Is there a way to make this angry and insulting person stop messaging me?

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« on: <03-01-15/2100:59> »
All right. I tried several times to talk this in a nice, level, non-insulting way and you responded several times by rejecting any attempt to make peace and trying to degrade me.
If you had shown only the very least sign of being a grown up, a single attempt to display empathy (oh, who was saying "If you lack empathy, you are worthless."? I totally agree, at least if it comes to you. Elsewise, no one is worthless for sake of his or her talents, but I guess that wouldn't come to your simple mind) or any other quality any sane person could possible appreciate on a human being, I decided not just to let it go but to sink on your level. First because I wanted to give you a mirror, but since you showed no sign of the ability to reflect at all, I'm just doing this to annoy you now, because you're the biggest, most arrogant, self-loving asshole I've ever met online, RL or anywhere else.

we dont need to get potty mouthed about this.
Sentences usually begin with capital letters. Those are the big ones. "Don't" is written with an apostrophe, you illiterate. If you're not able to write proper English don't fucking correct other people's typos only because you want to insult them. Especially if you know they're not native English speakers, you dim-witted racist. Yeah, I'm insulting you on purpose. I have some imbalance on the insulting account between the two of you and actually it starts to make fun because you really, really yearn for it.

quote me one, please?

Unfortunately/Luckily I already deleted most of your messages, but I still found some in the part you so thoughtfully posted public although it was noone else's business. By the way: Requests don't finish with a question mark in English. Please study grammar.

Dude, calling you condescending is like calling water wet.

Quote from: Poindexter
what everyone else involved remembers as "Volker being a condescending jerk".

I know what happened here dude.
From the first time you saw an addiction to Jazz on the sheet and thought i was talking about the music, cause you in your infinite wisdom couldnt be bothered to glance at the "drugs" section of the book, you thought I was trying to "pull something over on you" and no matter what I said to you, your assumption, accusatory tone, and overall dismissive and disrespectful attitude never toned down.

Did I mention that everyone else was quite happy to play without you but also happy to play with me? Strange, since all of them thought of me as a "condescending jerk". But it's not your fault you totally lack empathy. Still, you're worthless. It's just not your fault.

Quote from: Poindexter
At least you finally admit you were being condescending. I was not. As a matter of fact, I was REAL cool about it for a REALLY long time.
Ah, were you? Show me a post of yours directed to me within the last four weeks that was cool or nice, please! (See, not a question mark).
By the way: You do realize that countering persons admitting weaknesses with a statement like that is about the lowest and most primitive answer you can do. Even the socially most untalented people I know (yeah, I know how to write "know" and you know that I know how to write "know" and just had to rub that typo in my face to prove that you really are the condescending jerk) know that much. This is just soooo primitive, I feel sorry for you.

Quote from: Poindexter
I've been talking level. You're the one swearing over here, dude.
Now you caught my interest. Show me any swear word before this post uttered by me within the last four weeks, please. No question mark here, see?

Quote from: Poindexter
It was "I suggest you blah blah blah..."
Jeez, if you could at least read! Did we just have the whole fucking fight because you're not only an idiot but also an illiterate? That's sweet.

Actually, I thank you. Until now I really thought all of this had something to do with me. That there was any means to talk to you like to a grown-up person: showing respect, admitting mistakes, suggesting peace, anything. You showed me that there was nothing I could do and that I can just as happily tell you what a disgusting asshole you are without feeling sorry at all.
If you are as clumsy in social interaction with your girlfriend or wife as you are with me, I pray to all gods I don't believe in that you don't have one.

Is there some action I can take here?
I'm really tired of this dude harassing me cause I hurt his feelings.
« Last Edit: <03-01-15/2115:28> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #1 on: <03-01-15/2115:47> »
Ooookay, didn't need to know the whole message for that bit. :P

Go into your profile and under Modify Profile add the person to your ignore list.

Then while still in Modify Profile go to Personal Messaging and for the bit about 'Receive personal messages from: ' select the option for 'all members, except those on my ignore list' if you have not done this already.

« Last Edit: <03-01-15/2118:12> by Sendaz »
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« Reply #2 on: <03-01-15/2116:12> »
Gently remind him that periods go inside quotation marks?
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« Reply #3 on: <03-01-15/2122:04> »
Go into your profile and under Modify Profile add the person to your ignore list.

Then while still in Modify Profile go to Personal Messaging and for the bit about 'Receive personal messages from: ' select the option for 'all members, except those on my ignore list' if you have not done this already.

Thank you. I have implemented your advice. Sadly, had I known about this feature sooner, I could have simply blocked him months ago and avoided this entire new garbage.

« Last Edit: <03-01-15/2208:02> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #4 on: <03-01-15/2226:15> »
Thank you. I have implemented your advice. Sadly, had I known about this feature sooner, I could have simply blocked him months ago and avoided this entire new garbage.

I am sorry this happened to you.  Indeed, Volker is one of the forum members that did that kind of thing to me when I disagreed with him, similar to what happened with you.  The /ignore function got some use that day.  In general, I try not to ignore people - but in some cases it is, unfortunately, necessary.
Feel free to keep any karma you earned illicitly, it's on us.

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