Date Night ( OOC )

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« on: <03-17-15/1501:35> »
Standard expectations : Stuff straight from the book:
Morality: While I think characters should have some disagreements over morality I'd like everyone to have the same general direction, being good. I don't want to deal with particularly evil, sick or twisted characters. Generally speaking characters should not want to leave a trail of bodies on every run. I don't expect everyone to run around with only non-leathal weapons, this is a dystopia after all, but whether it's because a character wants to avoid drawing the attention of the cops, or because they feel every life is sacred, wonton killing has heavy consequences. I'd like to avoid violent psychopaths for characters. On the flip-side and to a lesser degree I don't expect there to be many Paladins in the Sixth world. If you want to be one of those runners who's out fighting the good fight, that's great! But a character that's particularly preachy isn't gonna work well with the guy who's just there to get a paycheck. I don't expect all the characters to be best friends, but you have to have similar moral foundations in order to work with each other.

Racisim This is a big part of the Sixth World and I have no problem implementing it against you guys. And I suggest that you consider the prejudices your character might have. Whether it something as mild as thinking trolls are kinda freaky looking or that Sasquatches aren't people no matter what anyone says. Consider prejudice tied to ethnicity and gender as well. While never hitting a woman is chivalrous and great and all that, it does come with preconceived ideas. The same can be said for many ethnicity, the great ghost dance wasn't THAT long ago, maybe your character assumes all natives are magic, or maybe you have a native character who remembers that it wasn't that long ago that white-man called for the extermination of Natives and magic was the only reason it didn't happen. And as a game it's ok for your character to express in-character prejudices. However, there are two instances of Racism I don't want in our game. First nothing from players, simple as that. Racist OOC comments will make you not welcome in this game. Second is where it disrupts the flow of game overly much. An elf supremacist, might be fun to play, an elf hater might be fun to play. But, why are they in the same party together? And would they really trust each other enough to function, or stay together after this one job is over?

Violence I touched on this a bit with morality. But there are a few lines that need to go here too. Graphic detail is unnecessary. One can describe graphic violence without graphic detail and thanks to Hollywood I'm pretty sure most of us can picture something worse then what we could type out. Even then, graphic violence should have an effect on a character, much like killing. It's one thing to see a guy take a bullet or a beating. But a character finding someone who had been tortured to death after several days will at the very least be making some composure checks.

Sexuality, I've found that role-playing and being behind a character can be a great safe and interesting way to explore sexuality. I've also found a tendency for gamers to be very immature about it. So please feel free to make a character with an alternative sexuality. In a world of magic, crazy body modifications, poverty, decadency, virtual reality and survival, sexual freedom is pretty much the norm. However picking up a hooker on every other street corner, or trying to hit on every person you meet with a 6 charisma is annoying and slows down the game, so feel free to role-play the sexuality of characters with a few limitations. First no need for explicit detail, if that's what you want they have different forums for that. We're here to role-play not fap. Second there will be no IC Rape, not with force, drugs or mind control. Feel free to have it as part of your characters history but it will not happen IC. Third as with racism, I don't want to see any OOC homophobia, transphobia etc. If someone want to make an LGBT character go for it, no one here will give you drek for it, if they do they're out.

 My thanks to Moneyspider for posting these excellent ground rules. While obvious to me, I'm very aware that without the obvious all sorts of drek hits the air circulation device.

First  :  I've also set-up, (I hope), a room for Date Night. there is a line close to the top right with Roll : Dice Room : Feedback : About.   Click on Dice Room and put in your SR name or your chara name, put Date Night in the Room Name box and you should be good to go. I'll be able to see your rolls when I log in, and if you click on the die to the left of your name on the line of the roll you want to show it'll make link codes so that you can post your rolls in the OOC thread.

Second. Players, please post your characters here, backstories and then sheets. I'd like characters only as the first 8 entries. I haven't had the time to go over them yet since I'm starting earlier than I intended so you might get a message asking you to change this or that, just bear with me pls.
« Last Edit: <08-22-15/1208:26> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #1 on: <03-17-15/1513:39> »
Updated story:
 - need to work on contacts personalities and roles
== Info ==
Name: Marco Black                 Alias:
Elf, M                            Movement: 12/24
165, 65                           Composure: 11
Street Cred: 2                    Judge Intentions: 13
Notoriety: 0                      Lift/Carry: 6 (45 kg/30 kg)
Public Awareness: 0               Memory: 5
Karma: 26                         Nuyen: 1130
Age: 20                           Skin:
Eyes:                             Hair:

== Priorities ==
Metatype: C(2) - Human, Dwarf, Elf, or Ork
Attributes: A(4) - 24 Attributes
Special: A(4) - Magician or Technomancer
Skills: E(0) - 18 Skills/0 Skill Groups
Resources: E(0) - 6,000¥
Bonus Skill: Spellcasting
Bonus Skill: Summoning

== Attributes ==
BOD: 3                            CHA: 8
AGI: 6                            INT: 5
REA: 5                            LOG: 2
STR: 3                            WIL: 3
EDG: 4                            MAG: 6

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 6                        Initiative:           10 + 1d6
Physical Damage Track: 10         Rigger Init:          10 + 1d6
Stun Damage Track: 10             Astral Init:          10 + 2d6
Physical: 5                       Matrix AR Init:       10 + 1d6
Mental: 4                         Matrix VR Cold Init:  5 + DP + 3d6
Social: 9                         Matrix VR Hot Init:   5 + DP + 4d6
Astral: 9

== Active Skills ==
Automatics (Machine Pistols)      Base: 0  + Karma: 6  = 6   Pool: 12 (14)
Con                               Base: 0  + Karma: 4  = 4   Pool: 15
Disguise                          Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 7
Etiquette                         Base: 0  + Karma: 1  = 1   Pool: 12
Impersonation                     Base: 0  + Karma: 1  = 1   Pool: 12
Intimidation                      Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 12
Negotiation                       Base: 0  + Karma: 1  = 1   Pool: 12
Palming                           Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 7
Perception                        Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6
Sneaking                          Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 7
Spellcasting                      Base: 0  + Karma: 6  = 6   Pool: 12
Summoning                         Base: 0  + Karma: 6  = 6   Pool: 12

== Knowledge Skills ==
Alcohol                           Base: 2  + Karma: 0  = 2   Pool: 7
Area Knowledge: Seattle           Base: 2  + Karma: 0  = 2   Pool: 7
Art                               Base: 2  + Karma: 0  = 2   Pool: 7
Bars and Clubs                    Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6
English                           N                     
Fashion                           Base: 2  + Karma: 0  = 2   Pool: 7
History                           Base: 2  + Karma: 0  = 2   Pool: 7
Italian                           Base: 4  + Karma: 0  = 4   Pool: 9
Magical Theory                    Base: 3  + Karma: 0  = 3   Pool: 5
Music                             Base: 3  + Karma: 0  = 3   Pool: 8
Or'zet                            Base: 0  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6
Sperethiel                        Base: 0  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6

== Qualities ==
Day Job (10 hrs)
Jack of All Trades Master of None
Low-Light Vision
Mystic Adept
SINner (National) (Italy)

== Spells ==
(Tradition: Christian Theurgy, Resist Drain with WIL + CHA (11))
Detect Life, Extended      DV: F-1
Heal                       DV: F-4
Improved Invisibility      DV: F-1
Levitate                   DV: F-2
Mind Probe                 DV: F
Mindlink                   DV: F-1
Opium Den                  DV: F-1
Physical Mask              DV: F-1
Shapechange                DV: F-3
Trid Phantasm              DV: F

== Powers ==
Attribute Boost (AGI) Rating: 1
Authoritative Tone Rating: 3
Cool Resolve Rating: 3
Facial Sculpt Rating: 1
Kinesics Rating: 3

== Lifestyles ==
Medium  1 months

== Armor ==
Actioneer Business Clothes          8
Armor Jacket                        12
Chameleon Suit                      9
Helmet                              2

== Weapons ==
   +Gas-Vent 3 System
   +Shock Pad
   +Smartgun System, External
   Pool: 12       Accuracy: 7     DV: 10P      AP: -2    RC: 6
Ares Crusader II
   +Gas-Vent 2 System
   +Quick-Draw Holster
   +Shock Pad
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   Pool: 12 (14)  Accuracy: 7     DV: 7P       AP: -     RC: 5
Grenade: Smoke
   Pool: 5        Accuracy: 5     DV: (10m Radius)AP: -     RC: 2
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 5        Accuracy: 5     DV: 3S       AP: -     RC: 2

== Commlink ==
Hermes Ikon (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 5, FWL: 5)
Meta Link (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 1, FWL: 1) x2

== Gear ==
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Machine Pistols) x50
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Assault Rifles) x50
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Machine Pistols) x50
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Assault Rifles) x50
Autopicker Rating 6
Fake SIN (Marco Black) Rating 3
   +Fake License (Chemelion Suit) Rating 1
Flashlight, Low-light
Glasses Rating 4
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 3
Grenade: Smoke x5
Medkit Rating 6
Sequencer Rating
==Linguistic rolls==
Learn or'zer and Sperethiel - adept power: 2#7d6t5 2 2       
== Contacts ==
Jimmy Things (4, 2)  - fence black market, Jimmy has a shop under an Italian bakery - he has almost everything for the Shadow runner, just don't ask how he got it. He is also a gifted forger or an artist as he prefer to call it.

Bishop Gabriel (4, 1)  - connection from the Vatican, the bishop owes him a favor for disappearing without causing problems. Marco's stories could cause some havoc in the church and potentially even endanger the experimental agent program.

Shilla Schmidt/Sam Webster (3, 4) -  A fixer, a former love interest. Shilla used Marco's shame from coming clean to his parents in order to make him run the shadows for her.

Marina 'The Lady' Adams (4, 2) - a regular client - a mysterious mage a talismonger. He is her call boy for social events -  Marco knows little else about her life, but they share some special connection.

Doctor N. (3,1) - One of Marco's clients -  a doc wagon middle manager with an excessive lust for vices.

== Qualities ==
SINner (National) (Italy)
Day Job (10 hrs)
Low-Light Vision
Mystic Adept

== Powers ==
fun stuff:
Attribute Boost (AGI) Rating: 1
Facial Sculpt Rating: 1

face stuff:
Authoritative Tone: 3
Kinesics Rating: 3
Cool Resolve Rating: 3

== Lifestyles ==
Middle Life Style  1 months

== Armor ==
Actioneer Business Clothes          8
Armor Jacket                        12
Chameleon Suit                      9
Helmet                              2

== Weapons ==
   +Laser Sight
   Pool: 12   Accuracy: 6   DV: 10P   AP: -2   RC: 1
Ares Crusader II
   +Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
   +Gas-Vent 2 System
   +Shock Pad
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   Pool: 12 (14)   Accuracy: 7   DV: 7P   AP: -   RC: 4
Grenade: Smoke
   Pool: 5   Accuracy: 5   DV: (10m Radius)   AP: -   RC: 1
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 5   Accuracy: 5   DV: 3S   AP: -   RC: 1

== Commlink ==
Hermes Ikon (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 5, FWL: 5)

== Gear ==
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Machine Pistols) x50
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Assault Rifles) x50
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Machine Pistols) x50
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Assault Rifles) x50
Autopicker Rating 6
Fake SIN (Marco Black) Rating 3
   +Fake License (Chameleon Suit) Rating 1
   +Fake License (Ares Crusader II) Rating 1
   +Fake License (Autopicker) Rating 1
Flashlight, Low-light
Glasses Rating 4
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 3
Grenade: Smoke x2
Light Stick x2
Medkit Rating 6
Restraint, Plastic x10
Sequencer Rating 3
« Last Edit: <11-29-15/1450:42> by gilga »


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« Reply #2 on: <03-17-15/1550:29> »
(Sheet is up to date and complete.  Blurb reflecting Lullabye and Goodnight added to background, and a picture!)

Character: Arc

== Background ==
[spoiler]"They tell me there's a whole grand world out there, all sorts of different peoples and cultures, cities, countries, the like. I wouldn't know anything about that; Seattle's been my home all my life. Born to a couple corp parents that survived Crash 2.0? Not many could be so lucky, though it would seem I wasn't meant for that life either. I can't remember when it happened--I think I was 7 or 8 at the time--but the complex we lived in got wrapped up into some drek-all turf war. Fires started, bullets flew, building collapsed. I watched my dad choked to death, buried under rubble, my mother dragged away by a couple thuggy-looking orks. Last thing I ever legitimately saw, actually, was a pair of hands reaching to pull me out...big meaty ones too, that smelled bad, and then I must have blacked out.

When I awoke, the first thing I noticed was the blackness. And then the hurt. A click, and then I saw things again, though it was..different, like watching a trid. Focusing made me hurt, but I realized I was in some kind of room. There was blood, I think it was mine. Painful waiting phooped, and then there was someone. A troll, big one at that. Introduced himself as Lupo, and that he ran some gang called Night Howlers. Fed me some sob story about his regret my family got pulled into this drek, and that my eyes got burnt up in the fire. I don't believe one bit of that, but as it were, he put in new eyes for me, and that meant I owed him. And so, I became a Howler slave, doing all the menial drek no one else cared for. It was not fun. Street living, feeding off of gang scraps, the beatings the legit members gave me. I learned young how to fight, how to shoot a gun, younger than most should be. I dunno if it was fate that turned me around, but a few years after my true talent was discovered.

I was good with machines: Weapons, cars, other drek. Lupo learned of it when I was playing with a bricked Honda and somehow got the engine working. Since I became useful, I got upgraded from "slave" to "member quality, but still a slave", seeing as I still had a "debt" to pay. I was still drek to them, but I served a purpose, and Lupo made sure to apprentice me under their mechanics, honing my talent. Once i hit 14, they actually brought me out for jobs, driving the getaway cars and working my magic with field fixes. Several jobs turned hairy, so it was lucky I knew how to work a wheel...if our opposition didn't geek me, the Howlers would have for my screw up. I even picked up a few ordinance tricks...gangs like explosions, so my favor went up in their books. Lucky me. Finally, when I hit 19, after a fairly succesful and profitable raid, Lupo gave me my freedom...though I feel like he wouldn't hesitate to put me in his debt again with a needed favor.

On my own, with what little cut I was given from the last job, I made my own life in the sprawl. You'd be surprised how easy it is to find work making discount repairs for the lower clhoop. Before I knew it, I had my own flat, and a shop to do my work in. Did some digging, learned my past, discovered that my real birth SIN registered me a dead. Score one for investigative thoroughness, eh slitches? I knew a buddy from the Howlers that didn't hate my guts, and he hooked me up with a SIN to do work in. Then the work was coming to me, legit mostly, though I did become a bit of a hit with the local runners. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that I've integrated with the locals almost, but I know better. I was raised a Howler, though I do my best to keep that instinct down. I make sure to work and talk with a smile on my face. After the drek I've been through, what else can you do but be positive?"


"Life takes interesting turns.  I was content with scraping up my living fixing cars on the dime and fending off those who wanted to remind me whose heel I was scraped from.  But when a blood spirit led by a crazy hoop mage slitch comes waltzing around geeking people, I felt a pull to do something.  Which was weird, because I hardly believed I had any useful skills to share to do the kind of drek I did.  But somehow I pulled it off.  Got the Howlers pointing in the right direction to get some muscle going, and even got the bonus of losing a few of them to the thing.  Built a sensor net out of scrap parts and chewing gum, though  I gotta get better at that.  Practically gave my life defending this hood.  Hell, I might as well have.  Lost my arm in the explosion.  But I gained some drek for it.  I have new eyes that make me look...well, normal.  A replacement arm  to still be useful.  I'm now a rigger, though that is some wicked crazy drek to get used to.  And friends.  Genuine friends, who looks like I'll be working with.

Stepping into the shadows...let's hope I hit the ground running."[/spoiler]

== Info ==
Street Name: Arc
Name: Tessa Preishan
Movement: 10/20
Karma: 39
Street Cred: 6
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Human Female Age 21
DOB: 01/23/2054
Height 5'1" Weight 152 lbs
Composure: 6
Judge Intentions: 6
Lift/Carry: 7 (45 kg/30 kg)
Memory: 9
Nuyen: 29,060 Personal, 21,000 pooled w/ Yelena, 69,584 net (GG job), 45,000 chop/sell results (hijack job)  75,000 club payout/person (60K club, 15K chop/sell)

==Physical Appearance==

== Priorities ==
Metatype: D - Human or Elf
Attributes: A - 24 Attributes
Special: E - Mundane
Skills: C - 28 Skills/2 Skill Groups
Resources: B - 50,000¥

== Attributes ==
BOD: 5
AGI: 5
REA: 5
STR: 3
CHA: 3
INT: 3
LOG: 6
WIL: 3
EDG: 4

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   3.84
Initiative:                8 + 1d6
Rigger Initiative:         8 + 1d6
Astral Initiative:         
Matrix AR Initiative:      8 + 1d6
Matrix Cold Initiative:    3 + DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative:     3 + DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track:     12
Stun Damage Track:         10

== Limits ==
Physical:                  5
Mental:                    6
Social:                    5
Astral:                    6

== Active Skills ==
Aeronautics Mechanic       : 1                      Pool: 7
Animal Handling            : 0                      Pool: 2
Archery                    : 0                      Pool: 4
Armorer                    : 2                      Pool: 8
Automatics                 : 2                      Pool: 7
Automotive Mechanic        : 4                      Pool: 10
Blades                     : 0                      Pool: 4
Clubs                      : 0                      Pool: 4
Computer                   : 1                      Pool: 7
Con                        : 0                      Pool: 2
Cybercombat                : 0                      Pool: 5
Demolitions                : 2                      Pool: 8
Disguise                   : 0                      Pool: 2
Diving                     : 0                      Pool: 3
Escape Artist              : 0                      Pool: 4
Etiquette                  : 1                      Pool: 4
First Aid                  : 0                      Pool: 5
Forgery                    : 0                      Pool: 5
Free-Fall                  : 0                      Pool: 3
Gunnery                    : 0                      Pool: 4
Gymnastics                 : 2                      Pool: 7
Hacking                    : 0                      Pool: 5
Hardware                   : 3                      Pool: 9
Heavy Weapons              : 0                      Pool: 4
Impersonation              : 0                      Pool: 2
Industrial Mechanic        : 1                      Pool: 7
Instruction                : 0                      Pool: 2
Intimidation               : 0                      Pool: 2
Leadership                 : 0                      Pool: 2
Longarms                   : 0                      Pool: 4
Navigation                 : 1                      Pool: 4
Negotiation                : 1                      Pool: 4
Perception                 : 1                      Pool: 4
Performance                : 0                      Pool: 2
Pilot Ground Craft         : 5                      Pool: 10
Pilot Aircraft           :1                      Pool: 6
Pistols                    : 3                      Pool: 8
Running                    : 2                      Pool: 5
Sneaking                   : 1                      Pool: 6
Survival                   : 0                      Pool: 2
Swimming                   : 0                      Pool: 2
Throwing Weapons           : 3                      Pool: 8
Tracking                   : 0                      Pool: 2
Unarmed Combat             : 3                      Pool: 8

== Knowledge Skills ==
Architecture               : 1                      Pool: 7
Area Knowledge: Seattle    : 2                      Pool: 5
Engineering                : 4                      Pool: 10
English                    : N                      Pool: 0
Firearms                   : 2 [Design]             Pool: 8 (10)
Gangs                      : 2 [Seattle]            Pool: 5 (7)
Or'zet                     : 3                      Pool: 6
Sprawl Life                : 2                      Pool: 5

== Contacts ==
Hrock (3, 2)
Lupo (2, 1)
Ralphie Mastch (3, 1)
Sam Webster (5, 2)

== Qualities ==
Addiction (Mild) (Smoking)
Quick Healer
Social Stress (Loss)

== Lifestyles ==
Ground-level Shop  3 months (shared w/ Yelena), Rent due Feb. 01, 2076

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Control Rig Rating 1
Cybereyes Basic System Rating 1
   +Image Link
Obvious Full Arm (AGI 5, STR 3, Physical 5) (Right)
   +Customized Agility Rating 5
   +Drone Launcher
   +Tool kit

== Armor ==
Armor Jacket                   12
Armor Vest                        9
Clothing                            0
Clothing                            0

== Weapons ==
Ares Predator V
   +Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   +Spare Clip
   +Spare Clip
   +Spare Clip
   Pool: 8   Accuracy: 7   DV: 8P   AP: -1   RC: 1
Grenade: Fragmentation (Aerodynamic)
   Pool: 8   Accuracy: 5   DV: 18P(f) (-1/m)   AP: +5   RC: 1
Grenade: High Explosive
   Pool: 8   Accuracy: 5   DV: 16P (-2/m)   AP: -2   RC: 1
Ingram Smartgun X
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   +Sound Suppressor
   +Spare Clip
   +Spare Clip
   +Spare Clip
   +Spare Clip
   Pool: 7   Accuracy: 6   DV: 8P   AP: -   RC: 3
Shock Gloves
   Pool: 8   Accuracy: 5   DV: 8S(e)   AP: -5   RC: 1
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 8   Accuracy: 5   DV: 3S   AP: -   RC: 1
Yamaha Pulsar
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   Pool: 8   Accuracy: 7   DV: 7S(e)   AP: -5   RC: 1

== Commlink ==
Essy Motors DroneMaster (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 4, FWL: 4)
   +Autosoft (Clearsight) Rating 4
   +Autosoft ((Shia) Maneuvering) Rating 4
   +Autosoft ((Shia) Stealth) Rating 4
   +Autosoft ((MCT) Maneuvering) Rating 4
   +Autosoft ((MCT) Stealth) Rating 4
   +Autosoft ((MCT-Nissan) Targeting) Rating 5
Renraku Sensei (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 3, FWL: 3)
   +Hot Sim Module

== Gear ==
Ammo: Gel Rounds (Heavy Pistols) x30
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Heavy Pistols) x69
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Submachine Guns) x288
Ammo: Taser Dart (Tasers) x36
AR Gloves
Certified Credstick, Platinum x1
Certified Credstick, Gold x3
Certified Credstick, Silver x5
Certified Credstick, Standard x8
Commercial Explosive Rating 5 x12
Datachip x10
Detonator, Blasting Cap x3
Fake License (Concealed Carry Permit) Rating 2
Fake License (Driver's License) Rating 2
Fake License (Explosives License) Rating 2
Fake License (Firearms License) Rating 2
Fake License (Restricted Cyberware License) Rating 2
Fake SIN (Lauren Summers) Rating 3
Flashlight, Infrared
Goggles Rating 3
   +Thermographic Vision
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 2
Grenade: Fragmentation (Aerodynamic) x3
Grenade: High Explosive x5
Earbuds Rating 2
   +Audio Enhancement Rating 2
Medkit: Rating 6
Respirator, Rating 4
Restraint, Plastic x20
Security Tags x30
Slap Patch, Stim Patch Rating 4 x3
Slap Patch, Trauma Patch x2
Survival Kit
Tool Kit (Armorer)
Tool Kit (Demolition)
Tool Shop (Mechanic)

== Vehicles ==
Ford Americar (Sedan)
   +Rigger Interface
   +Sensor Array Rating 2
MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone)
   +Sensor Array Rating 3
MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone)
   +Sensor Array Rating 3
MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone)
   +Sensor Array Rating 3
MCT-Nissan Rotodrone (Medium Drone)
   +Sensor Array Rating 3
        +Smartlink in sensors
   +Weapon Mount (Remington 950)
        +Smartgun (internal), Silencer, 100x Regular ammunition
Shiawase Kanmushi (Microdrone)
   +Sensor Array Rating 3
Shiawase Kanmushi (Microdrone)
   +Sensor Array Rating 3
« Last Edit: <03-14-16/2108:21> by SgtBoomCloud »


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« Reply #3 on: <03-17-15/1619:47> »
Character sheet for Feathers is posted in spoilers:

[spoiler]Ok, so this is Mike Tunstall, AKA Feathers. (so called because of his precious eagle feather brooch that he wears most of the time)
He's a 58 year old bloke who should be winding down for retirement, but lost his family home to a compulsory purchase order issued on the land for development of a housing estate and strip mall by a AAA. He took the case to court with his life savings and lost, losing everything he'd had and estranging himself from his sister.
Now homeless and penniless, he'd had to call on help from the Druid's circle. They agreed to put him up in a slot in a bunkhouse for persecuted awakened in the lower downtown slums. The security was good, as you'd expect, but the accomodation was spartan, clearly designed for short stays.
He'd been there a few months now, learning the neighbourhood and making a few contacts as he tries to rebuild his life.
He kicks back with deepweed and gets stimmed with pysche on occasion, especially when it all gets too much. The oppressive city air and the utter lack of nature drives him crazy, and he often takes the autobus out into the villages to escape and commune with his mentor, eagle.

Street Name: Feathers
Name: Mike Tunstall
Movement: 4/8
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Composure: 8
Judge Intentions: 8
Lift/Carry: 4 (30 kg/20 kg)
Memory: 8
Nuyen: 0

== Attributes ==
BOD: 2
AGI: 2
REA: 2
STR: 2
CHA: 3
INT: 5
LOG: 3
WIL: 5
EDG: 4
MAG: 7

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   6
Initiative:                7 + 1d6
Rigger Initiative:         7 + 1d6
Astral Initiative:         10 + 2d6
Matrix AR Initiative:      7 + 1d6
Matrix Cold Initiative:    5 +DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative:     5 +DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track:     9
Stun Damage Track:         11

== Limits ==
Physical:                  3
Mental:                    6
Social:                    6
Astral:                    6

== Active Skills ==
Alchemy                    : 5                      Pool: 12
Arcana                     : 3                      Pool: 6
Assensing                  : 5 [Aura Reading]       Pool: 10 (12)
Banishing                  : 5                      Pool: 12
Binding                    : 5                      Pool: 12
Computer                   : 1 [Matrix Search]      Pool: 4 (6)
Con                        : 3 [Fast Talk]          Pool: 6 (8)
Counterspelling            : 3 [Combat]             Pool: 10 (12)
Disguise                   : 2 [Costume]            Pool: 7 (9)
Perception                 : 3                      Pool: 10
Pistols                    : 4 [Semi-Automatics]    Pool: 6 (8)
Ritual Spellcasting        : 5                      Pool: 12
Spellcasting               : 6                      Pool: 13
Summoning                  : 5                      Pool: 12

== Knowledge Skills ==
Architecture               : 2                      Pool: 5
Area Knowledge: Seattle    : 2                      Pool: 7
Chemistry                  : 2                      Pool: 5
English                    : N                      Pool: 0
Gangs                      : 1 [Seattle]            Pool: 6 (8)
Magical Theory             : 2                      Pool: 5
Magical Threats            : 2                      Pool: 5
Or'zet                     : 2                      Pool: 7
Parazoology                : 2                      Pool: 5
Security Design            : 1 [Magical]            Pool: 6 (8)
Underworld                 : 2 [Drugs]              Pool: 7 (9)

== Contacts ==
Lil' Mik (3, 2) Ork; Pusher and dealer for the Ancients. Knows a few folk around and can generally point Feathers in the right direction. He calls Feathers "the old man" and has a bit of respect for him
Nbungu (3, 2) Human; Nigerian born mage. fled due to Islamic persecution of his awakened status. runs a talismongery in the lower downtown hub. Has contacts within the safehouse and makes use of the "talent" there for errands.
Lupo (1,3)
Prof (1,5)
Sarge (2,3)
Merin (2,1)
== Qualities ==
Aged (Rating 1)
Allergy (Common, Mild) (Pollutants)
Exceptional Attribute (MAG)
Mentor Spirit (Eagle)
SINner (National) (UCAS)

== Spells ==
(Tradition: Druid, Resist Drain with WIL + INT (10))
Chaotic World              DV: F
Create Ally Spirit         DV: Special
Detect Life, Extended      DV: F-1
Heal                       DV: F-4
Increase Reflexes          DV: F
Influence                  DV: F-1
Lightning Bolt             DV: F-3
Shapechange                DV: F-3
Spatial Sense, Extended    DV: F-1
Stunbolt                   DV: F-3

== Lifestyles ==
Druidic Lodge  1 months

== Armor ==
Ares Victory: Rapid Transit         9
Clothing                            0
Helmet                              2
   +Image Link

== Weapons ==
Ares Viper Slivergun
   +Concealable Holster
   +Flashlight, Standard
   +Laser Sight
   +Sound Suppressor
   Pool: 6 (8)   Accuracy: 5   DV: 9P(f)   AP: +4   RC: 1
Survival Knife
   Pool: 1   Accuracy: 5   DV: 4P   AP: -1   RC: 1
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 1   Accuracy: 3   DV: 2S   AP: -   RC: 1

== Commlink ==
Renraku Sensei (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 3, FWL: 3)
   +Sim Module, Hot
   +Subvocal Mic
   +Fake SIN Rating 2
   +Fake License (Magic License) Rating 2
   +Fake License (Weapon License) Rating 2
   +Certified Credstick, Silver

== Gear ==
Binoculars, Optical
   +Vision Magnification
Deepweed x2
Earbuds Rating 1
Glasses Rating 3
   +Flare Compensation
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 1
   +Image Link
Magical Lodge Materials Rating 5
Medkit Rating 1
Psyche x2
Reagents, per dram x20
Respirator Rating 6
Spare Clip (Ares Viper Slivergun)
   +Ammo: Flechette Rounds (Heavy Pistols)
Spare Clip (Ares Viper Slivergun)
   +Ammo: Flechette Rounds (Heavy Pistols)
Tool Kit (Disguise kit)

Run rewards
Karma: +2 {GM award}

Chapter 1 rewards:
14 karma
50k NY

Major purchases;
x2 months Medium lifestyle paid upfront (11k)
Fake SiN R4 (10k) {bought from ganger contacts}
Yamaha Growler Bike (5k)
Sustaining focus {health} F2 (8k)            {bought from Nbungu}
Upgrade lodge to R7 (1k)       {bought from Nbungu}               35k spent, 7k left

Minor Purchases:
Clothing; Smart 150
Ace of Cups Jacket 1,600           
 -Chem resist 2 500
 -Fire resist 2 500
 -Non-conduct 2 500         =3100 total

20 Drams reagents 400
Earbuds R2 150
 -Select sound filter 1 250
 -Audio enhance 1 500         =900 total

Alchemy kit 500

-Nice house in village/small town outside the city.
 4 lifestyle points spent on:
 -Indoor Arboretum (2)+500NY
 -Yard (2)
Comforts: 3//Necessities: 3//Neighbourhood 4

2500 left on credstick

Summoned a F2 ally spirit of Air; Johannes
-Astral Form
-Banishing resistance
-Realistic form
-Sense link
-Search* optional power from being F2[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <03-21-15/1520:48> by Csjarrat »

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #4 on: <03-17-15/1707:22> »
== Info ==
Street Name: BlackHat
Real Name: Carl Adler
Fake SIN: Daemon O'Toole
Movement: 6/12
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Elf Male Age Mid-20s
Height 1.8m Weight 75kg
Composure: 7
Judge Intentions: 8
Lift/Carry: 4 (30 kg/20 kg)
Memory: 9
Nuyen: 660

== Priorities ==
Metatype:   D (1) - Elf (0)
Attributes: D (1) - 14 Attributes
Special:    E (0) - Mundane
Skills:     A (4) - 46 Skills/10 Skill Groups
Resources:  A (4) - 75,000¥

== Karma ==
Attributes: 10 (Edge 2)
Contacts:   3
Qualities:  13/13 (Positive/Negative)

== Attributes ==
BOD: 2
AGI: 3
REA: 2 (3)
STR: 2
CHA: 3
INT: 5
LOG: 5
WIL: 4
EDG: 2

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   2.49
Initiative:                8 + 2d6
Matrix AR Initiative:      8 + 2d6
Matrix Cold Initiative:    5 + DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative:     5 + DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track:     9
Stun Damage Track:         10

== Limits ==
Physical:                  3
Mental:                    7
   Psyche [+1] (Duration: (12-Body) hours)
Social:                    5
   Ballistic Mask [+1] (Only for intimidation, Must be visible)
   Mortimer of London: Berwick Suit [+1] (Must be visible)
   Novacoke [+1] (Duration: (10-Body) hours)
Astral:                    7

== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling            : 0                      Pool: 2
Archery                    : 0                      Pool: 2
Armorer                    : 0                      Pool: 4
Automatics                 : 5 [Machine Pistols]    Pool: 8 (10)
Blades                     : 0                      Pool: 2
Clubs                      : 0                      Pool: 2
Computer                   : 6                      Pool: 12
Con                        : 3 [Fast Talk]          Pool: 6 (8)
Cybercombat                : 6                      Pool: 12
Demolitions                : 0                      Pool: 4
Disguise                   : 3 [Cosmetic]           Pool: 8 (10)
Diving                     : 0                      Pool: 1
Electronic Warfare         : 6                      Pool: 12
Escape Artist              : 0                      Pool: 2
Etiquette                  : 3 [Street]             Pool: 6 (8)
First Aid                  : 0                      Pool: 4
Forgery                    : 0                      Pool: 4
Free-Fall                  : 0                      Pool: 1
Gunnery                    : 0                      Pool: 2
Gymnastics                 : 0                      Pool: 2
Hacking                    : 6 [Hack on the Fly]    Pool: 12 (14)
Hardware                   : 6                      Pool: 12
Heavy Weapons              : 0                      Pool: 2
Impersonation              : 3                      Pool: 6
Instruction                : 0                      Pool: 2
Intimidation               : 0                      Pool: 2
Leadership                 : 0                      Pool: 2
Longarms                   : 0                      Pool: 2
Navigation                 : 0                      Pool: 4
Negotiation                : 0                      Pool: 2
Palming                    : 1 [Concealment]        Pool: 4 (6)
Perception                 : 2                      Pool: 7
Performance                : 3 [Keyboard/Piano]     Pool: 6 (8)
Pilot Ground Craft         : 0                      Pool: 2
Pilot Watercraft           : 0                      Pool: 2
Pistols                    : 0                      Pool: 2
Running                    : 0                      Pool: 1
Sneaking                   : 5 [Urban]              Pool: 8 (10)
Software                   : 6                      Pool: 12
Survival                   : 2 [Urban]              Pool: 6 (8)
Swimming                   : 0                      Pool: 1
Throwing Weapons           : 0                      Pool: 2
Tracking                   : 0                      Pool: 4
Unarmed Combat             : 1 [Blocking]           Pool: 4 (6)

== Knowledge Skills ==
Area Knowledge: Seattle    : 1 [Redmond Barrens]    Pool: 6 (8)
Chemistry                  : 1 [Pharmacology]       Pool: 6 (8)
English                    : N                      Pool: 0
Gangs                      : 1 [Matrix]             Pool: 6 (8)
History                    : 1 [Early 20th Century] Pool: 6 (8)
Matrix Theory              : 3 [AI]                 Pool: 8 (10)
Music                      : 1 [Jazz]               Pool: 6 (8)
Security Design            : 3 [Matrix]             Pool: 8 (10)
Small Unit Tactics         : 1 [Urban]              Pool: 6 (8)

== Contacts ==
Jonny Wakshira (4, 1), Kobun of the Kanaga-gumi and owner of The Joke located in Redmond

== Qualities ==
 3 Karma: Brand Loyalty (Product) (Erika MCD-1)
 0 Karma: Low-Light Vision
 5 Karma: Overclocker
 5 Karma: Perfect Time

 0 Karma: Day Job (20 hrs)
 3 Karma: In Debt (15,000¥)
10 Karma: Weak Immune System

== Lifestyles ==
Apartment at The Joke (Union Hill Road & 208th Avenue NE)  1 months @ 2100¥
Comforts & Necessities: 2/3
Security:               2/3
Neighborhood:           2/3
Available points:       0/3
1 point: Grid Subscription, Local (+50¥)
1 point: Local Bar Patron, The Joke (+0¥)
1 point: Public Transportation, Seattle (+50¥)

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Cyberdeck (Used)
Datajack x2 (Used)
Smartlink (Used)
Wired Reflexes Rating 1 (Used)

== Armor ==
   Ballistic Mask                      2
   Forearm Guards                      1

   Mortimer of London: Berwick Suit    9
      +Custom Fit
   Lined Coat                          9
      +Shock Weave
   Fedora                              0

   Chameleon Suit                      9

== Weapons ==
Ares Crusader II
   +Ammo: Gel Rounds  (Machine Pistols) x40
   +Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
   +Gas-Vent 2 System
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   +Sound Suppressor
   Pool: 10 (12)   Accuracy: 7   DV: 7S   AP: +1   RC: 3
Shock Gloves
   Pool: 4   Accuracy: 3   DV: 8S(e)   AP: -5   RC: 1
Survival Knife
   Pool: 2   Accuracy: 5   DV: 4P   AP: -1   RC: 1
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 4   Accuracy: 3   DV: 2S   AP: -   RC: 1

== Commlink/Cyberdeck ==
Erika MCD-1 (ATT: 4, SLZ: 3, DP: 2, FWL: 1)
   +Fake SIN (Daemon O'Toole, UCAS) Rating 2
Meta Link (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 1, FWL: 1)

== Gear ==
Ammo: Gel Rounds (Machine Pistols) x60
Survival Kit

Carried (on person)
Certified Credstick, Silver
Certified Credstick, Standard
Flashlight, Low-light
Spare Clip (Ares Crusader II)
   +Ammo: Explosive Rounds (Machine Pistols) x40
Spare Clip (Ares Crusader II)
   +Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Machine Pistols) x40

Carried (formfitting backpack)
Medkit Rating 6
   +Cram x5
   +Long Haul x2
   +Novacoke x5
   +Psyche x2
   +Slap Patch, Antidote Patch Rating 6
   +Slap Patch, Stim Patch Rating 5 x2
   +Slap Patch, Trauma Patch
   +Chloral Hydrate
Tool Kit (Disguise)
Tool Kit (Hardware)
   +Bug Scanner Rating 6
   +Camera, Micro
   +Data Tap
   +Gecko Tape Gloves
   +Jammer, Directional Rating 5
   +Satellite Link
   +Stealth Tags x25
   +Trid Projector
   +White Noise Generator Rating 6

Signal Scrub
Virtual Machine

Contacts Rating 2
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 1
   +Vision Magnification
Earbuds Rating 3
   +Audio Enhancement Rating 1
   +Select Sound Filter Rating 2
Glhoopes Rating 1
   +Flare Compensation
Respirator Rating 6

== Description ==
BlackHat is a skinny-looking Elf male of Caucasian heritage who looks to be in his mid-20s. The deep, solemn look of his emerald eyes can betray the cheerful attitude he projects, and the auburn roots of his cropped hair suggests that the raven black luster is not his natural color. Two universal access ports adorn the side of his head just below and behind the left ear, and a perceptive observer might even notice the relatively fresh scars in the back of his neck that indicate the location of a micro-sized cyberdeck implant, as well as the slight tremor in his extremities that, to anyone used to dealing with shadow hoopets, are tell-tale signs of cybernetically enhanced reflexes.

In the physical world, BlackHat usually dresses in the traditional duster and slacks common amongst the denizens of the barrens, reserving the carefully maintained business-casual 3-piece suit complete with a BlackHat, tinted glhoopes, and an old-fashioned pocket-watch for more important meetings. Regardless of what he's wearing, chances are that anyone who spends time with him will realize that there is maturity beyond his years in the young man. He conducts himself in a quiet and reserved manner both in the real world and in the Matrix, and his English is spoken in a measured, controlled tone with a subtle hint of a foreign accent.

In the virtual world, BlackHat has chosen a persona that befits his physical form. Shaped like a human of above-average height wearing a fashionable suit and accompanying eponymous hat, the sculpting of the persona is relatively unique in that its face is almost entirely smooth, lacking distinguishing features like eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, and its skin looks to be made from a mirror-like material that always reflects the brilliance of a neutron star set against the background of an unknown nebula.

== Background ==
Carl Adler was born in 2055 in a blue-collar enclave on the outskirts of the city of Fargo, a major transportation hub in the north-west UCAS. Vast amounts of land trade phooped through the city to and from the Algonkian-Manitou and Athabaskan Councils in the north, Tir Tairngire and the Native American Nations in the west, and Aztlan and the CAS in the south. Carl’s parents worked the factory lines for AN Meridian, a heavy industry subsidiary of Saeder-Krupp, until a particularly deadly strain of influenza ravaged the city in 2063. Carl's parents succumbed to the disease along with more than two-thirds of the city’s population, and though Carl survived the infection his immune system was obliterated as a result. Misery loves company, as the saying goes, and when the Second Matrix Crash hit just months later Carl’s SIN was wiped from the Matrix; in the chaotic aftermath the young Elf found himself alone and afraid on the streets of the city, abandoned by the corporation that had been his home.

While a semblance of order had been restored after the events of the ’63 “Fargo Flu” and the Crash of ‘64, crime was still rampant in the city and Carl’s first years on the streets were rough. His knowledge of tech and computers saw him snapped up by the Red River Rumblers, a local small-time gang looking for matrix talent to accelerate their expansion plans. Despite being frail and prone to illness, he instantly proved his worth to the Rumblers when he disabled the security systems of the 2nd Street Steelers with nothing but an old, beat-up commlink, allowing the Rumblers to take their rivals by surprise and making short work of them in the process.

Carl quickly realized that his skills were rare amongst the gangers, which meant he had the potential to become something of a powerhouse in the reconstructed mess of the local Matrix. He adopted the online moniker Dev/Null while carefully avoiding the watchful eyes of GOD. Over the next few years he made a name for himself by expertly circumventing security systems, establishing botnets to use for DDoS attacks, laundering credit accounts and financial records, and cracking data stores in search of juicy paydata. While most of his time was spent furthering the cause of the Red River Rumblers, Carl began squirreling away some of their ill-gotten gains for himself. He used these discretionary funds to procure various Matrix hardware and software upgrades, as well as a few augmentations for himself.

In 2072 Carl accompanied a team of Rumblers on a raid of a storehouse thought to belong to a local food processing corporation. Carl quickly recognized that the factory was just a cover and made a run on the data stores present at the facility. After sneaking past some of the blackest IC he’d ever encountered he found a cache of heavily encrypted data, and he quickly swiped copies of everything he could before jacking out. He wasn’t quick enough, however, and before the team could evacuate the premises they came under attack; in mere moments a quarter of the team was dead or dying, and as far as Carl knew he escaped as the only survivor. While enacting carefully laid contingency plans he offloaded the stolen data to the Denver Nexus, dumping every other piece of data that could possibly lead back to him and hit the roads in order to lay low for a while.

Weeks later he came to learn that the Rumblers were no more; their safehouses had been destroyed, every last member killed, and their Matrix presence had been completely scrubbed from even the deepest, darkest recesses of the grids. By the end of the year, word got back to Carl that the research data he had found had been proof of horrific experiments on so-called virtuakinetics by the MCT megacorporation, and that the data had been made public by a journalist in Denver. Armed with the knowledge that he’d be hunted forever if he ever looked back, he once again dumped his identities, reshaped his Matrix Persona, and spent most of his remaining money to get to the darkest shadows he knew of; Seattle.


After two years of living on the streets yet again, but with no signs of corporate hit-squads, Carl slowly emerged from the shadows of Seattle. He'd scraped by using his skills to hack vending machines for food and clothes while alternating between sleazing the registries of different no-tell motels and sleeping in the streets. The new wireless matrix protocols implemented during the mid-70s meant his old hardware was rendered obsolete, however, and in order to get back in the game Carl agreed to help DevOps, leader of the matrix gang Reality Hackers, in her campaign against the Kanaga-gumi, a Yakuza syndicate local to the Redmond Barrens.

The Reality Hackers fronted the cost of a low-end deck and the surgery to have it installed in Carl's head, and in return asked that Carl borrow money off of the Yakuza in order to get in with them. The idea was that since Carl couldn't afford to pay the Yaks off he'd have to begin running jobs for them, as any crime syndicate with more than eight bits between their ears would jump at the chance of forcibly enlisting a talented decker.

More details:

== Concept ==
As novahot as Dodger, or so he likes to claim; cocky, but there's no denying he's got skill. Ride the signal...

== Notes ==
Smokes cigarettes

----- Equipment Lists -----
All wireless devices disabled unless specified otherwise, and all enabled wireless devices running silently on public grid by default
* devices with wireless enabled
** devices with wireless enabled and slaved to cyberdeck
^ items actively concealed

AV 10, Base Concealment -4
Carried: Certified Credstick (Standard), Flashlight (Low-light), Meta Link, Medkit, Spare Clip (Ares Crusader II w/40x Explosive rounds), Spare Clip (Ares Crusader II w/40x SnS rounds), Tool Kit (Disguise, w/Ballistic Mask), Tool Kit (Hardware)
Cyberware: Cyberdeck*, Datajack x2, Smartlink**, Wired Reflexes
Weapons: Ares Crusader II** ^ (w/40x Gel Rounds), Shock Gloves, Survival Knife
Worn: Berwick Suit*, Contacts*, Earbuds*, Forearm Guards, Glhoopes*, Lined Coat**

AV 12, Base Concealment 0
Carried: Certified Credstick (Standard), Flashlight (Low-light), Meta Link, Medkit, Spare Clip (Ares Crusader II w/40x Explosive rounds), Spare Clip (Ares Crusader II w/40x SnS rounds), Tool Kit (Hardware)
Cyberware: Cyberdeck*, Datajack x2, Smartlink, Wired Reflexes
Weapons: Ares Crusader^ (w/40x Gel Rounds), Shock Gloves, Survival Knife
Worn: Ballistic Mask, Chameleon Suit**, Contacts**, Earbuds**, Forearm Guards

----- Matrix Configurations -----
* Attribute increased with Overclocker quality
Actions: Brute Force, Crack File, Crash Program, Erase MARK, Jam Signals
Attributes: Attack 4 (6*), Sleaze 1, Data Processing 3 (4), Firewall 2
Programs:  Virtual Machine (Decryption, Toolbox)

Actions: Check OS, Control Device, Format Device, Hide, Reboot Device, Snoop, Spoof
Attributes: Attack 1, Sleaze 3 (5*), Data Processing 4 (5), Firewall 2
Programs:  Virtual Machine (Stealth, Toolbox)

Actions: Jack Out, Full Matrix Defense
Attributes: Attack 1, Sleaze 2, Data Processing 3, Firewall 4 (6*)
Programs:  Virtual Machine (Armor, Firewall)

Actions: Grid Hop, Hack on the Fly
Attributes: Attack 1, Sleaze (Hack on the Fly) 3 (4) (+2), Data Processing 4 (5*), Firewall 2
Programs:  Virtual Machine (Exploit, Stealth)

Actions: Trace Icon
Attributes: Attack 1, Sleaze 2, Data Processing 4 (6*), Firewall 3
Programs:  Virtual Machine (Toolbox, Track)

Actions: Edit File
Attributes: Attack 1, Sleaze 2 (4*), Data Processing (Edit File) 4 (+2), Firewall 3
Programs:  Virtual Machine (Edit, Stealth)

Actions: Matrix Search, Matrix Perception
Attributes: Attack 1, Sleaze 2, Data Processing 4 (6*), Firewall 3
Programs:  Virtual Machine (Browse/Fork, Toolbox)

Actions: Data Spike
Attributes: Attack 4 (6*), Sleaze 1, Data Processing 3, Firewall 2
Programs:  Virtual Machine (Decryption, Hammer)

Actions: Disarm Data Bomb
Attributes: Attack 1, Sleaze 2, Data Processing 3, Firewall 4 (6*)
Programs:  Virtual Machine (Defuse, Encryption)

Actions: Set Data Bomb
Attributes: Attack 1, Sleaze 4 (6*), Data Processing 3, Firewall 2
Programs:  Virtual Machine (Demolition, Stealth)

Actions: Matrix Perception
Attributes: Attack 1, Sleaze 4 (5*), Data Processing 3 (4), Firewall 2
Programs:  Virtual Machine (Toolbox, Wrapper)
« Last Edit: <03-17-15/2139:25> by Herr Brackhaus »


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« Reply #5 on: <03-17-15/1943:05> »
Name: Ambrose Plaman 
Age: 57
Nationality: British
Occupation: Demolitionist, Pickpocket, Smuggler, Shadow Runner
Likes: Classical Music, Rock Music, Wine, Stout, Fresh fruit
Dislikes: Dance Music, Hip-Hop, Pale Ale, Pilsner Beer, Soy
Home: Amborse's home is a small shack outside of the major areas of the city. Its fairly well hidden and has only a few minor conveniences that he's developed for the place himself using his knowledge of engineering. Most notably is a hidden room inside the shack, that hides things he'd rather not be found while he's away, reinforced windows and doors, and a workshop in the basement of the building.

Ambrose Plaman was an incredibly gifted young man in his youth. His hands, then, as they are even now, nimble appendages that allow him to perform tasks of pure and utter amazement to those who would see him perform on the streets from time to time, simple tricks at first, making coins disappear then reappear just about anywhere he'd want them to. Of course these talents of his did not just stay in the art of performance, but did also extend outwards into petty larceny and pick pocketing. A few of them to this day he still doesn't know how he got away with.

OF course this life on the hard streets wasn't needed, his parents owned a flower shop in the common folk districts of area around London. But Ambrose packed up his things, after watching a Chinese fireworks factory burn to the ground.. A sight he'd never forget, something of a train wreck, watching people run from the building on fire, while colorful streams of sparks go shooting off every direction.

It wasn't until later that he found the hit was planned by a local mafia-gang, A group of rich kids who wanted to do what they want when they wanted. The only reason one could even call it a mafia was because of the money the kids had inherited. Originally, he had intended to strike back at them, but their charasmatic leader persuaded Ambrose over to their side after finding out of the gifts Ambrose had developed in a rather short time for explosives, as well as his more long term skill of pickpocketing.

the Mafia gang headed their way to Seattle, where they were convinced they could have even more fun than in Britain. Many years have passed since then, and the excitement still lives within Ambrose, a result that a particularly bad deal happened to wipe him out of most of his funds, and at the mercy of another mafia for a quick loan.
Ambrose Plaman
B 2, A 3, R 3/4, S 4, W 3, L 6, I 5, C 2, ESS 6, EDG 3, M 6, I 1
Condition Monitor (P/S): 9 / 10
Armor: 14
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 7, Social 6
Physical Initiative: 8/9+2D6
Active Skills: Arcana (Initation +2) 2, Armorer (Explosives +2) 3, Artisan (Fireworks +2) 6, Chemistry 2, Con (Fast Talking +2) 2, Demolitions (Improvised Explosives +2) 6, Engineering Group 2, Forgery (Counterfeiting +2) 6, Hardware (Commlinks +2) 3, Influence Group 3, Perception 5, Stealth Group 5, Throwing Weapons (Non-Aerodynamic +2) 5
Knowledge Skills: Alcohol 1, Automobile Design 1, Blackmarkets (Explosives +2) 4, Building Layouts 2, Civic Engineering 2, Civical Law 4, Criminals (Bombers +2) 3, Explosive Engineering 4, Mathmatics (Physical +2) 1, Mechanical Engieering 2, Metalurgy 2, Music (Classical +2) 3, Permits and Documentation (Demoltion Permits +2) 3, Police Procedures 1, Smuggling Routes 2, Sprawl life 1, Stage Shows (Pyrotechnics +2) 2, USAC Politics 1
Languages: English N
Qualities: Adept, Aged (50-59), Perfect Time, School of Hard Knocks, SINner (National SIN): British, Technical School Education
Adept Powers: Combat Sense (1), Enthralling Performance: Artisan (12dicepool), Heightened Concern (up to -3), Improved Reflexes (1), Improved Sense: Damper, Improved Sense: Flare Compensation, Improved Sense: Human Scale, Improved Sense: Ultrasound Sensor, Light Touch (6), Nimble Fingers, Sustenance
Metamagic: (Initiate Grade 1) Adept Centering -1

Argentum coat with Mirror Weave 5, Meta Link, Transys Avalon, 3 flashbangs, 2 gas gernades, 5 smoke, demo kit, hardware kit and 300 rounds of heavy pistol ammo,

. . Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit [Handling 4/3, Speed 3, Accel 2, Body 8, Armor 4, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Seats 2]
. . Alfred Nobel w/ Fake SIN (2), (1 month) Low Lifestyle
. . Artisian Kit
. . Berwick Suit w/ -2 modifier for concealability, Argentum Coat, Custom Fit, Increase Social Limit by 1
. . Demoltion Shop
. . Demoltions Kit
. . Forearm Guards w/ YNT Softweave
. . . . Hermes Ikon Commlink
. . Forgery Kit
. . Hermes Ikon Commlink
. . Light Stick x4
. . Meta Link Commlink
. . Meta Link Commlink
. . Meta Link Commlink
. . Meta Link Commlink
. . Miniwelder
. . Miniwelder Fuel Canister
. . Satellite Link
. . Survival Kit
. . Telescoping Mirror on a Stick
. . Tool Kit, Chemistry
. . Trodes
. .
. . Smoke Grenade x1 [Grenade, non-aerodynamic, Acc 5, DV Smoke, 10m R, AP –]

Arms Dealer (Connection 4, Loyalty 2)

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Shadowrun © 2005-2015 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc.

Picture link :
« Last Edit: <05-30-15/2007:28> by Triskavanski »
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules


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« Reply #6 on: <03-17-15/2046:28> »
I've also set-up, (I hope), a room for Date Night. there is a line close to the top right with Roll : Dice Room : Feedback : About.   Click on Dice Room and put in your SR name or your chara name, put Date Night in the Room Name box and you should be good to go. I'll be able to see your rolls when I log in, and if you click on the die beside your name it'll make link codes so that you can post your rolls in the OOC thread.
« Last Edit: <03-21-15/1020:11> by ismilealot »
Thought      Speech     Astral     Matrix/com       Mentor/Spirit     other lang.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #7 on: <03-17-15/2137:33> »
As soon as the call comes in, BlackHat will attempt to identify the source.
Matrix Perception, Computer 6 + Intuition 5 + Brand Loyalty 1 [Data Processing 5] vs Logic X + Sleaze Y: 12d6t5 6
Keep 5 hits due to my limit of 5, for every net hit I get one piece of information. In order of preference: commcode, grid, marks, type (including whether its using a custom or even illegal look), and the device rating of the target icon.

To elaborate a little bit about why I want these pieces of information so you'll know for future reference:
Commcode: as long as I know one feature of an icon it becomes easier to find in the future
Grid: this might give me some insight into who the person is. If the icon is running on the public grid, they might be careful which indicates that they are good, or they might just be poor. If they are running on the local grid, chances are they are just blending in. If they are running on a global grid (one of the big 10), chances are they are working for one of those corporations or are trying to give the impression that they are.
Marks: not very useful except to recognize the marks in the future; might give me more information about who they are, as marks can be a form of matrix signature depending on the decker
Type: if the call is coming from a device I know the data trail is being concealed, and that means proceeding in a certain way. If the call is coming from a persona, then that means the caller is being less careful with their activity because I can directly interact with them, which means proceeding in a different way that if the call originates from a device
Device rating: tells me something about the level of opposition I might be facing, both in terms of their defensive capabilities but also their level of sophistication. Chances are a barrens rat isn't going to carry around a Rating 7 commlink.

So, let me know if I get any net hits and what, if any, information I glean from it. 6 hits on 12 dice; I'm pretty happy with that, even if I only get to keep 5 of them. Keep in mind that this is pretty much the maximum hits I'll ever be able to get at this level, barring a few special circumstances.
« Last Edit: <03-17-15/2141:15> by Herr Brackhaus »


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« Reply #8 on: <03-17-15/2153:39> »
Shaman_Yuri's chara


Subaru 昴 (Thurrayya ثورية) Ogasawara 小笠原 was born in the Free City of Constantinople of what used to be Turkey in 2059 to Satouru Ogasawara and Fatima Ogasawara-Azab of the Renraku Corporation. Her father was an up-and-coming executive in the storied megacorporation, being a third generation Renraku scion.  His wife, Fatima, was both a decker of note as well as quite the charismatic ingénue in both corporate and pan-Arab social circles who had made herself pivotal in Renraku product placement strategy for much of the Middle East.  Despite Fatima’s positive reputation within the Corp she was still a gaijin, worse than that she remained a devout if relatively liberal Muslim, and Satouru found his previously rapid climb up the corporate ladder somewhat greased.  He persevered, though, and after many impressive successes in postings throughout the world, in 2072 was made the corporate executive of SE Asian Operations for Renraku, residing in the Corporate City of Singapore. It was there in Singapore that someone finally found the flaw in Satouru's corporate armor - Fatima and her often unorthodox decking methods.  Through various underhanded schemes implemented over the course of three years, a group of Renraku executives who saw Satouru as a threat to their own ambitions managed to collectively frame Fatima on embezzlement charges.  Hundreds of millions of nuyen were involved.  The impact not only touched Renraku resources, but also Singapore and Constantinople.  Given enough time, Satouru, Fatima, and their allies might have been able to get to the bottom of the web of lies, but they weren't given the chance.  In order to save face, Renraku took the easy way out and immediately threw Subaru ‘s parents under the bus.  Her father was ordered to commit seppuku.  Her mother was to be handed over to Singaporan authorities as an example.  Fatima never left the Renraku Arcology, however.  Despite Islamic prohibitions on suicide, her gored corpse was found beside her husband's - the two had released their disdain, and their guts, onto the floor of Satouru's office together. This should have been the end of Subaru ‘s life as well.  A sixteen year old girl, the apple of her parents' eyes who had been given all the educational resources any child could ever have expected or desired, was too much a risk to be allowed to live.  Subaru was already a decker of repute, perhaps the best of her age in all the company.  On top of that, Subaru was awakened – a surprise that came during menarche but which wasn’t totally unexpected given her grandfather’s status as an Islamic tradition magician of some note.  Subaru was a prodigy who, like her mother, wasn't afraid to skirt the rules or use unorthodox methods to obtain results.  The company was in fact encouraging her in the hopes her status as a Decker Mage would yield new insight on both technology and magic, the intersection of the two, and perhaps even reveal the secret behind Technomancy.  As a highly trained decker as well as a developing mage, her potential ability to exact revenge was seemingly limitless, especially if she had nothing to lose.  But her parents had recognised the threat.  Rather than try to escape their fate themselves, Satouru and Fatima called in every favor, applied every resource they still had, to arrange extraction of their daughter to somewhere safe.That somewhere was Seattle.In the dark of night, barely a day after the charges against Fatima came to light and the seppuku order was a certainty, Subaru was permitted by those in the company who owed Satouro favors to slip out undocumented from the Arcology and into the hands of Yakuza who also personally owed Satouru favors.  She left with nothing but the protective jumpsuit she wore, not even her precious top-of-the-line cyberdeck.  She was spirited away from Singapore in an ancient container ship which made its way eastward across the Pacific, rather than westward through the Malacca Strait which might have been expected given her lineage, before eventually coming to port in the Emerald City, Subaru’s new home. Now in Seattle, the debt to her parents is repaid and she's on her own with nothing but a credstick with barely a handful of nuyen and the armored jumpsuit she was wearing when she left the Renraku Arcology in Singapore.  She's fresh off the boat and her only ties in Seattle are to the Yakuza who have helped set her up with some contacts and a place to stay.  They've made it clear her relationship with them now is strictly business - if she needs something from them she'll have to pay in one currency or another.
Current Status
It's been a month since her arrival and Subaru is starting to set down a few roots.  Using the money on the credstick left to her by her parents as seed money, she was able to pay the Yakuza to set her up with a reasonably effective fake SIM.  She's now known as Renge Miyauchi.  She has a small flat she shares with the daughter of a Yakuza low-ranker, the two splitting the expenses.  Both Subaru and Jenna spend much of their time on the 'trix.  Although a bit older, Jenna is nowhere near Subaru’s league.  Subaru is working hard to sooth the native Seattle girl's jealousy by teaching her tricks of the trade.A lifeline for her so far has been an old friend of her father's, George Ishikawa.  The two came to know each other when her father was stationed in Seattle before her parent's even met.  Although George will not bend any rules for her or extend any Yak favors to her, he still has provided invaluable advice and mentoring.  It was George who helped facilitate her roommate arrangement.  George also has also arranged for some odd freelance jobs to come her way.  Enough work to pay her basic bills and give her a decent grid connection. Less a favor and more a noose, though, was the deal Subaru had to make to get the bargain basement deck she now used on the 'trix.  Despite having no resources or evidence that she could pay it, George was able to arrange for a loan permitting her to get back on the grid without hot simming.  George made it clear repayment was not elective.  If she couldn't make her payments, they would be extracted from her body piece by piece until nothing was left.  Friend of her father aside, nuyen is business and Subaru accepted that with a deep bow.  She's Renraku to her core, and she would expect no different. She'll pay the debt.  She has a reason to live.


She WILL pay back the self-absorbed bastards who murdered her parents and destroyed her birthright for nothing more than personal gain.  Her honorable place in the structure of the greatest secular organization in the history of mankind, Renraku, is perhaps as dead as the corpse left in her burnt out room to lead everyone to believe she was killed by her parents before their own suicides.  But her desire for payback is very, very much alive. The biggest surprise for Subaru in Seattle has been her one and only friend.  Lexi is a tweener street rat who manages to survive in and around the neighborhood Subaru planted herself in.  Lexi helped Subaru slip away from some toughs who wanted more than she was willing to give.  Subaru reciprocated with food, a shower, and a night's sleep out of the Seattle icy rain cuddling on a futon with Subaru for warmth in the minimally heated apartment.  Since then, Lexi has shown Subaru her 'hood and started teaching the Singaporan, Renraku, silver-spoon kid the ropes she'll need to know, and soon, to survive in her new home.


The world will never know what kind of mage Subaru might have been at full power.  At the age of three, she received her first data jack, a direct neural interface located on the back of her skull.  The invasion of her mana from that and the ensuing twin of the first, this one on her wrist, she received when she entered formal electronic warfare training will forever limit her horizons.  Well, that and her late start on her studies.  Still, she’s remarkably gifted as a mage given her augmentation and engaged her magic studies with the same vigor and discipline as she always engaged her matrix training. Her late start and her implants were not the only thing that held her back when she finally did manifest her powers.  She also was challenged to determine her tradition.  Renraku’s approved tradition for their corporate-born, particularly their Yamato Japanese, was Shinto.  Unfortunately, Subaru’s faith had already been shaped by her mother.  The spirits, ancestor worship, and icons associated with the Imperial Japanese state religion were anathema to her.  A compromise was found when a master of the Wuxing tradition was appointed to mentor young Subaru.  Both master and student quickly realized not even Wuxing was the right fit for the young mage, however, although she made strides previously unachievable within the alien Shinto ranks. Subaru’s true path was discovered during the summer vacation of her fourteenth year when she spent August on the sultry shores of the Bosphorus with her maternal grandparents.  The time with her sufi grandfather was quite literally magical. During those few weeks she found her tradition as well as a renewed passion for serving Allah.    Although upon her return she and her Wuxing master continued to pay lip service to her as a Wuxing tradition mage, there was no doubt where her future in magic would lie. One unexpected advantage to her new found freedom has been to permit Subaru, or more accurately ثورية, to pursue her true direction in magic and faith.  She is voraciously consuming all she can about the magical tradition of Islam.  Someday she’d like to study with her grandfather again, but for now she knows that an attempt to contact him would be suicide…and possibly death for her grandparents too.  Like with revenge, she can afford to wait a while. 


Subaru (昴) was a decker first, and decking remains where she truly excels.  On the grid she’s known known as “Firefly” (Hotaru (蛍) or  يراعة) and she continues to make the name legendary.  She’s currently gimped in her persona life by her minimal deck and the fact nearly all her waking hours must now be dedicated to paying the interest if not the principle on her massive debt to the Yakuza.  Desperation will breed creativity – it must if she’s to avenge her parents.

Metatype: Human Islamic Magician; Female; Ethnicity:Euro-Japanese; Age: 16; Height: 1.6m; Weight: 52kg; Hair:Brownish Black; Eyes: Hazel; Skin: Light Brown
Total Karma: 0; Current Karma: 0; Street Cred: 0; Notoriety:
0; Public Awareness: 0

Body. . . . . . . . 2  Agility . . . . . . . . 2  Reaction . . . . . . . 2  Strength . . . . . . . 1  Willpower . . . 5 Logic . . . . . . . 6   Intuition. . . . . . . 5  Charisma. . . . . . 5 

Attributes: Essence  . . . 5.8  Edge  . . . . 2   Magic. . . . . . 5  Initiative . . . 7+1D6

Inherent Limits :
[2] Physical Limit  [8] Mental Limit  [7] Social Limit  [8] Astral Limit

Movement : 4m/8m/+2 Land Movement    2m/+1 Swimming

Active Skills :
10 [8] Arcana 4 (Log)
9 [8] Assensing 4 (Int)
9 [A] Astral Combat 4 (Wil)
6 [8] Banishing* (Mag)
6 [F] Binding* (Mag)
Computer 6 (Log)12 [M]
7 [7] Con 2 (Cha)
11 [8] Counterspelling* (Mag)
Cybercombat 6 (Log)12
Electronic Warfare 4 (Log)10
7 [7] Etiquette* (Cha)
3 [2] Gymnastics* (Agi)12
Hacking 6 (Log) 10
Hardware 4 (Log)
7 [7] Leadership* (Cha)
7 [7] Negotiation* (Cha)
6 [7] Performance 1 (Cha) Perfect Time : +1 on tests involving timing and (Classical Instruments +2) rhythm.
11 [F] Ritual Spellcasting* (Mag)
2 [2] Running* (Str)
Software 4 (Log)10
11 [F] Spellcasting* (Mag)
6 [F] Summoning* (Mag)
2 [2] Swimming* (Str)
* Athletics Group 1
* Conjuring Group 1
Physical Damage Stun Damage
7 [8] Business 1 (Log)
6 +2) [8] Islamic faith and magical
11 [8] Matrix Culture 6 (Int)
8 [8] Arabic 3
11 [8] English 6
Active Skills
* Influence Group 2
* Sorcery Group 6
Knowledge Skills
(Renraku Corporate traditions 1 (Int)
Language Skills
('l33tspeak +2)
N Japanese
(Corp +2)
8 [8] Mandarin 3
Ranged attacks against you are at : +0
Ranged Defense (No Action): 7
Full Defense (-10 Interrupt, for the rest of the turn): +5
Melee attacks against you are at : +0
Melee Defense (No Action): 7
Full Defense (-10 Interrupt, for the rest of the turn): +5
Dodge (-5 Interrupt, vs. one melee attack): +1 [2]
Unarmed Strike Block (-5 Interrupt, vs. one melee attack): +1 [2]
Sensor Defense (No Action): 1 [2]
Unarmed Strike 1S 1 [2] Reach: –
11 Armor 9
11 Acid Protection 9 11 Falling Protection 9
11 Cold Protection 9 11 Fire Protection 9
11 Electricity Protection 9

Damage Resistances :Contact 7 7  Ingestion 7 7  Inhalation 7 7  Injection 7 7

Edge Pool

Validation Report (2 issues): In Debt (Borrowed 30,000¥, Owes 45,000¥): The In Debt quality replaces normal karma spent on nuyen; Gear Karma: Resource Overspent: 13 of -5

Attribute-Only Tests
10 Composure   10 Judge Intentions    3 Lifting & Carrying        13 Memory

Erika MCD-1

Toxin Resistances : Toxin   Disease 

Matrix Devices ; Device Rating: 1  Attribute Array : 4 3 2 1  currently assigned as: Attack: 4, Data Processing : 2, Firewall: 1, Sleaze: 3

Matrix Initiative : 7

Matrix DR : 2 (6 vs. Black IC)  Modifications: Sim Module, Modified for Hot Sim

Programs (1/1): Exploit, Sneak, Cyberware (Essence: 0.2)

Islamic Magician
Perfect Time
Photographic Memory
Speed Reading (11 )
Positive Qualities
Brain Stem Jack (for cyberdeck) Essence: 0.1
Right Wrist Jack (for weapon Essence: 0.1

Black Backpack  Certified Credstick, Silver Dropped to Ground

Erika MCD-1

Modifications: Sim Module, Modified for Hot Sim

Programs (1/1): Exploit, Sneak

George Ishikawa (Yakuza Mid-Boss) Loyalty: 2  Connection: 4  Metatype: Human  Sex: Male  Age: 48 years old  Preferred Payment Method: Service (shadowrun job)  Hobbies/Vice: None of note  Personal Life: Knew Mayumi's father. Although he won't spend Yak resources on the girl that she doesn't earn herself, or stick his own  neck out for her, he is comfortable providing occasional fatherly advice or a gentle helpful nudge from time to time.

Jenna Reinhart (Script Kiddie/Roommate) Connection: 1 Loyalty: 2  Type: Legwork, Jobs, Mentorly Advice Chips: You and the contact are even Metatype: Human Sex: Female Age: 18 years old  Preferred Payment Method: Favors  Hobbies/Vice: Entertainment (action trideos)  Personal Life: Mayumi's roommate. the daughter of a minor aide to Ishikawa. She's a disappointment to her father and both prefer that she live away from home. Rooming allows Mayumi and Jenna to halve expenses. So far that's all they have in common. As Mayumi starts to teach Jenna 'real decking', though, that's changing. Jenna is reciprocating by introducing Mayumi to the 'common matrix' as well as Seattle culture - real and matrix.

Lexi "Rabbit" (Street Kid) Connection: 1 Loyalty: 4  Metatype: Human Sex: Female  Age: 13 years old  Type: Networking  Preferred Payment Method: Barter (easy items)  Hobbies/Vice: Nothing of Interest  Personal Life: After Jenna, Lexi was the first person Mayumi got close to in Seattle, and is the first person she'd consider a friend. Although they could not have come from different backgrounds, the two hit it off amazingly well and spend whatever time they can together talking and sharing what they feel they can (they both have stories they won't tell just yet). Lexi is showing Mayumi her world, and opening the young hacker's eyes. 

Type: Support  Gear (Cash: 720¥)

Negative Qualities
Allergy, Uncommon (Mild): Nickel
Driven (11 (4))
In Debt (Borrowed 30,000¥, Owes 45,000¥) (6)
Heal 11 [F]  Type: M  Rng: T
Spells : Improved Invisibility  11 [F] Rng: LOS  Type: P  Ram electronics 11 [F]  Type: P  Rng: T  11 [F]  Stunball  Type: M  Rng: LOS (A)  11 [F]  Stunbolt  Rng: LOS  Type: M  Renge Miyauchi

Fake SIN
Lifestyles: (1 month) Apartment in Redmond [Comforts &
Necessities (2), Neighborhood (2), Security (2), Grid
Subscription, Public Transportation]
Licenses & SINs : Renge Miyauchi (3)
Black Armored Jumpsuit 9
Modifications: Electrochromic Modification
(Health: Essence)
Dur: P DV: 11 v F-4  (Illusion: Realistic, Single-Sense)  Dur: S DV: 11 v F-1  (Combat: Direct)  Dam: P Dur: I DV: 11 v F-5  (Combat: Area, Direct)  Dam: S Dur: I DV: 11 v F  (Combat: Direct)  Dam: S Dur: I DV: 11 v F-3  Identities 

« Last Edit: <09-02-15/2002:59> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #9 on: <03-17-15/2154:09> »
@ Brackhaus 

Congrats 2 net hits. So you know the call is coming from inside the club.
« Last Edit: <03-17-15/2158:24> by ismilealot »
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Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #10 on: <03-17-15/2319:39> »
Ouch, 17 dice? That's an insane defense pool, considering it should consist of just Logic and Sleaze. And here I thought we were playing street level type characters ;)

Anyway, post up. BlackHat files away the commcode for later use, and focuses on the conversation for now.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #11 on: <03-18-15/0000:01> »
I do not know how to slip my information into the spot Smiles reserved for me so I am putting it here.

Posting my Character Sheet.  Comments are welcomed.

== Info ==
Street Name: Wanderer
Name: Yelena Petrovna Talinovski
Movement: 14/28 +2
Karma: 5 spent, 9 remaining
Street Cred: 2
Notoriety: 1
Public Awareness: 0
Elf Female
Composure: 6
Judge Intentions: 8
Lift/Carry: 4 (30 kg/20 kg)
Memory: 7
Nuyen: 4265 (720 from Low Lifestyle, 3d6x60)
5'9", 170#, violet eyes, nearly white hair, usually emotionless unless talking about/playing music
smokes slim cigars of Russian make with a strong aroma, drinks vodka

== Priorities ==
Metatype: D - Human or Elf
Attributes: B - 20 Attribute Points
Special: E - Mundane
Skills: C - 28 Skills/2 Skill Groups
Resources: A - 75,000¥

== Attributes ==
BOD: 3
AGI: 7
REA: 5
STR: 1
CHA: 3
INT: 5
LOG: 4
WIL: 3
EDG: 1

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:         5.8
Initiative:         10 + 1d6
Rigger Initiative:         
Astral Initiative:         
Matrix AR Initiative:     
Matrix Cold Initiative:   
Matrix Hot Initiative:     
Physical Damage Track:   10
Stun Damage Track:   10

== Limits ==
Physical:         4
Mental:         6
Social:            5

== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling      : 0         Pool: 2
Archery         : 0         Pool: 6
Armorer         : 4         Pool: 8
Automatics         : 0         Pool: 6
Blades            : 0         Pool: 6
Clubs            : 0         Pool: 6
Computer         : 0         Pool: 3
Con            : 0         Pool: 2
Cybercombat         : 0         Pool: 3
Demolitions         : 0         Pool: 3
Disguise         : 2         Pool: 7
Diving            : 0         Pool: 2
Escape Artist         : 0         Pool: 6
Etiquette         : 1         Pool: 4
First Aid         : 3         Pool: 10
Forgery         : 0         Pool: 3
Free-Fall         : 0         Pool: 2
Gunnery         : 0         Pool: 6
Gymnastics         : 0         Pool: 6
Hacking         : 0         Pool: 3
Hardware         : 0         Pool: 0
Heavy Weapons      : 0         Pool: 6
Impersonation      : 0         Pool: 2
Instruction         : 0         Pool: 2
Intimidation         : 0         Pool: 2
Leadership         : 0         Pool: 2
Longarms         : 6 [Sniper Rifle]   Pool: 15 [17]
Medicine         : 2         Pool: 6
Navigation         : 0         Pool: 4
Negotiation         : 0         Pool: 2
Palming         : 2         Pool: 9
Perception         : 2         Pool: 7
Performance         : 5         Pool: 8
Pilot Ground Craft      : 1         Pool: 6
Pilot Watercraft      : 0         Pool: 4
Pistols            : 6 [Semi Autos]   Pool: 15 [17]
Running         : 0         Pool: 0
Sneaking         : 2         Pool: 9
Survival         : 0         Pool: 2
Swimming         : 0         Pool: 0
Throwing Weapons      : 0         Pool: 6
Tracking         : 0         Pool: 4
Unarmed Combat      : 0         Pool: 6

== Knowledge Skills ==
Ares Weapons      : 2         Pool: 6
Gangs            : 3         Pool: 8
Jazz (Music)         : 4         Pool: 9
Russia            : N         Pool: NA
English         : 1         Pool: 6
French         : 1         Pool: 6
German         : 1         Pool: 6
Music            : 4         Pool: 9
Norwegian         : 1         Pool: 6
Or’Zet            : 1         Pool: 6

== Contacts ==
Gloria Dixon         (1, 1)
Herbie            (1, 1)
Virtual Goddess         (4, 2)
Sam Webster     (5, 1)

== Qualities ==
Brand Loyalty (Ares)

Addiction (Mild)  Alcohol
Addiction (Mild)  Gambling
Consumate Professional

== Lifestyles ==
Marlena Bratov (Low)  2 months
Olena Stravinski (Squatter)  2 months

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Hermes Ikon Commlink

== Armor ==
Armor Jacket                           14
   +Fire Resistance             4
   +Non-Conductivity           3
   +Electrochromatic Modification
   +Medkit (3)
   +Gel Packs

Clothing                                  0

== Weapons ==
Ares Predator V
   Gecko Grip
   Advanced Safety System
   Smartgun System, Internal
   Pool: 17   Accuracy: 7   DV: 8P   AP: -2   RC: 2
Ares Light Fire 75
   Light Fire Silencer
   Smartgun System, Internal
   Pool: 17   Accuracy: 8   DV: 6P   AP: 0   RC: 2
Ares Desert Strike
   Shock Pad
   Smartgun System, External
   Imaging Scope
   Slide Mounts for all external hardware
   Pool: 17   Accuracy: 9   DV: 14P   AP: -5   RC: 5
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 6   Accuracy: 4   DV: 1S   AP: -   RC: 1

== Commlink ==
Erika Elite (Cyber) (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 4, FWL: 4)

== Gear ==
Ammo: Explosive Rounds (Desert Strike) x42
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Desert Strike) x42
Ammo: Explosive Rounds (Preadtor) x60
Ammo: regular Ammo (Light Fire) x80
Fake SIN (Olena Stravinsky) Rating 2
  Fake License (Predator) Rating 2
  Squatter (2 Months)
Fake SIN (Marlena Bratov) Rating 3
  Fake License (Predator) Rating 3
  Low (2 Months)
SIN (Yelena Petrovna) Rating 3
Handheld Sensor Housing
  Camera (Audio Enhancement)
  Image Link
  Therographic Vision
  Directional Microphone
Hardshell Briefcase (Hermetically Sealed) Rating 4
  (Case for Desert Strike and Ammo for all Weapons)
Monocle Rating 4
  Flare Compensation
  Image Link
Quick Draw Holster (Predator)
Sensor Tags x5
  Image Link
  Single Sensor (Camera)
Sensor Tags x5
  Image Link
  Single Sensor (Ultrasound)
Tool Kit (Armorer)
Certified Credstick (Gold) (4265 Nuyen)

== Vehicles ==
Harley Davidson Scorpion
   Hardshell Briefcase (Hermetically Sealed) Rating 3 (x2)
    (Cargo Bins)
  Spoof Chips

Gloria Dixon (Connections 1, Loyalty 1)
A bartender who works at The Havens, one of your standard shady saloons in Seattle. She’s is a part time adult simvid actress and her figure tells you why.  She works at the bar to “get inspiration” for her roles and to make a bit of side money.  She does hear some interesting and occasionally profitable things from her clientele who tend to say the oddest things when they forget anyone’s listening.  Mostly I just go there to try to keep the demons at bay, but I tip pretty well so I occasionally hear a couple second-hand rumors from her.

Herbie (Connections 1, Loyalty 1)
This slime ball human is a great example of an oxygen thief.  He is a bookie with a heart of stone.  And three trolls.  We have a love-hate relationship.  He loves taking my money if I lose and hates giving it back if I win.  If I can’t find a game going somewhere I can always find him willing to take a bet on almost anything.  There are days when I just cannot stay away from fragging punks like this.  I hate myself for the weakness, but I cannot stop.  The good news is that I win almost as often as I lose, so it has not driven me into poverty.  Yet.

Virtual Goddess (Connections 4, Loyalty 2)
I have no idea who this person is, or even where this person is.  All conversation is done through some sort of voice modulation so I do not even know if my fixer is male or female, despite the matrix handle.  I do know that he/she knows a lot about gangs.  Big gangs, little gangs, European gangs……..any gangs.  I go to him/her when I am looking for the next job.  He/she hooks me up with a gang somewhere that is looking for my skill set.  We seem to be on good terms, but who knows?

Sam Webster (Connections 5, Loyalty 1)
I thought I knew who Sam Webster was, but that proved false.  The Sam I thought I knew is handsome and suave, and very good in bed.  The "Sam" I met later is a beautiful woman, who I can guess is very practiced in bed.  Still he/she knows a lot and has great connections.

« Last Edit: <02-20-16/2353:27> by Mercy Merchant »
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #12 on: <03-18-15/0157:13> »
I had to split the background from the stats due to length.


Yelena Petrovna Talinovsky was born on may 23rd, 2011 to parents she never met.  She would have been an ordinary Russian child except for the pointed ears and violet eyes, these features put her in the category of freak.  Her parents had two "healthy" children already and did not want the house.  The state had been broadcasting information for days about something called Unexplained Genetic Expression or UGE, informing al that these abnormals must be turned in to the state.  Her parents, afraid that they, too, would be interrogated for just having her unceremoniously dumped her on the steps of the small church in the next village.  The priest realized that a UGE on his hands, but had heard rumors of what was being done to those unfortunate enough to be given to the state.  He showed Yelena a kindness rare in humanity at the time and did not turn her in.  He kept her in a special secret room in the small church and arranged for milk from a local girl that had lost her son in childbirth.  He gave her a name because she had none.  Her only knowledge of the outside world came from a small space in the blinds that covered a small window to the narrow road that ran through the village.  When Yelena was three she was seen by another villager, who contacted the authorities to collect the reward for unregistered UGE. 

Three men showed up in a large black car and forcibly removed Yelena from the orphanage over the protests of the priest.  One of the large men drug Yelena screaming from the church and put her across his shoulder.  Yelena reached out her arms to the priest and called out to a God that was determined to not listen to the plaintive cries of a young Elf.  The last of the state goons out the door turned to the priest, drew his gun, and shot the kind man four times.  Yelena stopped believing in God and started hating humans in the same moment.  She was thrown into the back of the car and taken to one of the state-run "re-educational camps", where she was put into confinement with others of "her kind".  These camps were old gulags converted to a new use; a place to contain the social abnormals.  Yelena was confined with 33 other Elves and 25 Dwarves in Camp 14.  Some hints of the atrocities that occurred in these camps have trickled out of Siberia, but the real horrors were much worse.   The Russian state was determined to find out what these people were and, more importantly, how they could make use of them.  Physicians and scientists dissected and conducted experiments on these children, determined to unlock the secrets of their existence.  Every week brought several more to camp 14, until the camp housed four times as many abnormals as there were beds to put them in.  There was also less food than necessary and the children were subjected to privation and near starvation. 

During the 7 years that Yelena existed in Camp 14, she saw 189 Elves and 67 Dwarves die either at the hands of the doctors or from simple starvation and disease.  The horrors of their existence forced some to become cannibals to survive.  Yelena was 10 when Goblinization hit in 2021.  "Goblinization".  Another humanity term to try to explain what they could not understand.  Orks and Trolls appeared everywhere, making UGE seem tame in comparison.  The state's reaction was familiar; round up the new abnormals and take them to the camps.  A group of guards escorting some of the new freaks had the bad fortune of trying to kill one of the trolls when he resisted going through the gates of Camp 14.  The trolls rampaged through the camp, setting the prisoners free, including a grateful Yelena. 

Yelena, only 10, picked up a rifle from a dead human guard and refused to give it up when an Ork demanded it.  A passing troll by the name of Nikko saw the exchange and allowed her to keep the weapon and even gave her some bullets for it, which she gratefully used to kill four of the guards.  She followed Nikko into the Siberian wilderness, where he formed a gang of bandits and began to prey on the surrounding human villages for food, weapons and money.  The small Elf with the too-long rifle was allowed to train with it.  Somewhere in her DNA existed some genes for a natural ability with guns.  She was...talented.  Within a few weeks she was the gang's long range support for their raids.  She delighted in sending her small messages of death into human bodies.  Have I mentioned yet how much she hated humans in those days?  Many was the time that she would pass through a gutted village and watch impassively as she walked past a small child standing near his dead parents outside a burning home, knowing that she was leaving him to a certain death from cold or starvation.  Back then it was just another human and what did she owe humans anyway?  These days she cannot drink enough vodka to get the faces out of her memory.

Nikko was always careful to limit the size of the gang to 20 metas.  "Less is ineffective and more is unwieldy."  And for almost 13 years his caution and care paid off.  The gang moved from one remote area of Siberia to another, always staying a step or two ahead of the authorities.  Yet for all his care in selecting just the right metas for the gang he slipped up in the summer of 2034.  The hole left by a death was filled by an Ork who was part of a state anti-crime unit and the gang was betrayed during a raid.  Yelena was knocked unconscious during the fight and woke up in the back of a transport truck being raped by one of the guards.  During the ride to the detention center she was raped by each of the four men in the truck several times.  She stopped resisting after the third beating.  Have I said before how much she used to hate humans?  She was tossed to the ground at the detention center, a fenced compound that bore a striking resemblance to Camp 14.  It appeared that the Russian state was not original when it came to their camps.  She found out that only she and three others had survived the firefight and that Nikko had to be killed four times before he was finally put down for good.

From the detention center to prison was a short trial and sentence.  Life without parole was the judgment passed down and she was sent to a real prison, a facility that made the earlier camps look a lot like paradise.  The state had grown tired of trying to understand metas and just threw them in prison now.  Yelena was determined to survive and found that there were men and metas alike who were willing to give her protection for the privilege of having sex with her.  In short order, she slept her way to the underboss of the toughest and most brutal gang in the prison.  These people did not care if she, or anyone else, was human or metahuman.  They just cared about loyalty and ability.  She had found the Vory, or Russian mob, and they pretty much ruled the prison.  She found that she could do more for them than just sex and set herself up to be needed.  The Vory was family and honor and everything she thought she needed.  She earned the first of several Vory tattoos by killing a member of a rival gang.  More killing and more sex kept her near the top of the gang.  The prison tattoos she added indicated her rise and her achievements.  She grew proud of the various tattoos she earned, knowing that they bought her respect in the only currency the prison inmates were likely to understand.  Every year in prison and every kill meant another session with the prison ink artist.  10 years and 43 kills.  She learned that all humans were not bad, just most of them. She also learned that being in prison gave her more freedom than she had experienced for most of her life.  Sex, drugs, and vodka flowed into and through the prison and Yelena experimented with all of it.  She showed that she could be as vicious and cruel as any of the rest of the Vory in the prison and was admitted to the inner circle.  The prison was her home and the Vory was her family, but this life was not meant to last.

The prison erupted in gang violence in 2045.  Much of her gang died amid the confusion and devastation.  The prison superintendent became one of the early victims of the riot when his office was firebombed and ransacked.  An enterprising hacker managed to gain access to the files and wipe everyone's record before he, too, died.  Yelena managed to escape with a handful of Vory confederates and all made their way to Moscow, where they were accepted into the local gang, or bratva, there.  She fell into the new gang with ease, even convincing the boss that she was good with a rifle.  After a test, she was made the group's sniper and given additional practice and training.  it was during this time that she fell in love with the Ares brand of weapons, swearing that they were the only ones who knew how to build a decent gun.  For a while she had nearly the same freedoms as she had experienced in prison, only without the bars.  Unfortunately, this life was also doomed to end badly.

Two years after entering the bratva, she replaced Tsina Molovna as the boss' mistress.  This human woman pretended to accept the change in status, but secretly vowed vengeance.  She waited patiently for seven months before contacting a rival bratva and giving them the codes and passwords to bypass the security features of the safe house.  In a night of brutality, the gang was wiped out to a man.  Tsina personally shot Yelena several times and dumped her body in the frigid river.  Yelena somehow refused to die and managed to crawl from the river and to a place of safety unknown to her rival.  Have I said before how much she can hate humans?

Once again dead to all who knew her, Yelena was free.  She wandered from Russia into the countries of greater Europe, picking up work where she could.  It is amazing how many criminal gangs there are and how many are willing to take on a free lance sniper for a time.  She took on the identity of Wanderer and did just that.  A few weeks in Germany, a few months in France and Italy, then England.  She loved England.  All the sex and drugs one could want and then some.  And the gangs everywhere were more than willing to make use of her talent with a rifle.  A job took her to Oslo, Norway and another chapter in her life.

She was eating outside a street café when she first heard it.  Jazz.  Something touched what was left of her soul and she went inside to listen.  That was when she first saw Brent Leans.  She did not know him, but she wanted to.  She stayed late, but he had company so she did not interrupt.  She returned to the café night after night for several days in a row. He finally noticed her and talked to her over drinks.  She stayed.  And stayed.  And five years passed by.  She loved and was loved for the first time in her life.  He played the saxophone like almost no one on earth could at the time.  He never told her exactly why he was in Oslo, but she knew it was a woman.  He taught her to love and to play the sax.  He taught her a love for jazz and to forgive herself.  The forgiving part was the hardest, but he managed it.  Then he died.

His death was a surprise.  He just stopped breathing one day.  She buried him and her hopes for a life, took the sax he had left her and her rifle, and left Oslo.  She fell in with a man named Scott Torrence.  Torrence was a sometime citizen of the UCAS and he was a shill for a group of casinos.  He was handsome and talked good and showed Yelena how she could have a good time.  She loved everything about the game, no matter what the game was.  She won, she lost, but she had to have more of it.  This new habit, combined with drinking to excess, was her low.  One day she woke up in the bed of a man whose name she could not remember.  Empty bottles of something littered the cheap room.  Worse, she did not even know where she was or when it was.  She looked in the cracked mirror and did not like what she saw.  She left the room with the only real possession she had and a few thousand nuyen she took from the nearly comatose man in the bed.  She bought a passport from a man she knew who dealt in such things and fled across the ocean to the UCAS. 

Her money nearly used up by the false identity and the plane ticket, she needed a means to survive.  she fell back on her old ways, using her body and her talent with a rifle.  The UCAS was not really all that different from greater Europe in the gangs and crime, except that they usually paid better.  She managed to keep off the bottle long enough to get a decent cyber commlink and some other gear, including a nice Harley to carry it all around on.  Not that she needs much.  All she owns fits into the cargo boxes on the Harley.  She took to working freelance for the UCAS mobs as well as she had for the European ones.  New York, Detroit, Chicago, Denver;  the jobs paid the bills and bought her new equipment.  She even ventured outside the UCAS to New Orleans and Los Angeles.  No matter where she went she found that she cannot escape the demons in her life, and still often goes to the bottle when they get too loud in her head and it is almost impossible to walk past a casino without going in for "just a try".  She is addicted to the games and knows it, but for now it is under control......maybe.  And still her love is jazz.  Jazz in all its forms and she keeps her ears to the ground for a local jazz club wherever she works.  She still carries around the sax that Brent had given her.  Sometimes she can stay away from the bottle and the games for long enough to think she can be normal again, but then faces come back and she falls off the wagon yet again.

She had just finished a hit in Seattle for the Ancients, an Elven gang.  She had hoped to have a few days of relative calm before hitting the road again, but that did not happen.  She was hired by a mysterious contact to hunt down and kill a blood mage that was terrorizing part of Seattle.  She witnessed amazing sacrifices and saw a neighborhood pull together to save itself from a horror they should have run from.  But this was there home and they stood and fought it, ganger and common sprawl dweller.  She found things she had cut from her life; friendship and a sense of belonging.  A human woman saved her life when she did not have to, and others took her to a hospital to recover from wounds inflicted by the blood mage even as she died from Yelena's bullet.  Her roommate at the hospital was the same human girl who had saved her and they struck up a friendship she had not experienced since Brent.  Something clicked in her mind and she found, surprisingly, that she wanted to stay.  She is now a partner of Arc, the short human woman, and has moved in with her.  Perhaps this phase of her life will not end as poorly as the others have.

"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #13 on: <03-18-15/2041:40> »
In case anyone is watching when BlackHat switches from normal to silent running:
Hide, Electronic Warfare 6 + Intuition 5 + Brand Loyalty 1 [Sleaze 5] vs Intuition X + Data Processing Y: 12d6t5 4

To give you an idea of his capabilities for digital reconnaissance, his Matrix initiative in hot sim VR is 10+4d6 which means he averages a score of 10+14=24, enough for three IPs per Combat Turn of 3 seconds. With 12 dice on his Matrix Perception Tests he'll average 4 hits (3 if using the Buying Hits rule), and with one test performed every second for 60 seconds that should be enough for a semi-thorough search of the premises. You can automatically spot any device not running silently within 100m of the physical device you're forming your persona on, so the first step of casing this place would be to catalogue the various devices that are not running silently and then move on to those that are.

Just let me know if you need me to roll Matrix Perception beyond the above to spot any particular device that is running silently.

The goal is to find out whether or not there are any hosts around, as well as what digital security systems are in place. BlackHat is systematical, so he'd start with the obvious things such as cameras, locks, sensors, and the like, then move on to things like number of active wireless weapons (a standard feature on every firearm, just as a reminder) and accessories are in the vicinity.


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« Reply #14 on: <03-18-15/2105:20> »
Oh yeah.  Gonna learn a lot about how decking works watching Blackhat :)

And now that people have their initial ooc posts, taking initiative to tie up some loose ends before the club :) hopefully we will be in full swing soon!