I know there's a megathread of art on these forums already, but where do you GMs (and to a lesser extent, players) source your art from?
As one technique to help make the world feel more alive, I've been thinking about including art along with important characters. Instead of "here comes the Johnson, a handsome and tall elf with shoulder-length platinum hair and an expensive, well-tailored black suit with a red tie" I could just show a picture on my tablet. Some of the art I've come across even inspires me to make a run or a scene out of it.
The first source I can think of are the books themselves, which have plenty of portraits of characters and scenes. The primary issue is the lack of sortability, followed by hassle of accessing them (needing to open the PDF, jump to the page, etc.). I would really love to create an organized gallery and post it on a blog/website, but I suspect that even with detailed attribution (book, page #, artist) that probably isn't legal. I guess I could make a local sorted gallery on my computer and just grab an image when I need it.
The second source is deviant art, which has some Shadowrun and cyberpunk stuff. But it's still not a lot, and nowhere close to the same range as the books.
The big thread on these forums is a bit too chaotic to search through for something.
Any other ideas?