Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #1560 on: <09-03-15/0138:54> »
Ginny leans a bit forward and whispers, "Marta.  Thank you for helping me.  I am sorry I almost went to pieces.  This is all strange to me.  I do not even really know what some of the food I just ordered is.  Well, I do know, but I have never tasted it.  Never even dreamed of being in a place like this and eating food like this.  Or wearing clothes like this.  I think that if I can keep the subject on science I might just be able to keep it together."

Marta answers, "You do just that... worry about science and I'll do all the heavy lifting. There are more to life than these shady things you were doing for your uncle. You'll get to the right track, and this lifestyle will be something natural. No reason why not - but for the meanwhile. I am actually surprised, but I find you fascinating, I never had a conversation quite like this before.  I never knew that science can be soo...  interesting and so... hot" Marta said as she stroked Ginny's hand and continued with the conversation. She was Charmed and excited by Ginny and by her subtle conversation skills that could keep her sort of comfortable. Marta was surprised - that some of the things she did understand were very interesting.  Perhaps, many things are fascinating if you only find the right teacher. Nobody has ever tried to explain anything to Marta before. Not like this, with such an attention to details and patience.
" So these crystals you discovered in your third year...  What makes them unique? Are there any interesting applications? "
« Last Edit: <09-03-15/0153:07> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1561 on: <09-03-15/0249:17> »
Ginny give Marta a tentative smile.  She blushes a bit but does not move her hand away as somehow the touch comforts her a bit and she finds it oddly enjoyable.  She nods, "Science, yes.  I can try to keep rattling on about science.  But what do I do if he changes the subject?"

"The crystals?  How nice of you.  I did not realize that you were actually paying attention to everything I said.  There is a very interesting thing about the crystals.  It is a long story if you want to hear it.  Three colleagues and I were working on related-theory orals for our masters in Chemistry.  We noticed some odd crystal latticework in some of our experiments.  It appeared that we had found a new type of crystal.  It was interesting but not related to our joint research.  One colleague, Brian Morrison, thought that there was more to the crystals and asked if we could consider adding them to our project.  The other two did not wish to dilute our studies with something that was apparently so far out of our interest area for the orals.  Brian approached me outside of the others and asked if would be interested in helping him research the crystals away from the others.  I was flattered that he would ask me and agreed."

"I was nearly in heaven for several months, or as close to it as I could imagine.  Brian and I continued the work on the new crystals as well as our combined research with our two companions.  Research like ours was expensive, but Brian's family had a lot of money and they paid the bills."  Ginny blushes a bit at this point.  "He made me feel that my brain was important, really important.  We grew closer together as our studies advanced, and experimented with sex.  I was only slightly less intimidated and nervous than he was.  And our research was making progress; real progress.  There were signs that someone else was interested in what we were doing.  Little things like stuff disappearing, notes not being where we had left them.  Brian decided it was best to keep everything in one place and under as much security as possible, but even that proved to not be enough.  We had just solved a large problem and things looked promising, when all of our research was stolen.  I came into the lab one morning to find Brian on the floor with a nasty cut to the head and the special safe open.  He told me that someone had held him at gunpoint and forced him to open the safe before hitting knocking him unconscious.  Everything was gone.  And it turned out that really everything was gone.  I was in favor of going back to the beginning and starting all over but Brian said that the blow to his head was like an epiphany; a wake up call.  He told me that he had lost interest and did not wish to continue the research.  I had to drop the project.  After all, I could not afford the costs and his family pulled the funding.  Not only that, but Brian dropped me as well.  It seemed that I was not as interesting when we were not working closely together.  He left the research group after the Masters program and I thought that I would never see him again."

She takes a sip of wine and holds up a finger, "But that is not the end of it.  A couple of years later I was completing my doctoral dissertation when Brian contacted me out of the blue.  He wanted to meet me and I agreed.  Neither of us were much into small talk so he jumped right to the point.  He said that he had been flailing about when some Horizon Corp suit had approached him, saying that he had seen something of his work on the crystals.  The suit had offered Brian a huge salary and free rein in a new lab to do the research.  He laughed when he told me that it was the money that was offered that finally convinced him that he could go back to the beginning and start over.  He had thought of me for his assistant, and being fresh out of school, I jumped at the chance to continue this fascinating line of research.  For a while I was the second researcher on the team and Brian's assistant and things went exceptionally well.  Brian proved to be more than a researcher; he was a gifted administrator.  He managed to get the staff to perform far above the average.  I was given the latitude to be as creative as I wanted, and it seemed that money was no object.  I lived in he lab, ate in the lab, slept in the lab, when I slept at all that is, and my hard work paid off.  I discovered that the crystals have amazing bonding properties when correctly produced and following that line of thought led to my big breakthrough; I found that the crystals could bond to certain drugs and medicines, making them stronger and more able to defeat illnesses that were growing resistant to common drugs.  Brian was very pleased when I showed him my work and conclusions.  He took me to see the suit and explain it all to him.  I pointed out that the applications were many.  Certainly the crystals could bond with synthetic drugs to make medicines more potent.  In effect, we had found something special."

"Then the suit came to me.  He said that Horizon wanted to know if the crystals could be used to create drugs that would make soldiers nearly unstoppable.  Or make enemy populations sick.  In short he wanted to weaponize the crystals.  He promised me a raise and a lab of my own, staffed by people of my choosing, with Brian as lab administrator.  Stupidly, I refused, telling the suit that such use was far off and that I would not help them do such a thing.  The troubles started almost immediately.  Some doubts about the veracity of my doctoral research were hinted at and leaked to professional circles.  There was not enough proof for the university to withdraw my degrees but the damage had been done.  I was fired and disgraced.  I tried contacting Brian, but he would not speak to me.  No one would speak to me and I was blackballed from every major lab and corporation.  And, et voila, here I am, or was.  I was forced to leave LA to get away from Horizon and Sebastian offered me a place to live, for a price.  So I can say that the crystals were both my greatest achievement and my downfall.  Perhaps I should have agreed to do what they wanted."
« Last Edit: <09-03-15/0326:08> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #1562 on: <09-03-15/1114:11> »
Marta listens carefully to Ginny as she talks, she shows great interest in the story and slowly but surely try to establish some physical intimacy. After all the two ladies should be lovers. With the way both are dressed and price range of that restaurant, anything less than lovers would make no sense.

Marta however, suspects that Ginny is straight, so she is playing a delicate game. Trying to translate some of Ginny's passionate stories into physical intimacy with her.  When Ginny says that Brain lost interest Marta say “Poor guy... he had no idea what he was missing.” She looks in Ginny’s eyes with her big brown eyes and softly say “You can do better... You are quite a catch.” She said and stroked her hand suggestively.  Marta knows that Ginny is probably straight and sexually clueless and therefore will not do more than playing with Ginny's hand. But Ginny quickly discovers that even this innocent touch can feel very erotic - when done correctly. Marta however, makes an effort not to make Ginny too uncomfortable it is a delicate game she is playing. 

Marta suspects that this Brain stole all of Ginny's research and sold it to horizon for a corporate job. Rich families don’t just get ‘robbed’ they always know how to protect their assets.  The bastards probably used Ginny and did not want to share the wealth with her.  She is surprised that Ginny did not ask questions once that Brian clearly made a lot of money from the stolen research.  and instead just went to work for him. She suspects that Ginny was the real talent among the two. Marta is happy that Ginny did not want to weaponize her precious crystals. She is a good person, brilliant in some aspects and completely unaware to other things.

When Ginny is Done Marta tells her “This is a shame that a scientist so brilliant and sexy like you has to live like a poor squatter. You are obviously skilled like few people in the world. I am so thankful that you spend time with me. I have never known someone quite like you before.”
Henri comes with their orders. Oddly enough he also served them a bottle of Dom Pérignon.  A champagne so expensive that only very rich people can afford it. “It is from the two gentlemen over there.” He said as he poured the champagne.

Marta had to admit, she did not expect it but she was turned on by the gesture. She knew just how expensive that champagne really was and she only tasted it in her fantasies before.
Her body responded to the temptation of the drink. It was an aggressive and powerful move and she liked it. She looked forward to what other vices the night could offer them.
True, the physical attributes of the client were a buzz kill, but Marta tried to take her mind off these attributes and just focus on Ginny.  “I am such a slut for being turned on by this” she thought to herself.  Marta of course did not share her knowledge about the champagne with Ginny. Instead, she just allowed her partner to enjoy it. For Marta that drink was the most amazing drink she ever had. 

Marta closed her eyes, and tried to pleasure herself with every drop of the elite drink. She felt the sweet drops as the made their way down her throat into her body and they gave her a warm feeling. The excitement and the drink were like little butterflies inside.  She could feel that the area between her legs became slick and her body was receptive and charged up. If she manage to not think about the obis client , she can keep her buzz and enjoy. Instead, Marta prepares her body for the night to come by fantasizing about Ginny, she feels that Ginny becomes more attractive with every additional science story. Perhaps Marta was turned on by power and influence or was it Ginny the brilliant scientist she just picked up at random.

After a couple of glasses Marta and Ginny were more relaxed and more intimate. The combination of the divine drink, the illusion of power and her attractive female friend sparked Marta's passions. Ginny was also a bit more relaxed by the influence of the alcoholic drink. The conversation between the two became a bit more intimate . "Bloody straight" Marta thought to herself in frustration. Remanding to herself just how unlikely she is to sleep with Ginny tonight... no instead there is a very ugly fat client. Marta knew that - but as Ginny was right in front of her eyes and Marta needed to make sure that her body is ready when the time come. She used Ginny as a blissful dream. Ginny continued talking about science, and Marta continued fantasizing - both of them were a bit louder and more relaxed due to the drink.

« Last Edit: <09-03-15/1156:27> by gilga »


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« Reply #1563 on: <09-03-15/1221:38> »
@ Jed  when Marco entered with Ginny it reminded Jed of just how little he and Snowden were wearing. He'd been more concerned with Snowden's health than with modesty and Marco bringing in a young woman who tried not to stare brought him up short. Snowden answered him just then. But, with Jed's attention on the problem of clothing, or rather the lack thereof, Jed had to ask him to repeat it, "Um, sorry. I didn't catch that. What did you say?" Snowden looks at him, again almost child-like, "I'm allergic to almonds. Well, actually I'm allergic to the skin of the almonds, but, it amounts to the same thing in processed foods." he pauses and then adds, "I'm not allergic to peanut butter." He's looking at you hopefully.

Jed finds himself uncomfortable being mostly naked in front of a strange woman.  With one last glance at the pantry, he moves to the couch, out of view of the doorway.  He murmurs to Joshua as he walks past Nope, just almond butter.  Looks like a trip to the store is in order

Hopefully Yelena gets paid soon.  He needed to bill the Ancients too.  He was going to have to be careful with his cash.  He hated borrowing from Marco, but he needed to call a cab and get out of Marco's hair.  Babysitting was going to make it hard to work.  He needed to get in touch with Mike.  Needed to let him know what was going on. 
« Last Edit: <09-03-15/1707:42> by smilnirish »
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« Reply #1564 on: <09-03-15/1658:17> »
@ Yelena. Mike answers you, >>My fee is750¥ /day plus expenses. Unless you need it yesterday in which case it's 1250¥.<<
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« Reply #1565 on: <09-03-15/1711:42> »
@ Marco. Henri comes over and leans down confidentially,  "The gentlemen at that table over there  have asked if they may have the pleasure of joining you ladies for dinner. And have asked me to deliver a second bottle of our best champagne." He smiles, " Of course, if you wish not to be disturbed . . . " The offer Is purely for form. You can tell he clearly does not expect you to decline. Ginny straightens up immediately, once again nervous as the object of your dinnerr once again becomes obvious.
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« Reply #1566 on: <09-03-15/1722:06> »
@Marta Giggles... "well of course..." she pets Ginny's hand and whisper "it'll be alright. We are smoking hot way above their league. "
She asks Ginny, "these crystals of yours... do you think they can augment important medicines? Did you ever get to test them for augmenting drugs? " It is a long shot but Marta figures that if she talks about medicine perhaps one of these doctors will be impressed.


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« Reply #1567 on: <09-03-15/2033:38> »
As Arc began to lead the pair back into the garage, Jaime stopped him, a gentle hand firmly holding onto her around the arm and causing her to turn around to him, a curious expression on her face met with a gentle, delicate kiss.  "You're stronger than you know, amor.  And prettier, and that's not just me.  We'll talk on it later.  I won't stop you from doing what you do, but I think the less I know about the details, the safer we will be, you know?"  The girl paused, blushing a bit before giving a gentle nod and one last embrace.  "Then I'll see you at home.  I shouldn't be too late~"  she trailed off, giving a wink before parting ways, the man hopping back on his bike while the girl watched him go before heading inside.

As Yelena related about Marco's preoccupation and the question about Ginny, Arc could only raise a brow.  "Ginny....ah, some chick what spent the night at the place Ambrose been holeing up at.  Nothing serious, but a date? for Jed, haven't spoken to him since last night....maybe he's coming?  I sent an invite..."  As they settled in with warm soycaf in hands, Yelena made the comment on the pizza, Arc returning with a grin and a shrug.

"You sure you want pizza?  Either you're buying or we pick a different place with better prices.  Last time we got pizza here, it cost me an arm..."

A moment later, Arc cleared her throat and hit the ARO command to shut the garage up...if Jed wasn't there yet, it wouldn't be hard to let him in, but at least now they would have some privacy.  Turning to the older ork, the short human gave a nod of her head.  "Most of us have met already, some worked together, but from what it sounds like, mista Blake, you been workin the same job as us, hired possibly by Sam.  The difference is you been workin' a different angle, and now with our employer outta the picture, it might be better wiz to pool our drek together and come up with a plan.  So my guess at a question is...whaddya wanna know?"
« Last Edit: <09-03-15/2039:36> by SgtBoomCloud »


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« Reply #1568 on: <09-03-15/2133:38> »
Allah (all praise goes unto Him!) willed it such that this comm is my bitch, I thought to myself with a mix of smugness and frustration.  The ease with which I had placed all three of my marks on the unsuspecting device had surprised even me.  I had been so certain the Prophet’s Blessings were upon me.  Clearly everything would go smoothly, right? 

I had downloaded everything off the little Renraku Sensei – contacts, recordings, call records, calendar…everything.  Not a single byte was left unreplicated.  There were certainly incriminating items in that haul, but no smoking gun.  It was all circumstantial.  But one text from that morning suggested something was about to happen.  If I could just hang tight and wait I’d have the bastard and strike my REAL pay data - the fat bonus for incontrovertible evidence that I so desperately needed.

So I waited.

And waited.



A check of my little Erika’s baby monitor program told me what my internal time sense was already screaming. 

GOD is coming.

You know, the مجدفا who devised that cute little acronym shall burn in Hell but the blasphemous term really does get the point across.  Having tempted the wrath of the Grid Overwatch Division and its scions the demi-GODs more times than even my photographic memory could count, I must admit some sympathy for the كافر. Perhaps my own soul shall be condemned for the fact that I myself use the term, but then again most Imams would maintain I was already ملعون simply for being a girl who dared to walk my own path.

Just a little longer…

And still the minutes dragged on.

Just when I was about to admit defeat, however, Allah rewarded her devoted daughter.

“Jimmy?” a voice said in a whisper transmitted as data across the grid…and it just so happened into my Erika’s data storage, “the transport’s tonight.”  The anxious voice went on compromise an entire Yakuza operation scheduled barely six hour hence.  This “Jimmy” would know all that was necessary to wipe out the couriers, swipe the goods, and likely never be identified.

Assuming the Yak weren’t forewarned of the compromise and exactly what parts were no longer secure.  There was no way I could leave while this guy sang to his contact.  Already I had all the data there was to be had on the device at the other end of the line.  It was a throw-away comm – no SIN or anything else I could easily trace.  With some effort, though…

I prayed to almighty Allah that this idiot would finish soon or else He may see his daughter much sooner than said daughter would like.

And once more His blessings were upon me.  The moment the call ended I bailed from VR with the speed of a gazelle being pursued by a hungry cheetah. 

A VERY hungry cheetah.

I swear I could feel the hot breath of GOD on my neck as I jumped from VR to AR.  The sensation was quickly replaced by a symphony of Taiko drums pounding my ears.  I may as well have just run Marathon Singapore.  As I came to myself more, I could feel cold rivulets of sweat running down my back in the chilly room.

Thurrayya, I told myself, you have GOT to stop cutting it so close!

“Firefly, do you, like, get off cutting things that close?”

The jaunty soprano of my roommate competed in my eardrums with the slowly ebbing throbbing.  I opened my meat eyes to look up at the tallish brown-haired human girl standing over me with a steaming mug and a look at once of relief and annoyance.

“I swear, Jenna, I do not do it on purpose!” I defended with a scratchy voice.

The brown-eyed girl scowled, but that didn’t stop her from leaning down to place the mug in my hands.  The fragrance was nothing like what I had taken for granted back home in Singapore, but the pungent aroma still served to bring my meat senses alive again.  My throat was dry with a thirst that demanded to be slaked.  Who was I to deny my body after it had stayed with me long enough to score some desperately needed nuyen?

“So, did you get what you were after?” she asked as she straightened back up, her extra-large soy-fiber t-shirt flipping back down to cover her otherwise bare derriere.  Without waiting for a response, the eighteen year old script kiddie turned back to her own working corner of the studio apartment we shared.  It wasn’t much; a room in an old pre-Awakening motel converted to apartments.  Not even a kitchen, although creative use of hot plates made that only an inconvenience.  At least we had our own bathroom which occasionally even had hot water!  We had a place - shelter from the frigid December Seattle rain.  It was home.

“Yeah,” I said as I gently stroked my deck.  “Yeah, I do believe I got what I need.”
« Last Edit: <09-04-15/1238:59> by Shaman_Yuri »

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« Reply #1569 on: <09-03-15/2339:46> »
Yelena nods as her friend breaks the ice.  While waiting for Jed to show up, she tries to figure out how much she can afford to pay Mike.  >>Mike.  Is Yelena.  Can give two days.  Then tell Yelena if need more.  How much in front?<<

She walks among those present with the soycaf pot in her hand, giving refills as requested.
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« Reply #1570 on: <09-03-15/2348:36> »
@ Yelena. >>500<< is Mike's terse reply.
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« Reply #1571 on: <09-04-15/0001:20> »
Ginny has actually forgotten the reason for being here.  Despite herself, she was enjoying the least after the initial fubar.  The gentle touch of Marta's hand evokes sensations that she is not really used to and not a little confusion.  She feels that her body might betray her at any time and let her do something stupid.  She concentrates and allows a small press of her fingers into Marta's hand, then goes back to what she familiar with; science.  Then the champaign shows up and she is sent for a loop again.  Remembering the role, Ginny lifts the slim flute of bubbly and nods to the men.  She has no idea what the drink must cost, but it is probably a lot.  The bubbles tickle her nose a bit and she thinks that this must be an aqui9red taste, but she also notes that Marta seems to enjoy it  a lot.

Ginny was even mostly ready when Henri comes back to tell them that the gentlemen would like them to come to the other table.  So far everything was going the way Marta had said it would.  Now it was time to pay the bills and give something back to the ma....person who had helper out.  She nods to Henri after Marta does, and picks up her little evening clutch.  This time she waits for Henri to unseat Marta first, then her.  She steps close to Marta and whispers, "Which is my date?"
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« Reply #1572 on: <09-04-15/0004:12> »
@ Subaru. Jenna says, "That's gotta count for something I know. But you're taking too many chances. If you end up bricked, or burned. . . . . Her voice trails off. She looks at you and sighs and then sips from her mug. Just then your comm buzzes. Your head's pounding so badly it sounds like a race engine revving right in your ear. When you check it it's Lexi. >>Hey FaithfulGrl, I've got job. Need one more. Not hard, just sneaky.<<
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« Reply #1573 on: <09-04-15/0005:34> »
Yelena nods to herself and replies.  >>Mike.  Send account.  Yelena pay in front.  Rest later.<<  She calmly slots her credstick and transfers 500 nuyen to the account Mike provides her.
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« Reply #1574 on: <09-04-15/0021:18> »
As the pair walk to the table, Marts returns Ginny's whisper and lets her know that the very round man is hers.  Ginny actually smiles and hopes that her nervousness does not come through..  *This may not be as hard as I had feared.  After all, even if it goes to sex, it's not like I'm a virgin and never faked it before.*  She nods as the men rise and moves to an open chair next to the heavier man.  She holds out a slender hand and says, "Ginny Waters.  Thank you so much for the champaign and the invite."  Ginny withdraws her hand from the man's as Henri pulls out her chair and turns to the waiter.  "Je vous remercie beaucoup, Henri. Vous êtes une aubaine." 

When Henri leaves to bring their drinks over, Ginny looks at the two men, but concentrates on her date.  She carefully words her question, hoping that it is not the wrong one.  "Are you from Seattle or travelling?"
« Last Edit: <09-04-15/0044:57> by Mercy Merchant »
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