[Module] [SR5] Eight Albert Smash, a short introductory adventure

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« on: <04-09-15/0348:00> »
Eight Albert Smash is the first SR5 adventure that I ran for my group (all of our first time playing 5th edition rules) on our podcast, episodes 26 - 28 (the Campaigns link on the side menu takes you to the episodes sorted by, well, the campaigns). Streaming seems to work best through aggregate sites like iTunesPodbay, and others.

(Spoiler alert: Episode 33 starts the beginning of our other Shadowrun GM, a long-time DM - first time SR GM, running the first Mission from Season 5: Chasin' the Wind, with upcoming Episode 35 fully moving into it.)

I hope to have the second adventure I ran, episodes 29 - 32, formatted and up soon.


Edit: Correction to episode number (35 is first full Season 5 Missions episode, not 34).
« Last Edit: <04-14-15/0309:11> by Fizzygoo »
Member of the ITA gaming podcast, including live Shadowrun 5th edition games: On  iTunes and Podbay


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« Reply #1 on: <07-11-15/2151:25> »
Hey, thanks for the module!  It's nice to have a live play to compare it to.  I'll run it tomorrow and report back here how it went.


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« Reply #2 on: <07-12-15/1659:24> »
Danke!  :)
I'd love to hear how it goes for you (positives, negatives, and neutrals). Enjoy.
Member of the ITA gaming podcast, including live Shadowrun 5th edition games: On  iTunes and Podbay


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« Reply #3 on: <07-14-15/0433:03> »
It looks very entertaining especially with the use of unusual locations. So great job there.
One thing I noticed is that the Twins' Synaptic Booster bonuses were incorrect. But that was all I caught. Hell I might even use it ^^
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« Reply #4 on: <07-14-15/0910:02> »
Okay, session ran a little long, will close it out next week.  Was working on three hours sleep so I kept screwing up what information to give to the players, but there was plenty of opportunity to get things back on track.  Demetri wrestled a force 8 Spirit of Earth like a badass, but his goons fell like a sack of potatoes.  I need to start giving mooks better ammo, maybe a signature ammo type for each of the major syndicates.  The players are real worried about the twins having a 20 minute lead on them, which has been real fun so far.


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« Reply #5 on: <07-16-15/0005:10> »
Thanks for the catch, PiXeL01! Updated fixed version is uploaded.

Haha, oh man! Those PCs with their force 8 spirits/sprites. Our technomancer now has 2 registered sprites, both at level 8 and it's just scary. Awesome job!

Yeah, the goons and goons in general. This literally was the first real run for me and my groups' entering into 5th edition, and I tend to "go light" and ramp up as a GM. Better ammo and signature ammo/weapons for the syndicates (or even factions within a syndicate) is a great idea...especially for those who have the law in their pocket (or really don't care if law enforcement can build cases on the use of 'gang' weapons [like gang colors but with higher velocity bullets]).

Can't wait to hear if they catch up to the Twins! And thanks again for the playtest reports :)
Member of the ITA gaming podcast, including live Shadowrun 5th edition games: On  iTunes and Podbay