst announces, and he proceeds to apply bandages, which stop the bleeding but don't seem to provide any comfort beyond that.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #172 on: <09-26-15/1353:24> »
Fuckin amateurs. Calico thought as she followed behind Gespenst, applying magical healing to the wounded group members. His efforts had provided minimal improvement at best. I guess not everybody has had the opportunity to learn from an expert like Hank ... anyway, no time to dwell on that now. Having improved the wounded's various statuses considerably, she stood and took stock of the situation. Div had apparently done something astrally to buy them some time, but something told her that dicking around at the scene of the crime was still a very bad idea. Tick Tock, Callie. Tick fucking tock.
"Speech" *Thought* <Text> ~Astral~

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #173 on: <09-26-15/1612:36> »
Once everyone is healed up, Gespenst calls out.  "Looks like one truck izt loaded.  One more izt waiting for loading from this boat."

With Terrane and Angus up and moving, it looks like it shouldn't take long to load the boat up and get everything moving out of the place.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #174 on: <09-26-15/1652:50> »
"I'm gonna keep watch outside. I'll jump in with somebody as you roll out. Let's keep an open comm channel." She moves stealthily outside, finding a spot with good concealment that gives a good vantage of all avenues of approach.

[spoiler]perception 11-2=9 dice, sneaking 16-2=14
Physical limit 7 (for sneaking), mental 4[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <09-26-15/1710:40> by trv123 »
"Speech" *Thought* <Text> ~Astral~

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #175 on: <09-30-15/1619:33> »
It only takes about 15 minutes to get the second truck loaded.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #176 on: <09-30-15/1938:47> »
Upon hearing that the trucks are loaded, Calico creeps back inside. "Looks clear so far. Let's get the hell outta here before that changes." She quickly hops in the truck that Terrane's driving, watching as Div and Angus squeeze in with Gespenst. A troll and a mage in each, she noted with satisfaction.
"Speech" *Thought* <Text> ~Astral~

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #177 on: <10-02-15/1059:05> »
The group rolls out, Gespenst setting a route and attempting to hack where he can to blackout their escape.

Civilian calls up Mr. Johnson, who instructs them to meet him at a warehouse near the teahouse where he offered them a job.  The group manages to arrive without incident.

Mr.Johnson is there to greet them, a slick suit and stylish hair marking the business man.

"No undue difficulty, I hope," he asks, obviously not giving a drake whether there was or was not.  He nods to a few other Chinese men who examine the goods in the truck.  After several moments, one gives a thumbs up and he smiles.

"All is in order.  Your pay is due."

Sometimes you worry about betrayal or some other last minute complication like they show in all of the trips, but not today.  Today you get paid.  With the up front payment, that's 9,500¥, which isn't shabby.  Maybe worth getting tossed about by a giant water monster.

With that, some of the group might have exchanged commcodes, but others move on their merry way, melting back into the shadows from whence they came.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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  • Divillian Lesterat
« Reply #178 on: <10-06-15/1334:57> »
Divillian is happy to hand his commcode over to the group. If you need an extra pair of eyes, hands and a touch of magic, give me a ring. He then takes payout downtown and starts looking for a new place to call home, other than the meditation mat behind the stuffer shack he's 'staying at' now.


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« Reply #179 on: <10-06-15/1428:54> »
"If you're headed to find a new place, mind if I join? I could use one myself. My current housing situation is… not ideal." Calico says to Divillian, unable to suppress her natural flirtatiousness.
"Speech" *Thought* <Text> ~Astral~