Resource idea/request

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  • Omae
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  • 2-legged devil rat
« on: <04-02-15/0145:32> »
It seems to me that one really valuable thing that some experienced GM's could collaborate on (or share, if they've already created something similar themselves) would be a list of obstacles and encounters, separated by character role that they're tailored to. In theory, Crossfire cards could be used for this if they actually had SR stats/mechanics.

The primary use for such would be when you get blindsided by a set of characters, whether at a pick-up game at a convention, or maybe your regular group decides that campaign pitch you made a month ago sounds better this weekend than something else that was planned, or whoever was going to GM can't make it. Or maybe the player that you were certain was going to play a rigger just shows up with a Mystic Adept instead.

Then you could just look through your "encounter cards" for the roles you're given, and just have to figure out how to herd the group from spotlight to spotlight, until they get to the finale, and everyone gets their moment (hopefully). Even better would be to have notes on how those roles would be most likely to handle the individual obstacle/encounter, and how to modify the challenge level on the fly to keep it interesting.


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  • Luctor et Emergo
« Reply #1 on: <04-02-15/0503:07> »
While I do like the idea I think it's difficult to set this up as players, especially in Shadowrun, tend to find ways to deal with stuff in a fashion you least expect it. And what to do with that special snowflake Street Samurai/Face/Decker that suddenly appears?

That being said I've been toying with the idea of requesting/building a database of riddles/puzzles/traps/security measures that could be used in a SR setting (a lot of resources on puzzles and riddles are D&D focused and not really translatable). So more of a plug and play approach to Matrix security networks, physical security for different locations, etc. Perhaps that sounds like something you could use in these instances.
« Last Edit: <04-03-15/0726:43> by Rotten_Emu »
"I was told I would be working with professionals" - Every Mr. Johnson to ever hire my Shadowrunner


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  • Omae
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  • Posts: 303
  • 2-legged devil rat
« Reply #2 on: <04-02-15/1435:29> »
Yes, that's exactly the sort of thing I meant.
And if there is an obvious/overused/non-fun/too-quick solution to said obstacle/situation, a notes field to add notes like "configure [thing] to be [some variation] to increase it's rating, or have the asset in control have a higher [skill] dice pool to be more effective at resisting [offending solution]."

