[5e IC] Circles of Power [2076 Game Thread]

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« Reply #105 on: <05-11-15/0220:27> »
<<Well... replied Solo... I am sorry... everything moves so fast in lalaland... I'll try to start from the start.
We have two challenges, one people protecting the asset and the other people looking after the asset.

So I ask you guys... can we steal a person without nobody noticing?
With what they are paying us, the cooperate force may be very formidable and violence is bad for our health.
So basically, I think our peaceful options are:

Swap and leave, or swap and hide then leave.
Every plan I think about start with finding the target and swapping her with someone else...  If we go for swap, hide and then leave -  it might worth it to fool the security feed that an extraction already happened before we start... that way when they discover the ruse they'll for the security feed and see an extraction of someone very similar to the mark. Then we'll have a nice chance to get out only with light security.
We only need a dash of magic or enough cosmetics and basic props if the target is somewhat similar to Mel. In that path, we only extract once the ruse was uncovered.  >>


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« Reply #106 on: <05-11-15/1033:15> »
[Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team]

Well it looks like thats all she wrote and with that daddy sent himself hurtling back to his body which came back around with a jolt and after a moment of head shaking and grumbling

<<To the Partiers>> Ok, alot of self fulfilled auras so i couldn't get alot, There are a couple spirits hanging around so im assuming theres magical security or guests there, Be careful. Love Daddy

<<To The BabySitters>> In the house i got six auras, the targets, which are teens, two that look mindlessly bored so im guessing staff and two on alert so at least two guards, the watcher isnt unique to the house, I reccomend not crossing to many properties, otherwise the properties have large trees and landscape seperating them, Have Fun, Love Daddy

Ok theats them sorted, Oh we're here Daddy rubbed his head before unzipping his small back and grabbing what looks like a necklace of teeth, all vaarious kinds of teeth, and slipping it on, Next is a smallish tattered looking book that he slips into a small travel case and attacked to his belt. Lastly a ares predator is slipped into a quick draw holster at daddys left hip, spare clips and his mask are tucked away in the inner pocklets of his jacket.

All right i dont have good news about the, oh thats a big dog Daddy smiles as he gets out and turns to the group before noticing the very large dog and after a moment moves around the car, after all its not eating the others and carefully lets the animal get used to him.

Like i was saying, No good news on the astral, Fancy walls and wards are keeping everyone out of the main buildings so i got nothing on them, but for the most part the area is more or less abandoned and that kinda has me worried, If they have no campus security they must have some very fast response times[/color With that Daddy rolls his neck and his smile once again creeps across his face, Brief indents appear on his cheek, almost like someone pushing fingers into the flesh. SO with that, Whats the Plan my Friends?]
RED = Thoughts
GREEN= Matrix
BLUE= Speech


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« Reply #107 on: <05-11-15/1106:01> »
Isaint quickly reiterated what he had said before and showed the mage the AR map.
"So my question was: Are you better suited to stay in the car and direct spirits or do you prefer to go on site and provide arcane tactical support?"

Post count: 14
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #108 on: <05-11-15/1201:45> »

Approaching the host, Solo disguises himself as an update program... ' I need a mark to access the guest list'
meatworld (improve logic)
Improve Logic: 15d6t5 7
drain: 15d6t5 6
no drain logic increased by 4.

Hack the guest list logic (9) + hacking 6 + adept +3 + brand loyalty 1 + 2 hot sim = 21 dice
hacking us to the guest list: 21d6t5 8 limit 8

If solo manages to get the guest list he performs a edit file action to add them to the guest list - the action requires a single mark so it is a conditional action.
Ops - edit file: 20d6t5 3
this is not good enough... unfortunately using edge to reroll faliures.
Ops - edit file reroll faliures: 17d6t5 5
Limit is 6...
« Last Edit: <05-11-15/1207:39> by gilga »


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« Reply #109 on: <05-11-15/1448:44> »
[Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team]

Well, the planning was in full swing. Al had really hoped to avoid this part.
Oh well, you don't have to like it, you just have to do it.

They seemed like a good enough crew. The other ork's comment about VITAS had caught him off guard, but of course hadn't meant anything by it. How could he?

Next Snow had said something about the streets not being kind, to which Al explained that they had indeed gotten a bit hot back in Seattle, but London had been treating him real fine for the past several months.

They'd all met Spike, and now they were all pointing at nothing and carefully scrutinizing the air. Al kept up as best he could on his little commlink screen. He was glad they were racing the clock. Meant this torture could only go on for so long.


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« Reply #110 on: <05-11-15/1615:34> »
Isaint noticed how the guy - Al, if he'd caught that right - was struggling to keep up with the explanation. 'Shit, someone without image link or DNI. That won't do.'
With a few quick commands to his link, he accessed the electrochromic surface of his coat. He turned his back towards Al and projected the map onto his broad shouldered back:
"Sorry, didn't realize you had no image link. So, as I was saying, once we have found our target, we should not leave through the front door..."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #111 on: <05-11-15/1633:01> »
That's not a bad option, Solo. Mel what's your take on it?
I think it would be good to first make contact with the target. For all we know she might be willing to simply go with us. If you manage to get us passes for the Charity, her security won't be an issue while inside.

Solo, you being able to take care of both Matrix and Magic is a impressive feat on its own. Now do you have any Mojo that would change our appearance or reproduce the Wife's? Even better, changing the wife's look so we can swap it with Mel.

Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #112 on: <05-11-15/1719:42> »
[Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team]

"Well hell's bells, boy, that is mighty Christian of ya," responded Al, honestly touched. "An' helluva fancy coat ya got yerself there, ta boot."

Commlink still in his left hand, he used a huge stainless-steel Zippo in his right hand to light a filterless Lucky Strike that had somehow materialized between his lips.

"But we can't hardly plan this here shivaree lookin' always at yer blamed backside," he continued, cigarette bouncing around in the corner of his mouth. "Thing is - " and he clicked a tobacco-stained fingernail on the surface of what had appeared to be a meat eyeball " - I done got a damned image link. Problem is I tend ta blow my cookies ever' time I use it. Nah, I seen what needs seein', though I do appreciate yer kindness."

He handed a piece of jerky to Spike. "Reckon yer right on all counts. Front door's out - they's only goin' fer the one target, so they team's probably bigger'n the four of us'n. I'm with you - they got eyes on the surface exits, leastways. As fer Daddy-o here," and he turned to face the tooth-festooned man, "my vote is ya come in with us. What good ya gon' do us onna outside if'n ya can't pass the damned walls?"

He looked at Snow - "These plans show dozens of offices. File says this place gon' be closed fer the night by now - if'n he's in there, then nuyen ta nutjobs our Doctor Dick is at his desk - reckon you kin work out which one's his'n?"


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« Reply #113 on: <05-11-15/1746:28> »
Solo replies(still on hot sim...) he talks as he hack into the guest list... "Unfortunately... I cannot change you or Mel to look like the mark... but I can make the mark invisible and replace her with an illusion...  we can also make an illusion of the wife leaving the building and then when we make her disappear her security will go to the feeds and see the previous illusion we made at the beginning of the evening.

About Mojo, I am mainly a Decker... modesty requires me to tell you that I cannot consider myself a full mage... I was born awakened and there are some useful magical skills that I know but I also lack some of the skills considered basic for example I cannot look directly at the astral world, or provide magical defense against spells cast on us. What I know for this mission time frame is summoning and spellcasting. That said... I will do my best to fill our magical needs. "


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« Reply #114 on: <05-11-15/1907:17> »
Mel was thinking, enjoying the input from her newest partners. "I think the best way would be to get her out of there as soon as possible. If we stay and hide in the hotel, anyone that can see her Astrally won't have much of a hard time finding her." The slender elf shifted in her seat, changing her sitting position slightly. "I could wait for her to go in the bathroom and then talk her into following you guys out. If I wear something loose, or something with a hood that would partially cover my face, we could swap it in the restroom and she walk out of there with you, hopefully giving us enough time to get out before her escorts figure out what happened." Mel got to thinking, before asking Solo "What if you created the illusion of my motionless face on top of her face? Could you do that? We don't need to trick anyone looking at her, we just need to fool her bodyguards to not look at her when she exits the bathroom. We also need to be able to take care of any electronic tags she might have on her."
Self thought


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« Reply #115 on: <05-11-15/2003:48> »
[Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team]

Humph.. so the witch doctor and the one that even some of the other mages look akins at... greeaaat.

"Yeah, this place looks like a warren. Good news for us, we keep our heads we can lose any pursuit... bad news is we could get turned around real easily or have someone jump us out of nowhere."

He walks around to the back of his car and pops the trunk, rummaging around he takes his jacket off to ready a concealed quickdraw holster. Inside goes an Ares Crusader II machine pistol, a blue marked clip goes in, three others are scattered around, all filled with 40 gel rounds, a final red marked clip is tucked away filled with APDS rounds... just in case he had to put someone down in heavy armor. He replaces his jacked, grabs a pair of forearm guards and straps them into place while a helmet sits atop his dreadlocks. He leaves the Ares Alpha in the trunk, this was going to be too close to use the long barreled assault rifle, much less the grenade launcher, much as he might wish to have access to the variety of smoke and gas grenades he has stashed away.

"Right, lemmie see if I can locate our payday."

[spoiler]Since we've had a change of plans, may I reuse my previous roll about the Mathematics Institute: Matrix Science Department search? I normally wouldn't worry too much but I did use a point of edge on that roll so I'd rather not have it wasted.

End result was 6 hits with a Data Processing limit of 7.[/spoiler]
From To<<Matrix message>>


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« Reply #116 on: <05-11-15/2134:03> »
The eagle bowed it's head. This one seemed to prefer emotions to words to communicate, and Sarah felt acceptance and respect from the spirit. "I have a spirit. How much longer until we reach the house? I actually have an idea for distracting the guard. Some sort of illusionary distraction ought to give us some cover and maybe even have him leave his post."
What's your favorite scary movie?


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« Reply #117 on: <05-11-15/2208:27> »
[Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team]

I'm better at more of the boots on the ground approach Saint and like Al here said, i can't see inside so i wont be much use out here, and i'll be honest im not too keen on the idea of splitting up more then we already have, considering we are probably already out numbered. One thing i don't get,If they are running on the same timeline as us, just shooting in the dark, but i should have picked up someone or something hanging around, So either I'm alot worse in the astral then i thought, or there's already a team inside one of the buildings

After a moment daddy dropped a hand down to Spikes head and starting scratching the dogs ears

"That and if i really need to i can call up a hellhound and let my other spirits loose to cover our asses if needed"]

After Snow announced he was searching for the payday daddy turned to Al

"So how long you had this Boy here? how old is he?"
RED = Thoughts
GREEN= Matrix
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« Reply #118 on: <05-11-15/2213:06> »
Solo get out of the matrix... hopefully with their names in the guest list... He reply to Mel,
“I can do that... I can do practically anything... however the illusion have to remain within a fixed sphere and cannot move... this is why I thought about an illusion of her leaving the place and entering a real car and then the car leaves... the astral signature is long gone by the time they look at the camera...
But an illusion of her stuck in the toilet for a long time powdering her nose or anything we can imagine can be done, as it stay within a small radius.
I agree that the illusion will be visible in the astral... but if it has any place for astral stealth is in a room full of people. Too many details so it might go unnoticed for a while... Do not laugh... but I can also do something nice with faces... don’t look, don’t look... I am preparing it."

A few minutes after hiding his face in the front sit he pulls them out, his face resembles the wife’s face and his voice and body language are clearly feminine and as genuinely her as he has information from his computer search.

Solo say in a feminine voice with a British accent: “Well darling... if we wear something loose enough... (she) grins... I can also try and look the part...” (she) giggles.
He make a short small-talk with the Frenchman as well and returns his face to normal.
Solo said "This is still not the best of plans as in the astral my aura will look nothing like the wife's aura, but it may give us some time. Let's say that I have a problem from the neck down and you from the neck up" he laugh.
Just for gigs how realistic the illusion is:
Disguise: 15d6t5 3
Improve Charisma(drop logic): 15d6t5 3
drain: 15d6t5 5 (no drain)
highten concrern for impersonation
Improve disguise with impersonation: 10d6t5 3

total of 6 hits for the disguise.
« Last Edit: <05-11-15/2228:20> by gilga »


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« Reply #119 on: <05-12-15/0132:19> »
Mel seemed annoyed. "Indeed, we both have only half what we need. If we have enough time, we could buy a basic makeup kit on the way there. It shouldn't take that long to stop in a shop and buy one. With that, I could disguise myself as the mark and we could swap commlinks to complete the switch."
Self thought