Shadowrun Crossfire OP from CGL

  • 2 Replies

The Tekwych

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« on: <03-30-15/1306:08> »
In the article ROLLING FOR INITIATIVE--TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING? at I found the quote:

while Catalyst promoted the OP program for their Shadowrun: Crossfire deckbuilding game.

Any one have more info for us masses?


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  • Omae
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  • Posts: 573
« Reply #1 on: <03-30-15/1712:54> »
I saw a thing somewhere (so helpful I know) that they were planning an organized play for 2015. That's all I know. Probably the missions they released count as supporting OP.


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  • Chummer
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« Reply #2 on: <03-30-15/2101:40> »
I saw a thing somewhere (so helpful I know) that they were planning an organized play for 2015. That's all I know. Probably the missions they released count as supporting OP.

You probably saw it in the Fan Missions Contest rules : "And one or more of you could have your Mission published and mailed to participating stores as part of the Shadowrun: Crossfire Organized Play program!"

Link to the page :

If there are planning that kind of events, it would be great to have some news or reviews about them. :)

