IC: The Jungle

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« Reply #135 on: <05-31-15/0830:37> »
Ray rolled his eyes at Xem, thinking *Leave it to him to make such a show of accepting.*

At the young elf's remark towards him, the ork replied "Yup, I got the creds and you got Kubiak's jewelry", turning to his other companions and giggling.
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« Reply #136 on: <06-01-15/1405:46> »
Kubiak turns more solemn and bows his head to the four of you.  "If you are ever hurt and in need of healing, come to Ibleaf square and our doors will always be open to you.  May Ea'van guide you." 

With that he turns and sends you off down the elevator and back out into Ibleaf square where the four of you now find yourselves alone save for a few old orks and a massive troll woman praying and leaving offerings at the Ibleaf tree. 


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« Reply #137 on: <06-05-15/0100:13> »
"I don't know about the rest of you chummers, but I'm gonna get myself something to put between this work of art and bullets" says Rat as he motions for his body. He later takes Xem's credstick and diligently transfers ¥500, making sure 3 times that he hasn't put too much money on the elf's credstick. Once everyone has decided where they want to go, Rat announces that "We'll be meeting back here at 20:30, and then we can go cutter-hunting" with a malicious grin on his face.
« Last Edit: <06-05-15/2211:37> by HydroRaven »
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« Reply #138 on: <06-05-15/1134:34> »
"I don't know about the rest of you chum mets, but I'm gonna get myself something to put between this work of art and bullets"

"I hear that," Chaim responds, and then quickly adds, "I mean, that's what I want to use my share on too.  I don't have a credstick, though.  Will you put my share on yours, and we can shopping together?"

Rat announces that "We'll be meeting back here at 20:30, and then we can go cutter-hunting" with a malicious grin on his face.

"Wiz.  I'll catch you chummers later."

In the next few hours, Chaim makes his way to school just in time for lunch.  He grabs his crappy soy bar and looks up to see that the lunch is sponsored by Sarafin.  He's a dumb fraggin' dwarf, but maybe Kubiak has a point.  He eats quickly by himself, like usual, and daydreams through his math class, making plans and taking notes on how to get back at the Cutters.  He skips last period, drops by to see his mom and tell her that he went to school, never mind that he's home early, and then it's off to see Liga. 

She's not much older than Chaim, a girl herself really, but as much as Chaim would like to think that growing up in the Jungle meant you grew up knowing a lot of drek, having seen a lot of drek, he knows that he hasn't seen a tenth of what Liga has.  He's been relatively lucky with a roof over his head during the daily rains, having his brothers, and his momma, and let's not forget his friends at his side.  Things haven't been that way for Liga.  She's been hooking for a few years now, finding a bed only when her pimp, a despicable troll who goes by Hemingway, decides she's met her quota, and largely left to navigate what's a safe trick and a dangerous one on her own.  Chaim stops on the way to pick up some sugar water for her, and pops the top as he hands it to her.  "Hoi, chump.  How're things?"

She regards him passively but takes the drink, draining half the contents in one long swig.  "Hoi yourself.  You haven't been round the way in a bit.  Heard you got yourself in a little trouble."

"Nothing me and the boys can't handle," Chaim says with as much bravado as he can muster, which is saying something.

"Not what I heard," she answers.

"Speaking of which, any of those Cutter boys ever make their way round here?  Maybe a regular?"

"Could be,"
she says, "Could be."

Chaim does his best to find out what Liga knows, gives her a farewell tip of his hand, and heads back to the Isle-of-View to kill a little time before the rest of the crew convenes.


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« Reply #139 on: <06-10-15/1043:31> »
You all start heading home after a fruitful day of shopping, Chaim and Rat each having procured an armored vest in anticipation for a potential baseball bat to the ribs and Xem deciding to go for actual fire power.  Yes indeed, Xem is now the proud owner of a fine piece of 2070's machinery.  A Ceska Black Scorpion machine pistol and enough rounds of ammo to put a few bullets in each of Oakley's lackeys if it finally comes down to it. 

[spoiler]OOC: You do recognize the name of the Clean-up Crew member she is referring too.  Your area knowledge roll allows you to know the places Liga is talking about.[/spoiler]
Liga, the cosmological antithesis of your mom Bina.  They exist entirely in two different spheres of the many universes which you inhabit to make some sense of your wretched teenage existence.  Even though the prostitute isn't what you would consider a friend, now, more than ever, you do get her.  You can't make any sense of how she feels about you, but you get the feeling she gets you too.  With your new "job" looming in front of you , you both get that you have to do some dirty things in order to keep your head above water.  Shoot, after how it almost went for you just a few hours earlier, you might have to do this job just to keep yourself above ground. 
As Liga sees you lost in thought in the middle of your conversation, her tone softens.  "Mobley comes to see me sometimes when I'm over by the water-works, but you stay away from those Cutter boys ok Chaim.  Don't go playing hero and trying to get payback."  Now that you think of it, the ork Mobley was one of the guys who assaulted you.  You had an inkling you'd seen that guy before.  You know that water-works on the north side of the Jungle is a bar that a lot of gangers prefer due to the privacy it provides.

Mario Caldone shrugs.  "Sorry Xem, I don't have a spare loaner vest right now, and truth be told, you wouldn't want crappy gear giving you a false sense of security.  I'll tell ya what, give me that gun for a second and I'll fix you up a with a brand new spare part I have lying around."  He opens a drawer in his work-bench and goes to work attaching a laser sight to the underside of the barrel.
« Last Edit: <06-11-15/0957:17> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #140 on: <06-10-15/1941:37> »
The waifish elf boy with the crazy eyes walks out of the cornerstore, looks back and forth to make sure he isn't being followed, then turns left out onto the street. He keeps one eye on the people walking around near him, and the other one on his hands. He's pulled his small knife from it's hiding place near one of the many holes in his faded jeans, and is working on getting his shiny new Meta-Link out of its clear plastic shell. I should have bought one of these things years ago! Finally, he's got it free and he immediately powers it on and sets it to run silent. Next, he extends the cheap earbuds and places one in his left ear, letting the other one dangle. Finally, he deposits the comm in his front right pocket, running the cord to the earbuds inside his ratty, longsleeve Tshirt. With a bit more confidence in his step, Xem begins the twenty minute walk to Mario's cigar shop. Now, let's see if I remember that commcode he told me last winter...

[spoiler]What was that commcode? Memory (Log 5 + Will 7): 12d6t5 3 I'm gonna treat this like a "win", cool?[/spoiler]

About half a block away from the shop, Xem pauses on a corner for just a moment. He pulls the dull green comm with the woodgrain sticker on it out of his pocket, unplugs the earbuds, and raises it to eyelevel, getting himself in the shot framed up all nicely. He uses a low angle to make himself look more menacing and when he's satisfied he's got it right, he hits <Record>> He speaks as ominously as he can directly into the comm. "The mad one needs to plant some seeds, my good friend. Please have an assortment of your finest, smallest, and fastest gardening implements available for perusal. I shall make it worth your while..." Then a big, crazy, toothy smile, and... <<Stop>> Dropping all hint of emotion from his young, troubled face, he sends the file to Mario's commcode, pockets the comm again, takes a long look back and forth to make certain he isn't being followed, then slowly walks the final block to CDT, Caldone's Discount Tobacconist. Mario is going to shit a brick when he sees that! Then he's gonna shit another one when I come walking on in!

If Mr C is impressed or weirded out in any way by the message or Xem's entrance, he doesn't let on. In fact, he looks and sounds bored. "Heya kid." is all Xem gets for his whole plan. The disappointment must show on his face, cause Mario throws him a bone and at least acknowledges he got the message. "So... Yaneedapiece?" The elf boy surrounded by racks of cheap imitation tobacco filled cigars smiles a bit.

As the two of them walk into the backroom, Mario closes the door behind them, saying, "Figured once you got some money to spend, you'd get a jack first. Figured, y'know? You already got a piece, right?" Xem doesn't answer. His eyes focused on the weapons laid out in front of him, one in particular. A thing of true beauty. There's almost a moment of peace, but it's broken when Mr C asks, "You aint finally pickin up Kournikouva are ya?" Xem only wishes. "No, Mr C..." Mario always hates it when he calls him that. "I'm afraid I'm dealing with rather limited funds right now. Another day, another day." He crunches his brow up as he goes over the weapons within his price range and finally settles on a little machine pistol with a folding stock; A scorpion or some such nonsense. It's nothing like that fabulous Russian weapon he's been eying since Mario first showed him this room, but it's something. It will have to do.

"I'll take this little beauty, an extra clip, and enough standard ammo to fill em both up, wiz?"

A few minutes later, everything is assembled and ready to go. Xem pulls out his credstick to pay the 420 nuyen he owes and comes up 5 short. He gives a sly, goofy smile to his friend Mario and says, "Think you can let a keeb slide for a fiver?" With a disapproving groan and his head tilted to the side, Mario eventually says, "Sure. Whatever," and slides the stick again for 415. Before Mario can even hand it back, the little elf pipes up again. "Y'know, while we're on the subject of lettin me slide and all..." Mario raises his eyebrows, perhaps stunned and impressed by the spine on this little one. "I got some rough riders I'm going up against tonight. Can't say who. Part of the biz, y'know? But... Just in case I aint lay all these hoopfuckers down before they get a few shots back at me, I was wondering if you had maybe, a vest, or a helmet, or like, and armored shirt or somethin layin around I might could borrow for, say, 24 hours. Just a little bitta 'just in case' y'know what I mean?"

"Sorry Xem, I don't have a spare loaner vest right now, and truth be told, you wouldn't want some crappy gear giving you a false sense of security.  I'll tell ya what, give me that gun for a second and I'll fix you up a with a brand new spare part I have lying around." 

Eh. So be it. Twas worth a mawfukkin try, right? Xem doesn't answer, just nods. As Mario works on attaching the sight, Xem picks up a roll of mechanics tape from his workbench and tapes the two clips for his scorpion together, each facing a different direction. He saw it in a trid once when he was really little. Made it look like you could reload it way faster. He's not sure if that's true, but he's always wanted to try it anyway. At very least, he figures, he won't drop his empty clip, and that'll save him five nuyen. As Mario finishes up, he loads all of his bullets into them, then folds up the box they came in and puts it in his pocket.


It's 10:08pm when the homeless little elf finally makes his way back to the ramshackle little shit-hole he's been sharing with Rat, Chaim, and Werner for the last few weeks. He's got his brand new gun carefully tucked away in his ratty, baggy clothing as he walks across the street to reach the place. It's time to find the others and get down to planning out how this is all gonna go down. He finds himself a dark, shadowy corner to crouch in and waits for the other three to arrive.

[spoiler]Hide the Ceska (Agi 6 + Palming 1): 7d6t5 4

Stay un-noticed in the shadow (Agi 6 + Sneaking 4 + Spec [Urban] 2): 12d6t5 6 Physical limit is 4 though, so I lose 2 hits.[/spoiler]
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #141 on: <06-11-15/0808:51> »
Rat, having spent the day wandering around, trying to find something to spend his ¥500 on, had finally settled on buying a protective vest. As much as he wanted to get one of those big pistols he had seen Joe Tufgai wave around on that trid once, his desire not to get shot again trumped any fantasies he had.

At the arranged time, the young ork arrived at their spot, seeing Xem already waiting. Proud of his purchase, he asked the skinny elf what he had bought.
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« Reply #142 on: <06-11-15/1108:55> »
[spoiler]Perception: 12d6t5 8
Chaim beats his limit, but he spots Xem[/spoiler]

Chaim descends the stairs from his apartment, having told Binah he and the boys were going to go check out another boy's brand new commlink.  He vaults across the second railing, and hits the ground, before giving The Isle-of-View a cursory look to see who's around.  He catches sight of Xem, crouching in the shadows, a mischievous look glinting out in the darkness.  Not really sure what Xem has planned, Chaim calls across the street, "Hoi, Xem, whatcha doin over there, chummer?"


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« Reply #143 on: <06-11-15/1650:55> »
"Hoi, Xem, whatcha doin over there, chummer?"

Standing slowly and taking a smooth step forward from the darkness, Xem responds coldly. "Waiting for you, Rat, and Werner." With a small smile, he adds, "You're the first one to arrive." As if on cue, Rat comes strolling around the corner, headed to meet with the two of them. As Xem turns his head to look, a pair of moths fly from out of his stringy wild hair. Right away, rat wants to talk money, asking the little wizard what he bought. "If you must know, I purchased a weapon. A weapon and a commlink." He pulls the commlink from his front pocket, showing off a bit for the group. Yet, there's no hint of pride or any other emotion in his voice when he says, "I've always wanted one of these."
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #144 on: <06-11-15/1739:59> »
"Nova," Chaim says admirably. "What about the piece?"


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« Reply #145 on: <06-11-15/1820:10> »
"What about the piece?"

With a slow blink, he responds only with, "It is adequate and has a high rate of fire."
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #146 on: <06-18-15/1223:44> »
With a slow blink, he responds only with, "It is adequate and has a high rate of fire."

Chaim is a little disappointed that he doesn't get to see the shooter, the heater, the piece.  He's always wanted one, and now he wonders if he made the best use of his money to get this vest on that is admittedly much harder to hide from Binah than a nova-hot burner would be.  He's about to fly through all the other slang words for gun that he can come up with, when the more pressing business at hand seizes his attention.

"Alright, alright, well glad you have it.  Now about putting it to use, word round the way is that Mobley hangs out down by the Water Works.  Ya know, it wouldn't be too hard to let him walk in there, get nice and shit-faced, and when he comes out, one-a-us could be posted up on that roof across the street, and throw a bottle full a piss or something at him.  You know he'll give chase.  As he makes his way up, BAM! we cosh that cosh that fragger.

"Only thing is, he's the only one I'm sure that I remember, sides Oakley.  Whatchy'all got?"

Teamwork Test: Gangs (Cutters) (Extra Dice): 9d6t5 3
If we can do that as a Teamwork Test, that's 7 hits total on recognizing gangers.

Teamwork Test: Area Knowledge (Cutters) (Extra Dice): 8d6t5 2
And that makes 7 total hits on that test as well.


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« Reply #147 on: <06-22-15/0953:17> »

As you discuss your next course of action you do notice that Werner hasn't shown up yet.  Hopefully nothing bad happened to him.


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« Reply #148 on: <07-01-15/2031:07> »
A lightbulb lit up in Rat's head. "Now that you mention it, I think I recognized that drekhead Kromat as well, and I know for certain he hangs out at the Water Works from time to time." The young ork rubbed his hands together, a gleam in his eyes as he could see himself exacting revenge on their previous attackers.
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« Reply #149 on: <07-13-15/1631:55> »
The crazy haired elf boy stands out on the darkened street with his two companions, discussing strategies of ambush, violence, and revenge. He adds into the discussion what little tidbits he knows here and there, but for the most part, Xem let's the other two plan the attack, only offering advice where he feels appropriate. He does wonder briefly where Werner went. Surely, he didn't simply run off with his measly five hundred nuyen, now did he? Fool."
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>